HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00088509NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY `�---- December 22, 1998 t JAMES B. HUNT JR. :. GOVERNOR Mr. Mike Johnson, Environmental Coordinator E. I. DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works PO Drawer Z Fayetteville, North Carolina 28302-1770 WAYNE MCDEVITT SECRETARY SUBJECT: Receipt of Air Permit Application, APP 0900009.98B E. I. DuPont - Fayetteville Works, Air Permit No. 03735R18 Duart, Bladen County, North Carolina ALAN W. KLIMEK, P.E. DIRECTOR Dear Mr. Johnson: Your air permit revision request was received by this Division on December 21, 1998. The amount of processing fee required is: $ 781 The amount of fee monies received was: $ 781 :m The application revision did contain all the required elements and has been PP � accepted for processing. Your revision request (APP 0900009.98B) will be considered complete as of the receipt date unless you are informed otherwise by this office within 45 ' days after the receipt date. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Yongcheng - Chen, Environmental Engineer, at (910) 486-1541, ext. 308, in the Fayetteville Regional Office. Sincerely, v Steven F. Vozzo Regional Air Quality Supervisor ' Fayetteville Regional Office - n i SV/YCY/ma c ; cc: DAQ Central Files w ,' 1Ty ,2 FAYETTEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE 225 GREEN STREET, SUITE 714, FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28301-5043 a PHONE 910-486-1541 FAX 910-486-0707 WWW.ENR.STATE.Nc.us/ENR/ AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY /AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - SO% REGYC LEO/10`Yo POST -CONSUMER PAPER i DEQ-CFW 00088509 DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY FAYETTEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE November 12, 1998 MEMORANDUM TO: Mike Brandon / THROUGH: Steven Vozzo FROM: Ken Babb % NOV i s use AIR PERMITS SECTION SUBJECT: Recommendations and Comments on Air Permit Application DuPont, Inc. Current Air Permit No. 3735R17 Duart, North Carolina, Bladen County Cntyprem No. 09-00009 APP Nos.: APP 0900009.97B and 0900009.98A Source Fee: modification 1. Purpose of Application: This is an existing facility on State Road 87 South in Duart, Bladen County, North Carolina that produces butacite and several specialty resins, gases, and supported films. Application is to add another reactor to the butacite reactor line, add a control device to the emissions to the rotagravure printer, and to renew the permit. Because the facility has an outstanding Title V application, the renewal review will incorporate many changes necessary for a Title V permit. I have attached a separate renewal review. The control device is being added to comply with the printing and publishing MACT, although the EPA has not yet approved this type of control device to meet the MACT. The facility's test data shows that it should be acceptable to the EPA, however. 2. Application Chronology: April 4, 1998 - Application for butacite reactor received by DAQ. May 19, 1998 - Add info request sent to DuPont. ca v June 2. 1998 - Control device application received and consolidated with butac mod. Sent. 14. 1998 - Sept. 21, 1998 - Sept. 25. 1998 - Oct. 1, 1998 - Oct. 21. 1998 - Oct. 25. 1998 - Nov. 1. 1998 - Nov. 5. 1998 - Phone conversation w/ M. Phone conversation w/ M. Phone conversation w/ M. Phone conversation w/ M. Phone conversation w/ M. Phone conversation w/ M. Phone conversation w/ M. Johnson concerning PSD status. --, Johnson concerning PSD status and &Mr Johnson concerning PSD status. Johnson concerning I&M. Johnson concerning PSD status and I&M. Johnson concerning PSD status. Johnson concerning PSD status. Meeting w/M. Johnson concerning PSD status and I&M. 3. Attainment Status: Bladen County is in attainment. DEQ-CFW 00088510 Dupont - Fayetteville Works Page 2 4. PSD Applicability: This is a major PSD source. The baseline date has been triggered in Bladen County for SO2 and TSP. Several PSD questions need to be answered before the facility receives its TV permit. The operation at