HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00088226z DEQ-CFW 00088226 Form D: Process Information (Page 1 of 2) Facility ID# 0900009 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 0 Division of Air Quality Calendar 2000 Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory 1. Source ID No. (same as in permit) NS-11 (NS-H in Title V) 2. Process Description: Nafion® Resin Membrane Treatment Process 4. Maximum Process Rate: (Ex: gaUhr, mmcf/hr) Confidential include units 5. Normal Operating Schedule: Hours per Days per Day Week 6. Typical Start & End Times For Process: 4. CY 2000 Process Throughput: (Ex: lb, gal) Weeks per Year Confidential include units Hours per Year Confidential Start: Semi -continuous End: 7. Percentage Annual Throughput: Dec -Feb 25 Mar -May 25 June -Aug 25 Sept -Nov 8. Capture Efficiency (% of Emissions from this Process Vented Through Control Device): 9. Control Device Descriptions Primary 0 Secondary: None 10. Combined (Net) Control Device Efficiency (%): (Control efficiency is pollutant specific) PM PM-10 PM-2.5 SOZ NOx VOC 25 N/A N/A 11. ANNUAL FUEL USAGE For This Process (Coal, oil, wood, natural as, etc.) -Use additional sheets as needed. Type of Fuel Used in This Process/Source Amount (gal, tons, mmcf/year) % Sulfur % Ash f ou do not rovide annual throu h ut our invento will be deemed incomplete and returned to you l Y p g p Y rY I o review instructions or get a new copy, go to web page: htti)://daa.state.nc.us/Offices/Plannine/Attainment/est.html or htta: //da(i.state.nc. us/Offices/Plann iniz/Attainment/ 1999/99forms.html Information on Form D cannot be held confidential. DEQ-CFW 00088227 Form D: Process Information (Page 2 of 2) CY 2000 Facility ID# 0900009 Source ID# NS-11 Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed for Source/Process Identified Above: r. Attnrh ratrnlatinne nnA Anrnmantntinn of omiecinn iartnr nr nthar a t;m tinn mathnAe marl "Per Ton" Pollutant: PM PM-10 PM-2.5 S02 NOX VOC CO Actual Emissions: Tons/year 11 ***All Other HAPs/TAPs Per Instructions (use additional sheets if necessary)*** Pollutant CAS # Emitted lbs./ r. Comments Chlorine 7782-50-5 Fluorine 7782-41-4 Hydrazine 302-01-2 Hydrogen Chloride (As weight of HCl in solutions) 7647-01-0 Hydrogen Fluoride (As weight of HF in solutions) 7664-39-3 72 Hydrogen Sulfide 7783-06-4 Lead (As metal or compounds -mass of total) LEADCPDS Methyl Chloroform (Not a VOC, by rule) 71-55-6 Methylene Chloride (Not a VOC, by rule) 75-09-2 Ozone (Not expected as a facility emission) 10028-15-6 Perchloroethylene (Not a VOC, by rule) 127-18-4 Phosphine 7803-51-2 List all other HAP/TAPs below IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER, Per Instructions. Use more sheets, as needed Acetic Acid 64-19-7 47 WInformation on Form D cannot be held confidential. DEQ-CFW 00088228