HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00086923FORM D1 FACILITY -WIDE EMISSIONS SUMMARY REVISED 12/01/01 NCDENR/Dtvlsion of Air Qualltv - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate D1 1-4 i0. rA)Qt!lI3�IA :�t$ 1t+k PtMOftli =>"17[ 1I X EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS (AFTER CONTROLS / (BEFORE CONTROLS / (AFTER CONTROLS / LIMITATIONS) LIMITATIONS) LIMITATIONS AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED tons/ tons/ tons/yr Unchanged (site Is Unchanged (site Is PARTICULATE MATTER (PM) ^ 50 Major Source) Major Source) Unchanged (site Is Unchanged (site isMajor PARTICULATE MATTER < 10 MICRONS (PM,o) -'50 Source) Major Source) Unchanged (site is Unchanged (site Is PARTICULATE MATTER < 2.5 MICRONS (PM) ^-50 Major Source) Major Source) Unchanged (site Is Unchanged (site is SULFUR DIOXIDE (S02) —600 Major Source) Major Source) Unchanged (site is Unchanged (site is NITROGEN OXIDES (NOx) �100 Major Source) Major Source) Unchanged (site is Unchanged (site is CARBON MONOXIDE (CO) —15 Major Source) Major Source) VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOC) ^-215 Major Source Major Source LEAD OTHER R� n+p /� _ ♦S( .. _iliAY'A 3 P I�(Idl'tC�A �up(���((� y� ,'�?0F(!IF"'tC'//#liYl'1�1:�"kC f1- EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS (AFTER CONTROLS / (BEFORE CONTROLS / (AFTER CONTROLS ! LIMITATIONS) LIMITATIONS) LIMITATIONS HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED CAS NO. tons!yr tons/ r tons/yr Total HAPs >25 (site Is Major Source) >25 (site is Major >25 (site is Major Source) Source) x = m t�triy, d :C C i tT i8 __ SStOAt ;t�0 - 'Tito 1=A1PA, -'Y tt� - f.. 3: INDICATE REQUESTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS i LIMITATIONS. EMISSIONS ABOVE THE TOXIC PERMIT EMISSION RATE (i'PER) IN 15A NCAC 2Q .0711 MAY REQUIRE AIR DISPERSION MODELING. USE NETTING FORM D2 IF NECESSARY. Modeling Required ? TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED CAS NO. Ib/hr lb/day lb/year Yes No TAP emissions will be not increase as a result of this modification. Current limits In the Title V Air Permit will be X unchanged. COMMENTS: As indicated above, the site is a major source for criteria pollutants and HAPs. The wet scrubber (ACD-A3) will not change any of the current classifications. VOC and PM are the only criteria pollutants emitted from this process. The APFO Manufacturing Facility currently emits both HAPs and TAPS, but the new wet scrubber (ACD- A3) will not result in an increase of those air pollutants. DEQ-CFW 00086923 FORM D TECHNICAL ANALYSIS TO SUPPORT PERMIT APPLICATION REVISED: 12/01/01 NCDENR/Division of Air Quality -Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate D5 PROVIDE DETAILED TECHNICAL CALCULATIONS TO SUPPORT ALL EMISSION, CONTROL, AND REGULATORY DEMONSTRATIONS MADE IN THIS APPLICATION. INCLUDE A COMPREHENSIVE PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM AS NECESSARY TO SUPPORT AND CLARIFY CALCULATIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS. ADDRESS THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC ISSUES ON SEPARATE PAGES: A SPECIFIC EMISSIONS SOURCE (EMISSION INFORMATION) (FORM B) - SHOW CALCULATIONS USED, INCLUDING EMISSION FACTORS, MATERIAL BALANCES, AND/OR OTHER METHODS FROM WHICH THE POLLUTANT EMISSION RATES IN THIS APPLICATION WERE DERIVED. INCLUDE CALCULATION OF POTENTIAL BEFORE AND, WHERE APPLICABLE, AFTER CONTROLS. CLEARLY STATE ANY ASSUMPTIONS MADE AND PROVIDE ANY REFERENCES AS NEEDED TO SUPPORT MATERIAL BALANCE CALCULATIONS. B SPECIFIC EMISSION SOURCE (REGULATORY INFORMATION)(FORM E2 -TITLE V ONLY) - PROVIDE AN ANALYSIS OF ANY REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO INDIVIDUAL SOURCES AND THE FACILITY AS A WHOLE. INCLUDE A DISCUSSION OUTING METHODS (e.g. FOR TESTING AND/OR MONITORING REQUIREMENTS) FOR COMPLYING WITH APPLICABLE REGULATIONS, PARTICULARLY THOSE REGULATIONS LIMITING EMISSIONS BASED ON PROCESS RATES OR OTHER OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS. PROVIDE JUSTIFICATION FOR AVOIDANCE OF ANY FEDERAL REGULATIONS (PREVENTION OF SIGNIFICANT DETERIORATION (PSD), NEW SOURCE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS (NSPS), NATIONAL EMISSION STANDARDS FOR HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANTS (NESHAPS), TITLE V), INCLUDING EXEMPTIONS FROM THE FEDERAL REGULATIONS WHICH WOULD OTHERWISE BE APPLICABLE TO THIS FACILITY. SUBMIT ANY REQUIRED TO DOCUMENT COMPLIANCE WITH ANY REGULATIONS. INCLUDE EMISSION RATES CALCULATED IN ITEM "A" ABOVE, DATES OF