Sent: 6/27/I0I75:I6:21PW1
To: Brower, Connie [/b=ExzhanXeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
CC: 6oyb,Julie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchanXeAdministrative Group
Subject: RE: Dupont GenX
Linda Culpepper
Deputy Director
Division coWater Resources
North Carolina DepedmentofEmimnmenta|Quality
1611Mail Service Center
From: Brower, Connie
Sent: Tuesday, June J7,JO17Z:14PK4
To: Culpepper, Linda x|indazu|pepper@ncdenr.gov>;Holman, Sheila <shei|a.ho|man@ncdenr.8ov>;Grryb,Julie
^ju|ie.8rzyb@ncdenr.0ov>; Manning, Jeff ^jef[mannin0@ncdenr.0ov>
Subject: FVV: Dupont GenX
West Virginia —
New jersey has not returned my call.
From: Smith Chris
Sent: Tuesday, June 27,ZO172:1ZPM
To: Brower, Connie
Subject: Dupont GenX
Ms. Brower,
The state ofWest Virginia doesn't have astandard for this compound. | have contacted our NPDESprogram tosee if
this compound is addressed in setting NPDES permit limits and am awaiting response. | will let you know assoon as |
hear back from them. |f|can beofany further assistance, inthe meantime, please let meknow.
Christopher Smith
Environmental Resources Analyst
West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
Division ofWater and Waste Management
601571h Street SE
DEQ-CFW 00013476