HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00013393From: Satterwhite, Dana [/O=[XCHANG[LABS/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=B5CF94A2DAC14Z2OB1B5A70O528745C0-DSATTERVVH|T] Sent: 6/2I/I0I77:58:43PW1 To: Brower, Connie [/b=ExzhanXeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=7ee8db84d9554]1c9aIf781f5597ba62-cubrower] Subject: FVV: Discussion for sampling and analysis inWilmington This is one of the things I was talking about, the sample handling protocol for the TestAmerica samples is opposite the protocol for EPA. Are you having fun yet? Dana Satterwhite Environmental Program Supervisor III WW/GW Laboratory Certification Branch North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality/Division of Water Resources Water Sciences Section 1823Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC278A9-1823 o"IaLas/anda y b e ooh,,�aad' ��J' ar�su H,avmynmu'pto amknm,--,'icenmm0no"'ceoofchamQms knpn8d'm\, and pwrN"aio�'ngtokneN-`,1 Lmb�uato�yCemdflcaflhon prmgmunmthat mninmpw,,�t iDnYaurclaY��-� ay ffoo�t, Send ab0mnkeroa8to the��8�e�n�m�dr�uu� From: Johnson, Chris To: West, Steve <steve.xves @ncdenr.gov> Cc: Brantley, Mark<mark.brant|ey0Dncdenr.8o*,; Satterwhite, Dana<dana.sattenwhhe@ncdenr.Bou" Subject: RE: Discussion for sampling and analysis in Wilmington Understood. Thanks for the info. Still haven't heard back from EPA about the sample bottles. Will pass this along and let you know about anything |hear. [hns]obosoo N[DEQ-DWR Water Sciences Section correspondpncp w;th this Pmai� addrpss is subject to the. North Caroijna Pubiic Records Law and -nay bp disciospd to third partips. From: West, Steve Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 3:33 PM OEQ-CFVV_00013393 To: Johnson, Chris Subject: RE: Discussion for sampling and analysis in Wilmington Chris,fyi, the bottles going to Colorado for genex get no nitric and are put on ice according to their lab From: Johnson, Chris Sent: Wednesday, June Z1,ZU171Z:l3PM To: Culpepper, Linda ;Satterwhite Dana ;Brant|e& Mark West, Cc: Karo|y,[yndi <� ]ones,Nick« Subject: RE: Discussion for sampling and analysis in Wilmington I have emailed Andrew Lindstrom to determine if EPA will be providing sampling supplies. This was mentioned during the conference call, but isunclear. Chris Johnson N[DE[FDVVR Water Sciences Section CorresPondence wth this emai� address is sub.wct to the North Caroiina PuNic Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Johnson, Chris Sent: Wednesday, June ZlIO171O:IOAM To: Culpepper, Linda <�Sattemvhhe Dana � Brantley, Mark West, Steve Cc: Karo|y, Cyndi « ;]ones, Nick< Subject: RE: Discussion for sampling and analysis in Wilmington Linda, we're reviewing the EPA sampling procedure and discussing how we can besthelp coordinate things from the laboratory's perspective. We will get back in touch with you as soon as possible. Chris Johnson WCDE[.-DWR Water Sciences Section CorresPondence with this erna.i! address �s subject to the i-North Caro�ina Public Records Law and may be disdosed to third part�es From: Culpepper, Linda Sent: Wednesday, June J1,Z017Q:31AK4 To: Satterwhite, Dana Johnson, Brantley, Mark Nest, Steve Cc: Karo|y,[yndiJones, Nick Subject: RE: Discussion for sampling and analysis inWilmington I need you to work together on the sampling plans to ensure they meet the requirements. Who can take the lead? Linda Culpepper Deputy Director Division of Waiter Resources OEQ-CFVV_00013394 North Carolina Department ofEmhnmmentaiQuality 1611Mad Service Center phone�91g'787gV14 Nb����s�,o;bbY:9mron�La*���aYbmd�cms�db��/»o��s From: Satterwhite, Dana Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 7:19 AM To: Johnson, Chris Cu|peppe�Unda Cc: Karo|y, Cyndi ;]ones, Nick Subject: RE: Discussion for sampling and analysis in Wilmington I think Chris captured it. I do have something to add. I have not been privy to any discussions regarding the sampling plan, sodisregard ifthese things have been discussed. Ataminimum: * | would recommend initiating chain'of-cuutudyfor these samples at collection. * | think it would be prudent to include Field Blanks with this sampling event, especially with the target ana|yte(d ofintenest. w Field duplicates, atleast one for each sampling team, might also beconsidered. * I would have a plan for dealing with divergent data results since samples are being split between only two labs. * Consider how the data will be used if reporting levels between the two labs are significantly different. * | would get copies of both labs' Standard Operating