the plant that exceeds the thresholds is the steam generation. The original boiler (ID No. PS-1) had emissions of 500 tpy of SO2 since before the PSD program. The first question concerns stipulation three of the current permit: In no case shall the total heat input into the boilers (ID Nos. PS-1 and PS-2) exceed a maximum of 139.4 million Btu per hour. This stipulation was added with permit 3735R4, when the facility's three permits were consolidated to one permit. It was also at this point that the second boiler at the facility (ID No. PS-2) was no longer described in the permit as temporary. It is my belief that the stipulation was originally put into the permit to function as a PSD avoidance stipulation. The logic would have been that the original boiler has a maximum heat input of 139.4 mm Btu/hr and therefore the stipulation would limit emissions to the then current levels. The problem with this situation is that PSD evaluates emissions changes on an actual to potential basis. Because actual use has never exceeded about 50% of the original capacity, this stipulation would actually allow the new boiler to emit 500 tpy of "additional" SO2. Because of the complexity of this question and the age of the problem, we have decided to let resolution of this question wait until the issuance of the Title V permit. The second question concerns whether or not the entire operation at this site is really one facility for PSD purposes. In the Title V application, three SIC codes from two different two -digit groups are used to describe the operations at the facility (SIC codes 31 and 28). This may mean that for PSD purposes the plant is not one facility. More than 50 percent of the steam generated is used by the butacite operation, therefore the boilers and their PSD major status would be assigned to the butacite (SIC 31). Other operations in a different two digit SIC code may be PSD minor. The vinyl ethers gas production (which leads to the products in the SIC 28 category) could be operated at a different site and all of its production sent to market. The particular vinyl ethers (EVE and PSEPVE) used-i the production of the Nafion films (SIC 31) could receive their intermediate vinyl ethe(s; in cylinders from an off -site source. Vinyl ethers used for Nafion film production ye A only 11 percent of vinyl ether production. The different vinyl ethers are produce separately on the same equipment in campaigns. After one campaign, to make EVE far.:; example, the production equipment is shut down, cleaned, and then adjusted so that the yield of the next product is maximized. The vinyl ether gases are stored until eitlQ shipped off site or used on site. Each product line (off -site vinyl ether and Nafion film)s profitable enough to justify its operation separately. It is RCO's current position that if;= the facility chose to be two sites, then all of the Nafion operations (both the majority th-al is SIC code 28 and the minority that is SIC code 31) would be considered one site and the steam plant and Butacite operation would be a different site. The facility is currently considering the pros and cons of one or two site status and has not yet reached a decision. 5. Compliance Status: At the time of last inspection by Ken Babb (06/18/98), the facility appeared to be in compliance with the applicable requirements. DEQ-CFW 00088511 Dupont - Fayetteville Works Page 3 6. Facility -Wide Air Toxics: This facility has previously modeled for all TAPS for a worst case situation at the facility. No exceedances of those modeled limits are expected because of these modifications. 7. Stipulation review: The facility's existing control devices require I&M stipulations. These are presented as part of the attached renewal review. 8. Regional Concerns, Comments, and Recommendations: FRO recommends issuance of this permit provided the changes recommended in the renewal review are incorporated. FRO requests the opportunity to review this permit prior to issuance. Recommend issuance of permit? Yes Review Engineer(s): ` Permit Coordinator: ��.