HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00087844• DuPont - Fayetteville Works - Butacite® Date: April 28, 2005 2004 SARA Title III Report Page No. 18 of 33 Form D: Process Information (Page 2 of 2) CY 2001 Facility ID# 0900009 Source ID# BS-1 Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed for Source/Process Identified Above: Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. "Per Ton" Pollutant: Actual Emissions: Tons/year PM PM-10 MP-2.5 SO2 Nox VOC 1.17 CO ***All Other HAPs/TAPs Per Instructions use additional sheets if necess *** Pollutant CAS # Emitted bs./ r. Comments Chlorine 7782-50-5 Fluorine 7782414 Hydrazine 302-01-2 Hydrogen Chloride As weight of HCl in solutions 7647-01-0 Hydrogen Fluoride As weight of HF in solutions 7664-39-3 Hydrogen Sulfide 7783-06-4 Lead As metal or compounds — mass of total LEADCPDS Methyl Chloroform of a VOC, by rule 71-55-6 Methylene Chloride of a VOC, by rule 75-09-2 Ozone (Not expected as a facility emission) 10028-15-6 Perchloroeth lene of a VOC, by rule 127-18-4 Phos hire 7803-51-2 List all other HAP/TAPs below IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER, Per Instructions. Use more sheets as needed. DEQ-CFW 00087844 0 • DuPont - Fayetteville Works - Butacite® Date: April 28, 2005 2004 SARA Title III Report Page No. 19 of 33 2004 AIR EMISSIONS INVENTORY BUTYRALDEHYDE STORAGE TANK S-1 EMISSIONS SUMMARY VOC VOC EMISSIONS EMISSIONS PROCESS EMISSIONS: (lb. / year) (TYP) BA Condenser 751 0.38 VOC VOC VOC EMISSIONS EMISSIONS EMISSIONS Worst case With 67% With 67% scenario based Reduction for Reduction for on AP-42 "Good" control "Good" control FUGITIVE EMISSIONS: (lb. / year) (lb. / year) (TYP) Unloading System 2750 908 0.45 Recirculation System 126 42 0.02 BA Storage Tank 1917 633 0.32 TOTAL EMISSIONS 1 1 2334 1 1.17 DEQ-CFW 00087845 DuPont - Fayetteville Works - Butacite® Date: April 28, 2005 2004 SARA Title III Report Page No. 20 of 33 2004 AIR EMISSIONS INVENTORY BUTYRALDEHYDE STORAGE TANK (BS-1) EMISSIONS DETERMINATION Butyraldeh dY a (BA) emissions from Storage Tank Condenser (BCD-1): BA (breathing losses ) to condenser = 24821bs. / year BA Vapor Pressure at 71.37 °F = 1.844 psi BA Vapor Pressure at 32 °F = 0.558 psi BA emissions from condenser = [2482 lb x 0.558 psi = 751 lb. yr. [-1.844 psi yr. 0 (See information from Title V — Form D6 on the following pages.) Butyraldehyde (L3A) fugitive emissions from BA Storage Tank: (See information on the following pages.) • DEQ-CFW 00087846 • • • DuPont - Fayetteville Works - Butacite® Date: April 28, 2005 2004 SARA Title III Report Page No. 21 of 33 2004 EMISSIONS AIR INVENTORY SECTION D - FORM D6 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS TO SUPPORT PERMIT APPLICATION Emission Unit ID: BS-1 Emission source Description: Butyraldehyde Storage Tank A. Emission Estimation Approach Emissions from this unit are based on EPA Publication AP-42 (using EPA - developed Tanks 2.0 software). Actual working losses are zero because when being loaded, the tank is vented back to the railcar. Breathing losses are calculated form the ambient temperature changes in the tank, and are controlled by an 70% efficient brine cooled condenser. Thus control on working losses is 100% and control on breathing losses is 70%, and as shown by the calculations below, this gives an overall control efficiency of approximately 92 — 94%. Actual Emission Calculations BA (Breathing Losses) to Condenser 2482 Lbs. / year Uncontrolled Working Losses 1 (Actual 2004) 7438 Lbs. 1 year Uncontrolled Working Losses 1 (Potential) 9905 Total Uncontrolled Emissions 2 (Actual 2004) 9920 Lbs. / year Total Uncontrolled Emissions 2 (Potential) 12387 