HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00077603DuPont Automotive P.O. Drawer Fayetteville, NC 28302 DuPont Automotive March 15, 1996 CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Gregory Nizich NC DEHNR - DEM Water Quality Section Permits & Engineering Unit P. O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 RE: Renewal of NPDES Permit No. NC0003573 Nafion® Process Wastewater Discharge to Outfall 002 Dear Mr. Nizich, Z "I This letter is to provide you information to modify the referenced NPDES Permit to allow for the non -biodegradable Nafion® process wastewater to be discharged directly to Outfall 002, thereby bypassing the site's Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), or to be discharged to the WWTP as is done currently. The reason for this requested modification is that future expansions of the Nafion® area will unnecessarily increase the hydraulic loading to the WWTP, with no benefit to the environment by treating the non -biodegradable wastewater in the WWTP. Enclosed are two updated wastewater flow diagrams which should replace the current diagrams submitted with the NPDES Permit Renewal Application. These updated flow diagrams show the two alternate routes for the non -biodegradable Nafion® process wastewater. To characterize the Nafion® wastewater, both physical testing and aquatic toxicity testing were performed on 24-hour composite samples taken of the Nafion® HFPO Process Scrubber and Waste Gas Scrubber effluents, the main source of process wastewater from the Nafion® area. SUMMARYi Both the Nafion® HFPO Process Scrubber and Nafion® Waste Gas Scrubber _ Pave no measurable BOD5 value, do exhibit measurable COD and Fluoride levels, and e it acce b�ggb aquatic toxicity levels at the worst -case concentration at Outfall 002. 30- __4 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company ® Printe rm Recycled Paper Z-544 Rev.8/95 DEQ-CFW 00077603 Mr. Gregory Nizich NC DEHNR March 15, 1996 Page 2 The testing indicates a high TSS level for the HFPO Process Scrubber effluent, which had a large amount of salt crystals after neutralization with sulfuric acid,. Analysis of those crystals show that they are potassium sulfate, which has a solubility in water of 12% by weight. Since this scrubber effluent would be less than 0.05% of the Outfall 002 flow, these salts would be completely dissolved, thereby eliminating the TSS concern. Our NPDES permit requires monitoring of BOD5, COD, Fluoride, and Bioassay at Outfall 002, so the above parameters would be monitored under the existing permit requirements. The OCPSF Priority Pollutants are currently monitored only at Outfall 001, so monitoring of the Nafion@ wastewater which bypasses the WWTP may be required for the appropriate OCPSF Priority Pollutants. A second Nafion@ Waste Gas Scrubber is being installed as part of a new Vinyl Ethers Process expansion. The effluent from this new scrubber should be identical to the existing Waste Gas Scrubber, therefore it, as well as all future non -biodegradable, non -toxic wastewaters should be allowed to bypass the WWTP. If this site elects to bypass the Nafion@ wastewater around the WWTP, it will undoubtedly be done with a pipeline, therefore any required monitoring will be simplified. The permit should be writ -ten so that any monitoring is required only when Nafion@ wastewater is bypassing the WWTP. BASIS FOR TESTING CONCENTRATIONS The performed tests were based on two potential operational schemes. The two schemes evalu- ated were: 1) Bypassing the Nafion@ HFPO Process Scrubber effluent around the WWTP and discharge it directly to the site's woodlined ditch which is discharged as Outfall 002, and discharge all other Nafion@ process wastewater streams to the WWTP and ultimately through Outfall 001; or 2) Bypassing both the Nafion@ HFPO Process Scrubber and Nafion@ Waste Gas Scrubber effluents around the WWTP and discharge them directly to the site's woodlined ditch which is discharged as Outfall 002, and discharge all other Nafion@ process wastewater streams to the WWTP and ultimately through Outfall 001. The anticipated flows for the two subject scrubber effluents following an upcomm e the HFPO process, and the three-year low flow condition for Outfall 002 are as foll JUi- SO 1996 CENTRAL FILES DEQ-CFW 00077604 Is Mr. Gregory Nizich Page 3 NC DEHNR March 15, 1996 1) The Nafion@ HFPO Process Scrubber normal daily flow = 5,330 gal/day 2) The Nafion@ Waste Gas Scrubber normal daily flow = 5,760 gal/day I �,oqo 5?4, 3) The Outfall 002 low flow condition = 11.83 MGD The contribution of the two process streams to Outfall 002's flow is obviously very small. All physical analyses were performed on the undiluted scrubber effluents. The 48-hr acute toxicity testing was performed on process samples diluted with laboratory water to a concentration representative of the ratio of normal process flow(s) to Outfall 002 low flow. No additional dilution was taken for the dilution effect of the Cape Fear River. The 7-day chronic bioassay testing was performed on process samples diluted with Outfall 002 composite effluent to a concentration representative of the ratio of normal process flow(s) to Outfall 002 low flow. The bioassay testing was then performed at both a 3.3% dilution (the test concentration specified on our NPDES Permit) and at a 6.6% dilution (twice the concentration specified on our NPDES Permit). PHYSICAL TESTING RESULTS The results of the physical analytical testing of the scrubber effluents are presented in Table 1. Both the HFPO Process Scrubber and Waste Gas Scrubber effluents exhibit no measurable level of BOD5. This is expected since the Nafion@ manufacturing area produces only fluorocarbon compounds which should be totally non -biodegradable. The absence of BOD5 material supports our request to allow this material to bypass the WWTP. Both scrubber effluents exhibit levels of COD and TOC. Using the highest measured concentrations and the normal scrubber flows, the COD discharge from the two scrubbers would be approximately 400 lb/day. The permit currently requires monitoring of COD at Outfall 002 on a monthly basis. We feel this frequency is adequate to monitor the COD discharge in the final effluent. As described in the summary, the high TSS level for the HFPO Process Scrubber effluent results from the formation of potassium sulfate as a by-product of the pH adjustment using sulfuric acid. The dilution of this waste stream with the other streams comprising Outfall 002 will completely dissolve the potassium sulfate salts, thereby eliminating the TSS concern. The lower TSS `result ; for the February 13, 1996, sample is believed to be the result of incomplete mixingspend "�i the salts in the neutralized sample. JUL 30 1996 CENTRAL FILES DEQ-CFW 00077605 r' Mr. Gregory Nizich NC DEHNR March 15, 1996 Page 4 The BFPO Process Scrubber effluent contains from 2% to 3% fluoride, and the Waste Gas Scrubber effluent contains approximately 1 % fluoride. After the upcoming HFPO Process expansion, the combined fluoride discharge from these two scrubbers would be approximately 2,400 lb/day, which is well below the permitted limit of 5,000 lb/day fluoride. Fluorides are non - biodegradable, and only a small amount of the fluorides are retained in the sludge, therefore virtually all of the fluorides currently entering the WWTP are discharged in the treated effluent to Outfall 002. AQUATIC TOXICITY TESTING RESULTS To ensure that the two subject scrubber effluent streams are not toxic to aquatic organisms, both acute and chronic testing using both invertebrates (ceriodaphnia) and vertebrates (fathead minnows) were performed with the HFPO Process Scrubber effluent separately, and with a mixture of both the HFPO Process Scrubber and the Waste Gas Scrubber effluents. The 48-hr acute toxicity testing dilution series was based on a concentration representative of the ratio of normal scrubber flow(s) to the Outfall 002 low flow. For the HFPO Process Scrubber effluent, the worst -case concentration was 0.00045 (5,330 gal/day - 11.83 MGD). For the combined HFPO Process Scrubber and Waste Gas Scrubber effluents, the worst -case concentration was 0.00094 ((5,330 gal/day + 5,760 gal/day) _ 11.83 MGD). No additional dilution was taken for the Cape Fear River. The acute testing was performed on 24-hour composite samples of the two scrubber effluents taken on January 30, 1996 and on February 13, 1996. The results of the January 30th testing were used to better define the dilution series for the February 13th testing. Table 2 and Table 3 give the results of the acute testing using the HFPO Process Scrubber effluent. The ceriodaphnia was the more sensitive species, with the January 30, 1996, test indicating an LC50 of 0.00084 volume Scrubber/volume diluent versus the worst -case concentration of 0.00045 volume Scrubber/volume diluent. The January 30, 1996, test of Fathead Minnow had an LC50 of 0.00257 volume Scrubber/volume diluent versus the worst -case concentration of 0.00045 volume Scrubber/volume diluent. Table 4 and Table 5 give the results of the acute testing using the combined BFPO Process Scrubber and Waste Gas Scrubber effluents. The ceriodaphnia was again the more sensitive species, with the