HomeMy WebLinkAbout19920111 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19920101. 5TA1[ 4 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James G. Martin, Governor William W Cobey, Jr., Secretary June 4, ]_992 George T: Everett, Ph.D. Director Mr., Sam Greenwood Town Manager Town of Aberdeen Post Office Box 785 Aberdeen, North Carolina 28315 Dear Mr. Greenwood: Subject: Proposed Fill in Wetlands Moore County DEM Project 92111 Upon review of your request for Water Quality Certification to place fill material in 0.28 acres of wetlands for gravity sewer line for Town of Aberdeen located at Aberdeen Creek in Moore County, we have determined that the proposed fill can be covered by General Water Quality Certification No. 2664 issued January 21, 1992. A copy of the General Certification is attached. This Certification may be used in qualifying for coverage under Corps of Engineers' Nationwide Permit No. 12. If you have any questions, please contact John Dorney at 919/733-1786 or 919/733-1787. Sincerely, )George T. Everett GTE: JD Attachment CC: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Fayetteville DEM. Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Central Files Bill Lester; Hobbs, Upchurch and Associates, P.A. RI?GI( )? Al (A I K TS \,hcvillc IavcttcvdIc tiloorcwillc Ralcwh W,r,hington Wilnun)tt('n Wu„tontialcm 70-1/251 0208 919/4yb 1541 714/003 101Y) 919/571 47(X1 919/946-0481 919396 VXX) 919/89(, 7(X)7 Pollution Prevention Pays ISO Box 29535, RAcigh, North (an,lina 27(,260535 1dcphonc 919 711 7015 An I l"A ( )I'l- nn, t, A11 .nn.m- ,4 cn "I ny,l, 11.1 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT May 27, 1992 M E M O R A N D U M M ?? 11 TO: John Dorney Water Quality Planning ?t?a1° I FROM: M. J. Noland, Regional Supervisor ,V1?1 Fayetteville Regional Office {b? W--"'ArlOS GfrQ ' 401 Certification SUBJECT: of Aberdeen Sewer Line Midway Road Rehabilitation NW 12, Project # 92111 Moore County The subject project involves the installation of approximately 1,300 feet of gravity sewer line as part of a CDBG Rehabilitation program. Of this amount, approximately 350-400 feet are to be installed across a wet area above the headwaters of Aberdeen Creek (a total of approximately 12,000 sq. ft.). Since there are no significant wetland values known to be associated with this project site, it is the recommendation of this office that the requested certification be granted. If additional information or clarification is required, please advise. MJN/KA/mla February 19, 1992 Mr. Ron Ferrell N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section Archdale Building 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604 RE: Town of Aberdeen Midway Revitalization Utility Improvements HUA No. AB9007-Permits Dear Mr. Ferrell: -_5" 0 ?A? C%L Enclosed are eight (8) copies of the application to construct a sewer line across areas determined to be wetlands. Also enclosed are eight (8) copies of the plan and profile section of the area to be crossed. This information is being forwarded as per your earlier conversation with Dr. J. H. Carter on February 2, 1992. Please note on the plans that the area between Sta. 0+00 S-1 and Sta. 5+80 S-1 was determined to be wetlands during a site visit by Dr. J. H. Carter. We will only be disturbing a 30' wide easement in this area and all original contours shall be restored upon completion of the project. If you should have any questions on the enclosed information, or if I may be of assistance in facilitating your review, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Sincerely, HOBBS, UP_CHURCH & ASSOCIATES, P.A. Bill Lester, Jr., P. . BL:kw Enclosures cc: Sam Greenwood, Town Manager/Aberdeen Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates, P.A. Consulting Engineers Post Office Box 1737 • Southern Pines, NC 28388 290 S.W. Broad Street Telephone 919-692-5616 Fax 919-692-7342 .40- 4k - O? S? P`ti CO G ??` bed°?+ 1 f Lr e"? o e4v?te?` cs t?,e c°J e _ ?,AP+1 on GP„_ .? aQQ??ca`` eat pct l Z? a5ca` 5 ?ti3 P• EGG a4`?? ti9 ? ?`G G a ."Ci ? c 1 %0'. Q?l e5 Lc??a °t"- .r ?• ? et ent t Of C)tr oc) °E ? 5.16 any ate . G 114. rC LNc`?O 1 ate ent of t °E C9 0r, Ocp JLGeS ct Foy ?c t c a ct °c ? a`et P, rac4'c as G?e? et?p?p? 0 Se` ??y C1'st``GL v 5 ?