HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00087645E 4.0 UTILITIES The utility area of DuPont Fayetteville Works consists of two No. 6 fuel oil boilers used to provide steam to the production processes. The No. 1 oil -fired boiler has a maximum firing rate of 139.4 million BTU per hour and the No. 2 oil -fired boiler has a maximum firing rate of 88.4 million BTU per hour. Note that over the next several years it is anticipated that much of the steam used by the plant will be provided by the BCH Industries waste combustion unit that is co -located at the facility. Plant operations began receiving steam from BCH in June of 1996 although to date the supply of steam has been very intermittent. The Fayetteville Works facility also contains a waste water treatment operation. This operation is categorically exempt from permitting. A complete emissions inventory and regulatory applicability analysis has been performed for the Utilities area. A summary of these analyses are included in the following tables: Table 4-1 Summary of Utility Emission Units Table 4-2 Summary of Applicable Requirements Table 4-3 Summary of Compliance Monitoring g: \projects\fayett\butnaf DEQ-CFW 00087645 0 0 9 TABLE 4-1 SUMMARY OF UTILITY EMISSION UNITS Nolte: Both boilers vent to a common stack. 0 rn p C� I 0 0 w gAprojectsWayett\butnaf 14 rn rn 0 rn p C� m I 0 0 0 ao rn 0 0 0 TABLE 4-2 SUMMARY OF UTILITY UNIT APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS Emission Unit Description Emission'' Unit ]ID No. Applicable Requirement Regulatory, Citation No. 1 Oil -Fired Boiler PS -I PM emissions < 0.267 lb/MMBTU 15A NCAC 213.0503 S02 emissions < 2.3 Ib/MMBTU 15A NCAC 2D.0516 Opacity <40% 15A NCAC 213.0521 Total heat input to both boiler <139.4 MMBTU/hr 15A NCAC 2D.0530 No. 2 Oil -Fired Boiler PS-2 PM emissions < 0.267 lb/MMBTU 15A NCAC 25.0503 S02 emissions < 2.3 Ib/MMBTU 15A NCAC 213.0516 Opacity < 20% 15A NCAC 2D.0521 Total heat input to both boiler <139.4 MMBTU/hr 15A NCAC 213.0530 gAproje ctsWayett\butnaf 0 0 0 TABLE 4-3 SUMMARY OF COMPLIANCE MONITORING FOR UTILITY OPERATIONS Emission Unit Description Applicable Requirement Compliance Monitoring No. 11 Oil -Fired Boiler PM emissions < 0.267 Ib/MMBTU No formal monitoring is proposed; opacity monitoring will Opacity < 40% be performed if there are any indications of opacity problems. S02 emissions < 2.3 lb/MMBTU The sulfur fuel oil content will be obtained from the vendor and recorded in a logbook; the sulfur content will be maintained below 2.2 wt%. Total heat input to both boilers <139.4 MMBTU/hr No. 6 fuel oil consumption will be monitored and maintained below 929 gallons per hour. No. 2 Oil -Fired Boiler PM emissions < 0.267 lb/MMBTU No formal monitoring is proposed; opacity monitoring will Opacity < 40% be performed if there are any indications of opacity problems. S02 emissions < 2.3 Ib/MMBTU The sulfur fuel oil content will be obtained from the vendor and recorded in a logbook; the sulfur content will be maintained below 2.2 wt%. Total heat input to both boilers <139.4 MMBTU/hr No. 6 fuel oil consumption will be monitored and maintained below 929 gallons per hour. g:\prqjects\fayett\butnaf FILENAME: 1VAF-B3.DBF R-1 SECTION B B3 EMISSION SOURCE (OIUGAS FIRED BURNER) REVISED: 04/15/94 AIR QUALITY SECTION EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: Boiler #1 EMISSION SOURCE ID NO: pS-1 ONTROL DEVICE ID NO(S): EMISSION POINT ID NO(S): pEp-1 INDICATE WHETHER THIS SOURCE IS SUBJECT TO NSPS OR NESHAPS REGULATIONS ALTERNATIVE OPERATING SCENARIO (AOS) NO: DESCRIBE USE: ( x ) PROCESS HEAT ( ) SPACE HEAT ( ) ELECTRICAL GENERATION ( x ) CONTINUOUS USE ( ) STAND BY/EMERGENCY ( ) OTHER: OPERATION DATE: January 1971 SEASONAL VARIATION (%) JAN-MAR: 25 APR-JUN: 25 JUL-SEP: 25 OCT-DEC: 25 MANUFACTURER: Zurn Industries MODELNO: 19M Keystone TYPE OF BOILER ( ) UTILITY ( x ) INDUSTRIAL ( ) COMMERCIAL ( ) RESIDENTIAL MAXIMUM FIRING RATE (MILLION BTU/HOUR) 139.4 FUEL USAGE (INCLUDING STARTUP) MAX DESIGN REQUESTED CAPACITY FUEL TYPE UNITS CAPACITY (UNIT/HR) LIMITATION (UNIT/HR) #6 Oil gal 929.33 929.33 _r --t i FUEL CHARACTERISTICS (COMPLETE ALL THAT ARE APPLICABLE) SULFUR CONTENT FUEL TYPE BTU CONTENT UNITS (% BY WEIGHT) 17 6 Oil 150,000 gal 2.2 METHOD OF TUBE CLEANING: Tube Blowing CLEANING SCHEDULE: At least once per day DESCRIBE ANY MONITORING DEVICES, GAUGES, OR TEST PORTS: Boiler steam exi t flowmeter, Oxygen percentage in flue gas; #6 fuel oil flow meter INDICATE ALL REQUESTED STATE AND FEDERALLY ENFORCEABLE PERMIT LIMITS (e.g., materials of operation, material input rates, emission rates, etc.) AND DESCRIBE HOW THESE LIMITS ARE MONITORED AND WITH WHAT FREQUENCY. See D3-2 Form. COMMENTS:Propane is used for pilot light; #2 oil can be used as a start-up fuel. DEQ-CFW 00087649 40 • WATER PEP-1 ATMOSPHERE PS-1 L2 i #6 