HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00018966News releases, media advisories + other publications DEQ events this week Aug. 14:DWR—PW8'AndnxvJarman will give upresentation o{ the EPA Capacity Development and Operator Certification workshop 'Progruonnuho7\me'Dpo: Revving Your Engines fbr8uooeno^ MondayAugust W1*EPA Headquarters inArlington, VA. Andrew will share with other state regulators how NCD80uses data queries and reports Locoonnuiricatcimportant information internally and externally, improving how vveserve North Carolina's public drinking water systems. Aug. 15,5:30y.m:DB0will host ulistening session for communities impacted hythe proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline project uiNash County Community College iuRocky Mount. Aug. 15:DA0will hold its quarterly Outside Involvement Committee meeting from |4pmTuesday inthe DB0Training Room, with additional participants following hyphone nronline. The meetings provide opportunities for local government, business and other partners Whear from DA0about projects and programs, as well uuask questions and get answers from topic experts. Aug. 16,5:30y��:DEQ will host alistening session for comnounibcuimpacted bythe proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline project e1the Northampton ConntyCultural and Wellness Center in Jackson. Aug. 16:Energy Policy Forum and Council Meeting will bcheld in the WilliamG. Ross Conference Center. Opening remarks and the forum will buu{8:0OAMand u(|O:OOAMthe Energy Policy Council will meet. The forum will useries ofTed Talks presented hy leaders inNorth Carolina's energy sphere. Aug. 16-l7:The N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission will meet *the DoubleUrecbyHilton Hotel Raleigh — Brownstone — University, |707 Hillsborough S(..Raleigh. The meeting will begin *2p.nuAug. |6 and 8:3Oo.nuAug. |7.Apublic comment period will beheld *6 p.m. Aug. |6.The commission iuslated boreceive presentations on 20|6commercial and recreational landings, uowell uathe annual stock status overview. The commission iaalso scheduled (oset the cap ofthe number ofDew commercial fishing licenses available inon eligibility pool for 2O|8and vote onufive-year schedule for fishery management plan reviews. /\ meeting agenda and briefing book materials can hcfound here. Aug. l7,5:30y��:DB0will host ulistening session for communities impacted hythe proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline project m(the Robeson County Agriculture Center inLumberton. Looking Ahead Aug. 22,lOa.m:The N.C.Sedimentation Control Commission will meet inthe Archdale Building's ground floor hearing room. Aug. 22:PWSSection Chief Jessica 8odrxomwill hciuDenver, August 22d asumember ofthe national Water Research Foundation's Public Council ouWater Research. The Council provides input onresearch needs that address broad social issues affecting the water community toaddress current and emerging challenges. Aug. 23:DWB—MovuCough -Schulze and the Division ofSoil and Water Conservation's Joey Hester will bopresenting "Tools of Watershed Management" e1the Conservation Employee Training Institute August 23u1the Sheraton Imperial inResearch Triangle Park. Aug. 24:9W0'DykLnbcnwill give eRules Update mthe NCW0A Pumps and Distribution Seminar August 24hfrom 8u.nu-4p.m.e1 the Nags Head Fire Department, Station |6.53l4S.[m'emn Highway, Nags Head, N[ 27959. DAQDirector Mike Abraczinkasand Deputy Director Michael Pjetrajwill bovisiting staff mthe regional offices throughout the month. The schedule includes: Aug. 14Mondoy��o|eigh;Aug. 16 Wednesday, Wih/dn�on; Aug. Z5Ac�mdvo).Fayetteville; Aog,2G; Wbnoton-GalencAug. 20.Asheville; Aug. Z9.Mooresville; and Aug. 30(tonLative).Washington. Sept.7:The D.8.EPA will hold uone-day workshop designed W bring together water utility staff and emergency services personnel N discuss concerns and priorities during uwater outage incident. The workshop will take place September 7~u1the Division o[ Emergency Management's main office u1|636Gold Star Drive in Sept. 2U:State Water Infrastructure Authority meeting u1N.C.Rural Center, 402lCugmDrive, Raleigh. Sept. 2U-2%:DA0ishosting the Association ofAir Pollution Control Agencies (AA9CA)2U|7Fall Business Meeting iuRaleigh. Location: DouhleineehyHilton Raleigh (Brownstone -Onivcrsity). Registration opens soon. The meeting will include open sessions for all interested participants and closed sessions