Sent: 6/22/I0I71:I5:57PW1
To: Manning, Jeff [/h=ExchangeLabs/ou=EwchangeAdministrative Group
CC: Brower, Connie [/6=ExchanXeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
Subject: Re: July l2,2Ol7VV8CAgenda Draft Update
The Directors will definitely continue to address legislative issues with the EMC as they have been.
Sent from my iPhone
OnJun 22 2017 o19:l0 AM Manning, Jeff wrote:
Another thought, is it possible the VV{l[can consider resolution to the N[ Leg for funding for these
sorts ofthings that come up"outside"the course ofthe scheduled work? Torecognize w/edon't need
further discussions inthe NCleg about cutting DVVRbudgets.
From: Brower, Connie
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2017 9:05 AM
To: Culpepper, Linda VVeaver,Adriene
Cc: Manning, Jeff
Subject: RE: July l2,2Ol7VVOCAgenda Draft Update
Title sounds ok
|donot mind co-presenbn8.
I think that you have as much info as DHHS does at the moment — so your idea about a later date with
them sounds good
Mina mentioned some "new news"? in her e-mail to the EPA folks. Ideas?
From: Culpepper, Linda
Sent: Wednesday, June 21,2U171O:3UPM
To: Weaver, Adriene ; Brower, Connie
Subject: RE: July lIJOl7VVCUCAgenda Draft Update
If you haven't heard back from others, let's try:
Thoughts onthe tittle, Connie? Want toco-present with me?
Had slipped astatement inaprior email about having DHHSjoin us,
but may save that for the formal presentation in Sept. timefn*me.
Open toideas.
Linda Culpepper
Deputy Director
Division of Water Resources
North Carolina Department uJEnvironmental Quality
1611Mail Service Center
Phone: �)19-707-9014
From: Weaver, Adriene
Sent: Wednesday, June Zl2O171:31PK4
To: Zimmerman, Jay ; Julie Wilsey Culpepper,
Cc: Holman, Sheila
Subject: RE: July lI20DWQCAgenda Draft Update
What title should I put in the agenda for the Cape Fear GenIX issue?
From: Zimmerman, Jay
Sent: Wednesday, June Zl 2017 1:29 PM
To: Julie Wilsey VVeaver,Adriene ;
Cu|pepper, Linda�
Cc: Holman, Sheila
Subject: RE: July lI 20DWQCAgenda Draft Update
I think that is a good idea and will touch base with Sheila. Our response and that of the DHHS is evolving
every day so we may need to submit something fairly late for the agenda. I'd suggest we consider a
place holder on the agenda without specifics so that we can tailor of presentation to include the latest
S.Jay Zimmerman, P.G.
Division ofWater Resources
1617Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N[J7699'1617
web page:
Email correspondence toand from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may hedisclosed to third
parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation.
From: Julie Wilsey
Sent: Wednesday, June Z1,ZU171]lPK4
To: Weaver, Adriene ; Zimmerman, Jay ;
Cu|pepper, Linda
Subject: Re: July 12, ZOl7VVCVCAgenda Draft Update
Should we have a brief introduction on the WQC on the Cape Fear River GenX issue? I do not
expect to have a full presentation. Maybe that follows in September. I am not sure how much
press coverage the rest of the state had. It was/still is front page every day in Wilmington. The
WQC should be made aware of the issue and next steps.
Julie Wilsey
From: Weaver, Adriene
Sent: Monday, June 19,2O178:U2PM
To: J Zimmerman, Jay; Culpepper, Linda; Fnanuen,Tom
Cc: Manning, Jeff
Subject: July 12,2U17VVOCAgenda Draft Update
The latest version of the draft July 12, 2017 WQC agenda is attached.
Environmental Sr. Specialist, Classification and Standards/Rules Review Branch
NC DEQ - Division of Water Resources
Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina public Records Law and may disclosed to
third parties.