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North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Michael F. Easley, Governor
January 21, 2005
Mr. Barry Hudson
Plant Manager
DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works
22828 NC Highway 87 West
Fayetteville, NC 28306
William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary
B. Keith Overcash, P.E., Director
SUBJECT: Required Annual Point Air Pollutant Emissions Inventory for Calendar Year 2004
DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works
Air Quality Permit No. 03735T26
Facility ID: 0900009, Fayetteville, Bladen County
Dear Mr. Hudson:
All Title V facilities, and others receiving this notice, are required to provide a point source air emission
inventory, quantifying actual air pollutant emissions for calendar year (CY) 2004, under the authority of Title
15A NCAC 2Q.0207 and 2D.0202, and as a condition of the operating permit. You must complete and
submit the report even if. 1) your facility has been modified recently such that the permit classification has
changed, 2) you anticipate such changes, or 3) even if your facility did not operate in CY 2004.
The Division of Air Quality (DAQ) has implemented an Internet -based reporting tool called AERO
(Air Emissions Reporting'Qnline) at, http://dag.state.nc.us/monitor/eminv/forrns/2 where you may access the
system directly and make updates of data from the previous year. Pre -filled, site -specific forms for your
facility are also available to print from AERO, but we highly encourage use of the on-line capabilities.
Regardless of the option chosen, your data will be reviewed and approved in the region to which you report,
prior to the data being finally accepted. If you do not have access to a computer or access to the Internet,
please contact Heather Hawkins of the DAQ Fayetteville Regional Office at (910) 486-1541 to request
By the time you receive this letter, access to the above information should be available as indicated
above (Click on the "AERO".link. When you sign into AFRO, you will need to use your unique User Id:
p This sign -in process keeps the information secure so that only you or
your autnorized representative (and assigned DAQ staff) may access, view, and update the information. It is
your responsibility to control the use of this unique PIN. You can now '"reset" the PIN with one of your
choosing if you wish. We continue to make other improvements to the system as resources allow and
encourage you to continue to give us ideas and suggestions to make this process more efficient.
Fayetteville Regional Office }
Systel Building, 225 Green Street, Suite 714, Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301-5094 orthiCarolin v-?
Phone: (910) 486-1541 / FAX: (910) 485-7467 / Internet: www.ncair.orgV
An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper
DEQ-CFW 00087042
Mr. Barry Hudson
January 21, 2005
Page 2
If you choose to submit via paper forms, you must submit one complete original and a complete copy
including an Emission Source/Operating Scenario form for each emission source or emission source group,
a signed Certification form, supporting documentation and emission calculations postmarked no later than
June 30, 2005, in accordance with the instructions. NC DAQ is participating in an EPA pilot effort this
year to develop a process for earlier submittal and request that you assist us by making an early
submittal by April 30, 2005, if at all possible. We anticipate this date to become mandatory for the CY
2005 inventory. DAQ plans extra support efforts, if needed, to assist those facilities who agree to meet this
earlier report date.
If updating on-line, you must complete the "submit" process in AFRO, and provide a paper
Certification Form (signed by the legally responsible official in blue ink) along with the supporting
documentation. All these materials must be mailed (postmarked) by June 30, 2005 to:
Air Emission Inventory
Fayetteville Regional Office
Systel Building
225 Green Street, Suite 714
Fayetteville, NC 28301-5094
Incomplete submittals will not be accepted. Extensions are not normally granted. Facsimiles (faxes)
will not be accepted as an original submittal. Sources failing to comply by the stated deadline are subject to
enforcement action, including a civil penalty of up to $10,000 per day and/or injunctive relief, pursuant to
NCGS 143-215.114. If submitting paper forms via US mail, we strongly urge that you use "return receipt
requested" (e.g. certified) mail, so you have a record should there be any question or dispute regarding its
timely receipt. Other private carriers typically provide this tracking record as part of their service.
If you need specific assistance in responding to these emissions reporting requirements, you should
contact the regional office as indicated above. Please do not call DAQ's Central Office without first
contacting the appropriate regional office/contact.
B. Keith Overcash, P.E.
DEQ-CFW 00087043