February 13, 1996, test indicating an LC50 of 0.00148 volume Scrubbers/volume diluent versus the worst -case concentration of 0.00094 volume Scrubbers/volume diluent. The January 30, 1996, test of Fathead Minnow ha 0.00540 volume Scrubbers/volume diluent versus the worst -case concentration'' volume Scrubbers/volume diluent. JUL 30 1996 CENTRAL FILES DEQ-CFW 00077606 y Mr. Gregory Nizich NC DEHNR March 15, 1996 Page 5 The acute toxicity testing summary sheets from Burlington Research are attached as supporting documentation. The North Carolina 7-day chronic bioassay testing using ceriodaphnia dubia was also based on the worst -case concentration representative of the ratio of the normal scrubber flow(s) to the Outfall 002 low flow. For the chronic testing, the Outfall 002 24-hr composite sample was used as the diluent. The HFPO Process Scrubber effluent worst -case concentration was 0.00045 (5,330 gal/day _ 11.83 MGD). The combined HFPO Process Scrubber and Waste Gas Scrubber effluents worst -case concentration was 0.00094 ((5,330 gal/day + 5,760 gal/day) _ 11.83 MGD). The chronic bioassay testing was then performed at both a 3.3% dilution (the test concentration specified in our NPDES Permit) and at a 6.6% dilution (twice the concentration specified in our NPDES Permit). Table 6 gives the results of the chronic bioassay testing for the two tests conditions. In both the January 30 and February 13, 1996, testing, both the HFPO Process Scrubber effluent, and the combined HFPO Process Scrubber and Waste Gas Scrubber effluents, passed at the 3.3% and the 6.6% concentrations. The chronic bioassay testing summary sheets from Burlington Research are attached as supporting documentation. CONCLUSION The physical testing of the Nafion@ HFPO Process Scrubber and Waste Gas Scrubber effluents shows there is no benefit gained by treating these waste streams in this site's biological treatment facility. Furthermore, the measured parameters of these effluents show that the current permit limits established at Outfall 002 are adequate if the two scrubber effluents are bypassed around the WWTP and are discharged directly to Outfall 002. The NPDES Permit may need to include a new annual monitoring requirement for the bypassed Nafion@ wastewater for the appropriate OCPSF Priority Pollutants. Otherwise, the current permit requirements for Outfall 002 would be sufficient to adequately monitor pollutants from the Nafion@ wastewater. Aquatic toxicity testing of the subject scrubber effluents indicate that they are not toxic even at the worst -case concentrations described in this letter. Therefore, we request that the renewed NPDES Permit include language to allow for this site to discharge the non -biodegradable Nafion@ process wastewaters either through the Wastewater Treatment Plant (Outfall 001 and Outfall 002) or directly to Outfall 002. JUL 30 1996 CENTRAL FILES DEQ-CFW 00077607 1' Mr. Gregory Nizich NC DEHNR March 15, 1996 Page 6 Based on the above, I hope that you are satisfied that enough information has been submitted to allow for this permit modification. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (910) 678-1155. Enclosures Michael E. Johnson Environmental Coordinator 1, JUL 3b 1996 CENTRAL FILES DEQ-CFW 00077608 m Mr. Gregory Nizich NC DEHNR March 15, 1996 TABLE 1 PHYSICAL TESTING RESULTS NAFION® HFPO PROCESS SCRUBBER EFFLUENT Page 7 DATE BOD5 (m /L) COD (m /L) TOC (m /L) TSS (m ) FLUORIDE (m ) 12/13/95 <2 677 --- --- 21,000 01/04/96 <2 2,070 --- --- 20,400 01/30/96 <2 1,010 3,480 4,300 28,000 02/13/96 <2 928 3,160 361 32,900 NAFION® WASTE GAS SCRUBBER EFFLUENT DATE BOD5 (m /L) COD (m ) TOC (m ) TSS (m ) FLUORIDE (m ) 01/30/96 <2 6,390 2,760 25 10,500 02/13/96 <2 204 409 67 8,620 JUL .' •96 CENTRAL FILES DEQ-CFW 00077609 r' Mr. Gregory Nizich NC DEHNR March 15, 1996 Page 8 TABLE 2 ACUTE AQUATIC TOXICITY TESTING RESULTS HFPO PROCESS SCRUBBER EFFLUENT Ceriodaphnia dubia Test Concentration (vol Effluent/vol Test Sample) 1/30/96 Testing (% Mortality) 2/13/96 Testing (% Mortality) 0 0 0 0.00018 10 0.00020 5 0.00028 5 0.00045 (worst case conc.) 10 0.00050 5 0.00072 0 0.00115 20 0.00150 100 0.00184 35 0.00295 100 0.00450 100 0.12160 100 0.13500 100 0.40500 100 LC50 = 0.00084 LC50 = 0.00183 JUL 30 1996 `C�N'T`i7AL .f iLE� DEQ-CFW 00077610 f. Mr. Gregory Nizich NC DEHNR March 15, 1996 Page 9 TABLE 3 ACUTE AQUATIC TOXICITY TESTING RESULTS HFPO PROCESS SCRUBBER EFFLUENT Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas) Test Concentration (vol Effluent/vol Test Sample) 1/30/96 Testing (% Mortality) 2/13/96 Testing (% Mortality) 0 0 0 0.00010 0 0.00020 5 0 0.00045 (worst case cons. 0 0.00050 0 0.00095 0 0.00150 0 0.00202 5 0.00429 0 0.00450 100 0.00909 100 0.1216 100 0.135 100 0.405 100 LC50 = 0.00257 LC50 = 0.00614 Mr. Gregory Nizich NC DEHNR March 15, 1996 Page 10 TABLE 4 ACUTE AQUATIC TOXICITY TESTING RESULTS NAFION® HFPO PROCESS SCRUBBER & WASTE GAS SCRUBBER COMBINED EFFLUENTS Ceriodaphnia dubia Test Concentration (vol Effluent/vol Test Sample) 1/30/96 Testing (% Mortality) 2/13/96 Testing (% Mortality) 0 0 0 0.00030 5 0.00037 5 0.00059 5 0.00094 (worst case conc.) 5 0.00100 10 0.00150 50 0.00241 100 0.00310 100 0.00385 100 0.00616 100 0.00844 100 0.00940 100 0.02531 100 0.02810 100 LC50 = 0.00160 LC50 = 0.00148 A JUL0 1996 C��TRAI, �1L� DEQ-CFW 00077612 m Mr. Gregory Nizich NC DEHNR March 15, 1996 Page 11 TABLE 5 ACUTE AQUATIC TOXICITY TESTING RESULTS NAFIONO BFPO PROCESS SCRUBBER & WASTE GAS SCRUBBER COMBINED EFFLUENTS Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas) Test Concentration (vol Effluent/vol Test Sample) 1/30/96 Testing (% Mortality) 2/13/96 Testing (% Mortality) 0 0 0 0.00021 0 0.00030 0 0.00045 0 0.00094 (worst case conc.) 0 0.00100 0 0.00197 0 0.00310 0 0.00415 5 0.00840 100 0.00871 100 0.00940 100 0.01828 100 0.02531 100 0.02810 100 LC50 = 0.00540 LC50 = 0.00579 CENTRAL FILES DEQ-CFW 00077613 5 Mr. Gregory Nizich NC DEHNR March 15, 1996 TABLE 6 CHRONIC BIOASSAY TESTING RESULTS Ceriodaphnia dubia Page 12 Tested Effluent 1/30/96 Testing 2/13/96 Testing (Pass/Fail) (Pass/Fail) HFPO Process Scrubber Effluent Pass Pass 3.3 % Concentration HFPO Process Scrubber Effluent Pass Pass 6.6% Concentration Combined HFPO Process Scrubber & Waste Gas Scrubber Effluents Pass Pass 3.3 % Concentration Combined HFPO Process Scrubber Pass Pass & Waste Gas Scrubber Effluents 6.6% Concentration JUL 30 1996 CENTRAL. FILES DEQ-CFW 00077614 1 � Q W Li I W r U AVERAGE FLOWS IN THOUSANDS OF GALLONS PER DAY, SOME FLOWS ARE ESTIMATED TO GIVE INTAKE AND OISGHARGE TOTALS. SCHEMATIC WATER FLOW EAU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO. FAYETTEVILLE WORKS PAGE 1 OF 2 STORM WATER 0 W z J O O O 3 4 JUL 30 1996 CENTRAL FILES DEQ-CFW 00077615 Ei SCHEMATIC WAITER FLOW PROCESS USES E.I, DU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO. FAYETTEVILLE WORKS PAGE 2 OF 2 TO 010-TNEATWNT (--11 (07 JUL 80 1996 DEQ-CFW 00077616 ti TEST RESULTS SUMMARY CONTINUED Sample: HFPO Test: 48 Hour Acute Toxicity Test (ASC48) Organism: Ceriodaphnia dubia 0 0.0002 0.0005 0.0015 0.0045 10.12161 0.135 0.405 0 5 5 100 100 100 100 100 0/20 X 1/20 1/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 L — vv-1%1%1 luau ina illauc l.VIIVL .ly. Test Result 48 Hr LC50 = 0.084% 0.00084 v/v basis (confidence limits not reliable) Sample: HFPO Test: 48 Hour Acute Toxicity Test (ASP 48) Organism: Pimephales promelas Note: brackets = test concentration made correctly. 0 0.0002 0.0005 0.0015 0.0045 10.12161 0.135 0.405 0 5 0 0 100 100 100 100 0/2 m 0/20 F/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 11%fM. IGJI L;w1cC11L1dllUil MUM correctly. Teff Re �48 Hr LC50 = 0.257% or 0.00257 v/v basis (confidence limits not reliable) 10 .0 C Concentrations Tested % Mortality at 48 Hours No. of Organisms Dead per Total No. Tested Concentrations Tested % Mortality at 24 Hours No. of Organisms Dead per Total No. Tested Aquatic Bioass4y Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Envirdnmental Assessments • NPDES Testing [Ell Reporting & Data Handling Services BURLINGTON RESEARCH 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • (910) 570-4661 • Fax (910) 570-4698 Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Acute LC50 Date: 2/14/96 Facility DUPONT, FAYETTEVILLE NPDES# NC0003573 Pipe# County BLADEN Laboratory Performing Test Burlington Research, Inc. - Cert. # 002 x Comments: Signat7a of Operator in Responsible Charge HFPO x Sig5okure of Laboratory Supervisor BRI# 613220-003 x ri:Y %:• :::$:v:%{i::i:%:%::::;::%:isr?:•iji:•ii�%%ii:i::jii::;%$$$$$iF%i::ii$::i:'r, :$:•r::: i,+.:{}L::tit::T%:i::::ti: irii::::%': is r;:ri::,::iti i:`•:ij$$$:vi$%:%::i{ii:�%S$$:%::{$::$::j::;•j;%:}::;:::::%:}::%:'r,%:::%:+%::::%%:$::;:y:'fys rir:::;:%:;::::.:::;ii%'%'�%'%'%<::iji:'%::?'p: i'i'?:::$i:%ji$$ii%i :•:?rii:.}:}::?^:•;fi}::: is i::L:•: ;4;•: }::•:?�::• t.}. r., ...9.:::%::.:ni•::.•:.•::.:.%.:.:<$:::$.:.•:�`:.G:4;^:•i:}}::;::•:::i::%:t;::::%::;:$:::�{:::{%it:•:L%i:%i;::%i;::%:::%$i:%:4:h:•;%'t%•%:{%:4?i'r,'v:::ti:i::%i::$'S.::%:%'%::i::::i::$:?%ii::.i:•' i%:'rb•i;:i;:i;::•:;:: .................:..:...............{n:: lit:L;'.