Procedure for the analysis to ensure we have an understanding of how each set are handled and analyzed. Ensure that each region (i.e., FRO and WiRO) is collecting and handling the samples inthe same manner. Clean technique? w Ensure that samples will be treated similarly upon receipt at each lab (e.8, stored at room temp vs under refrigeration until ana|ysis). w Ensure our lab treats each set ofsamples similarly upon receipt. K is my understanding that the first set of samples, received atroom temperature are being stored under refrigeration. * | would include detailed description of our procedure for collecting and subsamp|in8/sp|ittin8ofsamples in the OYAPP. * | would consider requesting matrix spike analyses; at least for an sampling, samp|i�at each site.Regards, Dana DmnmSafterwhkm Environmental Program Supervisor III WW/GW Laboratory Certification Branch North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality/Division of Water Resources Water Sciences Section 1G23Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC27GQQ4G23 ��y N��h�ann0na�o�0���:nn%�Lmw/an�xnn�b����n���h7�n�Y/xa��� OEQ-CFVV_00013395 H,avmynmu'pto an,�knm,­,'icenmm0no"iceoofchamQms knpn8d'm\, and UhmNC ��as*ewa�m��ro�n��akar��bnr��or9cw,,',ificakk»nuhat -nm0dhave ao'hnopa�tnmyuux"maYnPao'ma����ok me, dmb�,uoken;AW0nuhe�o��ovWo8addxeso: From: Johnson, Chris Sent: Tuesday, June 2O,2O174:16PM To: Culpepper, Linda Cc: Satterwhite, Dana �Karo|y,[yndi Subject: RE: Discussion for sampling and analysis in Wilmington I will review Andrew's email and connect with the regional offices. I was not able to answer all of EPA's questions. Some of them include: - What is the status of the QAPP? I told them that a committee was working on it and someone from that group could address this. What specific target analytes are we interested in seeing? (Some analytes are qualitative /others can be quantified) Who will be responsible for dissemination of results and how will that take place? Our sample bottles areSOOmLbutthe|abprefemlLufsamp|eforpussib|edi|udonand{l[reasuns. For the time being, they are OK with getting J of the 500mL bottles for each site, but a single one'|kersamp|e is better from a reproducibility standpoint. Preservation will be nitric acid / still waiting to find out about shipping / storage temperature — it may be discussed in the document that Andrew Lindstrom sent, I haven't had a chance to review yet. Apparently, there have been other related sampling events inthe last few months. Some were taken byeither EPA or N[SUabout amonth ago with noresults asofyet. Apparently, there were results from December IOl6of~1OOpptnear Tarheel / Smithfield Processing and upwards of 6000ppt at Lock & Dam #3 / Huske Dam near the company outfall. It was suggested that check samples be prepared at a couple different levels to confirm recovery since two labs will be running the tests. I believe Mark Strynar is going to prep those samples. The questions you had asked me to pose: We can have results in 1'2m/eeks after samples have been submitted - Their detection limits are from —10ng up to a max of —500ng. Any samples recovering above the upper limit are They are prepared to handle a maximum ofSO samples. Apparently, this was the number that was previously discussed. Their method can detect a number of possible constituents that may be encountered from the company's outfaU. (We will need to either provide a list of analytes of concern or be prepared to deal with any that might be reported.) | copied Dana Satterwhite onthis email. She can correct meif|misstated anything. Things moved pretty rapidly during the call and | want tumake sure | didn't forget anything. Chris Johnson NCDEQFDVXR Water Sciences Section Corrpspondence. with this ernaii address is subjpct to thp North Caro�ina Pubk Rpeords Law and may be disck)sed to third parties, OEQ-CFVV_00013396 From: Culpepper, Linda Sent: Tuesday, June JO,JO173:17PK4 To: Johnson, Chris Subject: FVV:Discussion for sampling and analysis inWilmington Chris — will let you discuss this with the Regional Offices rather than getting in the middle of the communication. Share any updates from your call. Thanks. VVejust finished the risk assessment contcall. EPA isworking ontheir re -review toinclude the ingestion ofxvater pathway. As I understand, the original TSCA risk assessment focused on work exposure via inhalation and dermal. Linda Culpepper Deputy Director Division coWater Resources North Carolina Department ofEmimnmenta|Quality 1611Mad Service Center Phone: 919-707-9014 OEQ-CFVV_00013397