FUEL OIL FROM FUEL OIL STORAGE TANK PS-1 L3 ------0- STEAM FIGURE ERM—Southeast, Inc. NO. 1 OIL —FIRED BOILER CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA PS-1 ERM DUPONT — FAYETTEVILLE WORKS S DUART, NORTH CAROLINA DEQ-CFW 00087650 FILENAME: FAY-D3-l.DBF R-1 SECTION D SPECIFIC EMISSION SOURCE EMISSION INFORMATION D3.1 ('see note in instructions concerning state air toxics regulations) QVISED: 04115/94 AIR QUALITY SECTION EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: Boiler #1 EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: PS-1 IS THIS SOURCE A FUGITIVE SOURCE? ( 1 YES ( X ) NO ALTERNATIVE OPERATING SCENARIO (ADS) NO: EMISSION RATE IN EMISSION RATE IN LBSIHR LBSIYR EMISSION FACTOR POLLUTANT TYPE POTENTIAL ACTUAL POTENTIAL ACTUAL TSP 3 21.76 5.13 190,617 44,922 PM-10 3 15.45 3.64 135,338 31,895 S02 3 320.62 74.09 2,808,631 649,000 NOx 3 62.27 16.47 545,444 144,251 CO 3 4.65 1.23 40,705 10,765 voc 3 0.706 0.187 6,187 1,636 Antimony* Arsenic* Beryllium* dmium* romium* Cob t* Lead* Manganese* Mercury* Nickel* Selenium* Formaldehyde* POMs* HC1 * COMMENTS: All emissions are based on AP-42 emission factors. Actual emissions are based on 1994 operation. iftTote: Emissions associated with these pollutants are not quantified here because 'e .1»».. ...ai �.�» auae t11cLe are no 7 derally enforceable requirements limiting their emissions. "A-,] DEQ-CFW 00087651 FILENAME: FAY-D3-2.DBF R-1 SECTION D D3 2 SPECIFIC EMISSION SOURCE (REGULATORY ANALYSIS) .EVISED: 04115194 AIR DUALITY SECTION SION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: Boiler #1 EMISSION SOURCE ID NO: PS-1 ALTERNATIVE OPERATING SCENARIO (ADS) NO: REGULATED POLLUTANT EMISSION AND OPERATING LIMITS APPLICABLE REQUIREMENT PM PM emissions must be less than 0.267 lb/MMBTU 15A NCAC 2D.0503 S02 S02 emissons must be less than 2.3 lb/MMBTU 15A NCAC 2D.0516 Opacity (PM) Opacity <40-t 15A NCAC 2D.0521 Criteria Pollutants Total heat input for both boiler <139.4 MMBTU/hr 15A NCAC 2D.0530 COMMENTS: DEQ-CFW 00087652 FILENAME: FAY-D3-3.DBF R-1 SECTION D , D3-3 SPECIFIC EMISSION SOURCE (REDUCTION AND RECYCLING ACTIVITIES) EVISED: 04/15/94 AIR QUALITY SECTION IN MISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: Boiler #1 EMISSION SOURCE ID NO: pS-1 I i REGULATED ONGOING SOURCE QTY. EMITTED QTY. EMITTED PLANNED SOURCE POLLUTANT REDUCTION BEFORE REDUCTION AFTER REDUCTION REDUCTION ACTIVITIES (LBS/YEAR) (LBS/YEAR) ACTIVITIES (ENTER CODES) (ENTER CODES) COMMENTS: DEQ-CFW 00087653 FORM D6 - PART A A BOILER EMISSION CALCULATIONS (UTILITY, >100 MMBTU/HR) #6 FUEL OIL SITE INFORMATION Site Name: Emission Source Description: Emission Source ID No.: FUEL CHARACTERISTICS Heat Value (BTU/gal): Sulfur Content (%): Actual Usage (gals/yr): BOILER CHARACTERISTICS Boiler Size (BTU/hr): Act. Hrs of Operation (per yr): Pot. Hrs of Operation (per yr): GENERAL Max S02 Emissions (lb/MMBT D: GENERAL CALCULATIONS Maximum Sulfur Content (%): Potential Gallons of #6 used: TSl PM-11 SG NO. C( VO( Antimoni Arseni( Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Lead Manganese Mercu r} Nickel Selenium rw Formaldehyde HCl POM g:\projects\fayett\B 1-#6.XLS DuPont Fayetteville - Works Boiler #1 PS-1 150,000 1.92 2,153,000 139,400,000 8,760 8.760 EMISSION FACTOR INFO. 2.3 Sulfur Multiplier: 157 TSP to PTt1-10 %: 71 2.20 * AP-42 - Table 1.3-2 8,140,960 ** AP42 - Table 1.3-5 ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS Emission Emission Emission Emission Emission Emission Factor Rate Rate Factor Rate Rate (lb/1000gal) (lb/hr) (lb/yr) (lb/1000gal) (lb/hr) (lb/yr) 20.86 5.128 44922 23.41 21.760 190,617 1 14.81 3.641 31895 16.62 15.450 135,338 301.44 74.087 649000 345.00 320.620 2,808,631 67 16.467 144251 67 62.265 545,444 5 1.229 10765 5 4.647 40,705 0.76 0.187 1636 0.76 0.706 6,187 (lb/1E12 BTIJ) (lb/hr) (lb/yr) (lb/IE12 BT1J) (lb/hr) (lb/yr) 35 1.29E-03 11.30 35 4.88E-03 42.74 67 2.47E-03 21.64 67 9.34E-03 81.82 4.2 1.55E-04 1.36 4.2 5.85E-04 5.13 114 4.20E-03 36.82 114 1.59E-02 139.21 75 2.76E-03 24.22 75 1.05E-02 91.59 99 3.65E-03 31.97 99 1.38E-02 120.89 III 4.09E-03 35.85 111 1.55E-02 135.55 49 1.81E-03 15.82 49 6.83E-03 59.84 16.7 6.16E-04 5.39 16.7 2.33E-03 20.39 1584 5.84E-02 511.55 1584 2.21E-01 1934.29 38 1.40E-03 12.27 38 5.30E-03 46.40 283 1.04E-02 91.39 283 3.95E-02 345.58 76190 2.81E+00 24605.56 76190 1.06E+01 93038.96 7.9 2.91E-04 2.55 7.9 1.10E-03 9.65 Page 1 12/14/95 t4 - 10 DEQ-CFW 00087654 FORM D6 - PART A BOILER EMISSION CALCULATIONS SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION #6 FUEL OIL 1) The PM-10 emission factor is calculated using the appropriate particle size distribution % factor given in Table 1.3-5 of AP-42 and multiplying the % by the TSP emission factor given in Table 1.3-2 of AP-42. 