Sent: 6/22/I0I71I:3500PM
To: Culpepper, Linda [/b=ExchanXeLabs/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group
(FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=73d475cbae3Z4aI9687e171Idc9a79c5'|mcu|pepper]; Cox, Heidi
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
R[/o=ExchanXeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
CC: Munger, Bridget [/o=ExchangpLabs/uu=[xchanDeAdministrative Group
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangpAdministrative Group
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangpAdministrative Group
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangpAdministrative Group
(FYD|BOHF2]SPDQ]/cn=Redpient$cn=4dd9d7cd94fO44caaela45bc58ba5eO-kmbra nt|py];West, Steve
[/o=ExchangeLubs/ou=ExchungeAdministrative Group
[/o=ExchangeLubs/ou=ExchungeAdministrative Group
Subject: RE: B|adenCounty Water District
The following EPA w/ebehe )
has a list of laboratories approved for UCIVIR3 testing and specifically for monitoring by EPA Method 537. | don't see any
inthis state onthat list, but | will inquire with our certified labs.
Dana Satterwhite
Environmental Program Supervisor III
WW/GW Laboratory Certification Branch
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality/Division of Water Resources
Water Sciences Section
1G23Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC27GQQ4G23
'o sis ��e
Home�owo�n��m�ku�eca�wa�konnat�wno�Woo��wom���an8eskopo�c�s xe@u�k�moandrwonm�wo�e�a�n�o8kokhmNC
From: Culpepper, Linda
Sent: Wednesday, June 21,2U17G:1lPK4
To: Cox, Heidi <heidi.cox@ncdenr.gov>; Satterwhite, Dana <dana.satterwhite@ncdenr.gov>; Morris-McLawhorn,
Cc: Munger, Bridget <bridget.munger@ncdenr.gov>; Kritzer, Jamie <jarn ie.kritzer@ ncdenr.gov>; Tartaglia, Christopher
K4<chris.tartag|ia@ncdenr.8ov>;Brantley, Mark <markbrant|ey@ncdenr.gov>;West, Steve <steve.xvest0Dncdenr.8ov>;
Johnson, Chris <chrisjohnson@ncdenr.0ov>
Subject: RE: 8|adenCounty Water District
Thanks for the note, Heidi VVeneed tohear the questions out there.
Here's the press release that outlines the current sampling:
Release: IMMEDIATE Contact: Jamie Kritzer
Date: June 19, 2017 Phone:919'7O7'Q60Z
&&&LEVG|0—Staff with the NI. Department ofEnvironmental Quality will sample the water inthe Cape Fear River for uo
unregulated chemical compound known as GenX starting today and continuing Thursday.
D20 staff will aunnlo at 13 [ corrected tu 12] locations this week and will continue collecting samples for analysis in the aunu
locations for the next three weeks. Today, DE0staff in theFayetteville regional office are collecting water samples at the
Chemours plant that produces GcnX during industrial processes, the Bladen Bluff intake and their finished water, and a water
supply well in Bladen County.
Officials are waiting' three days between x evnni x��esti
mated travel time v� for the
milesfromn�afromthe Chcnxonr pl
ant in to the downstream river intakes near Wilmington. Officials aretrying to uannde
similar water parcels in the two areas for a more consistent and representative analysis.
DEQ staff, in consultation with state Department of Health and Human Services, are investigating the presence uIthe
unregulated compound known osGcnXthat was detected inthe Cape Fear River.
State environmental regulators will collect the water samples and will send those to two laboratories capable of detecting (}onX
in water at low concentrations.
After meeting with DEQ staff last week, Chemours agreed to bear all costs for the water collection and testing. The state
believes the completed results will boback from the laboratory inColorado within roxurweeks from when the samples are
orcobod. But multiple rounds o[testing and analysis will hnnecessary for umeaningful evaluation ofthe water qualdr.
Samples also will be sent to the Environmental Protection Agency's lab *in the Research Triangle Park. Officials have not yet
determined a timeline for when analysis from the EPA lab would be completed.
Tolearn more about sampling locations, please contact Jamie Kritzer,communications director for DB0,a(9l9-707-8602.