¢�►�t, G"L AQ Supervisor: cc: AQ Central Files (yellow copy) FRO Copy G:\DATA\DAQ\BLADEN\00009\980914.AI6 Date: 1 Date: I Ll t Date: 1 t -1(. -1 k DEQ-CFW 00088512 DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY AIR PERMIT REVIEW E. I. DuPont -Fayetteville works Duart Bladen'County CONTACT PHONE APPLICABILITY: NSPS NESHAP TAX OTHER Michael Johnson 910 678 1155 x APPLICATION FOR: Existing P/N Renewal 3735R17 APPL. NO. REVIEWER SIGNATURE DATE 0900009.97B Ken Babb RECOMMENDATION AND COMMENT FEE CLASS Issuance of permit 3735R18 Title V 1. Purpose of Application: This is an existing facility on State Road 87 South in Duart, Bladen County, North Carolina that produces butacite and several specialty resins, gases, and supported films. Application seeks to renew the permit. Because the facility has an outstanding Title V permit application, some changes to numbering and insignificant activities will be made with this permit. Also, the permitted control equipment have never had I&M stips placed in the permit, so they will be added now. Permit Contact for this Application: The permit contact for this application is Mr. Michael Johnson, Environmental Coordinator (910) 678-1155. The permit will be issued to Mr. Michael E. Mayberry, Plant Manager. 2. Application Chronology: 09/05/1997 Renewal request received at FRO 10/01/1997 Add info requested on recordkeeping procedures and facility setup 03/17/1998 Partial inspection to verify method and type of recordkeeping 06/02/1998 Final modification application received 07/07/1998 Add info requested on control device I&M specs 07/22/1998 Some I&M specs received 08/06/1998 More I&M specs received 11/05/1998 Final I&M spec received 3. New Equipment/Change in Emission and Regulatory Review: 0 r'(1 c-) i a) None of the existing control devices at the facility have I&M specifications given in the current permit. Therefore those stips have been added with this renewal. In determining the proper values for these specifications the assumption has been G:\DATA\DAQ\BLADEN\00009\980914.AI6 DEQ-CFW 00088513 made that because the facility has an exemplary compliance record, the values currently in use likely are appropriate. The attached list of stipulations incorporates these values. More extensive recordkeeping will be required of DuPont to meet these requirements, for example monitoring of the water flow rate to the butacite flake reactors' scrubbers. b) Changes to the equipment list i) Left Insig-138 [BS-3 and 7] (previous permit item 2(d)) on the permitted items list. The point of this extruder process is to remove water from the butacite. The removal is accomplished by pulling a strong vacumn on the butacite using a staged series of steam jets followed by condensers. A condenser is necessary after each steam jet so that the next jet can produce a vacumn pull. The company argues that therefore only the last condenser of the series should be considered a control device. By this point there exists an uncontrolled potential of only 1093 pounds per year, therefore this operation would be eligible for a 2Q .0102 exemption. The question then is whether or not the earlier condensers are purely process devices or are control devices. If all condensers are considered to be control devices, this operation could have potential emissions in excess of 100 tpy. Because of the difficulty in analyzing these cases, recommend leaving this source on the regular equipment list, but not developing any I&M stipulations at this time. ii) removed FPX resin process (previous permit list item 3(e)). They have removed this operation from the site. iii) listed NCD-Hdrl and NCD-Hdr2 [NCD-1 and NCD-7] as one item. Facility had previously requested that either or both units can be used to control the main nafion process. It made that clearer to list as a single equipment item. iv) removed spray booth filter from listing of control devices. Spray booth filters are generally considered an intrinsic part of spray booth and are not considered control devices. v) removed scrubber ID No. NCD-8 (previous permit item 3(g)). This unit has never vented to the atmosphere at the Fayetteville Works facility. It has vented to one of the