2) The S02 emission factor is according to Table 1.3-2 of AP-42 for fuel oil combustion and according to Table 1.4-2 for natural gas combustion. 3) For all other criteria pollutants, the emission rate (Ib/yr) is calculated as follows: [ Emission Factor (lb/1000gal) * Actual or Potential Usage (gal/yr) ] / 1000 The emission rate (lb/hr) is calculated by dividing the (lb/yr) value by 8760 (hr/yr) or actual hours of operation. 4) For all other pollutants, the actual emission rate (lb/yr) is calculated as follows: [ Emission Factor (ib/1E12 BTU) x Actual Fuel Usage (gal/yr) x Heat Value (BTU/gal) ] / 1E12 The emission rate (lb/hr) is calculated by dividing the (lb/yr) value by 8760 (hr/yr) or actual hours of operation. 5) For all other pollutants, the potential emission rate (lb/yr) is calculated as follows: [ Emission Factor (lb/lE12 BTU) x Boiler Max Heat Input Rate (BTU/hr) x 8760 (hr/yr) ] / 1E12 The emission rate (lb/hr) is calculated by dividing the (lb/yr) value by 8760 (hr/yr) or actual hours of operation. 6) Maximum sulfur content is calculated as follows: [Sulfur Multiplier x SON / 1000 (gal)] x [ I (gal) / Heat Value (BTU)) x [IE6 (BTU) / I (MMBTU)] = Max S (lb/MIvlBTU) Rearranging for S(%o) gives: S(%) = [Max S x Heat Value x 1000]/[1E6 x 1 x Sulfur Multiplier] 7) All Emission factors are from AP-42 Chapter 1. 8) HCl emissions are calculated based on a DuPont emission factor. g:\proj ects\fayett\B 146.XLS Page 2 12/14/95 q-II DEQ-CFW 00087655 SECTION D - FORM D6 • ENGINEERING ANALYSIS TO SUPPORT PERMIT APPLICATION IV Emission Unit ID: PS-1 Emission Unit Description: Boiler 41 B. Regulatory Information: This emission unit is subject to the following regulations: 1. 15A NCAC 2D.0503 - Particulates From Fuel Burning Indirect Heat Exchangers; 2. 15A NCAC 2D.0516 - Sulfur Dioxide Emissions From Combustion Sources'; 3. 15A NCAC 2D.0521 - Control of Visible Emissions; and 4. Avoidance of 15A NCAC 2D.0530 - Prevention of Significant Deterioration; The specific limits associated with each of these applicable regulations are as follows: 15A NCAC 2D.0503 states that allowable PM emissions from combustion units shall be calculated using the equation: E =1.090 times Q to the-0.2594 power; where E is equal to the allowable emission limit in lb/million BTU and Q = maximum heat input in million BTU/hour. For combustion units installed prior to February 1, 1983, the term "Q" is defined as the sum of the heat input from ALL combustion units in operation (or under construction) prior to February 1, 1983. At the DuPont Fayetteville Facility, prior to February 1, 1983, the combustion units in operation consist of a 139.4 MMBTU/hr boilers (PS-1) and a 88.4 MMBTU/hr boiler (PS-2). This gives a value of Q equal to 139.4 + 88.4 = 227.8. Thus for these combustion units, allowable PM emissions (E) are calculated as = 1.09 * (227.8)^-0.2594 = 0.267 lb/MMBTU. 15A NCAC 2D.0516 requires that sulfur dioxide emissions shall not exceed 2.3 lb/MMBTU. 15A NCAC 2D.0521 requires for installations existing as of July 1, 1971 that visible emissions shall not be more than 40 percent opacity when averaged over a six -minute period except that six -minute periods averaging not more than 90 percent opacity may occur not more than once in any hour nor more than four times in any 24-hour period. 15A NCAC 2D.0530 is the prevention of significant deterioration rule. Implementation of this rule will prevent significant deterioration of air quality. For DuPont Fayetteville - Works, this rule requires that the total heat input into the boilers (PS-1 and PS-2) does not exceed a maximum of 139.4 million BTU per hour. gAproj ecu\fayett\d6all y-Q DEQ-CFW 00087656 • SECTION D - FORM D6 (continued - page 2) ENGINEERING ANALYSIS TO SUPPORT PERMIT APPLICATION Emission Unit ID: PS-1 Emission Unit Description: Boiler # 1 C. Control Device Information: This emission unit is not equipped with a control device. D. Compliance Information: 15A NCAC 2D.0503 - As indicated in the calculations contained in Part A of this D6 Form, worst -case PM emissions occur when the boiler is firing No. 6 Fuel Oil. According to the AP-42 emission factor which has an A rating (23.4 lb PM/1000 gallons based on fuel oil containing the allowable sulfur limit of 2.2% by weight), PM emissions are equal to approximately 0.156 lb/MMBTU (based on 150,000 BTU/gal). Thus, the worst -case emissions are approximately 58% of the allowable emissions (0.2671b/MMBTU), and therefore, no monitoring or recordkeeping is required because compliance with 2D.0503 will be maintained. 15A NCAC 2D.0516 - As indicated in the calculations contained in Part A of this D6 Form, sulfur dioxide emissions will be below 2.3 lb/MMBTU as long as the sulfur content in fuel oil is below 2.2% by weight. Thus, fuel oil sulfur content will be obtained from the vendor and recorded in a logbook. Sulfur content will be maintained below 2.2% by weight to ensure compliance. 