`?gtot O . a. I? DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD OFFICES Elizabeth City 108 South Water Street Elizabeth City, N.C. 279097 (919) 338-1558 471 Washington Box 1507 1424 Carolina Avenue Was ashingon. N.C. 2 i 889 (919) 946-6481 C::?) ao -? ro 1-800-6E Wilmington 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 d (919) 395-3900 Raleigh Centel Office N.C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development 512 N. Salisbury Street Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7687 (919) 733-2293 0 d city Morehn Box i69 endell Street 3411 Ar Morehead City. N.C. 28557 6.7021 (919) 72 2.2632 U.S. Army Corns of Engineers Wilmington District PO Box 1890 Wilmington, N.C. 28402 (919) 251-4511 #lease type or print. Carefully describe all an- ticipated development activities, including construc- tion, excavation, filling, paving, land clearing, and stormwater control. If the requested information is not relevant to your project, write N/A (not ap- plicable). Items 1-4 and 8-9 must be completed for all projects. -?.:. I 'APPLICANT a. Name Town of Aberdeen Address Post Office ox 785 City, Aberdeen State NC Zip 28315 Day phone 919 -1115 X Landowner or Authorized agent b. Project name (if any) Midway Revitalization C. If the applicant is not the landowner, also give the owner's name and address. Work will be performed completely within Town o Aberdeen utility easements. 2 LOCATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT a. Street address or secondary road number SR2059 - Midway Road b. City, town, community, or landmark Town of Aberdeen-Midway Community c. County . Moore d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? Yes e. Name of body of water nearest project Aberdeen Creek 3 DESCRIPTION AND PLANNED, USE. OF PROPOSED PROJECT - b. a. Describe all development activities you propose c. (for example, building a home, motel, marina, bulkhead, or pier). -Sanitary sewer gravity collection d line e. If you plan to build a marina, also complete and attach Form DCM-MP-2. b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an ex- isting project, new work, or both? New work c. Will the project be for community, private, or commercial use? Communitv d. Describe the planned use of the project. Gravitv sewer collection lines collect from Midway Community and route to existing Moore County sewer lines. 4 LAND AND WATER CHARACTERISTICS ` a. Size of entire tract 0.36 AC (Easement) b. Size of individual lot(s) NA c. Elevation of tract above mean sea level or Na- tional Geodetic Vertical Datum 362.51 d. Soil type(s) and texture(s) of tract sandy e. Vegetation on tract Pine, undergrowth f. Man-made features now on tract NA g. What is the CAMA Land Use Plan Classifica- tion of the site? (Consult the local land use plan.) Not Applicable Conservation Transitional Developed Community Rural Other h. How is the tract zoned by local government? Residential-light density i. How are adjacent waters classified? 6 j. Has a professional archaeological survey been carried out for the tract? NA If so, by whom? NA 5 UPLAND DEVELOPMENTY:: ", .`, Complete this section if the project includes any upland development. a. Type and number of buildings, facilities, or structures proposed Rehabilitation of 22 homes through CDBG project. Number of lots or parcels 30 Density (Give the number of residential units and the units per acre.) 2 (only in upland portion of project) Size of area to be graded or disturbed 0.36 AC in area of question If the proposed project will disturb more than one acre of land, the Division of Land Resources must receive an erosion and sedimen- tation control plan at least 30 days before land disturbing activity begins. If applicable, has a sedimentation and erosion control plan been submitted to the Division of Land Resources? Yes Give the percentage of the tract within 75 of mean high water to be covered by im- permeable surfaces, such as_pavement, buildings, or rooftops. 