%;::•i;:i i:%i:::%;%:%:::.::$::•:•::i t' ii;::%: t:::%;:;:5`:;$;::%:::::%:L+ �:::•i::ii:•:•'.'r,'{i}:; t.r. Test Start Date: 2 15 96 Collection Start Date: 2 13 96 ': `:w#i`�:#iiiji y` �><>#>s':'•.ii?EiiE#ii � ��#'.':iti#'i's�%>>'<<:' � �:`';':': � <�':>`.��#�E'::s;`::'::;:>:::<:: :: Sample Type/Duration Grab om ura ri on P• X 24 HOUR Tox `•`'.+'3ii3'ii3iiiiii i#'riiii# ':: t2 :i:::liifiSi'' iiiii`ii`•<i''y''ii>iE•'•.>ii3 ::,•...; Dilution Sample l?;v Ha rdness m L 44.88 ( 9 ) ::>:k::+'•3.. �i ii:i::::>''i'i'r;I Eiisi# � � `::>::i::i%i;:`•,;: iiiii:>:':::?E:•,`• `::.?EiEr<Ez:';E; Spec. Co nd. micromho s 121.4 2980 ..................................... Chlorine( 9 m L) NA LC50/Acute Toxicity Test Sample temp @ receipt 1.6 (Mortality expressed as %, combining replicates) (deg. C) 0 0.018 0.028 0.045 0.072 0.115 0.184 0.295 Concentration (%) 0 10 5 10 0 20 35 100 Mortality (%) LC50 = 0.2 % Method of Determination 95% Confidence Limits (%) Moving Average Probit 0.2 to 0.2 Spearman Karber X Other Start End Start End Organism Tested: 7.73 8.14 Control 8.1 8.1 Ceriodaphnia dubia 7.7 8.01 1 High 8.5 8.4 PH Conc. D.O. Modified from DEM form AT-1 (3/87) rev. 8/91 BR-2 1/96 BRI rev. 12/93 h:\gpro\bri\atlform JUL 30 1996 DEQ-CFW 00077618 . f . BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. TRIMMED SPEARMAN-KARBER METHOD FOR CALCULATION OF EC50 AND LC50 VALUES IN BIOASSAYS DATE: 2/15/96 THROUGH 2/16/96 WORK ORDER #: 6b220-003 CHEMICAL: HFPO SPECIES: Ceriodaphnia dubia DURATION: 24 HOURS RAW DATA CONCENTRATION(%) 0.018 0.028 0.045 0.072 0.115 0.184 0.295 Ln CONCENTRATION-4.02-3.58-3.10-2.63-2.16-1.69-1.22 NUMBER EXPOSED 21 20 21 20 20 20 21 MORTALITIES 0 0 0 0 1 7 21 SPEARMAN-KARBER TRIM: 0.00 SPEARMAN-KARBER ESTIMATES LC50: 0.2 % `�. v 2, 95% LOWER CONFIDENCE: 0.2 95% UPPER CONFIDENCE: 0.2 REFERENCE: M.A. HAMILTON, R.C. RUSSO, AND R.V. THURSTON. 1977. TRIMMED SPEARMAN- KARBER METHOD FOR ESTIMATING MEDIAN LETHAL CONCENTRATIONS IN TOXICITY BIOASSAYS. ENVIRON. SCI. TECHNOL. 11:714-719; CORRECTION 12:417 (1978). C -1.220 + N 0 A N T C -.9766 X U E R N A T L R A L T -. 0 I G 0 N -. X 10 25 50 75 100 ORGANISMS AFFECTED a max. JUL 30 1996 CENTRAL FILES DEQ-CFW 00077619 BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. TRIMMED SPEARMAN-KARBER METHOD FOR CALCULATION OF EC50 AND LC50 VALUES IN BIOASSAYS DATE: 2/15/96 THROUGH 2/17/96 WORK ORDER #: 6B220-003 CHEMICAL: HFPO SPECIES: Ceriodaphnia dubia DURATION: 48 HOURS RAW DATA CONCENTRATION(%) 0.018 0.028 0.045 0.072 0.115 0.184 0.295 Ln CONCENTRATION-4.02-3.58-3.10-2.63-2.16-1.69-1.22 NUMBER EXPOSED 21 20 21 20 20 20 21 MORTALITIES 2 1 2 0 4 7 21 SPEARMAN-KARBER TRIM: 6.10 SPEARMAN-KARBER ESTIMATES LC50: 0.2 Y 0.C�,o2 QC, 95% LOWER CONFIDENCE: 0.2 % J 95% UPPER CONFIDENCE: 0.2 NOTE MORTALITY PROPORTIONS WERE NOT MONOTONICALLY INCREASING ADJUSTMENTS WERE MADE PRIOR TO SPEARMAN-KARBER ESTIMATION. REFERENCE: M.A. HAMILTON, R.C. RUSSO, AND R.V. THURSTON. 1977. TRIMMED SPEARMAN- KARBER METHOD FOR ESTIMATING MEDIAN LETHAL CONCENTRATIONS IN TOXICITY BIOASSAYS. ENVIRON. SCI. TECHNOL. 11:714-719; CORRECTION 12:417 (1978). C -1.220 { N 0 II A N T C -.9766 X U E R N A T -.7324 L R A L T -.4883 0 I G 0 N -.2441 n X 10 25 50 75 100 ORGANISMS AFFECTED JUL 30 1996 Cl fit" DEQ-CFW 00077620 Aquatic Bioassay Testing * Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Ell Chemical Product Environmental Assessments * NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services BURLINGTON RESEARCH 1302 Belmont Street e Burlington, NC 27215-6935 9 (910) 570-4661 * Fax (910) 570-4698 Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Acute LC50 Date: 2/14/96 Facility DUPONT, FAYETTEVILLE NPDES# NC0003573 Pipe# County BLADEN Laboratory Performing Test Burlington Research, Inc. - Cert. # 002 X Comments: Signature of 0 tor in Responsible Charge HFPO X = Signature of 1?aboratory Supervisor BRI# 6B220-004 . ............ Test Start Date: 12/15/96 Collection Start Date: 2 13196 ............. ............... X Sample Type/Duration Grab Uomura ion ............ X 124 HOUR I Tox Dilution Sample Hardness (mgL) 44.88 ..... ........................... icomhosSpec. Cond.(m121.4 2980 XXii i. ................ ............... ........ ........... Chlorin mgL) N/A .......... .......... .......... e LC50/Acute Toxicity Test Sample temp @ receipt 1.6 (Mortality expressed as %, combining replicates) (deg. C) 0 0.01 0.021 0.045 0.095 0.202 0.429 0.909 Concentration 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 100 Mortality (%) LC50 = 0.6 % Method of Determination 95% Confidence Limits (%) Moving Average Probit 0.6 to 0.6 Spearman Kerber X Other Start End Start End Organism Tested: 7.08 7.67 Control 8.1 Pimephales promelas 7.5 7.98 High 8.5 pH Conc. Modified from DEM form AT-1 (3/87) rev, 8/91 BRI rev. 12/93 h:\gpro\bri\attform CENTRAL FILES BR-2 1/96 DEQ-CFW-00077621 i BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC• y TRIMMED SPEARMAN-KARBER METHOD FOR CALCULATION OF EC50 AND LC50 VALUES IN BIOASSAYS DATE: 2/15/96 THROUGH 2/17/96 WORK ORDER #: 6B220-004 CHEMICAL: HFPO SPECIES: Pimephales promelas DURATION: 48 HOURS RAW DATA CONCENTRATION M 0.01 0.021 0.045 0.095 0.202 0.429 0.909 Ln CONCENTRATION-4.61-3.86-3.10-2.35-1.60-0.85-0.10 NUMBER EXPOSED 20 20 20 20 20 21 20 MORTALITIES 0 0 0 0 1 0 20 SPEARMAN-KARBER TRIM: 0.00 SPEARMAN-KARBER ESTIMATES LC50: 0.6 % 0• 0 ® v V l v 95% LOWER CONFIDENCE: 0.6 % 95% UPPER CONFIDENCE: 0.6 % NOTE MORTALITY PROPORTIONS WERE NOT MONOTONICALLY INCREASING ADJUSTMENTS WERE MADE PRIOR TO SPEARMAN-KARBER ESTIMATION. REFERENCE: M.A. HAMILTON, R.C. RUSSO, AND R.V. THURSTON. 1977. TRIMMED SPEARMAN- KARBER METHOD FOR ESTIMATING MEDIAN LETHAL CONCENTRATIONS IN TOXICITY BIOASSAYS. ENVIRON. SCI. TECHNOL. 11:714-719; CORRECTION 12:417 (1978). I r5�� JUL 30, 1996 :r CENTRAL FILES I DEQ-CFW 00077622 TEST RESULTS SUMMARY, DUPONT FAYETTVILLE SPECIAL STUDY Sample: Both Test: 48 Hour Acute Toxicity Test (ASC48) Organism: Ceriodaphnia dubia 0 0.00030 0.0010 0.0031 10.008441 0.0094 10.025311 0.0281 0 5 10 100 100 100 100 100 11 0/20 1/20 2/20 20/20 10/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 Note: bracketq = te.Ct cnnnentrntinn mad a nn"An v Test Result 48 Hr LC50 = 0.16% (0.133 - 0.193) or 0.0016 v/v basis (0.00133 - 0.00193) Sample: Both Test: 48 Hour Acute Toxicity Test (ASP 48) Organism: Pimephales promelas 0 0.0003 0.001 0.0031 10.00841 0.0094 10.025311 0.0281 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 0/20 0/20 0/20 0/20 20/20 20/20 20/22 20/20 v1aL;xt;LZ5 _ LUSL C01AXntra1011 IIOW correctly. T t 48 Hr LC50 = 0.54% or 0.0054 v/v basis. (confidence limits not reliable) r- a Concentrations Tested % Mortality at 48 Hours No. of Organisms Dead per Total No. Tested Concentrations Tested % Mortality at 24 Hours No. of Organisms Dead per Total No. Tested Aquatic Bioassay Testing - Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments - NPDES Testing R ll Reporting & Data Handling Services BURLINGTON RESEARCH 1302 Belmont Street a Burlington, NC 27215-6935 a (910) 570-4661 9 Fax (910) 570-4698 Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Acute LC50 Date: 2/27/96 Facility DUPONT, FAYETTEVILLE NPDES# NC0003573 Pipe# County BLADEN Laboratory Performing Test Burlington Research, Inc. - Cent. # 002 X Comments: Signatu of Operator in Responsible Charge BOTH x 7e u Signature of Laboratory Supervisor BRi# 613220-005 ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XX . ................................. Test Start Date: 2/15/96 *i Collection Start Date: 2/12/96 Sample Type/Duration Grab I Comp, ura on 19A HOUR X Tox Dilution Sample Hardness( mg/L) 44.88 Spec. Cond.(micromhos) 124.1 2490 .......... X Chlorine(mg/L N/A ... . .. - ------ LC50 Acute Toxicity Test Sample temp @ receipt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 (Mortality expressed as %, combining replicates) (dog. C) 0 0.037 0.059 0.094 0.15 0.241 1- 01385 0.616 Concentration 0 5 5 5 50 100 1 100 , 100 , Mortality LC50 = 0.1 % Method of Determination 95% Confidence Limits (%) Moving Average Probit 0.1 to 0.2 Spearman Karber X Other Start End Start End Organism Tested: 7.73 7.8:1] Control 8.1 8.4 I Cerlodaphnia dubia 7.69 8.29 1 High 8.4 8.3 1 PH Conc. D.O. Modified from DEM form AT-1 (3/87) rev. 8/91 BRI rev. 12/93 h:\qpro\bri\atl form JUL 30 1996 CENTRAL IFILE15 BR-2 1/96 DEQ-CFW-00077624 BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. TRIMMED SPEARMAN-KARBER METHOD FOR CALCULATION OF EC50 AND LC50 VALUES IN BIOASSAYS DATE: 2/15/96 THROUGH 2/16/96 WORK ORDER #: 6B220-005 CHEMICAL: BOTH SPECIES: Ceriodaphnia dubia DURATION: 24 HOURS RAW DATA CONCENTRATION(%) 0.037 0.059 0.094 0.150 0.241 0.385 0.616 Ln CONCENTRATION-3.30-2.83-2.36-1.90-1.42-0.95-0.48 NUMBER EXPOSED 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 MORTALITIES 0 1 0 9 20 20 20 SPEARMAN-KARBER TRIM: 0.00 SPEARMAN-KARBER ESTIMATES LC50: 0.2 % ', loo 0.00� ©� 95% LOWER CONFIDENCE: 0.1 95% UPPER CONFIDENCE: 0.2 NOTE MORTALITY PROPORTIONS WERE NOT MONOTONICALLY INCREASING ADJUSTMENTS WERE MADE PRIOR TO SPEARMAN-KARBER ESTIMATION. REFERENCE: M.A. HAMILTON, R.C. RUSSO, AND R.V. THURSTON. 1977. TRIMMED SPEARMAN- KARBER METHOD FOR ESTIMATING MEDIAN LETHAL CONCENTRATIONS IN TOXICITY BIOASSAYS. ENVIRON. SCI. TECHNOL. 