HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00077069October 7, 2003 NCDENR/DWQ FACT SHEET FOR NPDES PERMIT DEVELOPMENT DuPont Fluoroproducts Fayetteville, North Carolina Works NPDES Permit Number NC0003573 (1.1Facility Name_ DuPont Fluoroproducts _ Fayetteville Works ............ __ ...._ . _._ ....... 2 Permitted Flow MGD See Section 21 6 Coun Bladen (3.) Facility Classy III _.......... ......... .........._........---.._1 .�7.) Regional Office: .. .... ... (4.) Pretteatment.Pro tam ToPo Quad:...... .._._... 5. Permit Status: _._NA_.._......................._....-._.__._....----------------_.......8....USGS Renewal ........ 9. USGS Quad Name: _..._H23SE........__..._......._...-._......-_........... Duart yy � q i- 3�1 s'� '� ; - 3 .. i ���d m�„m� �f £ � � �� .�'. ,.£hT `Om'-.� �` �'��� ^�• 9GY3",: (1_) Receiving Stream: Fear River a Area (mi2): 4790 _..._._.......__...._:._Cape (2 Sub basin _....._......_...-.--.-.----....__...._..�Z..1..Draina 03 06 16 - 8 Summer 7 10 (cfs : _.......-.___....._.._...._..------.---....... 791 ....) - ....... .._.. __........... ...__.....--.;....- 3. Stream Index Number: --....... - ....-_�....._). _ ..-Q ...-- .).._......._.__.-...... 9 Winter 7Q10 cfs _..._ ._........... NA........-......_-........_ ....._)....._._......-....._...................................._..._................_................ .........,._.._................_._.._........-..... 4. Stream Classification: ...... ............ _........... _.._----- ._..._........_.....I......(..._'.)......._.......-.-._..._.............................�............1 C ..._........-..... Q .) 30 2 cfs ................ ...... _...._......_.__............... ....... _..................-...._..................__.._.._................__...._...._....... 5. 303 d ...).Average .... ._...__......_..� 6. 305 Status: -..__...._..--._....._........_..._.-._.__....---...._....._._...----......_.....__....._._.__..._g...-.-...._.-.....-.--_(..._-.-.):..__._.__.-.......-. Supporting 12. IWC %: .......... ..--...-- -.._..----........_....... 3.3% outfall 002 1.0 PROPOSED CE ANGES 1.1 Supplement to Cover Page • Modified to include references to APFO and PMDF process; • Modified to include outfall 007 (APFO low -biodegradable process wastewaters); • Modified to include biomixer in treatment plant description. 1.2 Outfall001 • 40 CFR 414 Subpart I requirements have been deleted based on a demonstration made by the Permittee in accordance with 40 CFR 122.44(a)(2)(i). 1.3 Outfall006 • 40 CFR 414 Subpart J requirements have been updated in accordance with most recent Federal Register. 1.4 Outfall007 • Added outfall to permit with appropriate effluent limitations based on 40 CFR 414 Subpart H, Specialty Organic Chemicals; • Added 40 CFR 414 Subpart J requirements. DEQ-CFW 00077069 NPDES Permit Fact Sheet - October 7, 2003 Page 2 •- DuPont Fayetteville NC0003573 2.0 BACKGROUND This is a permit renewal for a major industrial wastewater treatment facility with a current facility design and permitted flow of 2.0 MGD with a discharge to the Cape Fear River just downstream of Lock & Dam U. In operation since 1970, this DuPont facility sits on approximately 2500 acres, 600 dedicated to the current manufacturing facilities. Current facilities include the Butacite plant, the Nafion plant, the Teflon plant, and the APFO plant. 2.1 Butacite@ Butacite® (polyvinyl butyral - PVB) is the plastic film that holds the two pieces of glass in an automotive windshield together. The Butacite layer also provides much needed strength to the windshield. While nearly 70% of DuPont's butacite goes to the automotive industry, more and more is being used in the construction industry to satisfy new building codes requiring such protective measures as hurricane resistant glass. Butacite@ is manufactured in large rolls, shipped out in refrigerated trucks to glass manufacturers. The refrigeration is a requirement as butacite sticks to itself at temperatures above 600F. The Butacite plant manufactures finished butacite as well as polyvinyl butyral resin for shipment to other DuPont facilities. 2.2 Nafion@ Nafion@ (Na - F - ion) is a fluorocarbon used in a number of industries. Also an extruded resin and eventually a thin film, nafion, when subjected to an electric current in salt water, makes NaOH and CI gas. In this application it replaces the mercury process formerly used by such companies as Holtrachem to manufacture chlorine. Nafion is also used in fuel cells to generate electricity. The nafion plant manufactures five products including: • Nafion® membrane - a plastic film used in the chloroalkah industry and electrochemical fuel cells; • Nafion® resins - ultimately extruded into film; • Nafion® solution - generated during the production of resin; • FLPR vinyl ether monomers - shipped to other DuPont locations to produce various fluorochemical products such as Teflon. • HFPO monomers - shipped to other DuPont locations to produce various fluorochemical products such as Teflon. 