MANUFACTURE, CONTROL EQUIPMENT, ETC. TO SUPPORT THESE CALCULATIONS. C CONTROL DEVICE ANALYSIS (FORM C) - PROVIDE A TECHNICAL EVALUATION WITH SUPPORTING REFERENCES FOR ANY CONTROL EFFICIENCIES LISTED ON SECTION C FORMS, OR USED TO REDUCE EMISSION RATES IN CALCULATIONS UNDER ITEM "A" ABOVE. INCLUDE PERTINENT OPERATING PARAMETERS (e.g. OPERATING CONDITIONS, MANUFACTURING RECOMMENDATIONS, AND PARAMETERS AS APPLIED FOR IN THIS APPLICATION) CRITICAL TO ENSURING PROPER PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTROL DEVICES). INCLUDE AND LIMITATIONS OR MALFUNCTION POTENTIAL FOR THE PARTICULAR CONTROL DEVICES AS EMPLOYED AT THIS FACILITY. DETAIL PROCEDURES FOR ASSURING PROPER OPERATION OF THE CONTROL DEVICE INCLUDING MONITORING SYSTEMS AND MAINTENANCE TO BE PERFORMED. D PROCESS AND OPERATIONAL COMPLIANCE ANALYSIS - (FORM E3 -TITLE V ONLY) - SHOWING HOW COMPLIANCE WILL BE ACHIEVED WHEN USING PROCESS, OPERATIONAL, OR OTHER DATA TO DEMONSTRATE COMPLIANCE. REFER TO COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS IN THE REGULATORY ANALYSIS IN ITEM "B" WHERE APPROPRIATE. LIST ANY CONDITIONS OR PARAMETERS THAT CAN BE MONITORED AND REPORTED TO DEMONSTRATE COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE REGULATIONS. E PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SEAL - PURSUANT TO 15A NCAC 20.0112 "APPLICATION REQUIRING A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SEAL," A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER REGISTERED IN NORTH CAROLINA SHALL BE REQUIRED TO SEAL TECHNICAL PORTIONS OF THIS APPLICATION FOR NEW SOURCES AND MODIFICATIONS OF EXISTING SOURCES. (SEE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FURTHER APPLICABILITY). / attest that this application for has been reviewed by me and is accurate, complete and consistent with the information supplied in the engineering plans, calculations, and all other supporting documentation to the best of my knowledge. I further attest that to the best of my knowledge the proposed design has been prepared in accordance with the applicable regulations. Although certain portions of this submittal package may have been developed by other professionals, inclusion of these materials under my seal signifies that I have reviewed this material and have judged it to be consistent with the proposed design. Note: In accordance with NC General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a line not to exceed $10, 000 as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. (PLEASE USE BLUE INK TO COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING) PLACE NORTH CAROLINA SEAL HERE NAME: DATE: COMPANY: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: SIGNATURE: PAGES CERTIFIED: (IDENTIFY ABOVE EACH PERMIT FORM AND ATTACHMENT THAT IS BEING CERTIFIED BY THIS SEAL) Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary -- See Attached Calculation Sheet DEQ-CFW 00086924 FORM D TECHNICAL ANALYSIS TO SUPPORT PERMIT APPLICATION The purpose for installing and operating the wet scrubber (ACD-A3) is to reduce the emissions of perfluorooctanoic acid (APFO) or its salt ammonium perfluorooctanoate (APFO). Neither of these compounds are regulated air pollutants except for their generic classification as a volatile organic compound (VOC) or as particulate matter (PM). Taking the worst case scenario for the applicability of the New Source Review regulations, the criteria polutant with the smallest significant emission rate would be particulate matter less than 10 micron (PM-10). The significant emission rate for PM-10 is 15 tons per year. Stack testing of the APFO Manufacturing Facility has shown that the potential emission of APFO is approximately sixty (60) pounds per year or 0.03 tons per year. Obviously the potential emission rate of 0.03 ton/year is well less than the NSR significant emission rate of 15 ton/year for PM-10. As such, there is no applicable regulation requiring any additional emission control for this source. While there is no applicable regulation requiring the operation of the wet scrubber (ACD-A3), DuPont has elected to voluntarily install and operate this control device so as to reduce the current emission rate of APFO and/or PFOA. Because of the above and to expedite the processing of this application by the Division of Air Quality, this application is assuming that the new wet scrubber (ACD-A3) will have a capture and control efficiency of 0%. Accordingly, the information provided in Form C8 on the operating parameters of the scrubber shows worst -case ranges and conditions. DEQ-CFW 00086925