Sent: 6/19/I0I74:II:30PW1
To: 6oyb,Julie [/h=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExzhanXeAdministrative Group
CC: Holman, Sheila [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchanXeAdministrative Group
Subject: Re: ROtreatment and sampling atChemours
Sent from my iPhone
On Jun 19,2017, at 11:17 AM, Grzyb, Julie wrote:
FYI- Four citizens have called and left me a message to not reissue a NPDES permit to Chemours. They
were all appreciative that DWR was looking into the matter and are very concerned.
When discussing the possibility ofROtreatment can you please consider discussing the following:
From apermitting perspective | have afew requests:
1) <!--[if ! su pportLists] --><!--[enc1 if] -->Chemo u rs should sample each process line (all five identified
in permit application) discharging to the VV\NTP and the separate stormxvaterfrom the process
areas toassess all other sources ofHFPOdimeracid.
Z) <!--[if !supportListsj--><!--[endifj-->If HFPO is being discharging from other areas, as Dr. Knappe
is concerned about [hemoursshould consider providing ROtreatment for all the l2MGD
wastewaters discharged from the Wastewater treatment plant — this way everything is covered
and any additional pollutants (ethers) we are concerned about will be addressed as well.
3) <!--[if !supportLists]--><!--[endif]-->I realize Chemours believes most of the HFPO dinner acid is
coming from the vinyl ethers prucess— but sampling would confirm it.
Treating the vinyl either process wastewaters with RO or pumping and hauling it for incineration
(-160,000 gpd) would at least alleviate immediate concerns but the Division will need to confirm
it's not being discharged from other areas.
Note it's possible that Chemours cannot treat the vinyl either process wastewaters with RO because it
contains particulate matter but treating the wastewaters from the Activated Sludge plant with RO
should bepossible.
Julie AGrzyb
NPDE8Complex Permitting
NC DEQ / Division of Water Resources / Water Quality Permitting
New Q1Q8O783QO office
9197079000 main office
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