HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00021470From: ]ones Nick [/D=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=C5959AAA85E34EB989EF8C29F5Z8CGDD'NCUONES] Sent: 6/22/I0I71:0I:03PW1 To: Buckley, Timothy [Buckley.Timothy@epa.gov]; Johnson, Chris [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=1476893fa8749d%ba3e8Z0eI4eQceeZ-cjohnson1O];A||enbach,8ecky [Allen bach.8ecky@epa.gov]; Strynar, Mark [Strynar.Mark@Pepa.Xov]; Medina -Vera, Myriam [W1edina- Vera.K8yriam@epa.gov];Karo|\\Cyndi[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchanXeAdministrative Group (FYD|BOHFI]3PD[n/cn=Kedpients/cn=57d6O7f9f8af4584aefedb666c9Z4ebf-cbkaro|y];Cu|pepper,Linda [/o=ExchanXeLabs/ou=ExchanXeAdministrative Group (FY08OHF23SPDLT)/cn=Redpient$cn=73d475cbae324a29687p171ldc9a79c5'|mcu|pepper];Lindstrom, Andrew [Lindstrom.Andrew@epa.gov]; Perez, Helen I [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FY08OHF23SPDLT)/cn=Redpient$cn=dc7fbacdadb949]0lbcpdbfl97a429l-h|perez];5attenwhitp,Dana [/n=ExchanDeLabs/nu=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FY08OHF23SPDLT)/cn=Redpient$cn=b5cf94a2dac1422Oblb5a7O0528745cO-dsattenvhit];Brant|eKK8ark [/n=ExchanDeLabs/nu=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FY08OHF23SPDLT)/cn=Redpient$cn=4dd9d7cd94f044caap1a45bc58ba5ef2-kmbra nt|ey];King, K8orpUas [/n=ExchanDeLabs/nu=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|BOHF23SPDO)/cn=Recipient$cn=fZaD7O5dc1Ib44aO8b1e36b7a3aOb65c-nnsking1] Subject: RE: Wilmington GenXSampling/Analysis Also, in attendance for NC DEQ was Morelia King, Nick Jones, and that Mark ? is Mark Brantley. Quality Assurance Officer VV\N/GVVLaboratory North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality/Division of Water Resources Water Sciences Section l6Z3Mail Service Center Raleigh, N[J7699'16Z3 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Have you signed up to receive automatic email notices of changes to policies, regulations and resources pertaining to the N[VVastevvater/Groundxvater Laboratory Certification program that could have an impact on your day-to-day operations? |fnot, send ablank email tothe following address: Fnmrn: Buckley, Timothy [mai|to:BucWey]lmothy@epa.8uv Sent: Thursday, June JJ,Z017Q:31AK4 To: Johnson, Chris <chrisjohnson0Dncdenr.8o*,;/U|enbach,Becky «AUenbach.8ecky@epa.8o«~; Strynar, Mark <Strynar.Mark@epa.8ov>; Medina4/era, Myriam <Medina-Vera.K8yriam@epa.8ov>; Kano|y, [yndi <cyndikaro|y0Dncdenr.8ov^;Culpepper, Linda x|inda.cu|pepper@ncdenr.gov>;Lindstrom, Andrew <Lindstoom.Andrem/0Depa.8ov>;Jones, Nick xnickjones@ncdenr.Bov>;Perez, Helen |<he|en.perez@ncdenr.8ov>; Satterwhite, Dana <dana.sattenwhite@ncdenr.8uv> Subject: Wilmington GenX Sampling/Analysis OEQ-CFVV_00021470 Thank you all for participating in Tuesday's call intended to coordinate efforts and facilitate communication with respect towater sampling/analysis inWilmington. My notes from the meeting are below. |fcorrection orclarification iu needed, please "respond aU" Attendees Region4: Scott Sivertsen EPA/ORD/NERL: Tim Buckley; Mark Strynar; Myriarn Medina -Vera; Andy Lindstrom The agenda for discussion included the following: l. What question are we attempting to address with this sampling effort? J. What isthe sampling design? 3. What isthe status and timeline ofthe Cy\PP? 4. Given split sample analysis (contract lab and NERL lab), how will differences in reported concentrations be managed? 5. What is the plan for communicating results and who has the lead? G. What isthe project timeline? 7. Dovveneed on -going coordination meetings? Action items / notes include: * Chris Johnson was identified asthe PO[for NCDECL w The primary question to be addressed by the sampling is whether GenX concentrations have decreased since concentrations reported inSun etal. 2U16paper from samples taken in2O13. w Some aspects ofthe sampling design were described: sampling will beconducted ofsource and finished drinking water aswell assource effluent. Linda Culpepper was identified asthe person responsible for the sampling plan who can provide additional detail * Sampling began Monday 19 June and is planned to continue for three more weeks. Approximately 5Dsamples are expected to be collected. Split samples will be sent to RTP and contract lab Test America in Colorado w Mark Strynarindicated that he canturn'around samples in 1-2 weeks. * The QAPP is being developed by Linda Culpepper of NC DEQ but she was not on the call to describe status. w The list of target analytes has yet to be determined. There is interest in chemicals related to GenX production. It was suggested that the analyte list be determined by consensus among NC DEQ, R4, and EPA- RTP. * The need for blanks and spike samples were discussed. |twas suggested that spike samples beinthe concentration range uf7Un8/L. * The contract laboratory conducin8analysis isTest America inColorado. Mark Strynarisgoing tocontact the lab to obtain analysis method. Communications plan has not been developed; NC DEQ has the lead * Samples will bedelivered inbatches. N[DBQwill deliver samples toRTP. * Tim Buckley agreed to set upweekly meetings for planning and coordination * Mark Strynar and Tim Buckley will be visiting R4 Athens lab 6/I6 & 27 to provide tech transfer on GenX analysis Timothy lBuckley, PhD Director of the Exposure Methods & Measurements Division OEQ-CFVV_00021471 National Exposure Research Laboratory lU9TVVAlexander Drive Research Triangle Park, N[ 27711 Email: URL Phone: (9l9)541'2454(0);FAX: -0239 OEQ-CFVV_00021472