NCD-Hdr's. It controls only a small stream whose introduction uncontrolled into the NCD-Hdr stream would not significantly affect the NCD-Hdr's ability to control the stream. Mike Johnson believed that when the facility was first operated in Delaware,',," before being broken down and transported to NC, that this line may had vented to the atmosphere and so merited its own control device. Cam.. , Regardless, this control device has now been shut down and will A? lon4er be operated at this facility. --� vi) changed NCD-G from a packed tower gas absorber to a venturi sccabbgr, and moved the equipment to the insignificant activities list. Both e `'' venturi and the packed tower do currently exist in the caustic loop for tl�e Nafion resins process. DuPont realised that the venturi was the true control device during their research for developing I&M stips for this permit. Regardless, this system primary purpose is to vent remaining floride gases so that the vats can be open and product removed at the end G:\DATA\DAQ\BLADEN\00009\980914.AI6 DEQ-CFW 00088514 DuPont - Fayetteville works Page 6 of a batch. That the casutic in the Venturi does act to neutralize the floride gases is but a nice side benefit according to DuPont and therefore the venturi is acting as a process device and not a control device. Further, even if the system is considered as a control device, potential HF emissions are only 4321bs/yr. Therefore it is an insignificant source. And should be placed there with this permit. In addition, the facility has indicated that it is likely that this source will be removed in the near future. vii) removed cyclone BCD-C 1 installed on Butacite Flake Dryer. This cyclone is followed by bagfilter BCD-C2. The cyclone functions primarily as a product recovery unit (process unit), not as a control device. 4. PSD, NESHAPS, Non -Attainment and NSPS: See modification review for PSD. The printing and publishing MACT will affect the butacite tinting operation and is the motivation for installing the control device. Bladen County is in attainment and has been triggered for both particulate and SO2. There are no NSPS sources at the facility. 5. Air Toxics: This facility has previously modeled for all TAPS for a worst case situation at the facility. No exceedances of those modeled limits are expected from these modifications. 6. Facility Compliance Status: At the time of last inspection by Ken Babb (06/18/98), the facility appeared to be in compliance with the applicable requirements. 7. Facility Emissions Review: Facility -wide emissions are shown on the facility's 1996 AQEI printout (attached). The potential emissions have been updated and should be reliable. The 1997 emission inventory has not yet been incorporated into AQEI. However, there are no large changes in emission rates. 8. Stipulation Review: The following list of stipulations will be included in Section A. Specific Conditions and Limitations of Air Permit No. 03735R18. Stipulations have been added for I&M for all control devices, for 2D .0503 for the boilers, and the standard NESHAP situation. The,, 2D .0518 stip has been modified to reflect the use of non-photochemically reactive ; solvents. Reference to 2H .0610 has also been removed, because all toxics have been modeled for, and so are covered under 2D .1100. A complete I&M stip has not bpgn developed for NCD-6 (suggested stip 6) because currently little monitoring takes rplace and because the process it controls will soon be modified so that the control device 1wift not be needed. I recommend that this item be checked again at Title issuance tojgrW that its use has been discontinued.' 1. Ml, Applicable Regulations: 2D .0503, .0515, .0516, .0518, .0521, .0522, .0535" .1100, .1110, and 2Q .0507. =+ 2. M3a, Allowable particulate emission rates per 2D .0515. 3. M3b, Allowable particulate emission rates per 2D .0503. G:\DATA\DAQ\BLADEN\00009\980914.AI6 DEQ-CFW 00088515 4. M6, Reduce fugitive emissions. 5. M9, Sulfur dioxide limitation per 2D .0516. 6. M13, VE - 40% opacity limitation per 2D .0521. 7. M12, VE - 20% opacity 'limitation per 2D .0521. 8. M 14, Odor per 2D .0522 9. 