15A NCAC 2D .0521 - Because of the low PM emission levels, no opacity problems are expected. Furthermore, historical operating information indicates no opacity problems during normal operation. If there are any indications of unusual opacity problems, steps will be taken to correct the problem. In the event that there is an opacity problem lasting more than four hours NCDEHNR will be contacted as required by 15A NCAC 2D.0535. 15A NCAC 2D.0530 - Total heat input into the boilers can not exceed 139.4 million BTU per hour. Thus, for #6 fuel oil (with heat value of 150,000 BTU/gal) consumption will be monitored and maintained below 929 gallons per hour. gAprojectsUayett\d6al l H-13 DEQ-CFW 00087657 FIIENAME:FAY-E4.DBF R-1 SECTION E FE COMPLIANCE PLAN (METHOD OF COMPLIANCE) NPMD 911TA4 AIR QUALITY SECTION ION SOURCE ID NO. P8-1 7NATIVE OPERATING SCENARIO (ADS) NO:N/A REGULATED POLLUTANT pM APPLICABLE REGULATION 15A NCAC 2D.0503 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS IS ENHANCED MONITORING APPLICABLE? 1 ► YES (X 1 NO IS ENHANCED MONITORING PROTOCOL ATTACHED? ( I YES (X ) NO MONITORING DEVICE TYPE: None MONITORING LOCATION: OTHER MONITORING METHODS (DESCRIBE IN DETAIL): Based on AP-42 emission factors, emissions are known to be 58 0 of allowable levels, and therefore, no monitoring or recordkeeping is required because compliance is presumed. GENERALLY DESCRIBE THE FREQUENCY AND DURATION OF MONITORING AND HOW THE DATA WILL BE RECORDED (i.e., every 15 minutes, 1 minute instantaneous readings taken to produce an hourly average): TEST METHODS ENCE TEST METHOD DESCRIPTION: REFERENCE TEST METHOD CITATION: RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS DATA (PARAMETER) BEING RECORDED: N/A FREQUENCY OF RECOROKEEPING (HOW OFTEN IS DATA RECORDED): REPORTING REQUIREMENTS GENERALLY DESCRIBE WHAT IS REPORTED: A statement will be made that compliance has been maintained. If there have been any unusual occurrences that could possibly impact PM emissions, they will be discussed. IIERIPV. / 1 MONTH vGl�l, 1. 1 I MONTHLY I ICY / 1 QUARTERLY , 1 ONCE EVERY v MONTHS 1 / u�nll I �II� I 1 tj I ( ) ONCE PER YEAR I 1 OTHER (DESCRIBE): DEQ-CFW 00087658 FILENAME:FAY-E4.DBF R-2 SECTION �4 COMPLIANCE PLAN (METHOD OF COMPLIANCE) REVISED 04115194 AIR QUALITY SECTION SION SOURCE ID NO. P8-1 REGULATED POLLUTANT S02 APPLICABLE REGULATION 15A NCAC 2D.0516 ALTERNATIVE OPERATING SCENARIO (ADS) NO:N/A MONITORING REQUIREMENTS IS ENHANCED MONITORING APPLICABLE? ( 1 YES (X ) NO IS ENHANCED MONITORING PROTOCOL ATTACHED? ( 1 YES (X ) NO MONITORING DEVICE TYPE: NIA MONITORING LOCATION: OTHER MONITORING METHODS (DESCRIBE IN DETAIL): Sulfur content in #6 fuel oil supplied will be monitored to ensure that it is below allowable level (2.2% by weight) GENERALLY DESCRIBE THE FREQUENCY AND DURATION OF MONITORING AND HOW THE DATA WILL BE RECORDED (i.e., every 15 minutes, 1 minute instantaneous readings taken to produce an hourly average): TEST METHODS •RENCETEST METHOD DESCRIPTION: Vendor will supply fuel oil sulfur content. REFERENCE TEST METHOD CITATION: RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS DATA (PARAMETER) BEING RECORDED: Weight fraction of sulfur in fuel. FREQUENCY OF RECORDKEEPING(HOW OFTEN ISDATA RECORDED): Sulfur content will be recorded in a logbook monthly. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS GENERALLY DESCRIBE WHAT IS REPORTED: Fuel oil sulfur content. UENCY' 1 1 MONTHLY 1 ) QUARTERLY I X ) ONCE EVERY 6 MONTHS ( 1 ONCE PER YEAR ( ► OTHER (DESCRIBE): L- - \5 DEQ-CFW 00087659 FILENAME: FAY-E4 . DBF R-3 SECTION E E4 COMPLIANCE PLAN (METHOD OF COMPLIANCE) REVISED 04115194 AIR QUALITY SECTION ISSION SOURCE ID NO. PS-1 REGULATED POLLUTANT Opacity (PM) APPLICABLE REGULATION 15A NCAC 2D. 0521 ALTERNATIVE OPERATING SCENARIO (ADS) NO:N/A MONITORING REQUIREMENTS IS ENHANCED MONITORING APPLICABLE? ( I YES (X ) NO IS ENHANCED MONITORING PROTOCOL ATTACHED? ( ► YES (X ) NO MONITORING DEVICE TYPE: Visual examination. MONITORING LOCATION: Near emission point. OTHER MONITORING METHODS (DESCRIBE IN DETAIL►: Potential PM emissions are 58 t of allowable emissions, and compliance is presumed based on compliance history of the source. Any malfunction or upset will be reported pursuant to 15A NCAC 2D.0535. GENERALLY DESCRIBE THE FREQUENCY AND DURATION OF MONITORING AND HOW THE DATA WILL BE RECORDED (i.e., every 15 minutes, 1 minute instantaneous readings taken to produce an hourlyaverage): Monitoring will be performed if there are indications of opacity problems. TEST METHODS FERENCE TEST METHOD DESCRIPTION: N/A REFERENCE TEST METHOD CITATION: RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS DATA (PARAMETER) BEING RECORDED: Recordkeeping will be performed if there is a malfunction or upset pursuant to 15A NCAC 2D.0535. FREQUENCY OF RECORDKEEPING (HOW OFTEN IS DATA RECORDED): As necessary, upon detection of a problem. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS GENERALLY DESCRIBE WHAT IS REPORTED: Any malfunction or upset will be reported pursuant to 15A NCAC 2D.0535. QUENCY: 1 1 MONTHLY ( ► QUARTERLY ( X ► ONCE EVERY 6 MONTHS 7 ( ► ONCE PER YEAR 1 ) OTHER (DESCRIBE): `-4 --41P DEQ-CFW 00087660 FILENAME:FAY-E4.DBF R-4 SECTION E FE4 -. COMPLIANCE PLAN (METHOD OF COMPLIANCE) REVISED 04115194 AIR QUALITY SECTION SIONSOURCEIDNO. pB-1 REGULATED POLLUTANT Total heat input to both boilers I APPLICABLE REGULATION 15A NCAC 2D.0530 RNATIVE OPERATING SCENARIO (ADS) ND:N/A MONITORING REQUIREMENTS IS ENHANCED MONITORING APPLICABLE? ( 1 YES (X ) NO IS ENHANCED MONITORING PROTOCOL ATTACHED? ( ► YES (X ) NO MONITORING DEVICE TYPE: Fuel oil flow meter. MONITORING LOCATION: OTHER MONITORING METHODS (DESCRIBE IN DETAIL): GENERALLY DESCRIBE THE FREQUENCY AND DURATION OF MONITORING AND HOW THE DATA WILL BE RECORDED (i.e., every 15 minutes, i minute instantaneous readings taken to produce an hourlyaverage): Fuel oil consumption will be tracked and recorded daily. TEST METHODS ERENCE TEST METHOD DESCRIPTION: N/A REFERENCE TEST METHOD CITATION: RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS DATA (PARAMETER) BEING RECORDED: Fuel oil consumption. FREQUENCY OF RECORDKEEPING (HOW OFTEN IS DATA RECORDED): Recorded daily. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS GENERALLY DESCRIBE WHAT IS REPORTED: QUEN Y: ( j MONTHLY 1 ) QUARTERLY I X 1 ONCE EVERY 6 MONTHS ( ► ONCE PER YEAR ( 1 OTHER (DESCRIBE): 4 - v� DEQ-CFW 00087661 FILENAME: NAF-B3.D13F R-2 SECTION B [B3] EMISSION SOURCE (OIL/GAS FIRED BURNER) REVISED: 04/15/94 AIR QUALITY SECTION ISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: Boiler #2 EMISSION SOURCE ID NO: PS-2 NTROL DEVICE ID NO(S): EMISSION POINT ID NO(S): pEp-1 INDICATE WHETHER THIS SOURCE IS SUBJECT TO NSPS OR NESHAPS REGULATIONS ALTERNATIVE OPERATING SCENARIO (AOS) NO: DESCRIBE USE: ( X ) PROCESS HEAT ( ) SPACE HEAT ( ) ELECTRICAL GENERATION ( g ) CONTINUOUS USE ( ) STAND BY/EMERGENCY ( ) OTHER: OPERATION DATE: October 1982 SEASONAL VARIATION (%) JAN-MAR: 25 APR-JUN: 25 JUL-SEP: 25 OCT-DEC: 25 MANUFACTURER: Zurn Industries MODELNO: 19M Keystone TYPE OF BOILER ( ) UTILITY ( X ) INDUSTRIAL ( ) COMMERCIAL ( ) RESIDENTIAL MAXIMUM FIRING RATE (MILLION BTU/HOUR) 88.4 FUEL USAGE (INCLUDING STARTUP) MAX DESIGN REQUESTED CAPACITY FUEL TYPE UNITS CAPACITY (UNIT/HR) LIMITATION (UNIT/HR) #6 Oil gal 589.33 589.33 FUEL FUEL CHARACTERISTICS (COMPLETE ALL THAT ARE APPLICABLE) SULFUR CONTENT TYPE BTU CONTENT UNITS (% BY WEIGHT) 6 Oil 150,000 gal 2.2 METHOD OF TUBE CLEANING: Tube Blowing CLEANING SCHEDULE: At least once per day DESCRIBE ANY MONITORING DEVICES, GAUGES, OR TEST PORTS: Boiler steam exit flowmeter, Oxygen percentage in fluegas; #6 fuel oil flow meter to burner INDICATE ALL REQUESTED STATE AND FEDERALLY ENFORCEABLE PERMIT LIMITS (e.g., materials of operation, material input rates, emission rates, etc.) AND DESCRIBE HOW THESE LIMITS ARE MONITORED AND WITH WHAT FREQUENCY. See Form D3 -2. COMMENTS: propane is used for pilot light; #2 oil can be used for start-up. DEQ-CFW 00087662 • • • WATER �1 go ERM-Southeast, Inc. CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 0 ERM PEP-1 ATMOSPHERE 1 IPS-2 L2 I PS-2 L3 - STEAM PS-2 #6 FUEL OIL FROM FUEL OIL STORAGE TANK NO. 2 OIL -FIRED BOILER DUPONT-FAYETTEVILLE WORKS DUART, NORTH CAROLINA FIGURE PS-2 4-)9 DEQ-CFW 00087663 FILENAME: FAY-D3-l.DBF R-2 SECTION D , D3-1 SPECIFIC EMISSION SOURCE (EMISSION INFORMATION) 0 (*see note in instructions concerning state air toxics regulations) Rrvigrn• nnii-;iaa AIR QUALITY SECTION EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: Boiler ##2 EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: PS-2 IS THIS SOURCE A FUGITIVE SOURCE? ( I YES I X ) NO ALTERNATIVE OPERATING SCENARIO (ADS) NO: 0 M EMISSION RATE IN EMISSION RATE IN LBSIHR LBSIYR EMISSION FACTOR POLLUTANT TYPE POTENTIAL ACTUAL POTENTIAL ACTUAL TSP 3 13.799 3.251 120,879 28,480 PM-l0 3 11.867 2.796 103,956 24,493 S02 3 203.32 46.971 1,781,083 411,466 NOx 3 32.413 8.570 283,941 75,075 Co 3 2.947 0.779 25,813 6,825 VOC 3 0.165 0.044 1,446 382 Antimony* Arsenic* Beryllium* ium* Chromium* Cobal t* Lead* Manganese* Mercury* Nickel* Selenium* Formaldehyde* PONS* HC1 * COMMENTS: All emissions are based on AP-42 emission factors. Actual emissions are based on 1994 operation. te: Emissions associated with these pollutants are not quantified here because there are no derally enforceable requirements limiting their emissions. `A-J-0 DEQ-CFW 00087664 FILENAME: FAY-D3-2.DBF R-2 SECTION D D3 2 SPECIFIC EMISSION SOURCE (REGULATORY ANALYSIS) w nr nrnu VIJtu: tail IOIt14 non uvnu vw