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News releases, media advisories + other publications
DCM: DCM will announce $100,000 in grants going to coastal
municipalities for flooding management and future planning.
DWI: DWI will announce an assessment initiative that will assist the
town of Fair Bluff with its Hurricane Matthew -related water
infrastructure impacts and create a template for helping other small
towns in the future.
DEQ events next week
June 12-15: DEMLR's Brad Cole will attend the Association of State
Doan Satiety Officiak board of directors meeting in Maine.
June 13: DWR's Animal Feeding Operations staff will hold a
statewide animal inspectors meeting at Duplin Co. Agricultural
Extension Office in Kenansville. The event will allow inspectors to
discuss challenges and develop solutions to better serve farmers and
the state.
June 14: DAQ Employee Awards hmcheon/ceremony will be held
June 14 at DEQ. Service awards will be presented as well as Em-
ployee of the Year and Team of the Year, based on 2016 activities.
June 14: DEML.R's Mike Randall will give a presentation on "MS6L
The Sustainable Stormwater Program" at the N.C. American Public
Works Association conference in Greensboro.
June 15: Port City Marina will receive a clean marina certificate
from coastal staff. The ceremony will be held at 10 Harnett St.,
Wilmington, NC 28401
June 16: DWR's Jon Risgaard will deliver a presentation on coal ash
at the N.C. Citizens for Public Health's annual meeting. Location:
N.C. Division of Public Health Complex, 5605 Six Forks Road,
June 19-22: Division of Water Infrastructure staff will attend EPA
Region 4 State Reserve Fund training in Atlanta.
June 20. 9 a.m.-8 p.m.: EPA, DEQ and Multistate Trust host a public
availability session and public meeting about the Kerr-McGee
Superfund site in Navassa, N.C. The session and the meeting will be
held at the Nava ssa Community Center, 338 Main St. The public
availability sessions will be used to help educate people about
ongoing cleamip and restoration and plans for redevelopment of the
former Kerr-McGee site. The site was contaminated by creosote from
a wood -treatment operation years ago. The public availability
sessions will be held from 9-11 a.m., 1-3 p.m., and 5-6 p.m. The
public meeting will be held from 6-8 p.m. During the public meeting,
officials with the EPA, DEQ, and the Multistate Trust will provide an
update on the Superfund Site environmental investigations, cleanup
options and technologies, and reuse planning activities.
June 21: DWR Water Planning Staff will attend the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) forum to provide input for
new products and services to support local water resources decision
making. This lialf-day forum will bring together 30- 40 experts on
climatological, observational and forecast data and will take place at
the Eastern Area Health Education Center in Greenville, N.C.
June 27-29: Division of Water Infrastructure's Francine Durso will
be attending the One Water Summit 2017 convened by the US Water
Alliance. Location: New Orleans.
June 29: DWR's video conference meeting of the Roanoke River
Basin Bi-State Commission. This meeting is intended to provide
updated information and provide an opportunity to conduct
delegation business. Meeting access code is 625 679 217. Meeting
password is 8pTCts6k.
June 29-30: DE1vILR's Mike Randall will present at the WNC Train-
ing 2017 Good Housekeeping & Pollution Prevention for Municipal
Employees in Waynesville and Asheville.
July 11-12: The Coastal Resources Commission will meet in
Greenville. Location to be determined.
July 18, 9 a.m. —12 p.m.: Division of Water Infrastructure's
Community Development Block Grant- Infrastructure (CDBG-I)
environmental recertification training.
July 19: State Water Infrastructure Authority Meeting at N. C. Rural
Center, 4021 Carya Drive, Raleigh.
Sept. 20: State Water Infrastructure Authority meeting at N. C. Rural
Center, 4021 Carya Drive, Raleigh.
Sept. 20 — 22: DAQ is hosting the Association of Air Pollution
Control Agencies (AAPCA) 2017 Fall Business Meeting in Raleigh.