0j feet g. List the materials, such as marl, paver stone, asphalt, or concrete, to be used for paved surfaces. NA h. If applicable, has a stormwater management plan been submitted to the Division of En- vironmental Management? NA i. Describe proposed sewage disposal and/or waste water treatment facilities. Sewer line will be routed to existing Moore County system for treatment at WWTP j. Have these facilities received state or local approval? Yes k. Describe existing treatment facilities. Moore County WWTP 1. Describe location and type of discharges to waters of the state (for example;, surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, or "wash down"). Not Applicable m. Water supply source Aberdeen n. If the project is oceanfront development, describe the steps that will be taken to main- tain established public beach accessways or pro- vide new access. Not Applicable o. If the project is on the oceanfront, what will be the elevation above mean sea level of the first habitable floor? Not Applicable 6 EXCAVATION AND FILL INFORMATION a. Describe below the purpose of proposed excava- tion or fill activities (excluding bulkheads, which are covered in Section 7). Length Width Depth Access channel (MLW) or (NWL) Boat basin other (break- water, pier, boat ramp, rock jetty) Fill placed in wetland or below MHW Upland fill areas N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A b. Amount of material to be excavated from below water level in cubic yards 15-20 c. Type of material sand to sandy clay d. Does the area to be excavated include marsh- land, swamps, or other wetlands? Yes e. High ground excavation, in cubic yards NA f. Dimensions of spoil disposal area 200'x2001 g. Location of spoil disposal area Upland 500' near Community Center h. Do you claim title to the disposal area? Yes If not, attach a letter granting permission from the owner. Will a disposal area be available for future maincenancel/ Yes If so, where? Upland j. Does the disposal area include any marshland, swampland,'or water areas? No k. Will the fill material be placed below mean high water? NA 1. Amount of fill in cubic yards 0 m. Type of fill material NA n. Source of fill material NA o. Will fill material be placed on marsh or other wetlands? No p. Dimensions of the wetiand to be filled NA q. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion controlled? Silt fencing, rip rap and other sedimentation control measures as deemed necessary r. What type of construction equipment will be used (for example, dragline, backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)? Backhoe Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equip- menr to the project site? Yes If ves, explain the steps that will be taken to lessen en- vironmental impacts. in wetland area rip rap will be temporarily placed in "wet" areas to protect area being crossed 7 SHORELINE STABILIZATION - I a. Length of bulkhead or riprap NA b. Average distance wacerward of mean high water or normal water level NA c. Shoreline erosion during preceding 12 months, in feet NA d. Type of bulkhead material NA e. Amount of fill, in cubic yards, to be placed below mean high water NA f. Type of fill material NA 4V ' { . 7 _;ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be submitted: A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. DEM- W00005656 A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected property. If the applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then for- ward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title, plus written permis- sion from the owner to carry out the project. An accurate work plat (including plan view and cross sectional drawings) drawn to scale in black ink on 8 V2 x 11 white paper. (Refer to Coastal Resources Commission Rule 71.0203 for a detailed description.) Please note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accepted. Blue-line prints or other larger plats are acceptable only if 16 high quality copies are provided by the applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regard- ing that agency's use of larger drawings.) A site or location map is a part of plat requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed to guide agency per- sonnel unfamiliar with the area to the site. Include county road (SR) numbers, landmarks, and the like. A stormwater management plan, if applicable, that may have been developed in- consultation with the Division of Environmental Management. A check for $100 made payable to the Depart- ment of Natural Resources and Community Development to cover the costs of processing the application. A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in ocean- front and inlet areas. A statement on the use of public funds. If the project involves the expenditure of public funds, at- tach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A-1 to 10). 9 CERTIFICATION AND PERMIS' SION TO ENTER ON LAND°`l ,? Any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to condi- tions and restrictions contained in the permit. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the pro- posed activity complies with the State of North Carolina's approved Coastal Management Program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. A list of the names and complete addresses of the I further certify that I am authorized to grant, and adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners. These do in fact, grant permission to representatives of individuals have 30 days in which to submit com- state and federal review agencies to enter on the ments on the proposed project to the Division of aforementioned lands in connection with Coastal Management. The applicant must advise evaluating information related to this permit ap- the adjacent landowners of this opportunity by sen- plication and follow-up monitoring of project. ding a copy of the permit application to them by registered or certified mail. This notification is re- This is the 17th day of February quired by G.S. 113-229(d). 1992 c Name X - ` Address Landowner or Authorized agent Name Send the completed application materials to the Address Division of Coastal Management Office nearest you and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. See the Name map on the inside front cover for the appropriate Address DCM office and addresses and phone number. G -: ?,•.:?- .. ??? ? G c? bed°4. cue \??\a 1 °F CO-4 C 0 ?? aQQ?coac` e?c hoc lG EGGS a `\\ 9 Gc? ? • G Q`'a;?a ti\5 \acedl acec 5 \ cc$? o-N-'S Oc?,ec \?99 e?ecc c o??\L Gc`? Of cS `cam GG `? accV5 l ?.`??cc•P? p cc of ? • b\c ?16? ??P. ?`??,, cS ? ace G S • 1 ??Q ? ?a? any G cNoaccts c`a\ '.nco e ell- CP?ca\ o acv n of etc F °r- OcP ac` r G %Nt e Q CJ,\O?? FpC? a .`?ab? \0 °E ?c F'?\\ mac oc `11 stet P`cc O`?? ec\a?`p °E c?'e ?c?gcnee`5 oc of Sep ?N.y V . Not S. ?cot\ DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD eth City Guth Water Street eth City, N.C. 27909 338-1558 28557 Raleigh Central Office N.C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development 512 N. Salisbury Street Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7687 (919) 733-2293 U.S. Army Corns of Engineers Wilmington District PO Box 1890 Wilmington, N.C. 28402 (919) 251-4511 e'• t'! Please type or print. Carefully describe all an- ticipated development activities, including construc- tion, excavation, filling, paving, land clearing, and stormwater control. If the requested information is not relevant to your project, write N/A (not ap- plicable). Items 1-4 and 8-9 must be completed for all projects. 1 ' APPLICANT ,-. Name Town of Aberdeen a. Address post office ox 785 City Aberdeen State NC Zip 28315 Day phone (919 -1115 x Landowner or Authorized agent b. Protect name (if any) Midway Revitalization C. If the applicant is not the landowner, also give the owner's name and address. Work will be performed completely within Town o Aberdeen utility easements. 2 LOCATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT a. Street address or secondary road number SR2059 - Midway Road b. City, town, community, or landmark -Town of Aberdeen-Midway Community c. County . Moore d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? Yes e. Name of body of water nearest project Aberdeen Creek 3 DESCRIPTION AND PLANNED, USE. OF PROPOSED PROJECT , a. Describe all development activities you propose (for example, building a home, motel, marina, bulkhead, or pier). Sanitary sewer gravity collection line If you plan to build a marina, also complete and attach Form DCM-MP-2. b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an ex- isting project, new work, or both? New work c. Will the project be for community, private, or commercial use? Community d. Describe the planned use of the project. Gravity sewer collection lines collect from Midway Community and route to existing Moore County sewer lines. 4 LAND AND WATER CHARACTERISTICS , - . ,..- a. Size of entire tract 0.36 AC (Easement) b. Size of individual lot(s) NA c. Elevation of tract above mean sea level or Na- tional Geodetic Vertical Datum 362.51 d. Soil type(s) and texture(s) of tract sandy e. Vegetation on tract Pine, undergrowth f. Man-made features now on tract NA g. What is the CAMA Land Use Plan Classifica- tion of the site? (Consult the local land use plan.) Not Applicable Conservation Transitional Developed Community Rural Other h. How is the tract zoned by local government? Residential-light density i. How are adjacent waters classified? 