w. ION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: Boiler #2 EMISSION SOURCE ID NO: PS-2 ALTERNATIVE OPERATING SCENARIO (ADS) NO: REGULATED APPLICABLE POLLUTANT EMISSION AND OPERATING LIMITS REQUIREMENT PM PM emissions must be less than 0.267 lb/MMBTU 15A NCAC 2D.0503 S02 S02 emissons must be less than 2.3 1b/MMBTU 15A NCAC 2D.0516 Opacity (PM) Opacity <20% 15A NCAC 2D.0521 Criteria Pollutants Total heat input for both boiler <139.4 MMBTU/hr 15A NCAC 2D.0530 1 COMMENTS: DEQ-CFW 00087665 FILENAME: FAY-D3 -3 . DBF R-2 SECTION D D3-3 SPECIFIC EMISSION SOURCE (REDUCTION AND RECYCLING ACTIVITIES) Dev1e=n• nnririoe AID AI IAI ITV CCP`TIAAI SSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: Boiler #2 EMISSION SOURCE ID NO: PS-2 REGULATED ONGOING SOURCE QTY. EMITTED QTY. EMITTED PLANNED SOURCE POLLUTANT REDUCTION BEFORE REDUCTION AFTER REDUCTION REDUCTION ACTIVITIES (LBSNEAR) (LBSNEAR) ACTIVITIES (ENTER CODES) (ENTER CODES) COMMENTS: DEQ-CFW 00087666 0 • FORM D6 - PART A BOILER EMISSION CALCULATIONS (INDUSTRIAL, 10-100 MMBTU/HR) #6 FUEL OIL SITE INFORMATION Site Name: DuPont Fayetteville - Works Emission Source Description: Boiler #2 Emission Source ID No.: PS-2 FUEL CHARACTERISTICS Heat Value (BTU/gat): 150,000 Sulfur Content (%): 1.92 Actual Usage (gals/yr): 1,365,000 BOILER CHARACTERISTICS Boiler Size (BTU/hr): 88,400,000 Act. Hrs of Operation (per yr): 8,760 Pot. Hrs of Operation (per yr): 8,760 GENERAL EMISSION FACTOR INFO. Max S Content (lb/MMBTU): 2.3 Sulfur Multiplier: 157 GENERAL CALCULATIONS TSP to PM-10 %: 86 Maximum Sulfur Content (%): 2.20 Potential Gallons of46 used: 5,162,560 TS] PM-11 SO: NO: C( V O( Antimony Arsenic Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Lead Manganese Mercury Nickel Selenium Formaldehyde POM HCl Ammonia g:\projects\fayett\] 0-100#6.xls ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS :> Emission Emission Emission Emission Emission Emission Factor Rate Rate Factor Rate Rate (]b/I000gal) (lb/hr) (lb/yr) (lb/1000gal) (lb/hr) (lb/yr) 20.9 3.251 28480 23.41 13.799 120,879 17.9 2.796 24493 20.14 11.867 103,956 301.4 46.971 411466 345.00 203.320 1,781,083 55.0 8.570 75075 55.0 32.413 283,941 5.0 0.779 6825 5.0 2.947 25,813 0,280 0.044 382 0.28 0.165 1,446 (lb/1E12 BTU) (lb/hr) (lb/yr) (lb/IE12 BTU) (lb/hr) (lb/yr) 35 8.18E-04 7.17 35 3.09E-03 27.10 67 1.57E-03 13.72 67 5.92E-03 51.88 4.2 9.82E-05 0.86 4.2 3.71E-04 3.25 114 2.66E-03 23.34 114 1.01E-02 88.28 75 1.75E-03 15.36 75 6.63E-03 58.08 99 2.31 E-03 20.27 99 8.75E-03 76.66 III 2.59E-03 22.73 111 9.81E-03 85.96 49 1.15E-03 10.03 49 4.33E-03 37.94 16.7 3.90E-04 3.42 16.7 1.48E-03 12.93 1584 3.70E-02 324.32 1584 1.40E-01 1,227 38 8.88E-04 7.78 38 3.36E-03 29.43 283 6.61 E-03 57.94 283 2.50E-02 219.15 7.9 1.85E-04 1.62 7.9 6.98E-04 6.12 76190 1.78E+00 15599.90 76190 6.74E+00 59,000 iv 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0.00E+00 0.00 Page 1 10/23/96 y-a3 DEQ-CFW 00087667 FORM D6 - PART A BOILER EMISSION CALCULATIONS (INDUSTRIAL,10-100 MMBTU1HR) #6 FUEL OIL 1) The PM-10 emission factor is calculated using the appropriate particle size distribution % factor given in Table 1.3-8 of AP-42 and multiplying the % by the TSP emission factor given in Table 1.3-2 of AP-42. 2) The S02 emission factor is according to Table 1.3-2 of AP-42 for fuel oil combustion and according to Table 1.4-2 for natural gas combustion. 3) For all other criteria pollutants, the emission rate (lb/yr) is calculated as follows: [ Emission Factor (lb/1000gal) * Actual or Potential Usage (gal/yr) ] / 1000, or The emission rate (lb/hr) is calculated by dividing the (lb/yr) value by 8760 (hr/yr) or actual hours of operation. 4) For all other pollutants, the actual emission rate (lb/yr) is calculated as follows: [ Emission Factor (lb/1E12 BTU) * Actual Fuel Usage (gal/yr) * Heat Value (BTU/gal) ] / 1E12 The emission rate (lb/hr) is calculated by dividing the (lb/yr) value by 8760 (hr/yr) or actual hours of operation. 5) For all other pollutants, the potential emission rate (lb/yr) is calculated as follows: [ Emission Factor (lb/1E12 BTU) * Boiler Max Heat Input Rate (BTU/hr) * 8760 (hr/yr) ] / 1E12 The emission rate (lb/hr) is calculated by dividing the (lb/yr) value by 8760 (hr/yr) or actual hours of operation. 6) Maximum sulfur content is calculated as follows: . [Sulfur Multiplier * S(%) / 1000 (gal)] x [I (gal) / Heat Value (BTU)] x [IE6 (BTU) / 1 (MMBTU)] = Max S (Ib/MMBTU) Rearranging for S(%) S(%) = [Max S x Heat Value x 1000]/[IE6 x 1 x Sulfur Multiplier] 7) All Emission factors are from AP-42 Chapter 1. 8) HCI emissions are calculated based on a DuPont emission factor. g:\projects\fayett\10-100#6.x1s Page 2 10/23/96 y -.)y DEQ-CFW 00087668 •SECTION D - FORM D6 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS TO SUPPORT PERMIT APPLICATION Emission Unit ID: PS-2 Emission Unit Description: Boiler #2 B. Regulatory Information: This emission unit is subject to the following regulations: 1. 