Location: Doubletree by Hilton Raleigh (Brownstone -University).
Registration opens soon. The meeting will include open sessions for
all interested participants and closed sessions limited to AAPCA
members and governmental attendees.
Sept. 27-28: The Coastal Resources Commission will meet in
Wilmington. Location to be determined.
Nov. 7-8: The Coastal Resources Commission will meet at the Hilton
Doubletree in Atlantic Beach.
Additions/corrections: or 919-707-8604
DEQ-CFW 00018774
News Articles
0 Siorrrrre-al.cr Find Questions Ansre,ercda
0 EPA adviser fears niarg raa-€.fi.zaation of science
0 t.:a?-3.st G€€-3rdi 4,c rchcs for paddle boiirdcr off Nook Ca:m—
h m
0 Experts l:ry to Polishlira;age of solar farms ms after t_'un-ituc
0 C:oar.sl. Gnar.rd rescues roar mar Birdbo al.
0 Mayors pkdl. ;c to taal�e tiro: icaad on figlr[irig clireaaatc
0 C?€rr %%inv: Around in.rce clirrral:e chaarrh;: is <a. a-cr)- reaal. is-
0 (I r Vow: Aroa€.€ad. here. clih €aa:€tc change is. as � cry;' real is -
0 i.21) H hts to shine on tl.o�� rrto�� rr
0 As laawr€ar€k rs laeaadinto state Nidget rad:go6':€tions 'a S'hot-
hhhl on id :y dhff0m roes
C r, traaiae Kara€fire;; aaslr alcrarilr� irr-1 aoro: C oaara€;
fionse C&s $22.9B (?r€dget in caarl� €reornrrrg, vote
Jordan Like pollarlion wets <a€rother Mmt-
rraom in House hradi=ol
Our a icwi a:€ i € g, tile cl i €aaaate accord
Freight f€arias czar€Ding ash d rnUs I ;' hone C;o€rrrt
Tillie; a,aanted orrt d f'T'aarjS' as h'n
As:; oli€aaaate eta,:€€ ges. health will too
Bilk : The Pads agwernerit, cHmate, chmige, NC; coca ii
mid d sing seas
The ghi€rapicture of America down b3 Ta-aara vsh€adge-t
Cooper's budget offers ;a faeltcr Osion ihr rr the lioa€s4 �tnd
Senate Plans
oht:ics. hodlc ast: (kiras. the House laa.rd °ct ai adf Ian GOP
NC House voles l;{ __;l to arppiove h€rdhc,t, reith srrlalaed
I-r-crra as l'oV, T oraao r ats
Wit it gmrii € g over V'it hinds s aahc:ml; underway. Some
certaairrl� o4 cr electric: cw's
ir, imaa of or noes raac 'ar ro:f r Aaadl:aarea on i ipetinew
Ho€v;c Budget, a',:aiapedl tap. Heads Back to laid: Senate
* This Week ut Rafd i;g �[aa� 9 - Ja.€n .: House Gpendl-
gb,irg 1-hi€aokayed
* S xion: Proposed a phah plant heals up ii€ri Glonda l4
On Paris. a$d:4oni Trump waslooking out flan do 1J.: ,
* We shy€r: the Manio with '1 rit rrp on Climate chwige
* Coast Guard uicdcvaacs ruin Rom Caarm fsi nd
* (In New Reel Design Save Hisi:oric Shoreline?
* Flo; 'f'rar€raja h;asna t cnibr€ rccd the science of lirrrai
chaauge'. Y C's— it, mailers.