limited toAAPCA members and governmental attendees. Sept. 27'20:The Coastal Resources Commission will meet in WUndngtonLocation Nbodetermined. Add itionu/cornectunz or919-7U7-86U4 OEQ-CFVV_00018966 Oct. 10-11: Division of Water Infrastructure's Kim Colson and Francine Durso will be speakers at the Water & Finance Management Journal's 2017 Water Asset Management Conference in Boston. The Water Asset Management Conference gathers CEOs, directors, general managers, asset managers and other decision makers of water, wastewater and stormwater utilities for a two-day discussion around challenges and strategic management solutions for water infrastructure. Nov. 7-8: The Coastal Resources Commission will meet at the Hilton Doubletree in Atlantic Beach. News Articles Meet the man who wants to bring offshore oil and gas exploration to North Carolina http://po rtc ityd a i I y.com/2017/08/10/meet-the-fo I ks-who-want-to- bring-the-offshore-oi I -and -gas -industry -to -north -carol ina-nws/ NC should reject the Atlantic Coast Pipeline http://www.newsobserver.com/opinion/op- ed/articlel66580092.html Offshore Drilling, a Huge Boon to Economy, Blocked by NC's Cooper http://americaniens.com/offshore-drilling-governor-cooper/ Have the Tides Turned Against Offshore Drilling? https://www. u snews. com/news/best-states/articles/2017-08- 10/dead-i n-the-water-offshore-dril ling -stalls -in -southeast NC Senate caucus insinuates Cooper's $2.5 million request to address GenX is "simply public relations" http://pulse. ncpol icywatch.org/2017/08/10/nc-senate-caucus- insinuates-coopers-2-5-million-request-address-genx-simply-public- relations/#sthash.LgyJe7Oc.fOX93969.dpbs The Gospel according to Sen. Andy Wells: DEQ is like an ungrateful servant, deserves no money for GenX http://pu I se. ncpol icywatch.org/2017/08/10/gospel-accord i ng-sen- andy-wells-deq-li ke-ungratefu I-servant-deserves-no-money- genx/#sthash.UY95RIAy.4CAkDfJi.dpbs DEQ gathering documents for federal investigation related to Chemours https:Hdeq.nc.gov/deq-gathering-documents-federal-investigation- related-chemours Republicans Question Cooper on GenX https://www.coastaIreview.org/2017/08/republicans-question- cooper-genx/ As officials move to act, GenX turns political http://www.starnewsonl ine.com/news/20170810/as-officials-move- to-act-genx-turns- p o l i ti ca I Our View: Don't play politics with GenX mess http://www.fayobserver.com/opi nion/20170810/our-view-dont- play-politics-with-genx-mess Brown water continues to plague private utility's Raleigh customers http://www.wra I. com/brown-water-conti n ues-to-plague-private- util ity-s-raleigh-customers/16871376/ Boil water advisory issued for Fort Bragg http://www.fayobserver. com/news/20170811/boi I-water-advi sory- issu ed-for-fort-bragg Greensboro reports sewage discharge along Koger Boulevard http://www.green sboro. com/news/I oca I_news/greensboro-reports- sewa ge-d i sc h a rge-a l o n g-koge r- b o u l eva rd/a rt i c l e_4fc 1 e 172-1 b e e- 5b5f-84b8-370cce3cde77.html Group Urges Support for Offshore Wind https://www. coa sta I revi ew. o rg/2017/08/group-urges-su p po rt- offshore-wind/ Fayetteville dam, damaged by Hurricane Matthew, to be replaced for $8.75 million http://www.wra1.com/govern ment-to-replace-fayetteviI le-rhodes- pond-da m-for-8-75-m i I I ion/16868943/ GenX Senators: What did Cooper administration know, and when, on GenX http://www.wral.com/senators-what-did-cooper-administration- I<now-a nd-when-on-genx/16869696/ Editorial: Why GenX process must be open and clear http://www.theti mesnews.com/opinion/20170809/editorial-why- genx-process-must-be-open-and-clear CFPUA approves of draining of GenX-tainted water http://www.starnewsonl ine.com/news/20170809/cfpua-approves- drai ning-of-genx-tainted-water Newest GenX samples show levels still below health goal https://www.wwaytv3.com/2017/08/09/newest-genx-sa m p I es- show-levels-stil I -below -health -goal/ NC senators respond to Cooper administration's GenX funding request https://www.wwaytv3. com/2017/08/09/nc-senators-respond-to- cooper-administrations-genx-funding-request/ NC's environmental agency is taking steps to track what's in our water http://wncn.com/2017/08/09/ncs-envi ronmentaI-agency-is-taking- steps-to-track-whats-i n-our-water/ Local senators ask governor to answer questions about GenX http://www.wect. com/story/36101804/l oca I-senators-ask-governor- to-answer-questions-about-genx