Lbs. / year Vapor Pressure 3 at 71.37 °F (21.87 °C) 1.844 Psi Vapor Pressure 3 at 32 °F (0 °C) 0.558 Psi Condenser efficiency 4 70% Or greater BA Emissions From Condenser 5 (Annual) 751 Lbs. / year BA Emissions From Condenser 5 (Hourly Average) 0.086 Lbs. / hour Actual Working Loss Emissions 0 Lbs. / year Overall Control Efficiency 6 (Based on Actual 2004 Emissions) 92% Or greater Overall Control Efficiency 6 (Based on Potential Emissions) 94% Or greater DEQ-CFW 00087847 • • DuPont - Fayetteville Works - Butacite® Date: April 28, 2005 2004 SARA Title III Report Page No. 22 of 33 SECTION D - FORM D6 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS TO SUPPORT PERMIT APPLICATION Emission Unit ID: Emission source Description: Note: BS-1 Butyraldehyde Storage Tank 1. Actual 2004 uncontrolled working losses based on 34 turnover. Potential uncontrolled working losses based on 95 turnovers. 2. Total uncontrolled emissions equal breathing losses plus working losses. 3. Vapor pressure calculated using Antoine Equation Logp*(T°C) = A—[B/(T°C +C)] Where p* = vapor pressure A = 6.3854 B = 913.590 C = 185.480 4. Condenser control efficiency is calculated: 1— ( vapor pressure at 32 / vapor pressure at 71.4 ) This is based o the assumption that the condenser exit temperature will be at 32°F (because of the low flow associated with breathing losses the gas will be completely chilled to the coolant temperature in the condenser and 32°F is the upper value of the condenser temperature; 71.37°F is the average surface temperature in the BA storage tank — See Tanks 2.0 Output). 5. Emissions from condenser calculated as: Uncontrolled BA to condenser x ( 1— control efficiency) Hourly emissions calculated by dividing annual emissions by 8760. 6. Overall Control Efficiency = 1— [ ( annual breathing losses from condenser + actual working loss emissions) / total uncontrolled emissions ] DEQ-CFW 00087848 • DuPont - Fayetteville Works - Butacite® Date: April 28, 2005 2004 SARA Title III Report Page No. 23 of 33 2004 BUTYRALDEHYDE FUGITIVE EMISSIONS CALCULATIONS I. FIXED LOSSES A. Unloading System Leak Rate = ( pump losses + liquid valve losses + gas valve losses + flange losses ) x ( weight fraction BA ) x ( total hours) [(1)(0.109) + (9)(0.016) + (1)(0.012) + (27 ) ( 0.0018) ] ( 1.0 ) ( 8760 hours ) = [ 0.109 + 0.144 + 0.012 + 0.049 ] ( 1.0 ) ( 8760 ) = ( 0.314 lbs. / hr. ) ( 8760 hrs. / yr.) = 2750 lbs. / year B. Vapor Return System Area Average Temperature = 75°F BA Vapor Pressure = 110 mmHg (from Hercules vapor pressure curve) BA mole fraction in vapor = Vapor pressure of BA Total Pressure = Vapor Pressure of BA Gauge Pressure + Atmospheric Pressure _ ( 110 mmHg_)( 1 atm / 760 mmHjz) ( 4 in H2O = 406.8 in H2O ) ( 1 atm / 406.8 inch H2O ) = 0.143 mole BA / mole of gas Leak Rate = [ gas valve losses + flange losses ] ( fraction BA )( total operating hours ) _ [ ( 2) ( 0.015) + ( 5) ( 0.0018) ] 0.143 mol BA 72 lbs. BA mole gas (8760 hr. ) mole BA 28 lbs. gas yr. DEQ-CFW 00087849 DuPont - Fayetteville Works - Butacite® Date: April 28, 2005 2004 SARA Title III Report Page No. 24 of 33 _ (0.030) + 0.0090 0.0143 2.57 8760 = 125.6 lbs. / year C. Storage Tank 1. Liquid Flanges / Valves Leak Rate = ( liquid valve losses + flange losses) ( weight fraction BA) ( total operating hours ) = [2(0.016) + (8)(0.0018)](1.0)(8760) = [0.032 + 0.014](1)(8760) = 406 lbs. / year 2. Vapor Flanges / Conservation Vents Leak Rate = ( C / V losses + vapor flange losses) ( weight fraction BA) ( total operating hours ) _ [(2)(0.224) + (12)(0.0018)](0.143) (2.57)(8760) _ [0.448 + 0.0216 0.143 2.57 8760 = 1511 lbs. / year 3. Total Leak Rate = 406 + 1511 = 19171bs. / year • DEQ-CFW 00087850