* (Maarhtl e's water is salt for eorimur€et, utility says, But,
what does it duo to ta44r:'
* brad bomb n a.arishnictu Project rcaa bcs first ra'dor- raailc-
F ayelin r ille gels grant Ids correct drarrar age msu s �tfl r
Nha€€he ",a
LOCAL NHS Boil as-aatcr aa(h isor-y c;\paarads to 1'r;a€a1li€a
C;onn!a ;after Kerr Lake it€imp problem
Monday Wrap: it's all sp'ondira ;, inorc or loss
C"li€aaaa e chaina nsc�s' new ri.,,&: Arc inland bridges too
Flood Funds
Oak l :la:€rani cc rnMerhi $3 raailiiora l u ch rd;rdo€;€ish€aacraf.
coralr acl
Cooper says 14C cart afford ar inorc onerous budget
NC" cora4:;caA'aatioraists: get first d ibs on Alcoa la:€sad
New hyper4ocarl aair poll€rtion rraa p rraraoifed
Accord r-dl. not needed to redlaacc^-: canissions
lea e r€ trd>€arras€al: drool Jo is list of'h€:€ild€€ags l ei€a °
lit green
laaratic d.lriffing
13oi1 az,aat4r order issued itar Franklin C:oar€rti aaliiit4 ens-
tonier's- Henderson
J€ail: Become to President A ca scia trirc° flhut"n€:
Doesn't k—lea€r C:hrrr;aae Change fs€r t heal
f i1zN dletl s o/om--: mld
If'"1'ra.€nTGets tha;'XoridlMa� N. otKnow If
ILL. Emissions Ris:;c
Additions/corrections: s r ia, attrt i 7€acdd ear a or 919-7070604
DEQ-CFW 00018775
Is. Extended
* ep ri: Parks. Nature Boost Co asf's 1 cor oln
* The Rachel Carson RewnC, hi Caner -et Counly is looking
at ffic of nlajolfunding"
* Paris accord aritlyd€aaral divides NC; lit}ls
* House poised to rewrite €,tale Solar la vs
* tel:' aifor€ie� general irr€c.raclacs in 1.)€:€1 l r lal€ re-
* NC; gins lirecra c.at. lc support Pads Cl.iralatC^-: deal
* t.,l3,:ai"lotta ,area briars pledge to lower errrissimn despite
Paris' itladrarral
* CSire ,lC.'s �€:rCct Y jc, cars acre no
* INJoM.Amcricans naria.'a.s._iessi�'C' action an clinl;a e
charal;e: lac€titers/Ipsos boll
* NC; House members aarr 61 ngjer cnefgy reform bill
* My: : he Pais a,lirerraem, clirrl e chary, NC coast
and dsl g sears
* Feds assess drillrrrr extAmat€era drat Could lrarrrra Mcks,
Mhlrrris 0f`l € w CaMlirras
* Global raarnrirag is notabout s€€ okesfacks, Ws about ow -
* E,,dsting climate efts>r€s expected to keel) all
US. EPAand OpenAQ air (p0it)7 data € ors mailable in
iltQuca: ;.
* Tln in Taints UP[J"; T. r111f.irr=�. i.€tc-r
* N-C fishing ligght rl: o es ilalarrd
* INM cal; iiracriCa aC: are b aura€rr;; the ca i-roarrrerat
* Solar changes Breen through House
* 1 nutt's quick sfr&e on ozone rains g ems, delights GOP
* Me Eneqy buysa big chunk of land uptown for !-'."275
rat l liar r€
* Lake Wyhc resident waded ded about parsa bk-dringer'
1-rcrra Me Energy btlid sale,
* t: ooper lire sCs kn rarakels to ledr'a map", now
* State to, Dedicate Firs! 11 riiagc Dive Site
* 1' orc NC laerraee;vncr"s c:carld lease rooftop Solar Panels
nth kashy deals
* Concerned afar€rl �clsnuc `ITCMing? "bell NO,ta.A
IT Cl kof lrcads tan7ard
Deadly ash i rcC beetle found in Raleigh
rclreatar elrt,S609- 6?