2.3 Teflon@ DuPont's PMDF Teflon@ manufacturing area produces Teflon@ FEP resin. Teflon@ FEP resin is used in the electronics industry as a coating for wire, as well as many other uses. 2.4 APFO DuPont's APFO (ammonia perfluoro-oxidate) has just recently started production. It is a resin used in the manufacture of Teflon. Concern has been raised about potential adverse health effects resulting from exposure to APFO. This concern is addressed in the Other Issues portion of this document DEQ-CFW 00077070 NPDES Permit Fact Sheet - October 7, 2003, DuPont Fayetteville Page 3 NC0003573 3.0 FACILITY INFORMATION 3.1 Outfall Summary Outfall 001 is an internal outfall and is the effluent from the biological wastewater treatment facility (see section 2.2.1 below). The treatment facility receives all sanitary wastewater, process stormwater, co -neutralized regenerate, as well as process wastewaters from Butacite, Dymetrol, Nafion, Teflon, and APFO. The applicable 414 subparts include D (thermoplastic resins) and I (end -of -pipe biological treatment). While the permitted flow is 2.0 MGD, the flow used for guideline application was 0.946 MGD. The long-term average production flow associated with this outfall was determined to be 0.863 MGD. However, the facility is expecting increased production associated with an expansion and is projecting process wastewater flows of 1.085 MGD. The previous permit limitations were developed using 0.946 MGD. As the facility is currently meeting these limits, and 0.946 MGD seems to be a good median between the long-term average flow and the projected flow, the limitations were maintained (thus determined using a flow of 0.946 MGD). Outfall 002 is the combined effluent to the Cape Fear River and includes all internal outfalls in addition to non -contact cooling water, boiler blowdown, and stormwater. Outfall 006 is an internal outfall consisting of Nafion low -biodegradable process wastewaters. The applicable 414 subparts include D and J (end -of -pipe non -biological treatment). The average process wastewater flow for this outfall is 0.036 MGD. Outfall 007 is an internal outfall consisting of APFO low -biodegradable process wastewaters. The applicable 414 subparts include H (special organic chemicals) and J. The average process wastewater flow for this outfall is 0.048 MGD. 3.2 Wastewater Treatment 3.2.1 Liquid Train Process wastewater and stormwater from the various manufacturing areas are collected in the respective area sumps and ultimately conveyed via a gravity flow underground process sewer pipe to the site's central wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Sanitary sewage is conveyed via a separate underground sewer system to the WWTP. The actual average flow from the treatment facility is approximately 1.0 MGD. Untreated wastewater is commingled in the influent sump where it is then pumped to an 850,000 gallon equalization basin. The equalization basin is mixed with two floating submerged mixers. Three floating surface in the basin cool and aerate the incoming wastewater. A 175,000 gallon emergency retention tank is available for temporary storage of unsuitable wastewater. This unsuitable wastewater, which typically exhibits a high organic content or a chemical to which the activated sludge is not acclimated, is eventually treated in the WWTP at a rate that allows for proper biological treatment. Wastewater from the equalization basin is pumped to a 250,000 gallon pre -digester tank in which initial biological treatment with the activated sludge begins. The tank is aerated with a floating surface aerator as well as diffused air. The partially treated wastewater is then pumped to a 1.7 million gallon aeration tank. The aeration tank is provides the bulk of the treatment and is aerated by both a diffused aeration system and a floating Biomixer® that injects air through submerged rotors. i'i j i.t ► i w i DEQ-CFW 00077071 NPDES Permit Fact Sheet - October 7, 200,3 Page 4 ._ DuPont Fayetteville NC0003573 The aerated wastewater is sent to two in -ground clarifiers operated in parallel. The clarified effluent is finally discharged through internally outfall 001 which is ultimately discharged to outfall 002. 3.2.2 Solid Train The wasted sludge from the WWTP is sent to a dissolved air flotation unit, then to a 47,000 gallon sludge storage tank, and finally to a rotary filter for thickening. The thickened sludge is dewatered in a screw press and then dried in a steam -heated dryer. The dried sludge is transported off -site to a commercial landfill. 3.3 Compliance Summary A compliance download was conducted from DWQ's Basinwide Information Management System for the period January 2000 through August 2003. Three violations were noted for BOD during that time period. One can conclude that the facility is generally very well operated and maintained and remains in compliance with permit conditions. 