15A NCAC 2D.0503 - Particulates From Fuel Burning Indirect Heat Exchangers; 2. 15A NCAC 2D.0516 - Sulfur Dioxide Emissions From Combustion Sources'; 3. 15A NCAC 2D.0521 - Control of Visible Emissions; and 4. Avoidance of 15A NCAC 2D.0530 - Prevention of Significant Deterioration; The specific limits associated with each of these applicable regulations are as follows: 15A NCAC 2D.0503 states that allowable PM emissions from combustion units shall be calculated using the equation: E =1.090 times Q to the-0.2594 power; where E is equal to the allowable emission limit in lb/million BTU and Q = maximum heat input in million BTU/hour. For combustion units installed prior to February 1, 1983, the term "Q" is defined as the sum of the heat input from ALL combustion units in operation (or under construction) prior to February 1, 1983. At the DuPont Fayetteville Facility, prior to February 1, 1983, the combustion units in operation consist of a 139.4 MMBTU/hr boilers (PS-1) and a 88.4 MMBTU/hr boiler (PS-2). This gives a value of Q equal to 139.4 + 88.4 = 227.8. Thus for these combustion units, allowable PM emissions (E) are calculated as =1.09 * (227.8)^-0.2594 = 0.267 lb/MMBTU. 15A NCAC 2D.0516 requires that sulfur dioxide emissions shall not exceed 2.3 lb/MMBTU. 15A NCAC 2D.0521 requires for installations established after July 1, 1971 that visible emissions shall not be more than 20 percent opacity when averaged over a six -minute period except that six -minute periods averaging not more than 87 percent opacity may occur not more than once in any hour nor more than four times in any 24-hour period. 15A NCAC 2D.0530 is the prevention of significant deterioration rule. Implementation of this rule will prevent significant deterioration of air quality. For DuPont Fayetteville - Works, this rule requires that the total heat input into the boilers (PS-1 and PS-2) does not exceed a maximum of 139.4 million BTU per hour. g Aprojects\fayett\d6al l ';_5 DEQ-CFW 00087669 SECTION D - FORM D6 (continued - page 2) . ENGINEERING ANALYSIS TO SUPPORT PERMIT APPLICATION Emission Unit IDs: PS-2 Emission Unit Description: Boilers #2 C. Control Device Information: This emission unit is not equipped with a control device. D. Compliance Information: 15A NCAC 2D.0503 - As indicated in the calculations contained in Part A of this D6 Form, worst -case PM emissions occur when the boiler is firing No. 6 Fuel Oil. According to the AP-42 emission factor which has an A rating (23.4 lb PM/1000 gallons based on fuel oil containing the allowable sulfur limit of 2.2% by weight), PM emissions are equal to approximately 0.156 lb/MMBTU (based on 150,000 BTU/gal). Thus, the worst -case emissions are approximately 58% of the allowable emissions (0.267 lb/MMBTU), and therefore, no monitoring or recordkeeping is required because compliance with 2D.0503 will be maintained. • 15A NCAC 2D.0516 - As indicated in the calculations contained in Part A of this D6 Form, sulfur dioxide emissions will be below 2.3 lb/MMBTU as long as the sulfur content in fuel oil is below 2.2% by weight. Thus, fuel oil sulfur content will be obtained from the vendor and recorded in a logbook. Sulfur content will be maintained below 2.2% by weight to ensure compliance. • 15A NCAC 2D.0521 requires for installations established after July 1, 1971 that visible emissions shall not be more than 20 percent opacity when averaged over a six -minute period except that six -minute periods averaging not more than 87 percent opacity may occur not more than once in any hour nor more than four times in any 24-hour period. 15A NCAC 2D.0530 - Total heat input into the boilers can not exceed 139.4 million BTU per hour. Thus, for #6 fuel oil (with heat value of 150,000 BTU/gal) consumption will be monitored and maintained below 929 gallons per hour. gAprojectsWayett\d6al I DEQ-CFW 00087670 FILENAME: FAY-E4 . DBF R-5 SECTION E E4 COMPLIANCE PLAN (METHOD OF COMPLIANCE) REVISED 04115194 AIR QUALITY SECTION SSION SOURCE ID NO. PS-2 REGULATED POLLUTANT pM APPLICABLE REGULATION I5A NCAC 2D.0503 ALTERNATIVE OPERATING SCENARIO (ADS) NO:N/A MONITORING REQUIREMENTS IS ENHANCED MONITORING APPLICABLE? ( 1 YES (X ) NO IS ENHANCED MONITORING PROTOCOL ATTACHED? ( ) YES (X ) NO MONITORING DEVICE TYPE: None MONITORING LOCATION: OTHER MONITORING METHODS (DESCRIBE IN DETAIL): Based on AP-42 emission factors, emissions are known to be 58 of allowable levels, and therefore, no monitoring or recordkeeping is required because compliance will be maintained. GENERALLY DESCRIBE THE FREQUENCY AND DURATION OF MONITORING AND HOW THE DATA WILL BE RECORDED (i.e., every 15 minutes, 1 minute instantaneous readings taken to produce an hourly average): TEST METHODS - ERENCE