HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00013398From: Brower, Connie [/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANG[ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=7EE8DB84D95G431C9A1F78IF5597BA62-CUBROVV[R] Sent: 6/2I/I0I78:I2:38PW1 To: Satterwhite, Dana [/h=ExzhangeLabs/ou=ExchanXeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=b5cf94a2dac14Z2ObIb5a7OO5IQ745cO-dsattemvhit] Subject: FVV:EPA Statement they have released today onSenX Fnmrn: Culpepper, Linda Sent: Wednesday, June J1,Z0171O:08AM To: Shehee,Mina <mina.shehee@dhhsocBov>;'cmo*er@pendercountync8ov'<cmoser@pendercountync.gov>;Cris Harrelson <cris.harve|son@brunsvvickoountync.8ov>;dhovvard@b|adencu.uqJ;ptarte@nhc8uv.com; Moore, Zack <zack.moore@dhhs.nc.8ov>; Brower, [onnie<connie.brovver@ncdenr.8ov> Subject: FVV: EPA Statement they have released today on 6enX Sharing the statement I saw this morning regarding EPA's investigation. Linda Culpepper Deputy Director Division of �AlaterResources North Carolina DepadmentnfEmimnmento|Quality 1611Mail Service. CenLer phone:9197079014 From: Kritzer, Jamie Sent: Tuesday, June ZU,ZO176:O6PM To: Culpepper, Linda ; Zimmerman, Jay <i,)y.z Hairston, Ursula �HoUoxvay,Tiacey� ; Holman, Sheila Kelley, Mary Kritzer, Jamie Lance, Kathleen [ ; Lane, Bill F �Lucey John �Miller, Anderson <>; Mundt, Jennifer ; Nicholson, John A. <;Re8an,K4iohae|S ; Webster, Timothy J ;Akroyd,Cathy R <� Goodwin, Larry � Lucas, K4 � Marshall, Angela R ; Moore, Jerome Munger, Bridget � Rudolph, LexiAx �� Sink, Maria � � 8mith,Trida Tolley, Lisa Wiggins, Marty Young, Sarah Subject: EPA Statement - they have released today on GenX EPA Statement 6/20/17 EPA iecommitted Vzprotecting public health andsupporting states and public water systems uathe appropniate steps to address the presence ofGxnXin drinking water are determined. EPA has initiated uninvestigation into Chemours" compliance with a 2009 order issued under the Toxic Substances Control Act (T8CA) for the production of(}ouX. This investigation will allow EPA Lo dotoroubuewhether Chonuour is in compliance withrequirements ofthe order tocontrol releases tothe environment olthe N.C., facility. EPA io alsoreviewing the additionaltoxicity data submitted hvthe company, amrequired undordhoconmontorder and updating the fisk assessment using the additional toxicity data specific to GenX. At the request of the North Carolina Department of OEQ-CFVV_00013398 Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), EPA has agreed to perform independent laboratory analysis for GenX in some of the water samples being collected by NCDEQ at 13 locations in the Cape Fear River over the next three weeks. Background • Typically, EPA investigates potential TSCA noncompliance through a review of production and environmental controls records required by any rule or order and, as needed, an on -site inspection. EPA may also use information requests to inform our investigation. • When EPA issued the consent order, the risk assessment for GenX was informed by available toxicity data for GenX and analogous substances such as PFOA (also known as C8). The consent order required the company to conduct additional toxicity testing on GenX. • EPA has received the data from Chemours and is using it to update its risk assessment. • Chemours agreed to bear all costs for the water collection and testing. The samples are being sent to a private laboratory in Colorado, and the EPA Office of Research and Development laboratory in Research Triangle Park, NC for independent verification. NCDEQ believes the completed results will be back from the laboratory in Colorado within four weeks from when the samples are received. EPA is working to determine a timeline for its analysis. Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, EPA undertakes extensive evaluations of contaminants and uses the best available peer reviewed science to identify and regulate contaminants that present meaningful opportunities for health risk reduction. The agency is working closely with the states and public water systems to determine the appropriate next steps to ensure public health protection. Jamie Kritzer Co-iuimwiic-?tio-is Directil N.C. Department of Environmental Quality 4119-707-8602 ION-003MOM A M ro"";' k, f ", P� 'eco'v."'s � � ".� � "'� I �' "." � DEQ-CFW-00013399