4.0 PERMIT DEVELOPMENT • Effluent Limitations: The large 7Q 10 flow of the Cape Fear River affords substantial dilution of the facility's effluent. As such, this is very much an effluent limited permitting scenario. Appropriate effluent guidelines have been applied using long-term average process wastewater flows (see outfall summary above and the attached spreadsheets summarizing guideline calculations). • Instream Monitoring: This facility is a member of the Cape Fear River Basin Association. This association manages the collection and submittal of instream water quality data for its members. In recognition of this facility's participation, instream monitoring requirements are waived until such participation is suspended. Should participation end, instream monitoring requirements, articulated on the effluent limitations pages, will be immediately reinstated. 5.0 OTHER ISSUES 5.1 APFO APFO is recognized as a bio-persistent compound; it remains in the body or environment for extended periods of time after exposure. DuPont claims that its medical surveillance of employees and epidemiological data from others in industry support its conclusion that APFO does not pose a health concern to humans or animals at levels present in the workplace or environment. DuPont has used APFO for more than forty years and claims to have never observed health effects in workers. Furthermore, it is DuPont's assertion that the low volume usage poses neither an acute nor a chronic risk. While not identified as a developmental toxin, human carcinogen, or genotoxic compound, ongoing research is attempting to quantify the extent, if at all, of APFO's toxicity. DEQ-CFW 00077072 NPDES Permit Fact Sheet - October 7, 2003' DuPont Fayetteville Page 5 NC0003573 5.2 BCH Energy Project BCH Energy entered into an agreement with DuPont a number of years ago to build a cogeneration facility on DuPont's Fayetteville plant site. The cogeneration facility was constructed and was intended to provide power to the grid and steam to DuPont. The project went into bankruptcy in 1998, and the project's facility and equipment housed on DuPont's plant site were sold. The facility is no longer in operation. 5.3 Outfall 002 Discharge Relocation During a drought condition in the summer of 1999 the DuPont effluent channel conveying the site's final wastewater discharge to the Cape Fear River experienced sloughing of the streambanks into the flowing effluent, resulting in excessive sediment discharge to the river. DuPont initiated a study to determine a cost effective remedy to the situation. The company is currently considering two options. Option 1 involves the relocation of outfall 002 via pipeline to the Cape Fear River upstream of Lock & Dam U. Option 2 involves the relocation of outfall 002 via pipeline to the Cape Fear River further downstream. Relocation of the outfall above the Lock & Dam would necessitate a water quality/quantity modeling analysis. Such an analysis would certainly be considered a relatively low priority at present given the scarce modeling resources available to the Division and the number of TMDLs currently under development and on deck for development in the near future. 6.0 PROPOSED SCHEDULE FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE Draft Permit to Public Notice: October 15, 2003 Permit Scheduled to Issue: December 1, 2003 7.0 STATE CONTACT If you have any questions on any of the above information or on the attached permit, please contact Mark McIntire at (919) 733-5083, extension 508. Copies of the following are attached to provide further information on the permit development: • Limit calculations • Permit application • Draft Permit r NPDES RECOMMENDATION BY: /0 17X Signature Date REGIONAL OFFICE COMMENTS: REGIONAL RECOMMENDATION BY: i , ril ti J ',� j Signature Date DEQ-CFW 00077073 FACILITY DuPont -Fayetteville OCPSF Flow 0.946 MOD 7010s 791 cts Oavg 5676 cls Permitted Flow 2 MGD Daily Monthly max avg Peramatar ugA ugA OuHall 001: flow is based on processes only LhnB Limit Federal or Standard Daily Monthly Slate Aquatic max w9 Lit. Old #/d stdrd PgA r s" ' r Human Hhh Standard Allowable Organisms conc. Aquatic Life PS4 P9A Human H8h Allowable coot Organisms P94 Allowable Allowable Aquatic Lit. Human H#h Organisms 0/day #/day LknB Based on: Daily Max Monthly Avg. #/day Acenaphth- 59 22 0.465 0,174 Federal no skid 990.00 no stdrd 253599.68 no stdrd 4226.661 OCPSF 0.465 #/day 0.174 Acenaphthylena 59 22 0.465 0,174 Federal no stdrd ne stalrd no stdrd no sldrd no stdrd no stdrd OCPSF 0.465 If/day 0.174 AcrybnBdle(c) 242 96 1.909 0,757 Federal nostdrd 025 nostdrd 457.99 -stdrd 7.633 OCPSF 1,909 #/day 0,757 Anthracens 59 22 0.465 0,174 Federal rro stdrd 40000.00 no eldrd 10246451.61 no stolid 170774.194 OCPSF 0,465 #/day 0,174 Benzene (c) 136 37 1.073 0.292 State_ no stdrd 71 A0 no stdrd 130802.50 no stdrd 2180.042 OCPSF 1.073 If/day 0.292_ Benzola)anthracene (c, Po __ 59 22 0.465 0.174 _ Federal no stdrd 0.0t8 _ _ no sldrd 32.98 no stdrd 0.550 OCPSF 0.465 #/day 0.174 3,4Aenzolluoranthene (c, 61 23 0.481 0.181 Federal no sidd 0.0311 no stdrd 66.97 no stdrd 0.950 OCPSF #/day 0.181 Benzo(k)fluoranthene(c,P 59_ 22 0.465 0.174 Federal no stdrd 0.0180 no Word 32.98 no stdrd 0.550 ___0.481 OCPSF 0,465 #/day 0,174 Ben20(a)pymne (c, PAH) 61 23 0.481 0,181 _ Federal no stdrd 0.0311 no stdrd 56.97 no stdrd 0.960 OCPSF 0,481 #/day 0.181 61s(2-ethylhexy) phthalate 279 103 2.201 0,613 Federal no stdrd 220 no stdrd 4030.33 no stdrd 67.172 OCPSF 2.201 #/day 0.813 Carbon Tetrachloride (c) 38 18 0.300 0.142 Stale no shard 4.A2 no stdrd 6097.30 no stdrd 134.955 _ OCPSF 0,300 if/day 0.142 Chlorobenzene 28 15 0.221 0.118 Federal no stdrd 21000.00 no stdrd 5379387.10 no stdrd 89656.452 OCPSF 0,221 #/day 0.118 Chlo-thane 268 104 2,114 0.821 Federal no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd nc stdrd no stdrd OCPSF 2.114 #/day 0.821 Chloroform (c) 46 21 0.363 0.166 Federal no stdrd 470.00 no stdrd 861024.84 no stdrd 14350.414 OCPSF 0.363 #/day 0.166 2-Chbrophanol 98 31 0.773 0.24S Federal no stdrd 150.00 no sldrd 38424A9 no stdrd 64DA03 OCPSF 0,773 #/day 0.245 Chrysens (c, PAH) 59 22 0,465 0.174 Federal no Mold 0,0180 no stdd 32.98 - stdd 0.550 OCPSF 0,465 #/day 0.174 Di-n-butyl phdralate 57 27 0,450 0.213 Federal no shard no stdrd no .lard no stdrd no stdd no stdrd OCPSF 0,450 #/day 0.213 1,2-Dichbrobenzene 163 77 1.286 0.608 Federal msidrd 17000.00 r10 stolid 4354741.94 no stdrd 72579.032 OCPSF 1,286 #/day 0.608 1,3-Dichlorobenzens 44 31 0.347 0,245 Federal no stdrd 960.00 no stdrd 245914.84 no stdrd 4098.581 OCPSF 0,347 #/day 0.245 1 4-Dkilnrobenzene 28 15 0.221 0.110 Federal no stdrd 26MOO no stdrd 666019.35 no stdrd 11100.323 OCPSF 0,221 #/day 0.118 1,1-Dichl... than. (c) 59 22 0.465 0.174 Federal no stdrd no stdd'. no stdrd no skid no stdrd no stdrd OCPSF 0,465 if/day 0.174 1,2-Dichbroethane (c) 211 68 1.665 0.536 Federal no stdrd 3.70 no stdrd 6778.28 no stdrd 112.971 OCPSF 1.665 #/day 0.536 1 1-Dichloroethylene (c) 25 16 0.197 0.126 Federal no stdrd 3.Z0; no stdrd 5862.30 no stdrd 97.705 OCPSF 0.197 #/day 0.126 1,24ram-Dichbroethylene 64 21 0.426 0.166 Federal no stdrd 14000000 no stdrd 35862580.66 no stdrd 597709.677 OCPSF 0.426 #/day 0.166 2,4-Dichlorophenol 112 39 0.884 0.308 Federal no stdrd 290.00 no stdrd 74286.77 no stdrd 1238.113 OCPSF 0.884 #/day 0.308 1,2-0ichloropmpane 230 153 1.815 1207 Federal na stdrd 15.00 no stdrd 3942.42 no stdrd 64.040 OCPSF 1,815 #/day 1.207 1,3-Dichloropropylene (c) 44 29 0.347 0.229 Faderat no stdrd 1700,00: no stdrd 3114345.16 no stdrd 51905363 OCPSF 0,347 #/day 0.229 Diethyl phthalate 203 at 1.602 0.639 Federal no stdrd 44000.00 no stdrd 11271096.77 no stdrd 187851.613 OCPSF 1.602 #/day 0.639 2 4-Dimethyk*-1 36 18 0.284 0,142 Federal no stdrd 850.00 no stdrd 217737.10 no stdrd 3628.952 OCPSF 0.284 #/day 0.142 Dknelhyl phthalate 47 19 0,371 0.150 Federaf no sldrd 1100000.00 no stdrd 281777419.35 no stdrd 4696290.323 OCPSF 0.371 #/day 0.160 4,6-Dinit-cresol (2-Met 277 78 2.185 0.615 Federal na sldrd 280.00 no stdrd 71725A6 no stdrd 1195.419 OCPSF 2.185 #/day 0.615 2,4-0initrophenol 123 71 0.970 0.560 Federal no stdrd 5300.00 na .lard 1357651,84 no atdrd 22627.581 OCPSF 0.970 #/day 0.560 2.4-Dinitrotoluene (c) 285 113 2.249 0.892 Federal no stdrd 3.40 no ctdrd 870AS no sldrd 14.516 OCPSF 2.249 #/tlay 0.892 2,6-Din#rotaluene (c) _ 641 255 5.057 2.012 Federal no stdrd no 6j_ no stdrd no stdrd rw staid no stdrd OCPSF 5.D57 #/doy 2012. Ethybenzene _ 108 32 0,852 0.252 AOMOEC 325000 290UffAti 83252.42 7428677A2 1387.540 123811.290 OCPSF 0.852 #/doy 0.252 Fluuranthene 68 25 0.636 0.197 Federal no stdrd 140,00 no stdrd 35862SS no Mdrd 597.710 OCPSF 0.536 If/day 0.197 Fluorens _ 59 22 0.465 0,174 Federal no stdrd 6300:00 no surd 1357654.84 no stdd 22627.581 OCPSF 0.465 #/day 0.174 Hex-hbrobenzene (c) 26 15 0.221 0.118 Federal no skid 2.90E-04 no stdrd 0.53 no stdrd 8.85E-03 CHRONIC 0.531 u9/I Hexachbrobutadiene (c) _ 49_ 20 0.387 0.150 Federal no stdrd 18.00 no stdrd 32976.42 no stdrd 649.590 OCPSF 0.387_ #/tlay 0.158 Hexachloroethane (c) 54 21 0.426 0.166 Federal no shad 3.30. no stdrd 6045.49 no stdrd 100.758 OCPSF 0.426 #/day 0.166 Methyl Chloride 190 86 1.499 0,679 Federal no stdrd no 4tdrd - no stdrd no stdrd no skid no stdrd OCPSF 1.499 #/day 0.679 Methylene Chloride (c) 89 40 0,702 0.316 Federal no stdrd 590.00 no stdrd 1080860.97 no stdrd 18014.349 OCPSF 0.702 #/day 0.316 Naphthalene 59 22 0.465 0,174 Federal no shard no sutra no stolid no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd OCPSF 0.465 #/day 0.174 Nitrobenzene 68 27 0.536 0,213 Federal no staid 690,00 no stdrd 176751.29 no stdrd 2945.855 OCPSF 0.536 If/day 0.213 2-Nilropheno1 69 41 0.544 0,323 Federal no stdrd -: nastdr t no stdrd no sidd no stdrd no stdrd OCPSF 0.544 If/day 0.323 4-1,11trophene1 124 72 0.978 OW Federal no stdrd n4 aldrd no stdrd no stdrd no stolid no stdrd OCPSF 0,978 #/day 0.568 Phenanlhrene 59 22 0,465 0.174 Federal no skid no sltlRl: no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd OCPSF 0.465 #/day 0.174 Phenol 26 15 0,205 0,118 Federal no stdrd 1700000.00 no Adrd 435474193,55 no stdrd 7257903.226 OCPSF 0.205 #/day 0.118 Pyrane 67 25 0,529 0.197 Federal no stdrd 4000,00 no stdrd 1024645,16 no stdrd 17077,419 OCPSF 0.529 ill/day 0.197 Tetrachbmatnylens (c) 56 22 0442 0.174 Federal no stdrd 3.30 no stdd 6045.49 no stdrd 100.758 OCPSF 0,442 #/day 0.174 Toluene 80 26 0.631 0.205 Stats/AO 11.000 '200000,00 