TEST METHOD DESCRIPTION: REFERENCE TEST METHOD CITATION: RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS DATA (PARAMETER) BEING RECORDED: N/A FREQUENCY OF RECORDKEEPING (HOW OFTEN IS DATA RECORDED): REPORTING REQUIREMENTS GENERALLY DESCRIBE WHAT IS REPORTED: A statement will be made that compliance has been maintained. If there have been any unusual occurrences that could possibly impact PM emissions, they will be discussed. QUENCY: ( 1 MONTHLY ( 1 QUARTERLY ( X ) ONCE EVERY 6 MONTHS ( ► ONCE PER YEAR 1 I OTHER (DESCRIBE): LA -.? q DEQ-CFW 00087671 FILENAME:FAY-E4.DBF R-6 SECTION E FE COMPLIANCE PLAN (METHOD OF COMPLIANCE) REVISED 04/15/94 AIR QUALITY SECTION SION SOURCE ID NO. PS-2 REGULATED POLLUTANT S02 APPLICABLE REGULATION 15A NCAC 2D. 0516 ALTERNATIVE OPERATING SCENARIO (ADS) NO:N/A MONITORING REQUIREMENTS IS ENHANCED MONITORING APPLICABLE? ( I YES (X ) NO IS ENHANCED MONITORING PROTOCOL ATTACHED? ( ► YES (X ) NO MONITORING DEVICE TYPE: N/A MONITORING LOCATION: OTHER MONITORING METHODS (DESCRIBE IN DETAIL): Sulfur content in #6 fuel oil supplied will be monitored to ensure that it is below allowable level (2.2% by weight) GENERALLY DESCRIBE THE FREQUENCY AND DURATION OF MONITORING AND HOW THE DATA WILL BE RECORDED (i.e., every 15 minutes, 1 minute instantaneous readings taken to produce an hourly average): TEST METHODS RENCE TEST METHOD DESCRIPTION: Vendor will supply fuel oil sulfur content. REFERENCE TEST METHOD CITATION: RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS DATA (PARAMETER) BEING RECORDED: Weight fraction of sulfur in fuel. FREQUENCY OF RECORDKEEPING (HOW OFTEN IS DATA RECORDED): Sulfur content will be recorded in a logbook monthly. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS GENERALLY DESCRIBE WHAT IS REPORTED: Fuel oil sulfur content. LMUENCY: 1 I MONTHLY I ) QUARTERLY I X 1 ONCE EVERY 6 MONTHS ( ► ONCE PER YEAR ( ) OTHER (DESCRIBE): DEQ-CFW 00087672 FILENAME:FAY-E4.DBF R-8 SECTION E E4 COMPLIANCE PLAN (METHOD OF COMPLIANCE) onnecn nAM 9I94 AIR QUALITY SECTION I SION SOURCE IDNO. Pg-2 REGULATED POLLUTANT Opacity (PM) APPLICABLE REGULATION 15A NCAC 2D. 0521 RNATIVE OPERATING SCENARIO (ADS) NO:N/A MONITORING REQUIREMENTS IS ENHANCED MONITORING APPLICABLE? ( I YES (X 1 NO IS ENHANCED MONITORING PROTOCOL ATTACHED? 1 ► YES (X 1 NO MONITORING DEVICE TYPE: Visual examination. MONITORING LOCATION: Near emission point. OTHER MONITORING METHODS (DESCRIBE IN DETAIL): Potential PM emissions are 58 % of allowable emissions, and compliance is presumed based on compliance history of the source. Any malfunction or upset will be reported pursuant to 15A NCAC 2D.0535. GENERALLY DESCRIBE THE FREQUENCY AND DURATION OF MONITORING AND HOW THE DATA WILL BE RECORDED (i.e., every 15 minutes, 1 minute instantaneous readings taken to produce an hourlyaverage): Monitoring will be performed if there are indications of opacity problems. TEST METHODS RENCE TEST METHOD DESCRIPTION: N/A REFERENCE TEST METHOD CITATION: RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS DATA (PARAMETER) BEING RECORDED: Recordkeeping will be performed if there is a malfunction or upset pursuant to 15A NCAC 2D.0535. FREQUENCY OF RECORDKEEPING (HOW OFTEN IS DATA RECORDED): As necessary, upon detection of a problem. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS GENERALLY DESCRIBE WHAT IS REPORTED: Any malfunction or upset will be reported pursuant to 15A NCAC 2D.0535. UtNI;Y: 1 1 MONTHLY I I Gunn r r:na, r r X i r.EVERY uu� L6' MONTHS ( ► ONCE PER YEAR ( ► OTHER (DESCRIBE): 4-;g DEQ-CFW 00087673 FILENAME: FAY—E4 . DBF R - 7 SECTION E E4 COMPLIANCE PLAN (METHOD OF COMPLIANCE) REVISED 04115194 AIR QUALITY SECTION SION SOURCE ID NO. PS-2 REGULATED POLLUTANT Total heat input to both boilers APPLICABLE REGULATION 15A NCAC 2D.0530 ALTERNATIVE OPERATING SCENARIO (ADS) NO:N/A MONITORING REQUIREMENTS IS ENHANCED MONITORING APPLICABLE? ( ► YES (X ) NO IS ENHANCED MONITORING PROTOCOL ATTACHED? ( 1 YES (X ) NO MONITORING DEVICE TYPE: Fuel oil flow meter. MONITORING LOCATION: OTHER MONITORING METHODS (DESCRIBE IN DETAIL): GENERALLY DESCRIBE THE FREQUENCY AND DURATION OF MONITORING AND HOW THE DATA WILL BE RECORDED (i.e., every 15 minutes, 1 minute instantaneous readings taken to produce an hourlyaverage): Fuel oil consumption will be tracked and recorded daily. TEST METHODS RENCE TEST METHOD DESCRIPTION: N/A REFERENCE TEST METHOD CITATION: RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS DATA (PARAMETER) BEING RECORDED: Fuel oil consumption. FREQUENCY OF RECORDKEEPING (HOW OFTEN IS DATA RECORDED►: Recorded daily. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS GENERALLY DESCRIBE WHAT IS REPORTED: flllr.l(.V. I 1 MU\II V uuvU 1. I IIYIVIY 11lL1 QUARTERLY 1 X IUIYUC EVERY OIYIUIYIfiJ ( ► ONCE PER YEAR I ) OTHER (DESCRIBE): LA-30 DEQ-CFW 00087674