Sent: 6/2I/I0I71:06:00PW1
To: Cris Harrelson [crisharre|son@brunmickcountync.Xwv]
CC: John Nichols [John.Nichols@brunswickcountync.gov]; David Stanley [David.Stanley@brunswickcountync.gov]
Subject: RE: SENXPPTand Articles
Linda Culpepper
Deputy Director
Division of Water Resources
North Carolina DepartmentofEnvimnmenta|Quality
1611Mail Service Center
�o�/�umx w�xu�R0000�ca�u,�maybo��v�n���No�»w��n
From: Cris Harrelson [mai|to:cris.harre|son@brunuwickcountync.8ov
Sent: Wednesday, June J1,JO178:SOAM
To: Culpepper, Linda x|indazu|pepper@ncdenr.gov>
Cc: John Nichols <John. Nichols@ brunswickcountync.gov>; David Stanley <David. Stan |ey@brunawickcountync8ov»
Subject: RE: GENXPPTand Articles
Can you include our assistant Utilities Director on the Skype call?
Glenn Walker:
Fnmrn: Culpepper, Linda
Sent: Tuesday, June 2O,2O17l2:43PK4
To: 'omuser@penderoountync.8ov' ; Cris
Cc: Moore, Zack <;8hehee,Mina ; Kritzer, Jamie
�Brovver' Connie
Subject: RE: GENXPPTand Articles
| forgot toinclude nnyaction item tohost the discussion onfuture sampling
during Frida\/u9:3Uamcontcall (June I3'"). Will plan touse Skypetoshare documents
(people may have maps we need to look at), and use the daily conf. call line for the audio.
I've just talked briefly with Chris Johnson, who is coordinating our efforts with the EPA ORD lab.
They have a conf. call this afternoon so we will have an update on that aspect for tomorrow's call.
Chris will join us Friday to help lead the discussion on future sampling.
Also wanted to share my state cell number in case you have an urgent question that just cannot
wait for the morning discussions: 919'4lO'46S7.
Linda Culpepper
Deputy Director
Division of Water Resources
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
�611. Mad Service (..enter
Phone: 919-707-9014
"n-c" ;5e "o
From: Shehee, Mina
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 12:07 PM
To: ptarts @nhcgov.com; 'cmoser@pendercountync.gov'<cmoser@pendercountync.gov>; dhoward@bladenco.org; Cris
Harrelson <cris.harrelson@brunswickcountync.gov>
Cc: Moore, Zack <zack.moore@dhhs.nc.gov>; Culpepper, Linda <1 inda.cul pepper@ ncdenr.gov>
Subject: GENX PPT and Articles
As promised — power point presentation and three articles
Mina Shehee, PhD
Branch Head
Division Public Health, Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
919 707 5920 office
919 870 4807 fax
Twitter YouTube
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