11:714-719; CORRECTION 12:417 (1978). C -.4845 N 0 A N T C -.3876 + X U E R N A T -.2907 + L R A L T -.1938 + X 0 I G 0 N -9.690 0 X X X 10 25 50 75 100 ORGANISMS AFFECTED DEQ-CFW 00077625 BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. TRIMMED SPEARMAN-KARBER METHOD FOR CALCULATION OF EC50 AND LC50 VALUES IN BIOASSAYS DATE: 2/15/96 THROUGH 2/17/96 WORK ORDER #: 6B220-005 CHEMICAL: BOTH SPECIES: Ceriodaphnia dubia DURATION: 48 HOURS RAW DATA CONCENTRATION(%) 0.037 0.059 0.094 0.150 0.241 0.385 0.616 Ln CONCENTRATION-3.30-2.83-2.36-1.90-1.42-0.95-0.48 NUMBER EXPOSED 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 MORTALITIES 1 1 1 10 20 20 20 SPEARMAN-KARBER TRIM: 4.76 SPEARMAN-KARBER ESTIMATES LC50: 0.1 % ', i�D = 0.00I ���� ( 0. 00 a 95% LOWER CONFIDENCE: 0.1 95% UPPER CONFIDENCE: 0.2 REFERENCE: M.A. HAMILTON, R.C. RUSSO, AND R.V. THURSTON. 1977. TRIMMED SPEARMAN- KARBER METHOD FOR ESTIMATING MEDIAN LETHAL CONCENTRATIONS IN TOXICITY BIOASSAYS. ENVIRON. SCI. TECHNOL. 11:714-719; CORRECTION 12:417 (1978). C -.4845 N 0 A N T C -.3876 U E RN A T -.2907 L R A L T -.1938 0 I G 0 N -9.690 0 X X X X 10 25 50 75 100 ORGANISMS AFFECTED JUPL 30 1996 Ft �ENT�� FIDES DEQ-CFW 00077626 Aquatic Bioassay Testing,* Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Ell Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services BURLINGTON RESEARCH 1302 Belmont Street a Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • (910) 570-4661 a Fax (910) 570-4698 Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Acute LC50 Date: 2/14/96 Facility DUPONT, FAYETTEVILLE NPDES# NC0003573 Pipe# County BLADEN Laboratory Performing Test Burlington Research, Inc. - Cart. # 002 x Comments: Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge BOTH x Sig ture of Laboratory Supervisor BRi# 613220-006 ..:................ n......r .. ...:....:.....:. .:...:.:..:.....'•F.{.•,n}}:•:•;•}::4}:n:{•:irp}:n}}Y.:fifi}:fi}:•::4:4}:.:}}:•}::•:::•}::.}:ti:n}:•:•: r'•':%: s1:4:}%:i::%:%:::::::;%5%:S%$:::'r,%:%::i::::%ii::::':iii:::%i::Y$:::'r,i::}: :ii �$::::::::i i::%:::%i: ¢%O?�%::i::':J:::%:}i%'%:%i:::::::%:::%:%:}� %:% j }$:::::j:::.: �::::� %:%::{:%:%:%::j:�:'%"¢::{'i%'% r:%:% i:'r,%:%::%:%}::}: i:.%'�%{:v}r:{;%:C;{%::%r,}r:::%.;Y:::,::::'{,'is�:::i':::.::.:ti::,}�:{:yr:%::?: �::W::::•:• } �ifi'•} XX ti\:•:% Test Start rt Date: 21596 .:. •. Collection Start Date: 2 1 2 96 ':,'::::?<:%r:%•::•}}:::Si:$::::}:;}.'t;fi:}%:::::::;:::;%::t::::;::::;%::::::;t%::;:;:%;i2Y:fi::::iq::;%5:;}:::;%:'t::2:::$$::$•:$::•::$:•::}%:::5:::.,•:•.,:':•:S Sample Type/Duration P Grab I Uomp. ura ion X 124 HOUR Tox Dilution Sample 4 m L Hardness9 ) 4.88 2.}}}Y.}.i::4:ifitin;•:•::i•:tifi:ti4:L tiitififi}}:::}}:n}:{ti•}}:fitititififi}:ifi;n;n}:•}:n:•}}}}:n:•;:i;•:n}}}}}:•:istitifi}:{{{•}:•}:titifi}:tin:fi}}}}}:tifiv:}: ,. Spec. Cond.(micromhos) 124.1 : ? Ei ' > » iEiE`:##i >s ` ': #s `# ` '>•, ss» # ' 3>.... ( L '• N A Chlorine m 9 <.< LC50/Acute Toxicity Test Sample temp @receipt .:.:;;�;,;.}:.;,. 2.5 (Mortality expressed as %, combining replicates) (deg. c) 0 0.021 0.045 0.094 0.197 0.415 0.871 1.828 Concentration (%) 0 0 0 0 0 5 100 100 Mortality (%) LC50 = 0.6 % Method of Determination 95% Confidence Limits (%) Moving Average Probit 0.5 to 0.6 Spearman Karber X Other Start End Start End Organism Tested: 7.04 7.52 Control 8.5 8.1 Pimephales promelas 7.53 7.83 High 8.5 PH Conc. D.O. " . -1 Modified from DEM form AT-1 (3/87) rev. 8/91 BRI rev. 12/93 h:\gpro\brilatiform W JUL 3�01 1996 CENTRAL FILM BR-2 1/96 DEQ-CFW 00077627 BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. TRIMMED SPEARMAN-KARBER METHOD FOR CALCULATION OF EC50 AND LC50 VALUES IN BIOASSAYS DATE: 2/15/96 THROUGH 2/17/96 WORK ORDER #: 6220-006 CHEMICAL: Both SPECIES: Pimephales promelas DURATION: 48 HOURS RAW DATA CONCENTRATION(%) 0.021 0.045 0.094 0.197 0.415 0.871 1.828 Ln CONCENTRATION-3.86-3.10-2.36-1.62-0.88-0.14 0.60 NUMBER EXPOSED 21 20 20 20 20 22 20 MORTALITIES 0 0 0 0 1 22 20 SPEARMAN-KARBER TRIM: 0.00 SPEARMAN-KARBER ESTIMATES LC50: 0.6 % `�� O.00�� U/L% 95% LOWER CONFIDENCE: 0.5 % C9, x)5- 95% UPPER CONFIDENCE: 0.6 % o(D v REFERENCE: M.A. HAMILTON, R.C. RUSSO, AND R.V. THURSTON. 1977. TRIMMED SPEARMAN- KARBER METHOD FOR ESTIMATING MEDIAN LETHAL CONCENTRATIONS IN TOXICITY BIOASSAYS. ENVIRON. SCI. TECHNOL. 11:714-719; CORRECTION 12:417 (1978). C .6032 N 0 A N T C .4825 U E R N A T .3619 L R A L T .2412 0 I G 0 N .1206 0 10 25 50 75 100 ORGANISMS AFFECTED JUL 30 P96 MOTRAL Fkl P- DEQ-CFW 00077628 TEST RESULTS SUMMARY CONTINUED, TRIAL 2 Sample: HFPO Test: 48 Hour Acute Toxicity Test (ASC48) Organism: Ceriodaphnia dubia 0 0.00018 0.00028 1 0.00045 0.00072 0.00115 0.00184 0.00295 0 10 5 10 0 20 35 100 0/20 2/21 1/20 2/21 0/20 4/20 7/20 21/21 Test Result 48 Hr LC50 = 0.2% or 0.0020 v/v basis (0.0020 - 0.0020) 24 Hr LC50 = 0.2% (0.20 - 0.20) or 0.0020 v/v basis (0.0020 - 0.0020) TOXIS RESULTS 48 HR LC50 = 0.0018251 v/v basis (0.0015686 - 0.0021234) Sample: HFPO Test: 48 Hour Acute Toxicity Test (ASP 48) Organism: Pimephales promelas Note: brackets = test concentration made correctly. ! 111 1 1 ill i 111� 1 111• 1 11 1 1 11� • 1 11`1• 1 1 ;ram 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Va Vest I jOXj r 0 48 Hr LC50 = 0.6% (0.60 - 0.60) or 0.0060 v/v basis (0.0060 - 0.0060) ;LILTS 48 HR LC50 = 0.006140 v/v basis (0.005831 - 0.0064781) Concentrations Tested % Mortality at 48 Hours No. of Organisms Dead per Total No. Tested Concentrations Tested % Mortality at 24 Hours No. of Organisms Dead per Total No. Tested Aquatic Bioassely Testing * Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments * NPDES Testing [Ell Reporting & Data Handling Services BURLINGTON RESEARCH 1302 Belmont Street * Burlington, NC 27215-6935 e (910) 570-4661 9 Fax (910) 570-4698 Effluent Toxicitv Renort Form - Acute LC50 nqttn. 9IIA10A Facility DUPONT, FAYETTEVILLE NPDES# NC0003573 Pipe# County BLADEN Laboratory Performing Test Burlington Research, Inc. - Cert. # 002 X Comments: Signaturef Operator in Responsible Charge HFPO X ,.. Signatu're of Laboratory Supervisor BRI# 6BO01-003 ............... x: Test Start Date: 12/1/96 Collection Start Date: 1/30/96 '*i: Sample Type/Duration Grab I comp. I Duration X 124 HOUR To x Dilution Sample X, X. Hardness(mg/L) 48.5 • Spec. Cond.(micromhos) 138.7 2980 .... .....I ...... ......................... ............... .... ... ......................... ...... ...... Chlorine(mLNA /g) LC50/Acute Toxicity Test I Sample temp (.g receipt 2.2 (Mortality expressed as %, combining replicates) (deg. C) 0 0.002 0.005 0.015 0.045 0.135 0.405 1.216 Concentration 0 5 5 100 100 100 100 100 Mortality LC50 = 0.084 % Method of'Determination 95% Confidence Limits (%) Moving Average Probit N/R to Spearman Karber X Other Start End Start End Organism Tested: 7.7 7.:92:] Control 8.6 8.9 Ceriodaphnia clubia 8.34 8.78 1 High 8.7 pH Conc. F Modified from DEM form AT-1 (3/87) rev. 8/91 I BRI rev. 12/93 h:\gpro\bri\atlfw BR-2 1/96 C -P-N' -t OR A L DEQ-CFW-00077630 BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. TRIMMED SPEARMAN-KARBER METHOD FOR CALCULATION OF EC50 AND LC50 VALUES IN BIOASSAYS DATE: 2/1/96 THROUGH 2/3/96 WORK ORDER #: 6BO01-003 CHEMICAL: Dupont h FPO SPECIES: Ceriodaphnia dubia DURATION: 48 HOURS RAW DATA CONCENTRATION(%) 2 5 15 45 135 405 1216 Ln CONCENTRATION 0.69 1.61 2.71 3.81 4.91 6.00 7.10 NUMBER EXPOSED 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 MORTALITIES 1 1 20 20 20 20 20 SPEARMAN-KARBER TRIM: 5.00 SPEARMAN-KARBER ESTIMATES LC50: 8.4 % Cl -f Or 6. 000 �� v IV 95% CONFIDENCE LIMITS ARE NOT RELIABLE REFERENCE: M.A. HAMILTON, R.C. RUSSO, AND R.V. THURSTON. 1977. TRIMMED SPEARMAN- KARBER METHOD FOR ESTIMATING MEDIAN LETHAL CONCENTRATIONS IN TOXICITY BIOASSAYS. ENVIRON. SCI. TECHNOL. 11:714-719; CORRECTION 12:417 (1978). C 7.103 N 0 A N T C 5.682 U E R N A T 4.261 L R A L T 2.841 0 I G 0 N 1.420 L 10 25 50 75 100 ORGANISMS AFFECTED jU 19�6 DEQ-CFW 00077631 Aquatic Bioassay Testing * Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Ell Chemical Product Environmental Assessments * NPIDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services BURLINGTON RESEARCH 1302 Belmont Street 9 Burlington, NC 27215-6935 * (910) 570-4661 e Fax (910) 570-4698 Effluent Toxicitv Report Form - Acute LC50 Date: 2/14/96 Facility DUPONT, FAYETTEVILLE NPDES# NC0003573 Pipe# County BLADEN Laboratory Performing Test Burlington Research, Inc. - Cert. # 002 X Comments: Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge X &11' 4-11-1-1- HFPO Signiture of Laboratory Supervisor BRi# 6BO01-003 iiiiiii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ........ . . . ..... . ..... jj Test Start Date: 2/1/96 Collection Start Date: 1/30/96 X iii§§1i Sample Type/Duration ji Grab I UOMP. I uuratlon 1 Tox X 24 HOUR Dilution Sample Hardness(mg/L) 48.5 ......... .......... Spec. Cond.(micromhos) 138.7 2980 X., ........ ....... . ... ......... .. ....... --- Chlorine (mgLN/A) LC50/Acute Toxicity Test Sample temp @ receipt 2.2 (Mortality expressed as %, combining replicates) (deg. C) 0 0.002 0,005 0.015 0.045 0.135 0.405 1.216 Concentration 0 5 5 100 100 100 100 100 Mortality LC50 = 0.257 % Method of Determination 95% Confidence Limits (%) Moving Average Probit N/R to Spearman Karber X Other Start End Start End Organism Tested: 8.03 7.:7:] Control 8.6 8.4 Pim9phales promelas 8.34 8.54 1 High 8.7 PH Modified from DEM form AT-1 (3/87) rev. 8/91 BRI rev. 12/93 h:\qpro\bri\atlfzo, JUL BR-2 1/96 C5NVkAt rit 8 DEQ-CFW-00077632 BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. TRIMMED SPEARMAN-KARBER METHOD FOR CALCULATION OF EC50 AND LC50 VALUES IN BIOASSAYS DATE: 2/1/96 THROUGH 2/3/96 WORK ORDER #: 6BO01-003 CHEMICAL: Dupont rE Ff v SPECIES: Pimephales promelas DURATION: 48 HOURS RAW DATA CONCENTRATION(%) 2 5 15 45 135 405 1216 In CONCENTRATION 0.69 1.61 2.71 3.81 4.91 6.00 7.10 NUMBER EXPOSED 20 20 20 21 20 20 22 MORTALITIES 1 0 0 21 20 20 22 SPEARMAN-KARBER TRIM: 1.67 SPEARMAN-KARBER ESTIMATES LC50: 25.7 % / 1011 = �''�f 0 0C)'�$ 95% CONFIDENCE LIMITS ARE NOT RELIABLE NOTE MORTALITY PROPORTIONS WERE NOT MONOTONICALLY INCREASING ADJUSTMENTS WERE MADE PRIOR TO SPEARMAN-KARBER ESTIMATION. REFERENCE: M.A. HAMILTON, R.C. RUSSO, AND R.V. THURSTON. 1977. TRIMMED SPEARMAN- KARBER METHOD FOR ESTIMATING MEDIAN LETHAL CONCENTRATIONS IN TOXICITY BIOASSAYS. ENVIRON. SCI. TECHNOL. 11:714-719; CORRECTION 12:417 (1978). C 7.103 N 0 A N T C 5.682 U E R N A T 4.261 L R A L T 2.841 0 I G 0 N 1.420 C 10 25 50 75 100 ORGANISMS AFFECTED lauro JUL ' 1996 CENTRAL FfLi DEQ-CFW 00077633 TEST RESULTS SUMMARY, DUPONT FAYETTVILLE SPECIAL STUDY TRIAL 2 Sample: Both Test: 48 Hour Acute Toxicity Test (ASC48) Organism: Ceriodaphnia dubia 0 0.00037 0.00059 0.00094 0.00150 0.00241 0.00385 0.00616 0 5 5 5 50 100 100 100 0/20 1/20 1/20 1/20 10/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 Test Result 48 Hr LC50 = 0.1 % (0.1 - 0.2) or 0.0010 v/v basis (0.0010 - 0.0020) 24 HR LC50 = 0.2 % (0.1 - 0.2) or 0.0020 v/v basis (0.0010 - 0.0020) TOXIS RESULTS 48 Hr LC50 = 0.0014821 v/v basis (0.0012911 - 0.0017013) Sample: Both Test: 48 Hour Acute Toxicity Test (ASP 48) Organism: Pimephales promelas Concentrations Tested % Mortality at 48 Hours No. of Organisms Dead per Total No. Tested 0 0.00021 0.00045 0.00094 0.00197 0.00415 0.00871 0.01828 0 0 0 0 0 5 100 100 0/20 0/20 0/20 0/20 0/20 1/20 22/22 20/20 IrQmosult 48 Hr LC50 = 0.6% or 0.0060 v/v basis. (0.0050 - 0.0060) 'RESULTS 48 HR LC50 = 0.0057929 v/v basis (0.0053881 - 0.006281) C a _ CSC. V� Concentrations Tested % Mortality at 24 Hours No. of Organisms Dead per Total No. Tested Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Ell Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services BURLINGTON RESEARCH 1302 Belmont Street a Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • (910) 570-4661 • Fax (910) 570-4698 Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Acute LC50 Date: 2/14/96 Facility DUPONT, FAYETTEVILLE NPDES# NC0003573 Pipe# County BLADEN Laboratory Performing Test Burlington Research, Inc. - Cert. # 002 x I Comments: of Operator in Responsible Charge x BOTH Si ature of Laboratory Supervisor I BRI# 6BO01-004 LC50/Acute Toxicity Test (Mortality expressed as %, combining replicates) Test Start Date: 2/1/96 Collection Start Date: 1 /30/96 Sample Type/Duration Grab I Comp. I Duration X 24 HOUR Tox Dilution Sample Hardness(mg/L) 48.5 Spec. Cond.(micromhos) 138.7 2490 Chlorine(mg/L) N/A Sample temp @ receipt 2 (deg. C) 0 0.003 0.01 0.031 0,094 0.281 0.844 2,351 0 5 10 100 100 100 100 100 LC50 = 0.16 % Method of Determination 95% Confidence Limits (%) Moving Average Probit 0.133 to 0.193 Spearman Karber X Other Concentration (%) Mortality (%) Start End Start End Organism Tested: 7.7 8,E Control 8.6 8.8 Ceriodaphnia dubia 8.25 8.86 1 High 8.5 8.6 _ PH Conn, RM 'r. >:. f Modified from DEM form AT-1 (3/87) rev. 8/91 BRI rev. 12/93 h:{gpro\bri\atifo e JUL 30 1996 0 BR-2 1/96 DEQ-CFW 00077635 BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. TRIMMED SPEARMAN-KARBER METHOD FOR CALCULATION OF EC50 AND LC50 VALUES IN BIOASSAYS DATE: 2/1/96 THROUGH 2/3/96 WORK ORDER #: 6BO01-004 CHEMICAL: Dupont Q,ci li SPECIES: Ceriodaphnia dubia DURATION: 48 HOURS RAW DATA CONCENTRATION(X) 3 10 31 94 281 844 2531 Ln CONCENTRATION 1.10 2.30 3.43 4.54 5.64 6.74 7.84 NUMBER EXPOSED 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 MORTALITIES 1 2 20 20 20 20 20 SPEARMAN-KARBER TRIM: 5.00 SPEARMAN-KARBER ESTIMATES LC50: 16.0 X 95% LOWER CONFIDENCE: 13.3 % 95% UPPER CONFIDENCE: 19.3 X 6r U• G�6/� ( L C3o133 C�,t�t�i43� REFERENCE: M.A. HAMILTON, R.C. RUSSO, AND R.V. THURSTON. 1977. TRIMMED SPEARMAN- KARBER METHOD FOR ESTIMATING MEDIAN LETHAL CONCENTRATIONS IN TOXICITY BIOASSAYS. ENVIRON. SCI. TECHNOL. 11:714-719; CORRECTION 12:417 (1978). C 7.836 N 0 A N T C 6.269 U E R N A T 4.701 L R A L T 3.134 0 I G 0 N 1.567 0 10 25 50 75 100 % ORGANISMS AFFECTED JUL 0 1996 ` DEQ-CFW 00077636 Ag Aquatic Bioassay Testing Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Ell Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services BURLINGTON RESEARCH 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • (910) 570-4661 • Fax (910) 570-4698 Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Acute LC50 Date: 2/14/96 Facility DUPONT, FAYETTEVILLE NPDES# NC0003573 Pipe# County BLADEN Laboratory Performing Test Burlington Research, Inc. - Cert. # 002 x Comments: Signature f Operator in Responsible Charge x BOTH Signatu a of Laboratory Supervisor BRI# 6BO01-004 LC50/Acute Toxicity Test (Mortality expressed as %, combining replicates) Test Start Date: 211/96 Collection Start Date: 1 /30/96 Sample Type/Duration uran I comp. 1 uuration X 24 HOUR Tox Dilution Sample Hardness(mg/L) 48.5 Spec. Cond.(micromhos) 138.7 2490 Chlorine(mg/L) N/A Sample temp @ receipt 2 (deg. C) 0 0.003 0.01 0.031 0.094 0.281 0.844 2.351 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 LC50 = 0.54 % Method of Determination 95% Confidence Limits (%) Moving Average Probit N/R to Spearman Karber X Other Organism Tested: Pimeohales ioromelas Modified from DEM form AT-1 (3/87) rev. 8/91 Concentration (%) Mortality (%) Start 7.7 End 8 Control Start 8.6 End 8 8.25 8.52 1 High 8.5 BRI rev. 12/93 h:\gpro\bri\at1 uut 30 1096 BR-2 1/96 DEQ-CFW 00077637 BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. TRIMMED SPEARMAN-KARBER METHOD FOR CALCULATION OF EC50 AND LC50 VALUES IN BIOASSAYS DATE: 2/1/96 THROUGH 2/3/96 WORK ORDER #: 6BO01-004 CHEMICAL: Dupont j{ F-VO SPECIES: Pimephales promelas DURATION: 48 HOURS RAW DATA CONCENTRATION(%) 3 10 31 94 281 844 2531 Ln CONCENTRATION 1.10 2.30 3.43 4.54 5.64 6.74 7.84 NUMBER EXPOSED 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 MORTALITIES 0 0 0 20 20 20 20 SPEARMAN-KARBER TRIM: 0.00 SPEARMAN-KARBER ESTIMATES LC50: 54.0 % v `� y C r C)'C)b�7,q VI V 95% CONFIDENCE LIMITS ARE NOT RELIABLE REFERENCE: M.A. HAMILTON, R.C. RUSSO, AND R.V. THURSTON. 1977. TRIMMED SPEARMAN- KARBER METHOD FOR ESTIMATING MEDIAN LETHAL CONCENTRATIONS IN TOXICITY BIOASSAYS. ENVIRON. SCI. TECHNOL. 11:714-719; CORRECTION 12:417 (1978). C 7.836 N 0 A N T C 6.269 U E R N A T 4.701 L R A L T 3.134 0 I G 0 N 1.567 0 10 25 50 75 100 ORGANISMS AFFECTED S YffP Y,L < LFw JUL 2.0 1996 DEQ-CFW 00077638 Aquatic Noassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Ell Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services BURLINGTON RESEARCH 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • (910) 570-4661 • Fax (910) 570-4698 ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER: DUPONT FAYETTEVILLE WORK ORDER #: 6BO01-001 REPORT TO: Mr. Mike Hamilton RECEIVED: 01/31/96 REPORTED: 02/14/96 SAMPLE DESC: SPECIAL STUDY, 3.3 SAMPLE TYPE: WASTEWATER, COMPOSITE COLLECTED: 01/30/96 09:00 to 01/31/96 09:00 SITE: HFPO 3.3 PARAMETER DATE/TIME/ANALYST RESULT Ceriodaphnia Pass/Fail Chronic Started 01/31/96 18:30 PASS NCDEM 9/89 Analyzed 02/14/96 by JCB Page 1 JJ'L ,fig' 1"'96 BR-2 1/96 r,ENTP,AL FILE-S DEQ-CFW 00077639 Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Chronic Pass/Fail and Acute LC50 ' Date: 02/14/96 Facility: HFPO SPIKED NPDES#: NC0003573 Pipe#: County: BLADEN Laboratory Performing Test: BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. Comments: X Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge S Aature of Laboratory Supervisor I * PASSED: -5.62% Reduction * Work Order: 6BO01-01 vironment Sciences Branch MA 7t�RI('f�NAL T0: Di of Envir mental Ma Bement �+ N.C. Dept. of NR 4401 edy Creek oad Raleigh, N rth Caro 'na 27607-6445 Chronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Toxicity Test :ONTROL ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 # Young Produced 113713712513111613012913113113013112811 Adult Wive (D)ead IIL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL affluent %: 3.3% REATMENT 2 ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Control CV 18.369% # Young Produced 17 28 35 33 37 34 33 33 30 37 29 30 % control orgs producing 3rd brood Adult (Dive (D)ead L L L L L L L L L L L L 92% Chronic Test Results Calculated t = Tabular t = Reduction = -5.62 Mortality Avg.Reprod. 0.00 29.67 Control Control 0.00 31.33 Treatment 2 Treatment 2 PASS FAIL X Check One 1st sample 1st sample 2nd sample Complete This For Either Test pH Test Start Date: 01/31/96 Control 7.62 7.90 7.76 7.40 7.72 7.97 Collection (Start) Date Sample 1: 01/30/96 Sample 2: Treatment 2 7.81 7.89 7.76 7.92 7.78 7.95 Sample Type/Duration 2nd 1st P/F s s s Grab Comp. Duration D t e t e t e I S S a n a n a n Sample 1 X 24 hrs L A A r d r d r d U M M t t t Sample 2 hrs T P P 1st sample 1st sample 2nd sample D.O. Hardness(mg/L) 49 Control 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.5 8.5 Spec. Cond.