HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00088271DEQ-CFW 00088271 Form D: Process Information (Page 1 of 2) Facility ID# 0900009 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Calendar 2000 Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory 1. Source ID No. (same as in permit) Sitewide Laboratories 2. Process Description: Sitewide laboratories & other non -manufacturing HAP/TAP emissions 3. Maximum Process Rate: 4. CY 2000 Process Throughput: (Ex: gal/hr, mmcf/hr) N/A - Lab (Ex: lb, gal) N/A Lab include units include units 5. Normal Operating Schedule: Hours per Days per Weeks Hours per Day Week per Year Year 8,760 6. Typical Start & End Times For Process: Start: Continuous End: 7. Percentage Annual Throughput: Dec -Feb 25 Mar -May 25 June -Aug 25 Sept -Nov 25 8. Capture Efficiency (% of Emissions from this Process Vented Through Control Device): N/A 9. Control Device Descriptions Primary None Secondary: 10. Combined (Net) Control Device Efficiency (%): PM N/A (Control efficiency is pollutant specific) PM-10 PM-2.5 SO2 NOx VOC 11. ANNUAL FUEL USAGE For This Process Coal, oil, wood, natural gas, etc.) -Use additional sheets as needed. Type of Fuel Used in This Process/Source Amount (gal, tons, mmcf/year) % Sulfur % Ash f you do not provide annual throuuhnut vour inventory will he deemed incomnlete and returned to you *To- review instructions or get a new copy, go to web page: htta://dap.state.nc.us/Offices/Plannine/Attainment/est.html or h ttt): //d aa. s tate. nc. us/Offices/Plan nina/Attain men t/ 1999/99forms. html Information on Form D cannot be held confidential. DEQ-CFW 00088272 Form D: Process Information (Page 2 of 2) CY 2000 Facility ID# 0900009 *Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed for Source/Process Identified Above: Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Source Sitewide Labs ID# "Per Ton" Pollutant: PM PM-10 PM-2.5 S02 Nox VOC CO Actual Emissions: Tons/year 0.16 ***All Other HAPs/TAPS Per Instructions (use additional sheets if necessary)*** Pollutant CAS # Emitted lbs./ r. Comments Chlorine 7782-50-5 96 Fluorine 7782-41-4 Hydrazine 302-01-2 Hydrogen Chloride (As weight of HCl in solutions) 7647-01-0 Hydrogen Fluoride (As weight of HF in solutions) 7664-39-3 Hydrogen Sulfide 7783-06-4 Lead (As metal or compounds -mass of total) LEADCPDS Methyl Chloroform (Not a VOC, by rule) 71-55-6 Methylene Chloride (Not a VOC, by rule) 75-09-2 Ozone (Not expected as a facility emission) 10028-15-6 Perchloroethylene (Not a VOC, by rule) 127-18-4 Phosphine 7803-51-2 List all other HAP/TAPs below IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER, Per Instructions. Use more sheets, as needed Acetic Acid 64-19-7 61 Ammonia 7664-41-7 2 Benzene 71-43-2 1 Ethyl Acetate 141-78-6 12 Ethylene dichloride 107062 239 Nitric Acid 7697-37-2 