HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00077903T6r,144 NCnD35-73 Belnick, Tom From: Michael E Johnson [Michael.E.Johnson@USA.dupont.com] Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 8:30 AM To: Belnick, Tom Cc: Henson, Belinda; Brower, Connie; Poupart, Jeff; Moore, Sandra; Chernikov, Sergei Subject: RE: Meeting with DuPont - Available Dates & Times DWM has reserved the large DOT conference room on the second floor of their building at 401 Oberlin Road for Thursday, Augus 26th, at is p.m. If you park in the parking lot at that building, you need to go into the DWM reception area to get a parking pass and then place it on your dashboard. If you park across the street in the Cameron Village Shopping Center, then you save that step but you ave a little longer` walk. \ Belinda: I will ask DWM to have a conference phone sqt up for you to call. �T Thank you for agreeing to meet with DuP� �~ SF� Mike �� i Michael E. Johnson Environmental Manager ✓ L DuPont Company Fayetteville Works `�►` (910) 678-1155 This communication is for use by the intended recipient and contains information that may be Privileged, confidential or copyrighted under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby formally, notified that any use, copying or distribution of this e- mail, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete this e-mail from your system. Unless explicitly and conspicuously designated as "E-Contract Intended", this e-mail does not constitute a contract offer, a contract amendment, or an acceptance of a contract offer. This e-mail does not constitute a consent to the use of sender's contact information for direct marketing purposes or for transfers of data to third parties. Francais Deutsch Italiano Espanol Portugues Japanese Chinese Korean http //www.DuPont.com/core/email disclaimer.html pF(A=C_8 LJ 60 06b-V kJPei M /4 tof PFOA Z,oIS Ge Y T(A PFb A ttp lA c,e#+44 "'a :Y _"_1 I �Q @ ooZ- aed o� �(- to eve �✓"�� 00i- I, 0A1bw(/ 1 DEQ-CFW 00077903 tvj�iAl,M-444)S, 6-&K:X 'J < N.eo ae o Cf V"fLl[ h/Ct J J fy�l.�r► .- c�nd�w,�.✓ld- of to/�-�'� ���� DEQ-CFW 00077904 Thal OWM Belnick, Tom Subject: Meeting with DuPont Location: DWM Oberlin Rd Start: Thu 8/26/2010 1:00 PM End: Thu 8/26/2010 3:00 PM Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Meeting organizer Organizer: Belnick, Tom Required Attendees: Chernikov, Sergei; Brower, Connie; Moore, Sandra; Poupart, Jeff; Henson, Belinda Meeting with DuPont Fayetteville Works (Mike Johnson) at DWM to discuss PFOA phase -out and replacement. Belinda- we will voice you in from DWM. 1 DEQ-CFW 00077905 Belnick, Tom From: Belnick, Tom Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 7:23 AM To: 'Michael E Johnson' Cc: Henson, Belinda; Brower, Connie; Poupart, Jeff; Moore, Sandra; Chernikov, Sergei Subject: RE: Meeting with DuPont - Available Dates & Times Mike- this should work ok. If DWM cannot get a conference room, let me know so I can look at what might be available in the Archdale Building. Tom Belnick Supervisor, Complex NPDES Permitting Unit NC DENR/Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 807-6390; fax (919) 807-6495 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. -----Original Message ----- From: Michael E_ Johnson [mailto:Michael.E.Johnson@USA.dupont.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 1:56 PM To: Belnick, Tom Cc: Henson, Belinda; Brower, Connie; Poupart, Jeff; Moore, Sandra; Chernikov, Sergei Subject: RE: Meeting with DuPont - Available Dates & Times Tom, et al: Thank you for the very quick response. Would the afternoon of August 26th be okay with everyone, say starting at 1:00 p.m.? Assuming there is an available conference room there, would you all be agreeable to meet at the DWM Bldg at 401 Oberlin Road (across the street from the Cameron Village Shopping Center)? Mike Michael E. Johnson Environmental Manager DuPont Company Fayetteville Works (910) 678-1155 "Belnick, Tom" <tom.belnick@ncde nr.gov> 07/19/2010 03:56 PM To Michael E Johnson/CL/DuPont@DuPont cc "Poupart, Jeff" <jeff.poupart@ncdenr.gov>, "Chernikov, Sergei" <sergei.chernikov@ncdenr.gov>, 