2017.77 51232258D6 46.963 853870.968 OCPSF 0,631 #/doy 0.205 12,4-Trichbrobenzene 140 68 1.105 0.536 Federal no stdrd 940.00 no stdrd 240791.91 no stdrd 4013.194 OCPSF 1.105 #/day 0.536 1,1,1-Trichbroethane 54 21 0.426 0.166 Federal no stdrd no s1rYd ' no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd OCPSF 0,426 #/day 0.166 1,1,24nolhi-thane (c) 54 21 0.426 0.166 Federal no stdrd 46.00 no stdrd 29311.48 no stdrd 488.625 OCPSF 0,426 #/day 0.166 Trichbrorethylene fc) 54 21 0.426 0.166 State no stdrd 30.00 no stdrd 54959.03 no sidd 915.984 OCPSF 0,426 #/day 0.166 vinyl Chloride (c) 268 104 2.114 0.821 State no stdrd 530.00 no stcd 970942.90 no stdrd 16182,382 OCPSF 2.114 #/day 0.821 " Total Chromium 2770 1110 " Total Copper 3380 1450 -- Total Cyanide 1200 420 -Total Lead 690 320 - Total Nickel 3980 1690 "Total Zinc' 2610 1050 'Total Zinc for Rayon Fiber Manufacture that uses the viscose process and Acrylic Fiber Manufacture that uses zinc 0.0 00 0.000 State 50.000 0.000 0.000 Action level 7.000 0.000 0.000 Stale 5.000 OA00 0.000 Stale 25.000 0.000 0,000 Slate 88.000 0.000 0,000 Action level SO.000 " Metals should only be limited # process contains metal bearing wastetlow. Cyanide should only be limited it no stdrd 12808.06 no sldd 1793.13 no skid 1200.81 no stdrd 6404.03 no stdrd 22542.19 50.00 12808.06 Total metal bearing wasleflov Total cyanide bearing wasteh no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd 12808.06 0.00 0.00 213,468 29.885 21.347 106.734 375.703 213,468 no stolid no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd 213.468 OCPSF OCPSF OCPSF OCPSF OCPSF OCPSF 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 #/day #/day #/day #/day If/day #/day 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 chloride/solvent process is 6,796 ug/L and process contains cyanide bearing wasteflow 3.325 ug/L for maximum for any one day and maximum for monthly average, respectively. 10/7/03 DEQ-CFW 00077074 FACILITY DuPont -Fayetteville OCPSF Flow 0.036 MGD 7010S 791 cis Qavg 5676 cis Permitted Flow 2 MGD Daily Monthly max avg Parameter U94 u9A Outfalf 006: flow is based on processes only Limit Limit Federal or Standard Daily Monthly State Aquatic max avg Life #/d 1#d stdrd pgA ` Human Hhh Standard Allowable Organisms cone. Aquatic Life pgA NgA Human Hlth Allowable cone Organisms pg/i Allowable Aquatic Life #//day Allowable Human With Organisms #/day Limit Based on: Daily Max Monthly Avg. #/day Acenaphthene Acenaphthylene 47 47 19 19 0.014 0.014 0.006 0.006 Federal Federal no stdrd no stdrd 990.00 no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd 253599.68 no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd 4226.661 no stdrd OCPSF OCPSF 0.014 0.014 #/day 0.006 #/day 0.006 Acrylonitrile (c) Anthracene 232 47 94 190.014 0.070 0.028 0.006 Federal Federal no stdrd no stdrd 0.25 40000.00 no stdrd no stdrd 457.99 10246451.61 no stolid no stdrd 7.633 170774.194 OCPSF OCPSF 0.070 0.014 #/day 0.028 #/day 0.006 Benzene (c) . 134 57 0.040 0.017 State no stdrd 71.40 no stdrd 130802.50 no stdrd 2180.042 OCPSF 0.040 _ #/day 0.017 Benzo(a)anthracene (c, P, 47 19 0.014 0.006 Federal no sldrd 0.018 _ no stdrd 32.98 no stdrd___ 0.550 OCPSF 0,014 #/day 0.006 3,4-Benzofluoranthene (c, Benzo(k)fluoranthene (c,P 48 20 19 0.014 0.014 0.006 0.006 Federal Federal no stdrd no stdrd 0.0311 0.0180 no stdrd no stdrd 56.97 _ 32.98 no stdrd no stdrd 0.950 0.550 OCPSF _OCPSF 0.014 O.Ol4 #/day 0.006 _ #/day 0.006 Benzo(a)pyrene (c, PAH) _47 48 20 0.014 _ 0.006 Federal no stdrd _ 0.0311 no stdrd 56.97 no stdrd 0.014 #/day 0.006 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 258 95 0.077 0.029 Federal stdrd 2.20 no stolid _ 4030.33 no stdrd ___0.950 67.172 _OCPSF OCPSF 0.077 #/day 0.029 Carbon Tetrachloride (c) 380 142 0.114 0.043 State _--no no stdrd _ 4.42 no stdrd _ 8097.30 no stdrd OCPSF 0.114 #/day 0.043 Chlorobenzene 380 142 0.114 0.043 _ Federal no stdrd 21000.00 no stdrd 5379387.10 no stdrd _134.955 89656.452 OCPSF 0.114 #/day 0.043 Chloroethane 295 110 0.089 0.033 Federal no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd_ no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd OCPSF 0.089 #/day 0.033 Chloroform (c) 325 ill 0.098 0.033 Federal no stdrd 47Q.00 no stdrd 861024.84 no stdrd 14350.414 OCPSF 0.098 #/day OA33 Chrysene (c, PAH) 47 19 0.014 0.006 Federal no stdrd 0.01_80 no stdrd 32.98 no stdrd 0.550 OCPSF 0.014 #/day 0.006 Di-n-butyl phthalate 43 20 _ 0.013 0.006 Federal no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd_ no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd OCPSF 0.013 #/day 0.006 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 794 196 0.238 0.059 Federal no stdrd 17000.00 _ no stdrd 4354741.94 no stdrd 72579.032 OCPSF_ 0.238 #/day 0.059 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 380 142 0.114 _ 0.043 Federal no stdrd 960.00 no stdrd 245914.84 no stdrd 4098.581 OCPSF 0.114 #/day 0.043 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,1-Dichloroethane (c) 380 59 142 22 0.114 0.018 0.043 0.007 Federal Federal no stdrd no stdrd 2600.00 no