Sent: 6/2I/I0I78:34:35PW1
To: Culpepper, Linda [/b=ExchanXeLabs/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group
(FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=73d475cbae3Z4aI9687e171Idc9a79c5'|mcu|pepper];Risen, Amy ]
[Amy.Risen @Pdhhcnc.gov];Holman, Sheila [shei|a.ho|man@pncdenr.Xov];Brower, Connie
[/o=ExchanXeLabs/ou=ExchanXeAdministrative Group
[Kemkerlaro|@pepa.Xov];Lane, Bill F[8iUlane@ncdenr.gov]
CC: Barkas, Jessica [barkas.jessica@epa.gov]; Bates, Keith [Bates. Keith @epa.gov]; Sadowsky, Don
[Sadovvsky.Don @ppa.gnv]; Shapiro, Melissa [shapiro.me|issa@epa.gov];Bookman, Robert
[8oukman.Rnbert@epa.Dov]; Picke||,Casey [picke|icasey@epa.gnv];Wallace, Ryan [VVaUace.Ryan@ppa.gnv]
Subject: C8| NCContCaU-919-5OI'4I73
Sta rt: 6/22/20176:00:00PN1
End: 6/22/20177:00:00PyW
Show Time As: Busy
Required Risen, Amy J; Holman, Sheila; Brower, Connie; Kernker, Carol; Shehee, Mina; Lane, Bill F
Carol — I can do a call between 2-3pm. Can update Sheila and others as needed if they cannot attend.
Con[call line 9l9-SOl-4273
From: Kemker,Carol
Sent: Wednesday, June J1,Z0174:JOPK4
To: Risen, Amy ] ��hehee,K4ina Brower, Connie
, Holman, Sheila < ; Culpepper, Linda
Subject: [8|Call
Keith and | have been working with our TSCAC8|attorneys onyour request for access tothe [hemousC8iSome ofthe
questions they have can only be answered by you all. Are you available for a call tomorrow sometime between 2:00 and
4:00oron Friday before 4:OO?
One of the things I have been able to understand is that the TSCA CBI clearance is granted to individuals based on what
they need and why they are asking. The questions tomorrow will be about who exactly needs access, what data is being
requested and how hwill beused.