1vt25, Tonics 10. M41a, HaS filter I&M 11. M41b, Condenser I&M 12. M41 d, Chas scrubber I&M 13. M41 i, Cyclone I&M 14. M24, P5D avoidance 15. M21c, MACT compliance 16. M37, Notification requirement, excess emission/malfunction reporting. 17, M59, TV Notification 9. Discussion and CommenU: I recommend issuance of permit number 03735R18, Review Engineer: �XI 664— �� �g Permit Coordinator: . A Z AQ Supervisor; cc: RCO Central Has FRO F11cs 0s1DATAOAQ1BLADEN1400091980914,A16 Date: l -A Date: f ll Date: 12--,3-1 CrcY3.-,) T/T'd 0EE'ON iW9W -1d1N3WN06IAN3 Wd9S:E 866T'E '93a DEQ-CFW 00088516 Permit No. 3735R17 Page 1 11/12/98 ID numbers in plain type indicate TV app id #'s, ID numbers in italics indicate last permit id#'s BUTACITE® 1. FABRIC FILTER REQUIREMENTS - Particulate emissions from the Butacite® flake dryer (ID No. BS-C [BS-8]) shall be controlled by the pulse jet fabric filter (6858 square feet of filter area, ID No. BCD-C2[BCD-8B]). (a) Inspection and Maintenance Requirements To comply with the provisions of this Permit and ensure that maximum control efficiency is maintained, the Permittee shall perform periodic inspections and maintenance as recommended by the manufacturer. The recording and record keeping schedule is given below. An annual internal inspection shall be conducted on the fabric filter by the Permittee to ensure structural integrity such that optimum control efficiency is achieved. The results of this inspection, and any maintenance performed on the fabric filter, shall be recorded in a logbook which is described below and which will be kept on site and made available to the Division of Air Quality upon request. (b) Monitoring Requirements The fabric filter shall be operated at a differential pressure not to exceed eighteen (18) inches of water pressure. The differential pressure shall be continuously measured and recorded electronically. (c) Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements �a A fabric filter logbook shall be kept on site and made available to Division of Air; Quality personnel upon request. An electronic record is acceptable. Any variance' from manufacturer's recommendations or from those given in the permit (1gen ;- i different) shall be investigated with corrections made and date of actions recoyed, in the logbook. The logbook shall also contain the following: --J ;- 3 r;7 records of any maintenance performed on the fabric filter system, Ca (ii) the results of the VE tests (where applicable), -4 (iii) the pressure drop across the bags, and DEQ-CFW 00088517 Permit No. 3735R17 Page 2 (iv) results of inspections including a broken bag record (where applicable). 2. CONDENSER REQUIREMENTS - Butryaldehyde emissions from the butryaldehyde storage tank (ID No. BS-A [BS-11) shall be controlled by the condenser (ID No. BCD -A [BCD-]]). (a) Inspection and Maintenance Requirements To comply with the provisions of this Permit and ensure that maximum control efficiency is maintained, the Permittee shall perform periodic inspections and maintenance as recommended by the manufacturer including those given below. (i) annually inspect and maintain the structural integrity of the condenser and its associated piping, including inspection for leakage of coolant and, if the system is under positive gauge pressure, leakage of the contaminated gas stream, and (ii) maintain records of inspections and any measures taken to repair leaks or other possible sites of fugitive emissions. The Permittee shall report the results of such inspections according to the record keeping and reporting requirements given below. (b) Monitoring Requirements The condenser shall be equipped with a pressure drop monitor to indicate the flow i' rate of the ethylene glycol cooling system (nominal flow rate 8,900 pounds per hour)..J The monitor shall be equipped with a low pressure drop alarm. The low alarm tall'-`-'� be set at 5 pounds per square inch gauge. The ethylene glycol brine discharge pmnt shall have a device to continuously measure the temperature to ensure that it does%ot exceed 32 OF. The device (e.g., thermocouple) shall be installed in an accessiwe