stdrd no stolid __666019.35 no stdrd _ no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd 11100.323 no stdrd OCPSF OCPSF 0.114 0.018 #/day 0.043 #/day 0.007 1,2-Dichloroethane (c) 574 180 0.172 0.054 Federal no stdrd 3.70 no stdrd 6778.28 no stdrd 112.971 _OCPSF 0.172 #/day 0.054 1.1-Dichloroethyfene (c) _ 60 22 0.018 0.007 Federal no stdrd - 3.20 no stdrd 5862.30 no stdrd 97.705 OCPSF 0.018 #/day 0,007 1,2-trans-Dichloroethylene 66 25 0.020 0.008 Federal no stdrd no stdrd _ 35862580.65 _ no stdrd 597709.677 OCPSF 0.020 #/day 0.008 1,2-DicNoropropane 794 196 0.238 0.059 Federal no stdrd _1_40000.0_0_ 15.00 no stdrd_ 3842.42 no stdrd 64.040 OCPSF 0.238 #/day 0,059 _ 1,3-Dichloropropylene (c) 794 196 0.238 0.059 _ Federal no stdrd 170_0.00 no stdrd 3114345.16 no sldrd 51905.753 OCPSF 0.238 #/day 0.059 Diethyl phthalate 113 46 0.034 0.014 Federal no stdrd _ 44000.00 no stdrd 11271096.77 no stdrd 187851.613 OCPSF 0.034 #/day 0.014 2,4-Dimethylphenot 47 19 0.014 0.006 Federal no sidrd 850.00 no stdrd 217737.10 no skird OCPSF 0.014 #/day 0.006 Dimethyl phthalate 47 19 0.014 0.006 Federal no stdrd 1100000.00 no stdrd 281777419.35 no stdrd _3628.952 4696290.323 OCPSF 0.014 #/day 0.006 4,6-Dinitro-ocresol (2-Mel 277 78 0.083 0.023 Federal no stdrd 200.00 no stdrd 71725.16 no stdrd 1195.419 OCPSF 0.083 #/day 0.023 2,4-Dinitrophenol 4291 1207 1.288 0.362 Federal no stdrd 5300.00 _ no stdrd 1357654.84 no stdrd 22627.581 OCPSF 1.288 #/day 0.362 Ethylbenzene Flourandtene 380 54 142 22 0.114 0.016 0.043 0.007 AQ/NOEC Federal 325.000 no stdrd 2.9000.00 140.00 83252.42 no stdrd 7428677.42 35862.58 1387.540 no stdrd 123811.290 597.710 OCPSF OCPSF 0.114 0.016 #/day 0.043 #/day 0.007 Fluorene 47 19 0.014 0.006 Federal no stdrd 5300.00 no stdrd 1357654.94 no stdrd 22627.581_ OCPSF 0.014 #/day 0.006 Hexachlorobenzene (c) _ 794 196 0.238 0.059 Federal no stdrd 2.90E-04 no stdrd 0.53 no stdrd 8.85E-03 CHRONIC 0.531 ug/1 Hexachlorobutadlene (c) 380 142 0.114 0.043 Federal no stdrd 18.00 no stdrd '32975.42 no stdrd 549.590 OCPSF 0,114 _ #/day 0.043 Hexachloroethane (c) 794 196 0.238 0.059 Federal no stdrd 3.30 no stdrd 6045.49 no stdrd 100.758 OCPSF 0.238 #/day 0.059 Methyl Chloride 295 110 0.089 0.033 Federal no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd OCPSF 0.089 #/day 0.033 Methylene Chloride (c) 170 36 0.051 0.011 Federal no stdrd 590.D0 no stdrd 1080860.97 no stdrd 18014.349_ OCPSF 0.051 #/day 0.011 Naphthalene _ 47 19 0.014 0.006 Federal no stdrd no stdtd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd OCPSF 0.014 #/day 0.006 Nitrobenzene 6402 2237 1.922 0.672 Federal no stdrd 600.00 no stdrd 176751.29 no stdrd 2945.855 OCPSF 1.922 #/day 0.672 2-Nitrophenol 231 65 0.069 0.020 Federal no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd OCPSF 0.069 #/day 0.020 4-Nitrophenol 576 162 0.173 0.049 Federal no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd OCPSF 0.173 if/day 0.049 Phenanthrene 47 19 0.014 0.006 Federal no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd OCPSF 0.014 #/day 0.006 Phenol 47 19 0.014 0.006 Federal no stdrd 170D000.00 _ no stdrd 435474193.55 no stdrd 7257903.226 OCPSF 0.014 #/day 0.006 Pyrene 48 20 0.014 0.006 Federal _ no stdrd 4000.00 no stdrd 1024645.16 no stdrd 17077.419 OCPSF 0.014 #/day 0.006 Tetrachloroethylene (c) 164 52 0.049 0.016 _ Federal no stdrd 3.30 no stdrd 6045.49 no stdrd 100.758 OCPSF 0.049 #/day 0.016 Toluene 74 28 0.022 0.008 State/AQ 11.000 200000.00 2817.77 51232258.06 46.963 853870.968 OCPSF 0.022 #/day 0.008 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 794 196 0.238 0.059 Federal no stdrd 940.00 no stdrd 240791.61 no stdrd 4013.194 OCPSF 0.238 #/day 0.059 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 59 22 0.018 0.D07 Federal no stdrd no 911drd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd OCPSF 0.018 #/day 0.007 1,1,2-tdchloroethane (c) _ 127 32 0.038 0.010 Federal no stdrd 16.00 no stdrd 29311.48 no stdrd 488.525 _ OCPSF 0.038 #/day 0.010 Trichlororethylene (c) 69 26 0.021 0.D08 State no stdrd 30.00 no stdrd 54959.03 no stdrd 915.984 OCPSF 0.021 #/day 0.008 Vinyl Chloride (c) 172 97 0.052 0.029 State no stdrd 530.00 no stdrd 970942.90 no stdrd 16182.382 OCPSF 0.052 #/day 0.029 " Total Chromium 2770 1110 " Total Copper 3380 1450 •' Total Cyanide 1200 420 "Total Lead 690 320 " Total Nickel 3980 1690 Total Zinc' 2610 1050 `Total Zinc for Rayon Fiber Manufacture that uses the viscose process and Acrylic Fiber Manufacture that uses zinc 0.0D0 0.000 State 50.000 0.000 0.000 Action level 7.000 0.000 0.D00 State 5.000 0.000 D.D00 State 25.000 0.000 0.000 State 88.000 0.000 0.000 Action level 50.000 " Metals should only be limited if process contains metal bearing wasteilow. Cyanide should only be limited it no stdrd 12808.06 no stdrd 1793.13 no stdrd 1280.81 no stdrd 6404.03 no stolid 22542.19 50.00 12808.06 Total metal bearing wasteflo% Total cyanide beating wastef no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd 12808.06 0.00 0.00 213.468 29.885 21.347 106.734 375.703 213.468 no stdrd no stolid no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd 213.468 OCPSF OCPSF OCPSF OCPSF OCPSF OCPSF 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 #/day 0.000 #/day 0.000 #/day 0.000 #/day 0.000 #/day 0.000 if/day ROW chloride/solvent process is 6,796 ug/L and process contains cyanide bearing wasteflow 3,325 ug/L for maximum for any one day and maximum for monthly average, respectively. Note DEQ-CFW 00077075 FACILITY DuPont -Fayetteville OCPSF Flow 0.048 MGD 7010s 791 ds oavg 5676 ds Permitted Flow 2 MGD Daily Monthly max avg Parameter ugA ug/l Outfall 007: flow is based on processes only Limit Limit Federal or Standard Daily Monthly Stale Aquatic max svg Life s/d 9/d stdrd PgA Human Hith Standard Allowable Organisms cone. Aquatic Life 1W PgA Human Hlth Allowable cone Organisms PO Allowable Allowable Aquatic Life Human filth Organisms Wday ff/day Limit Based on: Dolly Max Monthly Avg. #/day Acenaphthene 47 19 0.019 0.D08 Federal no stdrd 990.00 no stdrd 253599.68 no stdrd 4226.661 OCPSF 0.019 #/day 0.008 Acenaphthylens _ 47 19 0.019 0.000 Federal no stdrd no Stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd OCPSF 0.019 #/day 0.008 Acrylonitrile (c) 232 94 0.093 0.038 Federal no stdrd 0.25 no stdrd 457.99 no stdrd 7.633 OCPSF 0.093 #/day 0.038 _ Anthracene _. 47 19 0.019 0.008 Federal no stdrd 40000.00 no stdrd 10246451.61 no stdrd 170774.194 OCPSF 0.019 #/day 0.008 - _ Benzene (c) 134 57 0.054 0.023 State no stdrd 71.40 no stdrd 130802.50 no stdrd_ 2180.042 OCPSF_ 0.054 #/day Benzo(a)anthracene (c, P/ 47 _ 19 _ 0.019 0.008 Federal no stdrd 0.018 no stdrd 32.98 no stdrd 0.550 OCPSF 0.019 _0.023 _ #/day 0.008 3,4-Benzofluoranthene (c, 48 20 0.019 0.008 Federal no stdrd 0.0311 no stdrd 56.97 no stdrd 0.950 OCPSF 0.019 #/day 0.008 Benzo(k)fluoranthene (c,P. 47 19 0.019 0.008 Federal no stdrd 0.0180 no stdrd _ 32.98 no stdrd 0.550_ OCPSF__ 0.019 #/day 0.008_ Benzo(a)pyrene (c, PAH) 48 20 0.019 0.008 Federal __ no stdrd O.D311 no stdrd 56.97 no stdrd 0.950 OCPSF 0,019 #/day 0.008 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 258 95 0.103 0.038 no stdrd 2.20 no stdrd 4030.33 no stdrd 67.172 OCPSF_ 0.103 #/day 0.038 Carbon Tetrachloride (c) 380 142 _ 0,152 0.057 -Federal State no stdrd 4,42 no stdrd 8097.30 no stdrd 134.955 OCPSF 0.152 #/day 0.057 Chlorobenzene 380 142 0,152 0.057 Federal no stdrd 21000.00__ no stdrd 5379387.10 no stdrd 89656.452 _ OCPSF 0,152 #/day 0.057 Chloroethane_ 295 110 0.044 Federal no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd OCPSF 0.118 If/day 0.044 Chloroform (c) 325 ill _0.118 0.130 0.044 Federal no stdrd no stdrd 861024.84 no stdrd 14350.414 OCPSF 0.130 #/day 0.044 Chrysene (c, PAH) 47 19 0.019 0.008 no stdrd _ _470.W 0.0180 no stdrd 32.98 no stdrd 0.550 OCPSF 0.019 #/day 0.008 Di-n-butyl phthalate 43 20 0.017 0.008 _Federal Federal no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd OCPSF 0.017 #/day 0.008 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 794 196 0.318 0.078 Federal no stdrd 17000.00 no stdrd 4354741.94 no stdrd 72579.032 OCPSF 0.318 #/day 0.078 1,3-Dichlorobenzene _ - 300 142 0.152 0.057 Federal no stdrd 960.00 no stdrd 245914.84 no stdrd 4098.581 OCPSF 0.152 #/day 0.057 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 380 _ 142 0.152 0.057 no stdrd 2@00:00 no stdrd 666019.35 no stdrd 11100.323 OCPSF 0.152 #/day 0.057 1,1-Dichloroethane (c) 1,2-Dichloroethane (c) 59 574 22 180 0.024, 0.230 0.009 0.072 _Federal Federal Federal no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd - 3.70 no stdrd _ _ no stdrd no stdrd 6778.28 no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd 112.971 OCPSF OCPSF _ 0.024 0.230 #/day 0.009 #/day 0.072 1,1-Dichloroethylene (c) 60 22 0.024 0.009 Federal no stdrd 3.20 no stdrd 5862.30 no stdrd 97.705 OCPSF 0.024 #/day 0.009 1,2-trans-Dichloroethylene _ 66 25 0.026 0.010 Federal no stdrd 1.400D0.00 no stdrd 35862580.65 no stdrd 597709.677 OCPSF 0.026 #/day 0,010 1,2-Dichloropropane 794 196 0.318 0.078 Federal no stdrd _ 15.00 no stdrd 3842.42 no stdrd 64.040 OCPSF 0.318 #/day 0.078 1,3-Dichloropropylene (c) 794 196 0.318 0.078 Federal no stdrd t700.00- no stdrd 3114345.16 no stdrd 51905.753 OCPSF 0.318 #/day 0.078_ Diethyl phthalate 113 46 0.045 0.018 _ Federal no stdrd 44000.00 no stdrd - 11271098.77 no stdrd 187851,613 OCPSF 0.046 #/day 0.018 2,4-Dimethylphenol Dimethy) phthalate 47 47 19 19 0.019 D.019 0.008 0.D08 Federal Federal no stdrd no stdrd 850.00 1100000.DO no stdrd no stdrd 217737.10 281777419.35 no stdrd no stdrd 3628.952 4696290,323 OCPSF OCPSF 0.019 0.019 #/day 0.008 #/day 0.008 4,6-Dmitro-D-cresol (2-Met 277 78 0.111 0.031 Federal no stdrd 280.00 no stdrd 71725.16 no stdrd 1195,419 OCPSF 0.111 #/day 0.031 2,4-Dinitrophenol 4291 1207 1.718 0.483 Federal no stdrd _ 5300.00 no stdrd 1357654.84 no stdrd 22627.581 OCPSF 1.718 #/day 0.483 Ethylbenzene 380 142 0.152 0.057 _ AO/N0EC 325.000 29000.00. 