Federal investigators are presenting GenX river discharge evidence to grand jury http://stateportpi lot.com/news/article_Ob44abe4-7d3c-1le7-a813- 1be97aa208bb.html CITIZEN GROUPS WILL SUE DUPONT AND CHEMOURS FOR CONTAMINATING DRINKING WATER IN NORTH CAROLINA https:Htheintercept.com/2017/08/08/citizen-groups-will-sue- Add itio ns/correctio ns: or 919-707-8604 DEQ-CFW 00018967 dupont-and-chemours-fopcomonninadng-dhnNng+watepin-nordh- cam|ina/ RCRA Corrective Action Liability: Can bbeImposed onaCompany that Never Owned orOperated the Facility? http://wwwjdsuprazom/|e0p|news rcru-correcbve'uction-|iabi|ity~ can'it-4083g/ Drilling Opponents Dominate Public Hearing Nttps:/ywww.coasta|review.or02OI7/O8/dri||ing-opponent* dominate-pub|ic-hearing/ Cooper: Parts ofNCsbudget for education, environment are unconstitutional http://www.nemnobsprveccum/news/pu|itics-Dovernment/state- pn|ibcs/artidel661O3687.htm| State agencies ask outline funding request inwake ofGenX investigation DEQ,DMHSsecretaries ask for additional GenXinvestigation funding http://www.wectzom/suory/36090Z67/deq-dhhs-seceturie*ask' for-addibona|-gen»investigation'funding DEQ:Chemourshalts process that leads ooGen% http://www.starnewson|inezom/news/2O170D0D/deq-chemouns- hahs-process-that-|ead*to'genx OEQhosts more public listening sessions onAtlantic Coast Pipeline; new FERCmembers bode ill for opponents http://www.starnewaon|inezom/news/%017O8O8/deq'chemouns- ha|ts-proces*that-|eads-to-genx Government mreplace Rhodes Pond dam for $6.4mi|lion http://www.fayobserver.com/news/20170808/government-to- replace-rhodes-pond-dam-for-64-miI lion PFOS found in Greensboro's drinking water https://cann|inianuncXznm/2Ol7/O8/O7/pfos-found-in'greensbnnns' drinkinD-watpr/ Bill would set national safe drinking water standards http://www.starnewson|inezom/news/2O170D07/biU'wmu|d-set- nationu|-sufe-drinking'*mter-mondands Congressman Rouzerholds round table discussion with local leaders http://www.vvect.com/story/36O8O936/congressnnan'nouzer-ho|ds- mund-tab|e'discussion^with-|oca|'|eaders NC Governor Visits Water Utility Over Gen0Concerns Nttps://wwwxvatemn|inezom/doc/nc-governor-visits-wateputi|ity+ over1genx-concerns-00O1 State regulation ofGenRcould take odecade, but there's another option http://pnrtzitydai|ycom/20l7/O8/0D/state-regu|atinn-of-gpnx-cou|d- take-a'decade-but-thpres-anothepuption-nws Offshore drilling backers, opponents ready for NCbattle http://www.wr |.com/offshore-dri||ing-backens-opponents-ead+ 0opnc-batt|e/1G8G52Z4/ Government Report Finds Drastic Impact of Climate Change https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/07/climate/climate-change- drastic-warming-trump.html A Push for EPA muRevise Coal Ash Rules http://www.northcaro|inahea|thnewsorg/2017/O8/O7/push4bp epa-revise'coa|-ash-ru|es/ Reinforcements forMC's beleaguered environmental regulators? http://www.starnewsun|inezom/news/2O170805/reinforcpmpnts- fupnc*bp|paguened-envinnnmenta|-regu|ators 'Fingers crossed' for strong turnout against offshore drilling at last- minute North Carolina hearings http://southeastenergynewa.com/Z017/O8/07/fngers-crossed-fop strong-turnout-aguinst-ofbhore-dri||ing-at-|ust-minute-north- curo|ina-hearings/ Raleigh has hundreds ofdams. Which ones are unsafe? http://www.newsobsemeccom/news/ocal/counties/wake countyyurtide1G5204O27.htm| APush for EPA toRevise Coal Ash Rules http://www.northcaro|inahea|thnews.or02O17/O8/O7/push-fop epa-evise-coa|-ash'ru|es/ Where Are All ofThese Electric Cars Going moCharge? Letter: W.6.House passes bill toweaken Clean Air Act http://www.Xreensbonn.cnm/npininn/letters_to_pdkor/v'*hnuu- passe*bi||-tn-wpaken-dean-aipact/artide_55]dce2e'e752'57bc' b3e5'Ol7fpep7Ofc9.htm| Environmental bills annotated, Part 1: Problematic S8 16weahens landfill and coastal development rules, now heads togovernor http://pu|seocpo|icywatch.org/2O17/O8/O4/envinonmenta|'biUs- annotated-purt-I'prob|ennatic'sb-1G-weukens-|undfiU-cousta|- deve|opnnentm|es-now-heads- Demonstrators try tospeak to Chemousofficials directly http://www.wect.com/stor03G0G7191/demonstrators-try-to'speuk- to-chemours-offida|s'direct|y Legal actions inCape Fear River contamination escalate against Cnemouo http://www.fayobsenaccom/news/IO17O8O4/|ega|-actions-in-cape' feaprivepcontamination-esca|ate-against-chemours EDITORIAL, Aug. 8:%eeping public informed onGenX is vital Add itionu/cornectunz or919-7U7-86U4 OEQ-CFVV_00018968