6 j. Has a professional archaeological survey been carried out for the tract? NA If so, by whom? NA ,,O,.... 5 UPLAND DEVELOPMENTY Complete this section if the project includes any upland development. a. Type and number of buildings, facilities, or structures proposed Rehabilitation of 22 homes through CDBG project. b. Number of lots or parcels 30 c. Density (Give the number of residential units and the units per acre.) 2 (only in upland portion of project) d. Size of area to be graded or disturbed 0.36 AC in area of question e. If the proposed project will disturb more than one acre of land, the Division of Land Resources must receive an erosion and sedimen- tation control plan at least 30 days before land disturbing activity begins. If applicable, has a sedimentation and erosion control plan been submitted to the Division of Land Resources? Yes f. Give the percentage of the tract within 75 feet of mean high water to be covered by im- permeable surfaces, such as pavement, buildings, or rooftops. 07 P-0 , List the materials, such as marl, paver scone, b. Amount of material to be excavated from 15-20 ;. asphalt, or concrete, to be used for paved below water level in cubic yards sand to sandy clay NA surfaces c. Type of material . d. Does the area to be excavated include marsh- h. If applicable, has a stormwacer management land, swamps, or other wetlands? Yes NA plan been submitted to the Division of En- yards e. High ground excavation, in cubic ' ' vironmental Management? NA x200 2 00 f. Dimensions of spoil disposal area i. Describe proposed sewage disposal and/or waste g. Location of spoil disposal area Upland 500' water treatment facilities. Sewer line will near Community Center Yes be routed to existing Moore Count h. Do you claim title to the disposal area? system or treatment at WWTP j. Have these facilities received state or local If not, attach a letter granting permission from approval? Yes the owner. k. Describe existing treatment facilities. i. Will a disposal area be available for future Moore Couny WWTP maintenance?/ Yes If so, where? Upland j. Does the disposal area include any marshland, 1. Describe location and type of discharges co swamoland,'or water areas? No waters of the state (for examplersurface runoff, k. Will the fill material be placed below mean sanitary wastewater, industrial/commercial high water? NA or "wash down"). Not Applicable effluent 1. Amount of fill in cubic yards 0 , m. Type of fill material NA n. Source of fill macerral NA m. Wacer supply source Aberdeen o. Will fill material be placed on marsh or ocher n. If the project is oceanfront development, wetlands? No NA describe the steps that will be taken to main- p. Dimensions of the wetland to be filled tain established public beach accessways or pro- q. How will excavated or fill macerral be kept on vide new access. Not Applicable site and erosion controlled? Silt fencing, rip rap and other sedimentation control measures as deemed necessary o If the project is on the oceanfront, what will r. What type of construction equipment will be . be the elevation above mean sea level of the used (for example, draghne, backhoe, or first habitable floor? Not Applicable hydraulic dredge)? Backhoe 6 EXCAVATION AND FILL I s. Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equip- INFORMATION merit to the protect site? Yes If yes, explain the steps that will be taken to lessen en- a. Describe below the purpose of proposed excava- vironmental impacts. in wetland area laced il tion or fill activities (excluding bulkheads, y p " rapwill be temporar rip which are covered in Section 7). in areas to protect area "wet being crossed Length Width Depth Access channel N/A (MLW) or (NWL) 7 SHORELINE STABILIZATION Boat basin N/A a. Length of bulkhead or riprap NA of mean high water b. Average distance waterwardd Other (break- A or normal water level water, pier, N/A c. Shoreline erosion during preceding 12 months, 11 boat ramp, in feet NA rock jetty) d. Type of bulkhead material NA e. Amount of fill, in cubic yards, co be placed Fill placed in below mean high water NA wetland or below N/A f. Type of fill material NA MHW Upland fill N/A areas i A. A" 8 ADDITIO qAL_'- lTFORMATION - In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be submitted: A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected property. If the applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then