Ton in l ai €its l ap. Water
State, call act on climate witlacrrt
Yadkin Rivcrl.ecper" to host free screening of coal ash
'liar€rrla dcla� s enforcemcm of'stricter
ozone' pollution standard 3 3
lain i a Fore�s€ l onorva€ion tear€id aa�awds 2017 gmnis
International climate change, , national secubly expert
speaks in Asheville
Wilmington hail Reath;,=:€rrrlc€ t I"a:€sly Folee says it round
no `halal Raw ' in proposal
Vir" ;iaiaa go crr ol's racc `a re er"cradu-tu on pipel.incs,
Mier Smf:i Go errriro m tows sense
* "1 oxirl trrims Cape bear River :•moil€ t>1 QCM llle Woks,
* WATER l' QY "Tact we know -and what we € on'! knom
* UPDATE: North Carolina House lrradget proposal revers-
es, recycling calls
* Dnsl-up over riparian .lirlfcrs stalls hill ill
Serrate financetrack
8 trrila cars carry i€ g, coal ash derail ill NfoorC C'(l€lnr Car-
1� Monday
* After Tr€unp bUs€s Pads accords, N-C uny expand solar
* CM t_arr,irer. ���4,
a <ra'e still 1€i to saalalrerf Parrs A1;ree-
NC`, Senate con :idcrs Cooper's laM tweo C;abinef: app? oilr-
* Cooper lr; lit€s a good lr; lit to protect a.alrer"iratcraarl p w°-
* C ooper. Noil r C;amlilaa 3aill cerrlhue to s�islterl- climate
* Tt>rf:li CY;rrolirra to support Park climate accord, CH .
Cooper ar€rrou Teas
Additions/corrections: Barad, €ar€ i a€acd rlr or 919-7070604
DEQ-CFW 00018776
VAS Wrong,
* C:r qxr: N`%M Orclin A w ill coati€ uc €c s€A i)cd slim Ate
* coo cr: North caArcl_i:€Aa:€ ccrat:iAu€ e to 4�.€l)porl clir€A�:ue
Paris accord ithd.nA;va� divides NC pcirs
* CAL}� . cc€)1)cr: iu-c still. €W' W, s:E pp? )rl Paris. A;"zee—
0 RArrirali oa dechaes to talti • SIC;€:rcm on Paris c1AAume accord
0 70 I.T€c-masc part of it miset p€'op�)4'af presei tcd to Di:€1"
0 1.>C, Legislative t_IM: Nby 2017 _.= 4
0 2011.... 1:',€Ar-Arcrr€Ar.r€ta:€1 1-leaAltir AAr the Vic.€AaAte a 1-it>AAs.
�IAAd els :
0 Trn'cAsive "veds species spreads across Lake Lanier
0 NC;GA wc1.comcs 201,7 hurr€c,€:€ e scascr€ AA-il.h.
sacs€er relief funding, N€dgct
0 Ul,nd Town Council files appeal of 112GO pennA
is Arr Ar-aAl.er aAt to drink?
some Bums born drilli€A exploration CoWd hann A� hacs;
dolphins on Carolinas coW
w budget hems that the NC House rural Senate (nv)sdy)
agwe on
* Pepsi names North CCafol€€r,A hi h schocl as Rcc; cle Ra Hl
U irr€Ae r
* How T19s Ener<y C:orn i)an4,Es Deep irallr€e€Ace. Is Tainting
Atlantic Coast, Pipeline A. prcval lIncess
* Drilling Seismic Opp� )nc€Ate' RZadl� Again
* l w kus C ont<rnaimtire€A Led to EPA Settlement
* Local Officials Respond to, Presence of CienX in Water
* Gen X 1'' lit nt: Ts €Are Ar-aAter aAtc to drink?
Senatoracc€rye DcVos of `gr€ick a bcmt ace' on Climate
* Stym,c Prc-Gcr€ c c€nicaAlsare 1€l.ely still hiyour water
Additions/corrections: or 919-707-8604
DEQ-CFW 00018777