Connie Brower and I are joining a daily conf. call DHHS is having with the County Health Directors at 9:30am. Fhda/s
call will bedevoted to
conversations onfuture sampling, grounded by consideration of the health risk level, which has been determined to be
at Low Risk level.
EPA and DHHS and Connie are continuing to evaluate the health studies, some of which we have just been given access
to in the last few days.
(I have a call with EPA tomorrow to help us work through the Confidential Business Info. access process to ensure we
are able tosee everything
that EPA has received in the TSCA registration process.)
I found the TestAmerica contact info online for the Colorado facility we are sending samples to for GenX testing down to
the part per trillion range.
4955,/annvv Stn:o1
Dana Satterwhite — can you have someone research it there are other closer available labs that can analyze for GenX and
atwhat detection limits?
Thank you.
Chris Johnson, in the Water Sciences Section, is the lead working on arrangements with EPA's Office of Research and
Development lab inRTP,NCto
analyze the samples we're sending to have analysis as was done for Dr. Knappe's joint study with the EPA ORD staff.
Chris is finding out what capacity
the ORD lab has for potential future analysis, but they are not a commercial production lab. Dana's research on other
labs will be very helpful in
directing others to potential laboratory options.
How about I ask Bridgette Morris-McLawhorn to set up a short conf. call for tomorrow to also include Jessica Godreau,
Jon Ris8aardand Connie Brower
to give an update onwhere w/e are? Those who are interested can participate but it's not mandatory.
Linda Culpepper
Deputy Director
Division of Water Resources
North Carolina DepadmentnfEnvironmental Quality
1611Mail Service. CenLer
From: Cox, Heidi
Sent: Wednesday, June Z1,ZU174:4lPK4
To: Culpepper, Linda
Cc: Munger, Bridget ; Kritzer, Jamie ;Tarta8|ia,Christopher
Subject: FVV: B|aden County Water District
Importance: High
| think someone said you were organizing the sampling efforts from DVVK |fthis btrue, doyou know ifsamples are
going to be collected at any wells in the Bladen County Water System as referenced below? I read in an article
somewhere that the samples had already been collected in the Fayetteville region. |fyou aren't the correct person to
answer sampling for GenXquestions, please let meknow. Also, ifyou have information onthe lab that can analyze for
GenX~will you pass that along? I am getting calls from a lot of water systems wanting to know how to have their water
tested. It might be helpful to be able to pass along the name of the labs that can analyze for it. I copied Bridget and
Jamie since they were mentioned in the email, just in case they want to respond. Thanks!
Heidi Lane Cox
Regional Engineering Supervisor
Wilmington and Fayetteville Regional Offices
Public Water Supply Section
Department ofEnvironmental Quality
(910)798-7388 nffioa
(910)409-5777 mobile
Heidi, oxwncdenr�-,I�-jy
�""s i'o N�-,,,,n'lh������La���x�����
From: Tartaglia, Christopher M
To: Cox, Heidi <heidi.cox@ncdenr.gov>
Importance: High
Chi- �aglto�sz
22so=° S� I�r/��sye* .a�,mcu,Uu/
From: Kip Md]ary
Sent: Wednesday, June J1,Z017J:OZPK4
To: Tartag|ia,Christopher K4
Cc: 'Greg Martin'
Subject: FVV: 8|aden County Water District
Importance: High
Mr. Tartaglia,
Thank you for taking time to speak with me today.
Water Customers of the Bladen County Water District are voicing concerns about the possibility of the compound being
inthe drinking water.
We have explained that we pump from deep wells and do not use the Caper Fear River as a water supply.
While that explanation has satisfied some, others are now questioning the possibility of the compound having entered
the aquifers that the wells are in.
Last week onJune 15 1h we were in communication with several in the Raleigh Office regarding the Gen-X compound. I
spoke with Bridget Munger and later Jamie Kritzer.
In the communication with Jamie Kritzer, we requested that the Bladen County Water District Wells be tested for the
compound. He said hewould forward the request
To date we have not received an official response to verify that the testing is scheduled.
Please consider this anofficial request to test the B|adenCounty Water District Wells for the Gen'Xcompound sothat
we may have verification for the citizens of Bladen County.
Your assistance with this is greatly appreciated.
Kip General Services Manager
PO Boz23jO
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