(pmhos) 124 629 Treatment 2 Chlorine(mg/l) n/a LC50/Acute Toxicity Test Sample temp. at receipt(°C) 1.5 (Mortality expressed as %, combining replicates) LotePlease oncentration te This n Also Mortality start/end start/end Control it High Conc. pH D.O. LC50 = % Method of Determination 95% Confidence Limits Moving Average Prob -- % _ Spearman Karber _ Other Organism Tested: Ceriodaphnia dubia Duration(hrs): Copied from DEM form AT-1 (3/87) rev. 11/95 (DUBIA ver. 4.30) I JUL 30 1996 CZN-f t Fite :r DEQ-CFW 00077640 Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Ell Reporting & Data Handling Services BURLINGTON RESEARCH 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • (910) 570-4661 • Fax (910) 570-4698 ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER: DUPONT FAYETTEVILLE WORK ORDER #: 6BO01-005 REPORT TO: Mr. Mike Hamilton RECEIVED: 01/31/96 REPORTED: 02/14/96 SAMPLE DESC: SPECIAL STUDY SAMPLE TYPE: WASTEWATER, COMPOSITE COLLECTED: 01/30/96 09:00 to 01/30/96 09:00 SITE: HFPO 6.6 PARAMETER DATE/TI M E/ANALYST RESULT Ceriodaphnia Pass/Fail Chronic Started 01/31/9618:30 PASS NCDEM 9/89 Analyzed 02/14/96 by 7CB Page 5 BR-2 1/96 Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Chronic Pass/Fail and Acute LC50' Date: 02/14/96 Facility: HFPO SPIKED NPDES#: NC0003573 Pipe#: Laboratory Performing Test: BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. Comments: X Signatury of Operator in Responsible Charge County: BLADEN Sig7fure of Laboratory Supervisor I * PASSED: -6.74% Reduction * Work Order: 6BO01-015 nviron ntal Scie ces Bra�ch MA�ORIGI-SAL T0: D'v. of vironment L Managdment �1(� N. . Dept. f EHNR �� JA 440 eedy eek Road Ralei h, North Carolina 27607-6445 �....+L. r- .....1 ; r- ;...J....L...... Chronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Toxicity Test :ONTROL ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 # Young Produced l�37�37�25�3l�l6�3O�29�3l�31130�3l�28�I Adult M ive Mead JAL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL :ff Luent %: 6.6% REATMENT 2 ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Control CV 18.369% # Young Produced 15 30 36 30 31 32 35 39 33 29 36 34 % control orgs producing 3rd brood Adult (L)ive Mead L L L L L L L L L L L L I 92% Chronic Test Results Calculated t = Tabular t = Reduction = -6.74 Mortality Avg.Reprod. 0.00 29.67 Control ControL 0.00 31.67 Treatment 2 Treatment 2 PASS FAIL X Check One 1st sample 1st sample 2nd sample Complete This For Either Test pH Test Start Date: 01/31/96 Control 7.62 7.90 7.76 7.85 ff E Collection (Start) Date Sample 1: 01/30/96 Sample 2: Treatment 2 7.79 38.7 7.79 7.85 7.84 7.98 Sample Type/Duration 2nd 1st P/F s s s Grab Comp. Duration D t e t e t e I S S a n a n a n Sample 1 X 24 hrs L A A r d r d r d U M M t t t Sample 2 hrs T P P_ 1st sample 1st sample 2nd sample D.O. Hardness(mg/L) 49':': ............... Control 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.8 8.5 Spec. Cond.(µmhos) 124 629 Treatment 2 Chlorine(mg/L) n/a LC50/Acute Toxicity Test Sample temp. at receipt(°C) 1.5 (Mortality expressed as %, combining replicates) % % % % % % % % % % Note: Please Concentration Complete This Section Also Mortality start/end start/end Control it High Conc. off D.O. LC50 = % Method of Determination 95% Confidence Limits Moving Average _ Prob -- % Spearman Karber _ Other Organism Tested: Ceriodaphnia dubia Duration(hrs): Copied from DEM form AT-1 (3/87) rev. 11/95 (DUBIA ver. 4.30) J * C „UL 3 19§6 U'PllflkAi FILES DEQ-CFW 00077642 Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Ell Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services BURLINGTON RESEARCH 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • (910) 570-4661 • Fax (910) 570-4698 ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER: DUPONT FAYETTEVILLE WORK ORDER #: 6BO01-002 REPORT TO: Mr. Mike Hamilton RECEIVED: 01/31/96 REPORTED: 02/14/96 SAMPLE DESC: SPECIAL STUDY SAMPLE TYPE: WASTEWATER, COMPOSITE COLLECTED: 01/30/96 09:00 to 01/31/96 09:00 SITE: Both 3.3 BR-2 1/96 PARAMETER DATE/TIME/ANALYST RESULT Ceriodaphnia Pass/Fail Chronic Started 01/31/9618:30 PASS NCDEM 9/89 Analyzed 02/14/96 by 7CB Page 2 C EtVth'A1 F LtS DEQ-CFW 00077643 Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Chronic Pass/Fail and Acute LC50 Date: 02/14/96 Facility: BOTH SPIKED NPDES#: NC0003573 Pipe#: County: BLADEN Laboratory Performing Test: BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. Comments: X SignZz re of Operator in Responsible Charge X t SipKature of Laboratory Supe visor * PASSED: 6.09% Reduction Work order: 6B001-002 MA OR INA T0: North Carolina Ceriodaphnia Chronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Toxicity Test E ironmental ciences ranch Di of Enviro ental Ma ement �NIA- N.C. pt. of EH 4401 y Creek d Raleigh,N rth Carolina 27607-6445 Chronic Test Results Calculated t = Tabular t = CONTROL ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 % Reduction = 6.09 # Young Produced 27 35 37 36 35 36 37 3112913412613111 I ] Adult (L)ive Mead L L L L L L L L L L L L Effluent %: 3.3% TREATMENT 2 ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Control CV 11.891% # Young Produced 30 31 35 36 31 32 16 35 28 33 33 30 % control orgs producing 3rd brood Adult (L)ive Mead L L L L L L L L L L L L 100% Mortality Avg.Reprod. 0.00 32.83 Control Control 0.00 30.83 Treatment 2 Treatment 2 PASS FAIL X Check One 1st sample 1st sample 2nd sample Complete This For Either Test pH Test Start Date: 01/31/96 Control 7.62 8.03 7.76 7.74 ff E Collection (Start) Date SampLe 1: 01/30/96 Sample 2: Treatment 2 7.73 8.01 7.83 7.83 7.83 7.87 SampLe Type/Duration 2nd 1st P/F s s s Grab Comp. Duration D t e t e t e I S S a n a n a n Sample 1 X 24 hrs L A A r d r d r d U M M t t t Sample 2 hrs T P P 1st sample 1st sample 2nd sample D.O. Hardness(mg/l) 49 Control 8.6 8.4 8.8 8.9 8.8 8.3 Spec. Cond.(pmhos) 124 686 Treatment 2 ChLorine(mg/l) n/a LC50/Acute Toxicity Test Sample temp. at receipt(°C) 1.8 (Mortality expressed as %, combining replicates) Note: Please Concentration Complete This Section Also Mortality start/end start/end Control 7-1 it High Conc. DH D.O. LC50 = % Method of Determination 95% Confidence Limits Moving Average _ Prob -- % Spearman Karber _ Other Organism Tested: Ceriodaphnia dubia Duration(hrs): Copied from DEM form AT-1 (3/87) rev. 11/95 (DUBIA ver. 4.30) h JUL . —w DEQ-CFW 00077644 Aquatic Bioassay Testing - Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing [ED11 Reporting & Data Handling Services BURLINGTON RESEARCH 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • (910) 570-4661 • Fax (910) 570-4698 ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER: DUPONT FAYETTEVILLE WORK ORDER #: 6BO01-006 REPORT TO: Mr. Mike Hamilton RECEIVED: 01/31/96 REPORTED: 02/14/96 SAMPLE DESC: SPECIAL STUDY, 6.6 SAMPLE TYPE: WASTEWATER, COMPOSITE COLLECTED: 01/30/96 09:00 to 01/30/96 09:00 SITE: BOTH 6.6 PARAMETER DATE/TI M E/ANALYST RESULT Ceriodaphnia Pass/Fail Chronic Started 01/31/9618:30 PASS NCDEM 9/89 Analyzed 02/14/96 by 7CB 5� .6 '9.w�^�43oaric blf �� 1 JUL 80 1996 Page 61vN BR-2 1/96 DEQ-CFW 00077645 Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Chronic Pass/Fail and Acute LC50` Date: 02/14/96 Facility: BOTH SPIKED NPDES#: NC0003573 Pipe#: County: BLADEN Laboratory Performing Test: BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. Comments: X Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge ratory Supervisor * PASSED: 0.25% Reduction * Work Order: 6BO01-06 vironmen L Sci \ces anch NIL NIGIN� T Di of Env onmenMan ement. ept. o HNR4401edy Cre Roa Raleigh North Carolina 27607 6445 -1-J-.�L-_- Chronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Toxicity Test :ONTROL ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 # Young Produced 27 35 37 36 35 36 37 31 29 L34 26 f.31 Adult (L)ive (D)ead IL 11L L IL IL IL IL IL IL L IL IL :ff Luent %: 6.6% REATMENT 2 ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Control CV 11.891% # Young Produced 39 34 33 36 32 30 32 20 37 30 36 34 % control orgs producing 3rd brood Adult (L)ive Mead L L L L L L L L L L L L 100% Chronic Test Results Calculated t = 0.046 Tabular t = 2.508 Reduction = 0.25 Mortality Avg.Reprod. 0.00 32.83 Control Control 0.00 32.75 Treatment 2 Treatment 2 PASS FAIL N Check One 1st sample 1st sample 2nd sample Complete This For Either Test pH Test Start Date: 01/31/96 Control 7.62 8.03 7.76 7.74 ff�E Collection (Start) Date Sample 1: 01/30/96 Sample 2: Treatment 2 7.77 8.02 7.82 7.87 7.79 7.87 Sample Type/Duration 2nd 1st P/F s s s Grab Comp. Duration D t e t e t e I S S a n a n a n Sample 1 X 24 hrs L A A r d r d r d U M M t t t Sample 2 hrs T P P 1st sample 1st sample 2nd sample D.O. Hardness(mg/L) 49 `:�� �•i�•iii� Control 8.7 8.4 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.2 Spec. Cond.