Sent: 5/19/I0I62:I6:55PW1
To: 6odeau,Jessica [/b=ExchanXeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
CC: Zimmerman, Jay [/o=[xchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
Subject: RE: PFCs
Are you all OK with this as edited? Public Affairs is wanting it this morning.
From: Walker, Michele
Sent: Thursday, May19 20169:33AM
To: Godreau,Jessica ^jesdca.8odreau@ncdenr.0ov>
Cc: Zimmerman, Jay xjayzimmerman0Dncdenr.8ov>;Culpepper, Linda <|inda.cu|pepper@ncdenr.gov>
Subject: RE: PFCs
Thank you, this looks good. Ihad made afew simiiarchanges this morning, but Will 8uwith yours. } made acouple uf
additional edits, attached. Not: sure I have correctly characterized t:he health advisory level in the first: paragraph, so
please take elook atthat ifyou would.
I think we are planning to post this just after the EPA sends out: their release, Whenever that: might be.
From: Godreau, Jessica
Sent: Thursday, May19 20169:17AM
To: Walker, Michele
Subject: RE: PF[s
Meant to cc you
Jessica C Godreau
Chief, Public Water Supply Section
Division ofWater Resources
Department ofEnvironmental Quality
9187079078 office
9187079100 main number
1834Mail Service Center
Raleigh NC27GAQ-1884
512 N Salisbury St, Raleigh, NC27804
PO 9"
R i S � -'i � I � � � . , 'e
From: Godreau, Jessica
5=t- Tktjr-,d.-2v- 142v 1C)- 1 -1 L.14
To: Zimmerman, Jay <ja �imm�ennan�(@ncde�nr.ov>; Culpepper, Linda <Iinda.cuIpep2erPncdenr.gov>; Midgette, Robert
<rob,E-,,rt.mid�sc�ttc�,iz)ncd(nr.c,-ov>; Sadosky, Rebecca <rcbE-,,c,ca.sadoskv@ricderir.i�ov>
Subject: PFCs
The new health advisory level for combined PFOS and PFOA is 70 parts per trillion.
EPA will not be sharing any of their materials or press releases with us in advance unless someone changes their mind.
Rebecca, Please confirm that the two systems they gave us are the only two that exceed the level.
Jessica C Godreau
Chief, Public Water Supply Section
Division of Water Resources
919 707 9078 office
919 707 9100 main number
Jessica. God rea u ttNiccien r,ciov
P'u"""',, Re- av'v� a,,- d ,,oay be s