142 Sulfuric Acid 7664-93-9 75 • Information on Form D cannot be held confidential. DEQ-CFW 00088273 • 2000 AIR EMISSIONS INVENTORY SITEWIDE LABORATORY AND OTHER NON -MANUFACTURING HAP/TAP EMISSIONS The basis for the determination of the TAP and HAP emissions from the various sitewide quality control and research laboratories, which are exempted from permitting under NCAC Title 15A 2Q.0102(b)(1)(C), or other non -manufacturing usage (such as chlorine for drinking water disinfection), is the simplified approach whereby the total quantity of a TAP/HAP chemical purchased during 2000 for laboratory or non -manufacturing usage is assumed to have volatilized and is therefore shown as an air emission. Obviously this is an overstatement of the actual air emissions, but given the small quantity of the laboratory chemicals or other non -manufacturing usage, and the difficult task of determining actual emissions, this approach was chosen. DEQ-CFW 00088274 • • • DuPont - Fayetteville Works Air Permit No. 3735R19 TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS SUMMARY 4`h Quarter 2000 Page 4of6 Toxic Air Pollutant Permitted Emission Limit Facility Emissions 4`h Quarter 2000 12-Month Cumulative Facility Emissions Acetaldehyde 98.65 lb/15 min. 0 lb. 0 lb. Acetic Acid 13.52 lb/15 min. 38 lb. 61 lb. Acrolin 0.29 lb/ 15 min. 0 lb. 0 lb. Acrylonitrile 240 lb/year 0lb. 0lb. Ammonia 9.87 lb/15 min. 0 lb. 2 lb. Ammonium Chromate 0.54 lb/day 0 lb. 0 lb. Ammonium Dichromate 0.54 lb/day 0lb. 0lb. Aniline 14.62lb/hour 0lb. 0lb. Aziridine 5.26 lb/day 0lb. 01b. Benzene 192lb/year 0.4lb. 1 lb. Benzidene and salts 0.02lb/year 0 lb. 0 lb. Benno a ene 52.8 lb/year 0 lb. 0 lb. Benzyl Chloride 7.31 lb/hour 0 lb. 0 lb. Bis-chlorometh 1 Ether 0.59 lb/year 0 lb. 0 lb. Bromine 0.73 lb/15 min. 0 lb. 0 lb. 1,3-Butadiene 272lb/year 0lb. 01b. Calcium Chromate 0.13 lb/year 0 lb. 0 lb. Carbon Disulfide 163 lb/day 0 lb. 0 lb. Carbon Tetrachloride 10,723 lb/yr. 0 lb. 0 lb. Chlorine 3.29 lb/15 min. 24 lb. 96 lb. Chlorobenzene 1,929 lb/day 0.2lb. 0lb. Chloroform 6,882lb/year 0lb. 0lb. Chloro rene 51.21b/hour 0lb. 0lb. Chromic Acid 0.54 lb/day 0 lb. 0 lb. Cresol 32.21b/hour Olb. 0lb. P-dichlorobenzene 241 lb/15 min. 0 lb. 0 lb. Dichlorodifluommethane 217,477 lb/day Olb. 0lb. Dichlorofluoromethane 438 lb/day O lb. 0 lb. Di 2-eth lhex 1) phtalate 26.3 lb/day 0 lb. 0 lb. Dimeth 1 Sulfate 2.63 lb/day 0 lb. 0 lb. 1,4-dioxane 491 lb/day 0 lb. 0 lb. DEQ-CFW 00088275 • • DuPont - Fayetteville Works Air Permit No. 3735R19 TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS SUMMARY 4`h Quarter 2000 Page 5 of 6 Toxic Air Pollutant Permitted Emission Limit Facility Emissions 4`h Quarter 2000 12-Month Cumulative Facility Emissions E ichloroh drin 132,832 lb/yr 0lb. 0lb. Ethyl Acetate 2,046 lb/hour 0 lb. 12 lb. Eth lenediamine 4.381b/hour 