83252.42 7428677.42 1387.540 123811.290 OCPSF 0,152 _ #/day 0.057 Flouranthene 54 22 0.022 0.009 Federal no stdrd 140.00 no stdrd 35862.58 no stdrd 597.710 OCPSF 0.022 #/day 0.009 Fluorene 47 19 0.019 0.008 Federal no stdrd 5300.00 no stdrd 1357654.84 no stdrd _ 22627.581 OCPSF 0.019 #/day 0.008 Hexachlorobenzene (c) 794 196 0.318 0.078 Federal no stdrd 2.90E-04 no stdrd 0.53 no stdrd 8.85E-03 CHRONIC 0.531 Ng/I Hexachlorobutadiene (c) 380 142 0.152 0.057 Federal no stdrd 18.00 no stdrd 32975.42 no stdrd 549.590 OCPSF 0.152 #/day 0.057 Hexachlorcethane (c) 794 196 0.318 0.078 Federal no stdrd _ 3.30 no stdrd 6045.49 no stdrd 100.758 OCPSF 0.318 #/day 0.078 Methyl Chloride 295 110 0.118 0.044 Federal no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd OCPSF 0.118 #/day 0,044 Methylene Chloride (c) 170 36 0.068 0.014 Federal no stdrd 590.00 no stdrd 1080860.97 no stdrd 18014.349 OCPSF 0.068 #/day 0.014 Naphthalene 47 19 0.019 0.008 Federal no stdrd no stdrd.. no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd OCPSF 0.019 #/day 0.008 Nitrobenzene 6402 2237 2.563 0.896 Federal no stdrd 690.00 no stdrd 176751.29 no stdrd 2945.855 OCPSF 2.563 #/day 0.896 2-Nitrophenol 231 65 0.092 0.026 Federal no stdrd noatdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd OCPSF 0.092 #/day 0,026 4-Nitrophenol 576 162 0.231 0.065 Federal no stdrd no stdrd _ no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no sidrd OCPSF 0.231 #/day 0.065 Phenanthrene 47 19 0.019 0,008 Federal no stdrd no sW no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd OCPSF 0.019 #/day 0.008 Phenol 47 19 0.019 0,008 Federal no stdrd 1700000.00 no stdrd 435474193.55 _ no stdrd 7257903.226 OCPSF 0.019 _ #/day 0.008 Pyrene 48 20 0.019 0.008 Federal no stdrd 4000.00 no stdrd 1024645.16 no stdrd 17077.419 OCPSF 0.019 #/day 0.008 Tetrachloroethylene (c) 164 52 0.066 0.021 _ Federal no stdrd _ 3.30 no stdrd 6045A9 no stdrd 100.758 OCPSF 0.066 #/day 0.021 Toluene 74 28 0.030 0,011 State/AO 11.000 208000A0. 2817.77 51232258.06 46.963 853870.968 OCPSF 0.030 #/day 0.011 1,2,4-Triclltorobenzene 794 196 0.318 0.078 Federal no stdrd 940.00 no stdrd 240791.61 no stdrd 4013.194 OCPSF 0.318 #/day 0.078 1,1,1-Trichloroethane _ 59 22 0.024 0.009 Federal no stdrd no sw no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd OCPSF 0.024 #/day 0.009 1,1,2-trichloroethane (c) 127 32 0.051 0.013 Federal no stdrd 16.00 no stdrd 29311.48 no stdrd 488.525 OCPSF 0.051 #/day 0.013 Trichlororethylene (c) 69 26 0.028 0.010 State no stdrd 30.00 no stdrd 54959.03 no stdrd 915.984 OCPSF 0.028 #/day 0.010 Vinyl Chloride (c) 172 97 0.069 0.039 _ State no stdrd 530.00 __ no stdrd 970942.90 no stdrd 16182.382 OCPSF 0.069 _ #/day 0.039 " Total Chromium 2770 1110 " Total Copper 3380 1450 " Total Cyanide 1200 420 " Total Lead 690 320 "Total Nickel 3980 1690 " Total Zinc' 2610 1050 'Total Zinc for Rayon Fiber Manufacture that uses the viscose process and Acrylic Fiber Manufacture that uses zinc 0.000 0.000 State 50.000 0.000 0.000 Action level 7.000 0.000 0.000 State 5.000 0.000 0.000 State 25.000 0.000 0.000 State 88.000 0.000 0,000 Action level 50.000 " Metals should only be limited if process contains metal bearing wasteflow. Cyanide should only be limited if no stdrd 12808.06 no stdrd 1793.13 no stdrd 1280.81 no stdrd 6404.03 no stdrd 22542.19 50.00 12808.06 Total metal bearing wasteflon Total cyanide bearing wastefl no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd 12808.06 0.00 0.00 213.468 29.885 21.347 106.734 375.703 213.468 no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd no stdrd 213.468 OCPSF OCPSF OCPSF OCPSF OCPSF OCPSF 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 #/day 0.000 #/day 0.000 #/day 0.000 #/day 0.000 #/day 0.000 #/day 0.000 chloride/solvent process is 6,796 ug/L and process contains cyanide bearing wasteflow 3,325 ug/L for maximum for any one day and maximum for monthly average, respectively. DEQ-CFW 00077076 MONITORING REPORT(MR) VIOLATIONS for: Report Date: 10/07/03 Page: 1 of 1 PERMIT: NC0003573 FACILITY: E. I. Dupont de Nemours & Company, Inc. - Dupont COUNTY: Bladen REGION: Fayetteville Fayetteville Works Limit Violation MONITORING OUTFALL VIOLATION UNIT OF CALCULATED REPORT /PPI LOCATION PARAMETER DATE FREQUENCY MEASURE LIMIT VALUE 02 - 2001 001 Effluent BOD, 5-Day (20 Deg. C) 02/26/01 3 X week Ibs/day 508.2 669 02 - 2001 001 Effluent BOD, 5-Day (20 Deg. C) 02/28/01 3 X week Ibs/day 191.3 318.35 11 - 2002 001 Effluent BOD, 5-Day (20 Deg. C) 11/30/02 3 X week Ibs/day 191.3 231.98 SO, 6 n I 0 0 0 14 -14 VIOLATION TYPE VIOLATION ACTION Daily Maximum Exceeded DMR conversion history Monthly Average Exceeded DMR conversion history Monthly Average Exceeded No Action, BPJ Dupont Fluoroproducts NCO003573 Bladen County 40 CFR 414 Application Outfall 001 Process Flow - 0.946 MGD) Subpart D (mg/L) Allocation (Ibs/day) Daily Max Monthly Avg. Daily Max Monthly Avg. BOD 64 24 BOD 508.2 191.3 TSS 130 40 TSS 1030 317.8 Outfall 006 Process Flow - 0.036 MGD) Subpart D (mg/L) Allocation (Ibs/day) Daily Max Monthly Avg. Daily Max Monthly Avg. BOD 64 24 BOD 19.2 7.2 TSS 130 40 TSS 39 12 Outfall 007 Process Flow - 0.048 MGD) Subpart D (mg/L) Allocation (Ibs/day) Daily Max Monthly Avg. Daily Max Monthly Avg. BOD 120 45 BOD 48 18 TSS 183 57 TSS 73.3 22.8 DEQ-CFW 00077078