location and shall be maintained by the Permittee such that it is in proper worlglg order at all times. (c) Record Keeping and Reporting Requirements A condenser logbook shall be kept on site and made available to Division of Air Quality personnel upon request. Any variance from manufacturer's recommendations shall be investigated with corrections made and date of actions recorded in the logbook. The I & M program as well as any sounding of the low pressure drop alarm shall also be recorded. DEQ-CFW 00088518 Permit No. 3735R 17 Page 3 3. PACKED TOWER GAS ABSORBER REQUIREMENTS - Gaseous emissions from the Butacite® chemical reactor line (ID No. BS-B [BS-21) shall be controlled by two (2) packed column scrubbers (ID Nos. BCD-B1 and BCD-B2 [BCD-2A and BCD-2B]) with saddle type packing and a water scrubbing medium. (a) Inspection and Maintenance Requirements To comply with the provisions of this Permit and ensure that optimum control efficiency is maintained, the Permittee shall establish an inspection and maintenance schedule/checklist based on manufacturer's recommendations. As a minimum, the inspection and maintenance program will include inspection of spray nozzles, packing material, and the cleaning/calibration of all associated instrumentation. The Permittee shall record the results of inspections according to the schedule of record keeping and reporting given below. (b) Monitoring Requirements The Permittee shall ensure the proper performance of the scrubbers by monitoring the following operational parameters: (i) liquid flow rate (minimum of 8 gallons per minute), and (ii) differential pressure across the scrubber (maximum of 7.5 inches of water pressure), with a high differential pressure alarm. (c) Record Keeping and Reporting Requirements An absorber logbook which shall be kept on site and made available to Division of Air Quality personnel upon request. Any variance from manufacturer's . recommendations shall be investigated with corrections made and date of act;ns ". recorded in the absorber logbook. The I & M program, as well as the liquid flowate x and differential pressure across the scrubber, shall be recorded. ..b Lo J W _) DEQ-CFW 00088519 Permit No. 3735R17 Page 4 NAFION® 4. PACKED TOWER GAS ABSORBER REQUIREMENTS - Gaseous emissions from the Nafion® process units (ID Nos. NS - A through NS - F [HFPO-NS-1, PPVE-NS-2, PMVE/PEVE-NS-3, PSEPVE-NS-4, EVE-NS-S, RSU-NS-6, liquid waste stabilization NS-7, MMF-NS-8, PEVEIPMVE-NS-1 S and PPVE-AOS-1]) shall be controlled by either of two (2) counter -current baffle -plate type tower waste gas scrubbers (ID Nos. NCD-HdrI and NCD- Hdr2 [NCD-1 and NCD-71) with nine inch spacing and a caustic scrubbing medium using potassium hydroxide additives. (a) Inspection and Maintenance Requirements To comply with the provisions of this Permit and ensure that optimum control efficiency is maintained, the Permittee shall establish an inspection and maintenance schedule/checklist based on manufacturer's recommendations. As a minimum, the inspection and maintenance program will include inspection of spray nozzles, packing material, chemical feed system, and the cleaning/calibration of all associated instrumentation. The Permittee shall record the results of inspections according to the schedule of record keeping and reporting given below. (b) Monitoring Requirements The Permittee shall ensure the proper performance of the scrubbers by monitoring the following operational parameters: (i) injection liquid flow rate [Testing shall be performed to determine the, minimum flow rate and the results submitted by the Permittee to the Divisioj# by December 1, 1999], ca > Fri :a (ii) pressure drop across the scrubber (The scrubber shall be equipped with Tligk pressure drop alarm. [Testing shall be performed to determine the maxifkurf; pressure drop and the results submitted by the Permittee to the Divisim by CO December 1, 1999] ), and (iii) pH of recirculation tank scrubbing solution (minimum of 8 with a setpoint ofi 12). DEQ-CFW 00088520 Permit No. 3735R 17 Page 5 (c) Record Keeping and Reporting Requirements An absorber logbook which