0lb. 0lb. Ethylene Dibromide 640lb/year 0 lb. 0 lb. Ethylene Dichloride 6,081 lb/yr 0 lb. 239 lb. Ethylene Glycol Monoeth1 Ether 27.8 lb/hour 0 lb. 0 lb. Ethylene Oxide 43.2lb/year 0 lb. 0 lb. Ethyl Merca tan 1.46 lb/hour 0 lb. 0 lb. Fluorides 3.651b/hour 0lb. 0lb. Formaldehyde 0.55 lb/15 min. 0 lb. 0 lb. Hexachloroc clo entadiene 0.15lb/hour 0lb. 0lb. Hexachlorodibenzo= -dioxin 0.12lb/year 0lb. 0lb. N-Hexane 965.0 lb/day Ilb. Ilb. Hexane isomers 1,3151b/15 min. 0 lb. 0 lb. Hydrazine 0.53 lb/day 0lb. 0lb. Hydrogen Chloride 7.00 lb/ 15 min. 11,114 lb. 44,457 lb. Hydrogen Cyanide 16.1 lb/hour 0 lb. 0 lb. Hydrogen Fluoride 2.5 lb/15 min. 902 lb. 3,258 lb. Hydrogen Sulfide 7.67 lb/15 min. 0 lb. 0 lb. Maleic Anhydride 1.461b/hour 0 lb. 0 lb. Manganese & Compounds 27.2 lb/day 0 lb. 0 lb. Manganese Cyclopentadienyl Tricarbonyl 0.53 lb/day 0 lb. 0 lb. Manganese Tetroxide 5.44 lb/day 0 lb. 0 lb. Mercury, alkyl 0.05 lb/day 0 lb. 0 lb. Mercury, 1 & inorganic 0.53 lb/day 0 lb. 0 lb. Mercury, vapor 0.53 lb/day 0 lb. 0 lb. Methyl Chloroform 895 lb/15 min. 0 lb. 0 lb. Methylene Chloride 38,409lb/year 953 lb. 8,083 lb. Methyl Ethyl Ketone 323 lb/15 min. 0 lb. 0 lb. Methyl lsobutyl Ketone 110 lb/l5 min. 0 lb. 0 lb. Methyl Merca tan 0.73 lb/hour 0 lb. 0 lb. DEQ-CFW 00088276 Ll • • DuPont - Fayetteville Works Air Permit No. 3735R19 TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS SUMMARY 4" Quarter 2000 Page 6 of 6 Toxic Air Pollutant Permitted Emission Facility Emissions 4`h Quarter 2000 12-Month Cumulative Facility Emissions Nitric Acid 3.65 lb/15 min. 0.1 lb. 18 lb. Nitrobenzene 7.311b/3hour 0lb. 0lb. N-nitrosodimeth lamine 80lb/year 0lb. 01b. Pentachloro henol 0.371b/hour 0lb. 0lb. Perchloroeth lene 304,073 lb/year 0lb. 0lb. Phenol 13.9lb/hour 0lb. 0lb. Phosgene 2.19 lb/day 0lb. 01b. Phos hine 0.48 lb/15 min. 0 lb. 0 lb. Polychlorinated Bi hen is 133lb/year 0 lb. 0 lb. Potassium Chromate 0.54 lb/day 0 lb. 0 lb. Potassium Dichromate 0.54 lb/day 0 lb. 0 lb. Sodium Chromate 0.54 lb/day 0 lb. 0 lb. Sodium Dichromate 0.54 lb/day 0 lb. 0 lb. Strontium Chromate 0.13lb/year 0 lb. 0 lb. Styrene 155lb/hour 0lb. 0lb. Sulfuric Acid 1.46 lb/hour 45 lb. 75 lb. Tetrachlorodibenzo- -dioxin 0.005lb/year 0lb. 0lb. 1, 1, 1,2-Tetrachloro-2,2,Difluorothane 45,600 lb/day 0lb. 0lb. 1, 1, 1,2-Tetrachloro- 1,2,Difluoroethane 45,600 lb/day 0 lb. 0 lb. 1, 1, 1,2-tetrachloroethane 10,082 lb/day 0lb. 0lb. Toluene 205 lb/15 min. 48231b. 4940 lb. Toluene-2,4-diisoc anate 0.05 lb/15 min. 0 lb. 0 lb. Trichloroeth lene 94,423lb/year 0lb. 0lb. Trichlorofluoromethane 8,1851b/hour 0 lb. 0 lb. 1, 1,2-Trichloro- 1,2,2-Trifluoroethane 3,471 lb/15 min. 0lb. 0lb. Vinyl Chloride 608 lb/year 0 lb. 0 lb. Vin lidine Chloride 105 lb/day 0 lb. 0 lb. X lene 238 lb/15 min. 0 lb. 0 lb. Zinc Chromate 0.13 lb/year 0 lb. 0 lb. DEQ-CFW 00088277