HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00088014'Nafion Liquid Waste Air Emissions Inventory Page 1 of 7 0 • 2004 AIR EMISSIONS INVENTORY SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Emission Source ID No.: Emission Source Description: Process & Emission Description: NS-E Nafion Liquid Waste Stabilization The Nafion liquid waste stabilization is a continuous system of storage with batch neutralization. To comply with the regulatory requirements of RCRA SubPart CC, neither the storage tank nor the reactor vent during normal operating conditions. All venting from this system occurs as a non -routine maintenance activity, which is detailed in the following pages. All emissions from this system are vented through the Nafion Division Waste Gas Scrubber (Control Device ID No. NCD-Hdrl) which has a documented control efficiency of 99.6% for acid fluoride compounds. The control of emissions of specific compounds will be addressed and detailed in the following pages. The Nafion liquid waste stabilization process emits compounds in the acid fluoride family. In the presence of water, these acid fluorides will eventually hydrolyse to hydrogen fluoride. For the purpose of this emissions inventory, a conservative approach will be take and the acid fluorides will be reported both as a VOC and as the equivalent quantity of hydrogen fluoride. Basis and Assumptions: - For the HF emissions the entire gas flow is assumed to be HF - The VOC emissions are assumed to be 30% COF2 and 70% TAF - The reactor and storage tank are assumed to have the same concentration. - The ideal gas law is used. Information Inputs and Source Inputs: Information Input Source of Inputs Weight of Tank IP21 (H3450WG and H3606WG) Category and Reason for Emission Waste Mechanical Facilitator Point Source Emissions Determination: Shown on the following pages Fugitive Emissions Determination: Shown on the following pages. Prepared by Dianne L. Fields 5/10/2005 DEQ-CFW 00088014 Nafion Liquid Waste Air Emissions Inventory Page 2 of 7 u • • Stack Emissions from Maintenance Activity Background Before performing maintenance on the reactor or storage tank, the pressure from the system is vented to the Division WGS. Each vent is recorded in IP21 by the weight before and after the vent. See chart below. Date Tank Category Reason Tank Weight Initial kg Final k 4/6/04 Storage Tank Maintenance RV RM 202 162 9/22/04 Reactor Maintenance RV RM 283 254 10/29/04 Storage Tank Maintenance RV RM 107 105 11/3/04 Reactor Maintenance RM 131 112 11/10/04 Storage Tank Maintenance RM 248 229 Sample calculation using maintenance activity dated 4/6/04 Initial Weight minus Final Weight equals kg vented to Division WGS 202 kg minus 162 kg equals 39 kg vented to WGS Assume that all of the above is VOC emissions This assumption also overstates the true emissions as inerts, such as nitrogen are not counted. After -control emissions utilizing the 99.6% control efficient Waste Gas Scrubber (WGS): Percentage of acid fluoride VOCs removed by the WGS = 99.6% Percentage of acid fluoride VOCs vented from the WGS = 100% minus 99.6% Percentage of acid fluoride VOCs vented from the WGS = 0.4% Therefore, VOCs vented to the atmosphere from the 4/6/04 maintenance activity is equal to: Amount of VOCs vented to WGS: 39 kg of VOC Percentage of VOCs vented from the WGS: x 0.4% Quantity of VOCs vented from the WGS: = 0.1578 kg VOC = 0.3479 lb VOC Prepared by Dianne L. Fields 5/10/2005 DEQ-CFW 00088015 Nafion Liquid Waste Air Emissions Inventory Page 3 of 7 0 Stack Emissions from Maintenance Activity (cont.) VOC Emissions by Compound Assume that the vapor is 30% COF2 and 70% TAF. This assumption is based on process knowledge of the system. Quantity of VOCs vented from the WGS (see previous page) = 0.3479 lb VOC COF2 (carbonyl fluoride) CAS No. 353-50-4 Sample calculation using maintenance activity dated 4/6/04 VOC emissions would be equal to: 0.348 lb VOC I 0.30 lb COF2 = 0.1044 lb COF2 lb VOC TAF (telomeric acid fluoride) CAS No. 690-43-7 • (perfluoro-3,5,7, 9,11-pentaoxadodecanoyl fluoride) Sample calculation using maintenance activity dated 4/6/04 C VOC emissions would be equal to: 0.348 lb VOC 0.70 lb TAF = 0.2435 lb VOC lb VOC Prepared by Dianne L. Fields 5/10/2005 DEQ-CFW 00088016 Nafion Liquid Waste Air Emissions Inventory Page 4 of 7 • Stack Emissions from Maintenance Activity (cont.) HF Potential Assume that the vapor is 30% COF2 and 70% TAF. This assumption