1 DEQ-CFW 00077906 "Brower', Connie" ; <connie.brower@ncdenr.gov>, "Moore, Sandra" <sandra.moore@ncdenr.gov>, "Henson, Belinda" <belinda.henson@ncdenr.gov> Subject RE: Meeting with DuPont - Available Dates & Times Mike- it has been a long time! Looks like Aug 26 or Aug 30 would be preferable, with Aug 18 a possibility. DWQ staff would include Jeff Poupart (Point Source Branch), Sergei Chernikov and myself (NPDES), Connie Brower and Sandra Moore (Standards), and Belinda Henson (Fayetteville Regional office). Belinda would prefer to be voiced in. Let me know if this works out. Tom Belnick Supervisor, Complex NPDES Permitting Unit NC DENR/Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 807-6390; fax (919) 807-6495 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. -----Original Message ----- From: Michael E Johnson [mailto:Michael.E.Johnson@USA.dupont.com] Sent: Monday, July 19, 2010 2:23 PM To: Belnick, Tom Subject: Meeting with DuPont - Available Dates & Times Tom: Hello. It has been a long time since we have talked. I see you are the supervisor of the NPDES Permitting Unit, so congratulations on that new position. The DuPont Company would like to have a meeting with NCDENR to discuss how the company is progressing on its goal to cease manufacturing PFOA at the Fayetteville Works site by 2015, and to discuss the PFOA replacement compound that is being produced at the Fayetteville Works site. The two divisions with the greatest interest in these topics would be DWQ because of (1) the current activity of the NC Science Advisory Board to propose a permanent 2L standard for PFOA, (2) the DuPont - Fayetteville Works' current monitoring requirement for PFOA on our NPDES Permit, and (3) general interest in the toxicology of the replacement compound; and the Division of Waste Management ("DWM") because of (1) the current groundwater monitoring program for PFOA and (2) general interest in the toxicology of the replacement compound. 0) DEQ-CFW 00077907 Therefore, I am attempting to schedule a joint metting'Uith DuPont, DWQ, and DWM at a mutually convenient date, time, and location in Raleigh. From the DWQ standpoint, I would think personnel from the NPDES unit would be appropriate because of the potential permitting subject matter, and personnel dealing with toxicology (Connie Brower and/or Sandra Moore) would be appropriate because of the 2L rule. Obviously this meeting would be open to anyone in DWQ that would have interest in these topics, such as Coleen Sullins. The dates when the DuPont personnel are available are: August 13 August 18 August 20 August 26 August 27 August 30 Please let me know which of the above dates (and times) that would be convenient for DWQ, and I will work with DWM to pin down a date, time, and location. Also give me an idea of the number of DWQ personnel to expect to help with the meeting room. Thanks for your assistance. Mike Michael E. Johnson Environmental Manager DuPont Company Fayetteville Works (910) 678-1155 This communication is for use by the intended recipient and contains information that may be Privileged, confidential or copyrighted under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby formally notified that any use, copying or distribution of this e- mail, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete this e-mail from your system. Unless explicitly and conspicuously designated as "E-Contract Intended", this e-mail does not constitute a contract offer, a contract amendment, or an acceptance of a contract offer. This e-mail does not constitute a consent to the use of sender's contact information for direct marketing purposes or for transfers of data to third parties. Francais Deutsch Italiano Espanol Portugues Japanese Chinese Korean http://www.DuPont.com/corp/email_disclaimer.html This communication is for use by the intended recipient and contains information that may be Privileged, confidential or copyrighted under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby formally notified that any use, copying or distribution of this e- mail, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete this e-mail from your system. Unless explicitly and conspicuously designated as "E-Contract Intended", this e-mail does not constitute a contract offer, a contract 3 DEQ-CFW 00077908 amendment, or an acceptance of a contracvt o4e"h. This e-mail does not constitute a consent td the use of sender's contact information for direct marketing purposes or for transfers of data to third parties. Francais Deutsch Italiano Espanol Portugues Japanese Chinese Korean http://www.DuPont.com/corp/email_dis.claimer.html 4 DEQ-CFW 00077909 Awn L. NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Charles Waklid, P.E. Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary February 13, 2012 Michael E Johnson E I DuPont de Nemours and Company RECEIVED �� � ���® 22828 NC Highway 87 West Fayetteville, NC 28306 FEB 16 2012 SUBJECT: January 27, 2012 Compliance Evaluation Inspection CENTRAL FILES E I DuPont de Nemours and Company DWQ/BOG Dupont Fayetteville Works Permit No: NC0003573 Bladen County Dear Mr. Johnson: Enclosed please find a copy of the Compliance Evaluation Inspection form from the inspection conducted on January 27, 2012. The Compliance Evaluation Inspection was conducted by Mark Brantley, Environmental Senior Specialist, of the Fayetteville Regional Office. The cooperation of Mr. Jamie Lewis, Grade IV ORC, was greatly appreciated. The facility was found to be in Compliance with permit NC0003573. As a reminder, preservation of the Waters of the State can only be achieved through consistent NPDES Permit compliance. Comments • Facility was clean and neat in appearance at the time of the inspection. • The November 2011 DMR and laboratory records were reviewed and appeared to be in order. • Maintenance records are well kept on a computer work order system. • The Division of Water Quality now has an electronic method for facilities to submit their monthly discharge monitoring reports. This method allows improvements in data quality, data availability, and it has built in validation rules to reduce reporting errors. For more information please visit our website at http://portal.nedenr. orJweb/wq/admiiVbog/iptt/edmr. Enclosed is the registration form for this program. Please complete and return to address listed on the form. The central office they will e-mail you a link and a password when they approve your request. When you receive this information please call me and I will make a technical assistance visit to help the facility in getting started with the program. Location: 225 Green Street, Suite 714, Fayetteville, NC 28301 Phone (910) 433-3300\FAX: 910-486-0707\Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper One NorthCarolina Naturalltf DEQ-CFW 00077910 Mr. Johnson Page 2 February 13, 2012 Please refer to the enclosed inspection report for additional observations and comments. If you or your staff have any questions, please call me at 910-433-3327. Sincerely, Mark Brantley Environmental Senior Specialist Surface Water Protection Section Fayetteville Regional Office cc: Jamie Lewis, ORC Central Files Fayetteville Files DEQ-CFW 00077911 United States Environmental Protection Agency Form Approved. EPA Washington, D.C. 20460 OMB No. 2040-0057 Approval expires 8-31-98 Section A: National Data System Coding (i.e., PCS) Transaction Code NPDES yr/mo/day Inspection Type Inspector Fac Type 1 INI 2 15 I 31 NC0003573 ` 11 121 12/01/27 17 18I C I 19I S I 20I Remarks 211111 IIII 1111_111111111111111111111111111111111H6 Inspection Work Days Facility Self -Monitoring Evaluation Rating B1 QA --------------------------- Reserved ---------------------- 67I 169 70 13 I 71 I N I 721 N I 73' I' 74 751 I I I I I I 180 L_L� Section B: Facility Data Name and Location of Facility Inspected (For Industrial Users discharging to POTW, also include Entry Time/Date Permit Effective Date POTW name and NPDES permit Number) Dupont Fayetteville Works 10:15 AM 12/01/27 07/07/01 Exit Time/Date Permit Expiration Date 22828 NC Highway 87 West Fayetteville NC 283067332 12:30 PM 12/01/27 11/10/31 Name(s) of Onsite Representative(s)/Titles(s)/Phone and Fax