HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00013815From: Dennpsey, 5ue[Sue.Dempsey@nebradm.gov
Sent: 8/]/20178:44:]4PyW
Subject: FVV:ECO5([nxCouncil ofthe States) PFAScall. Aug. 7.4-5PMEastern Time
Attachments: PFAS Call notes May 22 2017.docx
S u e D e m p s e y, M S|Hyme n f` 47d -i&Ec olo g ��A s s n,,
punucHsALTx-R ISxASasoamE*r& ToxocLooY
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
Environmental Health Unit
301Centmnniml Mail South
P.O.Box 95026
Lincoln, NE 68509
From: Post Gloria [maiho:G|oha.Pos 0Ddep.nj.gov
Sent: Thursday, August O3 20173x43PK8
To: Dempsey, Sue «Sue.Dempsey@nebnauka.8ov>
Subject: E[OS(Env.Council ofthe States) PFAScall. Aug. 7.4'5PK4Eastern Time
Importance: High
| was asked toforward tointerested states. Can you forward toState Risk Assessor group soon since the call ismn
4:00-5:00 pm ET
The purpose of this call (every other month) is to share information on PFAS work, including analytical methods, toxicity
and treatment.
Draft Agenda
Welcome and Introductions (Lisa Matthews, EPA ORD)
Update on EPA PFASAnalytica| MethodsVVorkgroup (co-chairs: [indy[apora|e, Region ]; Sdhat i Fitz -James, 0LEM; and
Discussion (All)
Lisa Matthews
Senior Advisor and S1:ate Liaison
US EPA Office of Research and Development
202--564--6669 office
202-577-4035 mobile
DEQ-CFW 00013816