is based on process knowledge of the system. COF2 (carbonyl fluoride) CAS No. 353-50-4 Each mole of COF2 ( MW = 66) can generate 2 moles of HF (MW =20) 1 lb COF2 1 mole COF2 20 lb HF 2 moles HF = 0.606 lb of HF 66 lb COF2 mole HF 1 mole COF2 Therefore, each 1 lb of COF2 generates 0.606 lb of HF TAF (telomeric acid fluoride) (perfluoro-3,5,7, 9,11-pentaoxadodecanoyl fluoride) CAS No. 690-43-7 Each mole of TAF (MW = 330) can generate 1 mole of HF (MW =20) 1 lb TAF 1 mole TAF 20 lb HF 1 moles HF = 0.061 lb of HF 330 lb TAF mole HF 1 mole TAF Therefore, each 1 lb of TAF generates 0.061 lb of HF Sample calculation using maintenance activity dated 4/6/04 Quantity of VOCs vented from the WGS (see Page 2) = 0.3479 lb VOC HF equivalent emissions would be equal to: 0.348 lb VOC 0.30 lb COF2 0.606 lb HF = 0.0633 lb HF lb VOC lb COF2 0.348 lb VOC 0.70 lb TAF 0.061 lb HF = 0.0148 lb HF lb VOC lb TAF Therefore, HF vented to the atmosphere from the 4/6/04 maintenance activity is equal to: 0.0633 lb HF + 0.0148 lb HF = 0.078 lb HF Prepared by Dianne L. Fields 5/10/2005 DEQ-CFW 00088017 'Nafion Liquid Waste Air Emissions Inventory Page 5 of 7 • r� u Stack Emissions from Maintenance Activity (cont.) Calculation page Date Tank Category Reason Weight of Tank Emitted VOC (lb) Emitted HF (lb) Initial (kg) Final (kg) 4/6/04 Storage Tank Maintenance RV RM 202 162 0.348 0.078 9/22/04 Reactor Maintenance RV RM 283 254 0.259 0.058 10/29/04 Storage Tank Maintenance RV RM 107 105 0.018 0.004 11/3/04 Reactor Maintenance RM 131 112 0.168 0.038 11/10/04 Storage Tank Maintenance RM 248 229 0.167 0.037 Total Emissions 1 0.96 1 0.21 Total VOC = 0.96 lb VOC = 0.000479 ton STACK EMISSIONS Total HF = 0.21 lb ISTACK EMISSIONS Speciated VOC Stack Emissions The VOC emissions from the Waste Liquid Stabilization process is assumed to be comprised of 30% by weight of COF2 and 70% by weight of TAF. The emission of these compounds from each of the following events is determined simply by multiplying the total emitted VOC by 30% to determine the COF2 emission and 70% to determine the TAF emission. Date Tank Category Reason Emitted VOC (lb) Emitted COF2 (lb) Emitted TAF (lb) 4/6/04 Storage Tank Maintenance RV RM 0.348 0.104 0.244 9/22/04 Reactor Maintenance RV RM 0.259 0.078 0.181 10/29/04 Storage Tank Maintenance RV RM 0.018 0.005 0.012 11/3/04 Reactor Maintenance RM 0.168 0.050 0.117 11/10/04 Storage Tank Maintenance RM 0.167 0.050 0.117 Total Emissions 1 0.96 1 0.29 10.67 Prepared by Dianne L. Fields 5/10/2005 DEQ-CFW 00088018 Nafion Liquid Waste Air Emissions Inventory Page 6 of 7 n u r] • Fugitive Emissions Leak Rates for Process Equipment Using the following table, the Fugitive Emissions Rates will be calculated: Emission Factors (lb/hr/com onent) Component Service Pump Seals Light Liquid 0.00115 Valves Light Liquid 0.00036 Flanges All 0.00018 VOC Fugitive Emissions from Equipment Components 2 Pump Seals x 0 lb/hr/pumpseal = 148 Valves x 0 lb/hr/valve = 45 Flanges x 0 lb/hr/flange = Total VOC Emissions from Equipment Leaks = Total Annual Fugitive VOC Emissions: 0.0023 lb/hr VOC 0.0533 lb/hr VOC 0.0081 lb/hr VOC 0.0637 lb/hr VOC 0.0637 lb/hr VOC x 8760 hr/year = 557.84 lb VOC for 2003 0.2789 tons VOC Speciated Fugitive VOC Emissions by Compound: Assume that the emissions are 30% COF2 and 70% TAF. This assumption is based on process knowledge of the system. 557.8 lb VOC 0.30 lb COF2 = 167.35 lb COF2 lb VOC 557.8 lb VOC 0.70 lb TAF = 390.49 lb TAF lb VOC See Page 3 for HF equivalents calculation: 557.8 lb VOC 0.30 lb COF2 0.606 lb HF = 101.42 lb HF lb VOC lb COF2 557.8 lb VOC 0.70 lb TAF 0.061 lb HF = 23.666 lb HF lb VOC lb TAF 101.42 lb HF + 23.666 lb HF = 125.1 lb HF Prepared by Dianne L. Fields 5/10/2005 DEQ-CFW 00088019 .Nafion Liquid Waste Air Emissions Inventory Page 7 of 7 0 Emission Summary • • A. VOC Emissions by Compound and Source Stack Fugitive Total Nafion® CAS Chemical Name CAS No. Emissions Emissions Emissions Compound (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) COF2 Carbonyl fluoride 116-14-3 0.29 167.4 167.6 TAF Perfluoro-3,5,7, 9,11- 690-43-7 0.67 390.5 391.2 pentaoxadodecanoyl fluoride Total VOC (lb) 558.8 Total VOC (ton) 0.28 B. Toxic Air Pollutant Summary Stack Fugitive Total Nafion® CAS Chemical Name CAS No. Emissions Emissions Emissions Compound (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) HF Hydrogen fluoride 7664-39-3 0.21 125.1 125.3 Prepared by Dianne L. Fields 5/10/2005 DEQ-CFW 00088020