Number(s) Other Facility Data Name, Address of Responsible Official/Title/Phone and Fax Number Contacted Michael E Johnson,22828 NC Highway 87 West Fayetteville NC 283067332//910-678-1155/ No Section C: Areas Evaluated During Inspection (Check only those areas evaluated) Permit ■ Flow Measurement Operations & Maintenance 0 Records/Reports Self -Monitoring Program 0 Sludge Handling Disposal Facility Site Review Section D: Summary of Finding/Comments (Attach additional sheets of narrative and checklists as necessary) (See attachment summary) Name(s) and Signature(s) of Inspector(s) Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers Date Mark Brantley FRO WQ//910-433-3300 Ext.727/ Signature of Management Q A Reviewer Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers Date 2 — ) q" /;L Belinda S Henson FRO WQ//910-433-3300 Ext.726/ EPA Form 3560-3 (Rev 9-94) Previous editions are obsolete. Page # 1 DEQ-CFW 00077912 NPDES yr/mo/day Inspection Type 3 NC0003573 111 12I 12/01 /27 ( 17 18 id (cont.) 1 Section D: Summary of Finding/Comments (Attach additional sheets of narrative and checklists as necessary) Comments Facility was clean and neat in appearance at the time of the inspection. The November 2011 DMR and laboratory records were reviewed and appeared to be in order Maintenance records are well kept on a computer work order system. The Division of Water Quality now has an electronic method for facilities to submit their monthly discharge monitoring reports. This method allows improvements in data quality, data availability, and it has built in validation rules to reduce reporting errors. For more information please visit our website at http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/admin/bog/ipu/edmr. Enclosed is the registration form for this program. Please complete and return to address listed on the form. The central office they will e-mail you a link and a password when they approve your request. When you receive this information please call me and I will make a technical assistance visit to help the facility in getting started with the program. Page # 2 DEQ-CFW 00077913 Permit: NC0003573 Owner - Facility: Dupont Fayetteville Works Inspection Date: 01/27/2012 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Operations & Maintenance Yes No NA NE Is the plant generally clean with acceptable housekeeping? ■ ❑ n n Does the facility analyze process control parameters, for ex: MLSS, MCRT, Settleable Solids, pH, DO, Sludge ■ n n n Judge, and other that are applicable? Comment: Permit Yes No NA NE (If the present permit expires in 6 months or less). Has the permittee submitted a new application? n p ■ n Is the facility as described in the permit? ■ n n n # Are there any special conditions for the permit? n n ■ ❑ Is access to the plant site restricted to the general public? ■ n n n Is the inspector granted access to all areas for inspection? ■ n n n Comment: Record Keeping Yes No NA NE Are records kept and maintained as required by the permit? ■ n n Cl Is all required information readily available, complete and current? ■ ❑ ❑ n Are all records maintained for 3 years (lab. reg. required 5 years)? ■ n ❑ n Are analytical results consistent with data reported on DMRs? ■ n n n Is the chain -of -custody complete? ■ 00 n Dates, times and location of sampling ■ Name of individual performing the sampling ■ Results of analysis and calibration ■ Dates of analysis IN Name of person performing analyses ■ Transported COCs ■ Are DMRs complete: do they include all permit parameters? ■ 000 Has the facility submitted its annual compliance report to users and DWQ? n n ■ ❑ (If the facility is = or > 5 MGD permitted flow) Do they operate 24/7 with a certified operator on each shift? n n ■ n Is the ORC visitation log available and current? ■ n n n Is the ORC certified at grade equal to or higher than the facility classification? ■ n n n Is the backup operator certified at one grade less or greater than the facility classification? ■ n n n Is a copy of the current NPDES permit available on site? ■ n Cl n Page # 3 DEQ-CFW 00077914 9 Permit: NC0003573 Owner - Facility: Inspection Date: 01/27/2012 Inspection Type: Dupont Fayetteville Works Compliance Evaluation Record Keeping Yes No NA NE Facility has copy of previous year's Annual Report on file for review? D D ■ D Comment: Flow Measurement - Effluent Yes No NA NE # Is flow meter used for reporting? ■ D D D Is flow meter calibrated annually? ■ ❑ D D Is the flow meter operational? ■ D D D (If units are separated) Does the chart recorder match the flow meter? D D D ■ Comment: Solids Handling Equipment Yes No NA NE Is the equipment operational? ■ ❑ D Is the chemical feed equipment operational? ■ D D D Is storage adequate? ■ 00 D Is the site free of high level of solids in filtrate from filter presses or vacuum filters? ■ D D D Is the site free of sludge buildup on belts and/or rollers of filter press? ■ D D D Is the site free of excessive moisture in belt filter press sludge cake? ■ D D The facility has an approved sludge management plan? ■ 00 D Comment: Pump Station -influent Yes No NA NE Is the pump wet well free of bypass lines or structures? ■ D D Is the wet well free of excessive grease? ■ D D D Are all pumps present? ■' D ❑ D Are all pumps operable? ■ 00 D Are float controls operable? D ❑ ■ D Is SCADA telemetry available and operational? ■ 00 ❑ Is audible and visual alarm available and operational? ❑ ❑ ■ D Comment: Secondary Clarifier Yes No NA NE Is the clarifier free of black and odorous wastewater? ■ D ❑ D Is the site free of excessive buildup of solids in center well of circular clarifier? ■ D D D Are weirs level? ■ D D D Page # 4 DEQ-CFW 00077915 Permit: NC0003573 Owner - Facility: Dupont Fayetteville Works Inspection Date: 01/27/2012 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Secondary Clarifier Yes No NA NE is the site free of weir blockage? ■ n n n Is the site free of evidence of short-circuiting? ■ n n n Is scum removal adequate? ■ n ❑ n Is the site free of excessive floating sludge? ■ n n n Is the drive unit operational? ■ n Is the return rate acceptable (low turbulence)? ■ n n n Is the overflow clear of excessive solids/pin floc? ■ ❑ ❑ n Is the sludge blanket level acceptable? (Approximately 1/a of the sidewall depth) ■ n n n Comment: The new clarifier is online. The old clarifiers (#1 and #2) are offline. Facility plans to maintain these two units to use in emergencies or when maintenance is being performed on the new clarifier. Aeration Basins Yes No NA NE Mode of operation Ext. Air Type of aeration system Diffused Is the basin free of dead spots? ■ n n n Are surface aerators and mixers operational? Q n ■ n Are the diffusers operational? ■ ❑ ❑ Is the foam the proper color for the treatment process? ■ n n ❑ Does the foam cover less than 25% of the basin's surface? ■ n n n Is the DO level acceptable? ■ n n n Is the DO level acceptable?(1.0 to 3.0 mg/1) ■ n n n Comment: Equalization Basins Yes No NA NE Is the basin aerated? ■ n ❑ n Is the basin free of bypass lines or structures to the natural environment? ■ n n n Is the basin free of excessive grease? ■ n n n Are all pumps present? ■ n n Are all pumps operable? ■ n n n Are float controls operable? ■ n n n Are audible and visual alarms operable? ■ n Cl n Page # 5 DEQ-CFW 00077916 A Permit: NC0003573 Owner - Facility: Dupont Fayetteville Works Inspection Date: 01/27/2012 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Equalization Basins Yes No NA NE # Is basin size/volume adequate? ■ n n n Comment: Effluent Sampling Yes No NA NE Is composite sampling flow proportional? ■ ❑ n n Is sample collected below all treatment units? ■ n n n Is proper volume collected? ■ ❑ n n Is the tubing clean? ■ 00 n # Is proper temperature set for sample storage (kept at less than or equal to 6.0 degrees Celsius)? ■ n n Q Is the facility sampling performed as required by the permit (frequency, sampling type representative)? ■ n n n Comment: Upstream / Downstream Sampling Yes No NA NE Is the facility sampling performed as required by the permit (frequency, sampling type, and sampling location)? n n ■ n Comment: Facility is a member of the Cape Fear River Basin Association. Page # 6 DEQ-CFW 00077917