for- ward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title, plus written permis- sion from the owner to carry out the project. An accurate work plat (including plan view and cross sectional drawings) drawn to scale in black ink on 8 Vh x 11 white paper. (Refer to Coastal Resources Commission Rule 7).0203 for a detailed description.) A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, ppermittee, and issuing dates. DEM- WQ0005656 A check for $100 made payable to the Depart- ment of Natural Resources and Community Development to cover the costs of processing the application. A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in ocean- front and inlet areas. A statement on the use of public funds. If the project involves the expenditure of public funds, at- tach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A-1 to 10). Please note that original drawings are preferred and 9 CERTIFICATION AND PER.MIS_ only high quality copies will be accepted. Blue-line SION TO ENTER ON LANM prints or other larger plats are acceptable only if 16 high quality copies are provided by the applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regard- Any permit issued in response to this application ing that agency's use of larger drawings.) A site or will allow only the development described in the location map is a pan of plat requirements and it application. The project will be subject to condi- must be sufficiently detailed to guide agency per- tions and restrictions contained in the permit. sonnet unfamiliar with the area to the site. Include county road (SR) numbers, landmarks, and the like. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the pro- posed activity complies with the State of North A stormwater management plan, if applicable, that Carolina's approved Coastal Management Program may have been developed in-consultation with the and will be conducted in a manner consistent with Division of Environmental Management. such program. A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners. These individuals have 30 days in which to submit com- ments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management. The applicant must advise the adjacent landowners of this opportunity by sen- ding a copy of the permit application to them by registered or certified mail. This notification is re- quired by G.S. 113-229(d). Name Address Name Address Name Address I further certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact, grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit ap- plication and follow-up monitoring of project. This is the 17th day of February 1992 X ?Jy . Landowner or A horized agent Send the completed application materials to the Division of Coastal Management Office nearest you and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. See the map on the inside front cover for the appropriate DCM office and addresses and phone number. ? SU7^,aT r, State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Divi,,ion 0 E.nvironnicnt-,tl Management , i 512 North Sall,,hurv Strect • R,iloiji, North Carolina 27604 lame,, (,. Martin, Governor William W Golhcy, Jr., Secretary March 6, 1992 Mr. Bill Lester Hobbs, Upchurch and Associates, P.A. Post Office Box 1737 290 S.W. Broad Street aouthern.Pines, North Caroli.na 28387 Dear Mr. Lester: Re: Town of Aberdeen Midway Revitalization Utility Improvements ( Icorge T Everett, Ph.D. Director Enclosed is a check for $100.00 which was sent to Mr. Ron Ferrell on 19 February 1.992 in payment for a wetland permit. Currently, there is no charge for 401 Water Quality Certifications. Please call me at 919-733-1786 if you have any questions. JRD/kls Lester.ltr/Vol.2wp Enclosure Sincerely, Jo QRDIorney Izlc,I( )NU ( )IIR Iti ?V,h, vIII, I.it'('tt•villt Nlt-u, .c Hu R,dciy?h V(/a?hint?tun U ilmm)?tun A?'imtun S•ilcm ,ILli7?1 (00 8 'W), -1 liolull ?I )gior?i In') ')I'!"+:'I I?IMI ?11'7i')•1o tr1N1 ')I') m, 3(XN) ')1'),/89(, 7(X)-" Pollution Pry ention Pays P( ) K,x ?'1??, IZ•il? y?li, N-?th (.nr?lina 77h?n USi,, Ick•f,knic'W) Iii ;OI, #OBBSI UPCHURCH & ASSOCIATES, P.A. P. O. BOX 1737, 290 SW. BROAD STREET SOUTHERN PINES, N.C. 28387 3338 86=112 PAY -19 -531 TO THE ,,//^ ORDER OF M ` Ll? -? -Y _ ` l00. 00 BB&T ---- DOLLARS c« swHwlHa wHO rwwr coMrwNv SOUTHERN PINES, NORTH C41101'NA 2818) FOR-tMgOD.---- ? 8 ? 11'0000 3 3 3811' 1:0 5 3 10 112 0: 18 6 1000 L 6 411'