(µmhos) 124 686 Treatment 2 Chlorine(mg/l) n/a LC50/Acute Toxicity Test Sample temp. at receipt(°C) 1.8 (Mortality expressed as %, combining replicates) % Note: Please Concentration Complete This Section Also Mortality start/end start/end Control obit High Conc. pH D.O. LC50 = % Note: Please Concentration Complete This Section Also Mortality start/end start/end Control obit High Conc. pH D.O. LC50 = % Method of Determination 95% Confidence Limits Moving Average _ Pr -- % Spearman Karber _ Other Organism Tested: Ceriodaphnia dubia Duration(hrs): Copied from DEM form AT-1 (3/87) rev. 11/95 (DUBIA ver. 4.30) JUL SO 1996 DEQ-CFW 00077646 Aquatic Bioassay T;epting ! Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Ell Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services BURLINGTON RESEARCH 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • (910) 570-4661 • Fax (910) 570-4698 ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER: DUPONT FAYETTEVILLE WORK ORDER #: 6B220-001 REPORT TO: Mr. Michael Johnson RECEIVED: 02/14/96 REPORTED: 02/28/96 SAMPLE DESC: FEB. MONITORING, TOXICITY SAMPLE TYPE: WASTEWATER, COMPOSITE COLLECTED: 02/12/96 12:00 to 02/13/9612:00 SITE: HFPO 3.3 PARAMETER DATE/TIME/ANALYST RESULT Ceriodaphnia Pass/Fail Chronic Started 02/14/9613:05 PASS NCDEM 9/89 Analyzed 02/27/96 by JCB Page 1 BR-2 1196 JUL «I0 1996 r'RA fief DEQ-CFW 00077647 Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Chronic Pass/Fail and Acute LC50f Date: 02/22/96 facility: HFPO SPIKED NPDES#: N00003573 Pipe#: County: BLADEN Laboratory Performing Test: BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. Comments: Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge X�ature L� Sof Laboratory Supervisor Work Order: 6B220-001 Mi,L 0 GINAL-'-5O: * PASSED: 4.62% Reduction * t v,ronmen scie ces rancn ��p Di . of Env onmen l Ma agement �U1 N.0 Dept. o EHNR 4401 Reedy Cr k Roa Ralei h, North arolina 27607-6445 Chronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Toxicity Test Chronic Test Results Calculated t = 0.591 Tabular t = 2.508 :ONTROL ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 % Reduction = 4.62 # Young Produced 13112712913212213113012412411 36 27 Adult (L)ive Mead L L L L L L L L L L L L :ff Luent %: 3.3% REATMENT 2 ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Control CV 22.786% # Young Produced 23 29 29 18 31 28 27 20 24 27 29 25 % control orgs producing 3rd brood Adult (Dive Mead L L L L L L L L L L L L 92% Mortality Avg.Reprod. 0.00 27.08 Control Control 0.00 25.83 Treatment 2 Treatment 2 PASS FAIL 1X1 11 Check One 1st sample 1st sample 2nd sample Complete This For Either Test pH Test Start Date: 02/14/96 Control 7.61 7.69 7.47 7.71 7.68H Collection (Start) Date Sample 1: 02/12/96 Sample 2: Treatment 2 7.58 7.71 7.64 7.75 7.77 7.96 Sample Type/Duration 2nd 1st P/F s s s Grab Comp. Duration D t e t e t e I S S a n a n a n Sample 1 X 24 hrs L A A r d r d r d U M M t t t Sample 2 hrs T P P 1st sample 1st sample 2nd sample D.O. Hardness(mg/L) 45 Control 8.3 7.9 8.6 8.2 7.9 8.3 Spec. Cond.(pmhos) 124 651 Treatment 2 Chlorine(mg/l) n/a LC50/Acute Toxicity Test Sample temp. at receipt(°C) 2.2 (Mortality expressed as %, combining replicates) N t PL o e. ease Concentration Complete This Section Also Mortality LC50 = % Method of Determination 95% Confidence Limits Moving Average _ Probit _ -- % Spearman Karber _ Other _ Organism Tested: Ceriodaphnia dubia Duration(hrs): Copied from DEM form AT-1 (3/87) rev. 11/95 (DUBIA ver. 4.30) Control High Conc. pH D.O. JUL1996 DEQ-CFW 00077648 Aquatic Bioassay Taepting - Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Ell Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services BURLINGTON RESEARCH 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • (910) 570-4661 • Fax (910) 570-4698 ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER: DUPONT FAYETTEVILLE WORK ORDER #: 6B220-007 REPORT TO: Mr. Michael Johnson RECEIVED: 02/14/96 REPORTED: 02/28/96 SAMPLE DESC: FEB. MONITORING, TOXICITY SAMPLE TYPE: WASTEWATER, COMPOSITE COLLECTED: 02/12/9612:00 to 02/13/9012:00 SITE: HFPO 6.6 PARAMETER DATE/TIME/ANALYST RESULT * * Ceriodaphnia Pass/Fail Chronic Started 02/14/9613:43 PASS NCDEM 9/89 Analyzed 02/27/96 by JCB * * Sample received out of hold time leas-e t'oj✓! d�e� 5 a r»p le �' e c e,'v� of o—�k . Page 7 �I1L g0 1996 BR-2 1/96 DEQ-CFW 00077649 Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Chronic Pass/Fail and Acute LC50Date: 02/22/96 Facility: HFPO SPIKED NPDES#: NC0003573 Pipe#: Laboratory Performing Test: BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. FComments- X Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge Work Order: 6B220-001 r County: BLADEN * PASSED: 6.46% Reduction * E viron ental Sciences Branch pi��VM A�L`BRIG14AL TO: Di of vir°�men L Manag ment N.C. Dept. ofNjJR� 4401 eedy reek ytoad Raleig , North Carolina 27607-6445 IVI-!dl balVlllia lcl 1-VII[Itu Chronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Toxicity Test Chronic Test Results Calculated t = Tabular t = :ONTROL ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 % Reduction = 6.46 Mortality Avg.Reprod. # Young Produced 31 27 29 32 22 31 30 24 24 12 36 27 % 0.00 27.08 Control Control Adult (L)ive Mead L L L L L L L L L L L L 0.00 Treatment 2 25.33 Treatment 2 !ffluent %: 6.6% 'REATMENT 2 ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Control CV 22.786% PASS FAIL # Young Produced 21 29 8 31 26 28 26 25 29 22 30 29 % control orgs producing 3rd brood ECheL Adult (Dive Mead L L L L L L L L L L L L 92% 1st sample 1st sample 2nd sample Complete This For Either Test PH Test Start Date: 02/14/96 Control 7.61 7.b9 7.47 7.71 E�H Collection (Start) Date Sample 1: 02/12/96 Sample 2: Treatment 2 7.62 7.73 7.61 7.76 7.78 7.92 Sample Type/Duration 2nd 1st P/F s s s Grab Comp. Duration D t e t e t e I S S a n a n a n Sample 1 X 24 hrs L A A r d r d r d U M M t t t Sample 2 hrs T P P 1st sample 1st sample 2nd sample D.O. Hardness(mg/l) 45 Control 0210 Spec. Cond.(pmhos) 124 651 Treatment 2 Chlorine(mg/L) n/a LC50/Acute Toxicity Test Sample temp. at receipt(°C) 2.2 (Mortality expressed as %, combining replicates) Note: Please Concentration Complete This Mortality Section Also start/end start/end Control bit High Conc. DH D.O. LC50 = % Method of Determination 95% Confidence Limits Moving Average _ Pro -- % Spearman Karber _ Other Organism Tested: Ceriodaphnia dubia Duration(hrs): Copied from DEM form AT-1 (3/87) rev. 11/95 (DUBIA ver. 4.30) JUG 3a 1996 DEQ-CFW 00077650 Aquatic Bipassay, Tppting • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Ell Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services BURLINGTON RESEARCH 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • (910) 570-4661 • Fax (910) 570-4698 ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER: DUPONT FAYETTEVILLE WORK ORDER #: 6B220-002 REPORT TO: Mr. Michael Johnson RECEIVED: 02/14/96 REPORTED: 02/28/96 SAMPLE DESC: FEB. MONITORING, TOXICITY SAMPLE TYPE: WASTEWATER, COMPOSITE COLLECTED: 02/12/9612:00 to 02/13/9612:00 SITE: Both 3.3 BR-2 1/96 PARAMETER DATE/TIME/ANALYST RESULT Ceriodaphnia Pass/Fail Chronic Started 02/14/96 13:43 PASS NCDEM 9/89 Analyzed 02/27/96 by JCB JUL 30 1996 Page 2 DEQ-CFW 00077651 Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Chronic Pass/Fail and Acute•LC50 Date: 02/22/96 Facility: BOTH SPIKED NPDES#: NC0003573 Pipe#: County: BLADEN Laboratory Performing Test: BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. Comments: X Sign ure of Operator in Responsible Charge X (,� SPhiture of Laboratory Supervisor * PASSED: 5.16% Reduction Work Order: 68220-002 E ironment\Creek ces�nA MA.I,_.OR'IIGINAJ— 16� Di of Enval M agem t �� N.C. pt. 4401 Re ad Raleigh, North Carolina 27607-6445 Chronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Toxicity Test :ONTROL ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 # Young Produced 28 39 32 32 21133132122132131 32 34 11 Adult Wive Mead L L L L L L L L L L L L :ff Luent %: 3.3% TREATMENT 2 ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Control CV 16.175% # Young Produced 31 33 33 27 25 20 27 33 24 35 34 27 % control orgs producing 3rd brood Adult Wive Mead L L L L L L L L L L L L 100% Chronic Test Results Calculated t = 0.800 Tabular t = 2.508 Reduction = 5.16 Mortality Avg.Reprod. 0.00 30.67 Control ControL 0.00 29.08 Treatment 2 Treatment 2 PASS FAIL X Check One 1st sample 1st sample 2nd sample Complete This For Either Test pH Test Start Date: 02/14/96 Control 7.61 7.85 7.47 7.87 EE83 Collection (Start) Date Sample 1: 02/12/96 Sample 2: Sam Treatment 2 7.93 7.78 7.55 7.90 7.94 7.78 ple Type/Duration 2nd 1st P/F s s s Grab Comp. Duration D t e t e t e I S S a n a n a n Sample 1 X 24 hrs L A A r d r d r d U M M t t t Sample 2 hrs T P P 1st sample 1st sample 2nd sample D.O. Hardness(mg/L) 45 Control 8.3 8.3 8.6 8.4 7.9 8.4 Spec. Cond.(pmhos) 124 529 Treatment 2 8.1 8.3 8.55 8.3 8.5 8.3 ChLorine(mg/L) n/a LC50/Acute Toxicity Test Sample temp. at receipt(°C) 2.1 (Mortality expressed as %, combining replicates) SEEM®®®®®® ®®®®®®®®®® Note: Please Concentration Complete This Section ALso Mortality start/end start/end Control it High Conc. off D.O. LC50 = % Method of Determination 95% Confidence Limits Moving Average _ Prob -- % Spearman Karber _ Other Organism Tested: Ceriodaphnia dubia Duration(hrs): Copied from DEM form AT-1 (3/87) rev. 11/95 (DUBIA ver. 4.30) JUL 30 1996 Nf DEQ-CFW 00077652 Aquatic Bioassay,Tepting . Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Ell Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services BURLINGTON RESEARCH 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • (910) 570-4661 • Fax (910) 570-4698 ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER: DUPONT FAYETTEVILLE WORK ORDER #: 6B220-008 REPORT TO: Mr. Michael Johnson RECEIVED: 02/14/96 REPORTED: 02/28/96 SAMPLE DESC: FEB. MONITORING, TOXICITY SAMPLE TYPE: WASTEWATER, COMPOSITE COLLECTED: 02/12/96 12:00 to 02/13/9612:00 SITE: BOTH 6.6 PARAMETER DATE/TIME/ANALYST RESULT Ceriodaphnia Pass/Fail Chronic Started 02/14/9613:05 PASS NCDEM 9/89 Analyzed 02/27/96 by JCB �r JELL 30 1996 e Pag 8 s'*I~,jTL Piet BR-2 1/96 DEQ-CFW 00077653 Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Chronic Pass/Fail and Acute LC50 Date: 02/22/96 Facility: BOTH SPIKED NPDES#: NC0003573 Pipe#: Laboratory Performing Test: BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. [Comments: X Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge County: BLADEN X / Signat o Laboratory Supervisor * PASSED: 2.72% Reduction Work Order: 6B220-002 EnvironmentaL Sciences Branc �n1\ MAORINA1\T0N_ Di Enviro entaL anagem t 1� 1 N.C. Dep of E 4401 eedy Creek RaLei h, Nor h Ca�ad ina 27607-6445 - - -- -. a wl .... �r •.w Chronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Toxicity Test ONTROL ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 # Young Produced ��28�39�32132121�33�32122132131132�34�� Adult (L)ive Mead JAL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL ffluent %: 6.6% 'REATMENT 2 ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Control CV 16.175% # Young Produced 34 26 31 36 28 36 28 32 29 26 22 30 % control orgs producing 3rd brood Adult Wive Mead L L L L L L L L L L L L 100% Chronic Test Results Calculated t = 0.442 Tabular t = 2.508 Reduction = 2.72 Mortality Avg.Reprod. 0.00 30.67 Control Control 0.00 29.83 Treatment 2 Treatment 2 PASS FAIL X Check One 1st sample 1st sample 2nd sample Complete This For Either Test pH Test Start Date: 02/14/96 Control 7.61 7.85 7.47 7.87 E 8 7.83 Collection (Start) Date Sample 1: 02/12/96 Sample 2: Treatment 2 7.77 7.79 7.51 7.78 7.82 7.76 Sample Type/Duration 2nd 1st P/F s s s Grab Comp. Duration D t e t e t e I S S a n a n a n Sample 1 X 24 hrs L A A r d r d r d U M M t t t Sample 2 hrs T P P 1st sample 1st sample 2nd sample D.O. Hardness(mg/l) 45':`:`: Control 8.3 8.3 8.6 8.4 7.9 8.4 Spec. Cond.(µmhos) 124 529 Treatment 2 Chlorine(mg/L) i' n/a LC50/Acute Toxicity Test Sample temp. at receipt(°C) 2.1 (Mortality expressed as %, combining replicates) Note: Please Concentration Complete This Section Also Mortality start/end start/end Control it High Conc. PH D.O. LC50 = % Method of Determination 95% Confidence Limits Moving Average _ Prob -- % Spearman Karber _ Other Organism Tested: Ceriodaphnia dubia Duration(hrs): Copied from DEM form AT-1 (3/87) rev. 11/95 (DUBIA ver. 4.30) Min ,JUL 30 1996 DEQ-CFW 00077654 oUPONT DuPont Automotive DuPont Automotive P.O. Drawer Z Fayetteville, NC 28302 March 22, 1996 Mr. Gregory Nizich NC DEHNR - DEM Water Quality Section Permits & Engineering Unit - P. O. Box 29535 ; L�, _ Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 CA RE: Renewal of NPDES Permit No. NC0003573 Re -analysis for di-n-octyl phthalate at Outfall 002 a Dear Mr. Nizich, Enclosed are the results from two additional Outfall 002 analyses for di-n-octyl phthlate which shows that this compound was below the method's detection limit. These results should verify that the initial analysis of 23 µg/L di-n-octyl phthlate as reported in the NPDES Permit renewal application was probably from cross -contamination of the sampler's synthetic rubber gloves. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (910) 678-1155. Enclosures Michael E. Johnson Environmental Coordinator Cy� 0.1 4 R- JUL 80 1996 RR E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 0 Printed on Recycled Paper Z-544 Rev. 8/95 DEQ-CFW 00077655 Industrial & Environmental Analysts, Inc. (IRA) BASE/NEUTRAL EXTRACTABLES SW-846 METHOD 8270 IRA Project Number: 2101-077 IEA Sample Number: 9512448-01 Date Received: 12/13/95 Client Name: Dupont Date Sampled: 12/13/95 Client Project ID: Waste Water Treatment Date Extracted: 12/18/95 Sample Identification: 4046 Date Analyzed: 12/28/95 Matrix: Water Analysis By: Van Lare Dilution Factor: 1.0 Quantitation Results Limit Concentration Number Compound (ug/L) (ug/L) 1 Di-n-octylphthalate 10 BQL Comments: Sample specific quantitation limits may be calculated by multiplying the quantitation limit by the dilution factor. BQL = Below Quantitation Limit (1) Cannot be separated from Diphenylamine (,3) Hexachlorocyclopentadiene does not recover by this method. '1 FORM 8270E (1) Rev. 041795 DEQ-CFW 00077656 2/7 Industrial & Environmental Analysts, Inc. (IEA) GC/MS BASE/NEUTRAL EXTRACTABLES EPA 625 COMPOUND LIST IEA Project Number: 2101-104 IEA Sample Number: 9602195-05 Date Received: 02/07/96 Client Name: Dupont Date Sampled: 02/07/96 Client Project ID: LFN-182117 Date Extracted: 02/12/96 Sample Identification: 060206-002 Date Analyzed: 02/18/96 Matrix: Water Analysis By: Van Lare Dilution Factor: 1.0 Quantitation Results Limit Concentration Number Compound (ug/L) (ug/L) 1 Di-n-octylphthalate 10 BQL Comments: *This compound is no longer provided as a normal target deliverable for Method 625. Please contact your account representative for further information. Sample specific quantitation limits may be calculated by multiplying the quantitation limit by the dilution factor. �. BQL - Below Quantitation Limit ' FORM 625B (1) Rev. 081792 JUL $0 1996; `CE; t`AL ME`3 _t1 DEQ-CFW 00077657 MAIL TO NORTH CAROLINA, Cumberland County. ST AFFIDAVIT F PUBLICATION i the basis of thorough review and application of Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, duly commissioned and authorized to administer oaths, affirmations, etc., personally appeared who, being duly sworn or affirmed, according to law, doth depose and say that Article 21 of Chapter 143. Gen- he/she is oral Statutes of North Carolina, Public taw 92-500 and other of THE FAYETTEVILLE PUBLISHING COMPANY, a corporation organized lawful standards and regula- tions, the North Carolina Envi- and doing business under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, and publishing ronmental Management Com- mission proposes to issue a a newspaper known as THE FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER, in the City of permit to discharge to the per- sons listed suelo to effective Fayetteville, County and State aforesaid, and that as such he/she makes this pecial conditions. affidavit; that he/she is familiar with the books, files and business of said Persons wishing to comment upon or object to the proposed Corporation and by reference to the fifes -of said publication the attached determinations are invited to r: submit same in writing to tea advertisement of ��� above address no later than 6/19/96. All comments received prior to that date will be con- sidered in the formulation of fi- nal determinations regarding I�i G /1 ryn�, the proposed permit. A public meeting may be held where the Director of the Division of �f Environmental Management finds a significant re degree d was inserted in the aforesaid news a er in .' .4gb=t dli( Wrp follows: public interest in a proposed � p p �• .. -:- „ _ ,- , , y = permit. ! A copy of the draft permit is available by writing or calling the Division of Environmental Management, P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626.0535, (919) 733-7015. and at t The application and other in- formation may be inspected at'ation The. Fayetteville Observer was a newspaper meeting all the requirements and these locations during normal qualifiea office hours. Copies of the in- No. 1-597 G. S. of N. C. formation on fnyb The upnqueetadpamentof A from the books and files of the aforesaid corporation and publication. Me costs of reproduction. All such comments or requests re- garding a proposed permit should make reference to the NPDES permit. Date April 17, 1996. A. Preston Howard Jr. P.E. Director Division of Environmental Management Public Notice of intent to is- sue a State NPDES permit to Sworn or affirmed to, and subscribed before me, this da, the following: 1. NPDES No. NC0003573 E.L. DuPont de Nemours 9 Co., Inc. PO Drawer Z Fayette -'if _ _ , A.D., 19 villa, NC 28302 has applied for a permit renewal for a facility located at Fayetteville works, In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set m hand d affixed official seal NC Highway 87,Duart, Bladen . my anxem S' county. The facility discharges r .he day and yeaaforesaid. 2.0 MGD of treated domestic and industrial wastewater from outfall 001, and outfall 003, and non -contact cooling water, boil- er blowdown, condensate and i filter backwash from outfall 002 — into the Cape Fear River, a Notary PUbh, Class C stream inthe Cape Fear River Basin which has a 7010 flow of 791.00 cis. Flour- ide is water quality limited. For, this parameter, the available My Comm load capacity of the immediate day of 19 receiving water will be con- sumed. This may affect future water quality based effluent limitations for additional dis. chargers within this portion Of the watershed. 5648 5/13 s»r it ' �C-ENTRAL FILES DEQ-CFW 00077658