HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00087987L-1 Vinyl Ethers -South Air Emissions Inventory PMVE Only Emissions Page 1 of 9 2004 AIR EMISSIONS INVENTORY SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Emission Source ID No: NS-C Emission Source Description: VE-South PMVE Only Manufacturing Process Process & Emission Description: The VE-South PMVE Only manufacturing process is a continuous chemical reaction. All emissions from the process are vented through the VE-South Waste Gas Scrubber (Control Device ID No. NCD-Hdr2) which has a documented control efficiency of 99.6% for all acid fluoride compounds. Some emitted compounds are assumed to pass completely through the scrubber, so the control efficiency for those compounds is assumed to be 0%. The control of emissions of specific compounds will be addressed and detailed in the following pages. The PMVE Only process in VE-South emits compounds in the acid fluoride family. In the presence of water (such as in atmospheric moisture), these acid fluorides can eventually hydrolyze to hydrogen fluoride. For the purpose of this emissions inventory, a conservative approach will be taken and the acid fluorides will be reported both as a VOC and as the equivalent quantity of hydrogen fluoride. Basis and Assumptions: - The PMVE Only process flowsheet is the basis for relative concentrations of before -control emissions of gaseous wastes. - The flowsheet is based on a 67:33 PAF/COF2 precursor feed ratio. In 2004, the precursor feed ratio was 100% COF2 during a PMVE Only Campaign. - Accordingly, a flowsheet correction was made. PAF ratio is 0.00 COF2 Ratio is 1.00. - Calculations of point source emissions are based on actual vent flow totals taken from the IP21 Historian. All emission determination calculations are available on the EXCEL spreadsheet found at - S:/Everyone/cecilkd/Emissions/2004/VES 2004 Emissions.xls. DEQ-CFW 00087987 Vinyl Ethers South Air Emissions Inventory PMVE Only Emissions Page 6 of 9 E. Perfluoromethyl vinyl ether (PMVE) CAS No. 1187-93-5 HF Potential: PMVE is a VOC without the potential to form HF. Quantity Released Before -control PMVE per the process flowsheet: Before -control PMVE vented based on 226.56 kg HFPO PMVE Vented from Low Boiler Column: C Ata! kg PMVE x 226.56 kg HFPO = 0.0219 kg PMVE kg HFPO After -control emissions from the Waste Gas Scrubber with an assumed efficiency of zero percent (0%) VOC Emissions = 0.0219 kg VOC 0.048 Ib VOC F. Perfluoroethyl vinyl ether (PEVE) CAS No. 10493-43-3 HF Potential: PEVE is a VOC without the potential to form HF. Quantity Released VOC Emissions = 0 kg VOC E DEQ-CFW 00087988 Vinyl Ethers South Air Emissions Inventory PMVE Only Emissions Page 7 of 9 0 G. Hexafluoropropylene (HFP) CAS No. 116-15-4 HF Potential: HFP is a VOC without the potential to form HF. Quantity Released HFP vented from Condensation Reactor (Cond Rx) per process flowsheet 0.15 kg HFP kg Cond Rx Vent HFP vented from Stripper Column per process flowsheet i35 kg HFP w' 3_ kg Stripper Vent HFP vented from Low Boiler Column (LBC) per process flowsheet =fl 72r kg HFP kg LBC Vent Before -control HFP vented from Cond RX based on 833 kg Before -control HFP vented from Stripper Column based on 1,900 kg Before -control HFP vented from LBC based on 227 kg HFP vented from Cond Rx: 0.15 kg HFP x 833 kg CondRx Vent = ;.125 kg HFP 1: kg Cond Rx Vent HFP vented from Stripper Column: 0.15 kg HFP x 1900 kg Strip Vent = 285 kg HFP 1 kg Stripper Vent HFP vented from LBC: 0.72 kg HFP x 227 kg LBC Vent = 163 kg HFP 1 kg LBC Vent After -control emissions from the Waste Gas Scrubber with an assumed efficiency of zero percent (0%) VOC Emissions 125 kg HFP from CondRx Vent + 285 kg HFP from Strip Vent + 163 kg HFP from LBC Vent 573 kg HFP = 573 kg VOC 1,261 Ib VOC DEQ-CFW 00087989 Vinyl Ethers'South Air Emissions Inventory PMVE Only Emissions Page 8 of 9 H. Tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) CAS No. 116-14-3 HF Potential: TFE is a VOC without the potential to form HF. Quantity Released TFE vented from Low Boiler Column (LBC) per process flowsheet kg TFE 1 , : ` ';"' kg LBC Vent Before -control TFE vented from LBC based on 227 kg vented from LBC TFE vented from LBC: 0.27 kg TFE x '227kg vented from LBC = 61 kg TFE 1' kg LBC Vent After -control emissions from the Waste Gas Scrubber with an assumed efficiency of zero percent (0%) VOC Emissions 61 kg TFE = 61' kg VOC 135 lb VOC I. VOC • • Summa Nafion Compound Name Before Control After Control VOC Generated Stack Emissions k / r VOC Ib/ r VOC Ib/ r VOC Ib/ r HF A. COF2 27,889 i, . 61357 , , : ' 246 149 B. PAF 28,165 61963 248 43` C. PMPF 37,332, 82,131=: 329 28 D. PEPF 0 0 E. PMVE 0.02 0.05 0.05 F. PEVE 0 0 0 G. HFP 573 -; 1.,261 1,261' H. TFE 135 '296 • 1�35 Total 94,0951 207009 2,217 220^ DEQ-CFW 00087990 0 0 0 Vinyl Ether:& South Air Emissions Inventory PMVE Only Emissions Page 9 of 9 J. Point Source Summary Nafion Compound Name Stack Emissions lb/yr Equipment Emissions (Note 1) lb/yr Maintenance Emissions (Note 2) lb/yr Total Emissions lb/yr A. COF2 245 84.6 2.1 332 B. PAF 248 85.5 2.1 335 C. PMPF 329 113.3 2.8 445 D. PEPF 0 0.0 0.0 0 E. PMVE 0 ao, 0.0 _ ' 01" F. PEVE 0 0.0 0.0 0 G. HFP 1,261 434.8 1,0.9 = 1,707 1 H. ITFE 135 46.4 1.2 182 Tota 1 21217 -765 > 19 3,001 Note 1 - See section titled "Equipment Emissions" for details Note 2 - See section titled "Maintenance Emissions" for details HF Equivalent Emissions Nafion Compound Name Stack Emissions lb/yr Equipment Emissions Ib/yr Maintenance Emissions Ib/yr Total Emissions lb/yr A. COF2 148.74 51 1.284 201.3Z B. PAF 42.73 ,14.737 01.369, 7'84 � C. PMPF 28.32 9767 0.244 38.33 D. PEPIF 0 0.000 0000 0.00 Total 219.80, 73.800 1.897, -297.50 The estimated HF equivalent emissions from Equipment Emissions were determined by multiplying the COF2 HF Potential (0.606 lb. HF/lb. COF2) by the COF2 Equipment Emissions for the Compound 0.606 lb/yr HF x 84.64 lb/yr Equipment COF2 = 51 lb/yr HF lb/yr COF2 The estimated HF equivalent emissions from Maintenance Emissions were determined by multiplying the COF2 HF Potential (0.606 lb. HF/lb. COF2) by the COF2 Maintenance Emissions for the Compound 0.606 lb/yr HF x 2.12 lb/yr Maintenance COF2 = 1 1b/yr HF lb/yr COF2 DEQ-CFW-00087991