shall be kept on site and made available to Division of Air Quality personnel upon request. An electronic record is acceptable . Any variance from manufacturer's recommendations shall be investigated with corrections made and date of actions recorded in the absorber logbook. The I & M program as well as the injection liquid flowrate, pH of the scrubber solution, and the pressure drop across the scrubber alarm soundings shall be recorded. Modified equipment list Two (2) No. 6 fuel oil -fired boilers (one with 139.4 and one with 88.4 million Btu per hour maximum permitted heat input, ID Nos. PS-1 and PS-2, respectively), 2. Butacite® processes consisting of the following: (a) One (1) Butacite® tinting oven (ID No. BS-D [BS-6]), (b) One (1) brine -cooled condenser (ID No. BCD -A [BCD-]]), installed on a butyraldehyde storage tank (ID No. BS-A [BS-1]), (c) Two (2) packed column scrubbers (8 gallons per minute water injection rate each, ID Nos. BCD-B 1 and BCD-B2 [BCD-2A and BCD-2B]) with mist eliminators (0.79 square feet of filter area each) installed one each on two vents from the Butacite® chemical reactor line (ID No. BS-B [BS-21), (d) One (1) bagfilter (6,858 square feet of filter area, ID No. BCD-Cl [BCD tP-i 8B]) installed on the flake dryer vent (ID No. BS-C [BS-8]). "' ,y 3. Nafion® processes consisting of the following: 21 r (a) One (1) perfluorinated resin membrane treatment process (Nafion® process, CO ID No. NS-H [NS-11 ]) vented to the atmosphere (Nafion® Vent 0), (b) Two (2) baffle plate -type tower waste gas scrubbers (72 gallons per minute liquid injection rates, Vent #land Vent #7, ID Nos. NCD-Hdrl and NCD- Hdr2 [NCD-1 and NCD-7]) installed on perfluorinated chemical manufacturing processes (ID Nos. NS-A through NS-F [HFPO-NS-1, PPVE- NS-2, PMVE/PEVE-NS-3, PSEPVE-NS-4, EVE-NS-5, RSU-NS-6, liquid waste stabilization NS-7, MMF-NS-8, PEVEIPMVE-NS-15 and PPVE-AOS- DEQ-CFW 00088521 Permit No. 3735R17 Page 6 (c) One (1) plate -type spray tower caustic scrubber (60 gallons per minute liquid injection rate, ID No. NCD-G [NCD-2]) installed on the XR/CR resins processes, ID No. NS-G [NS-9 and NS-10]) (Nafion® Vent #2), both processes utilizing the same basic equipment, but not simultaneously, (d) One (1) filter -type spray booth utilized in a membrane coating process (ID No. NS-I [NS-121) utilizing non-photochemically reactive or exempt materials, (e) One (1) E-Fluids production process (Nafion® process, ID No. NS-K) vented to the atmosphere (Nafion® Emission Point-Kl), 4. One (1) impingement type wet scrubber (70 gallons per minute total dilute potassium hydroxide injection rate, ID No. WTCD-3) with mist eliminator filter (56.7 square feet of filter area) installed on two indirect steam -heated, rotary wastewater treatment sludge dryers (399 pounds per hour maximum permitted drying capacity each, ID Nos. WT-1 and WT-2), 5. Nafion® Semiworks facility consisting of the following: (a) One (1) polymerization operation exhaust (SW-1) and (b) One (1) laboratory hood (SW-2). 6. Nafion® Semiworks 3 (ID No. NS-J3) facility consisting of laboratory and bench scale production equipment, or idle process equipment. DEQ-CFW 00088522 Permit No. 3735R17 Page 7 ATTACHMENT to Permit No. 3735R17, November 12, 1998 Activities Exempted from Permitting Under 15A NCAC 2Q .0102(b)(2) Source Date of Exemption Source of TAPS? Source of Title V Application Regulation Pollutants? One (1) venturi 5 Nov 98 scrubber (3 gallons per minute caustic liquid injection rate, Vent #100, ID No. NCD-8) installed on the PEVE/PMVE process reactor No. ABR-2) 2Q .0102(b)(2)(E) Yes Yes 1. Because an activity is exempted from being required to have a permit or permit modification does not mean that the activity is exempted from an applicable requirement or that the owner or operator of the source is exempted from demonstrating compliance with any applicable requirement. 2. When applicable, emissions from stationary source activities identified above shall be included in determining compliance with the permit requirements for toxic air pollutants under 15 A NCAC 2D .1100 or 2H .0610. 4-0 00 DEQ-CFW 00088523