HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00086908FORM B SPECIFIC EMISSIONS SOURCE INFORMATION (REQUIRED FOR ALL SOURCES) REVISED 12/01/01 NCDENR/Divislon of Air Quality -Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate B EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTIOI T + + /CO2 Separation Process EMISSION SOURCE ID NO: NS-M CONTROL DEVICE ID NO(S): None OPERATING SCENARIO 1—OF 1 EMISSION POINT (STACK) ID NO(S): NEP-M DESCRIBE IN DETAILTHE EMISSION SOURCE PROCESS (ATTACH FLOW DIAGRAM): Tetralluoroethylene (TFE) in carbon dioxide is delivered to the site in tanktrucks and is stored in a tank in the area. The carbon dioxide is reacted with sodium hydroxide to form sodium carbonate which liberates the TFE as a raw material for the various fluorocarbon processes. The sodium carbonate leaves the process as an aqueous wastewater. Air emissions from the process are TFE and nitrogen.' -Process -Equipment includes a reactor_pllu"ssoctff hud7purffkiffan e ipme�t.—This new process (NS-M) will replace the existing TFE/HCl separation process (NS- L) already in the site's current Title V Permit. TYPE OF EMISSION SOURCE (CHECK AND COMPLETE APPROPRIATE FORM B1-B9 ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES): ❑ Coal,wood,oll, gas, other burner (Farm B1) ❑ Woodworking (Form 134) ❑ Manufact. of chem(cals/coatings/inks (Form 137) ❑ Intcombustion engine/generator (Form 132) ❑ Coating/finishing/printing (Form 135) ❑ Incineration (Form 88) ❑ Liquid storage tanks (Form 133) ❑ Storage silos/bins (Form B6) IM Other (Form 89) START CONSTRUCTION DAT Oct 07 1 OPERATION DATE .Tan 08 1 DATE MANUFACTURED: No control devices MANUFACTURER / MODEL NO.: n/a I EXPECTED OP. SCHEDULE: 24 HR/DAY 7 DAY/WK 50 WK/YR IS THIS SOURCE SUBJECT TO? NSPS (SUBPART?): No NESHAP (SUBPART?): NO MACT (SUBPART?): No PERCENTAGE ANNUAL THROUGHPUT (%): JAN-MAR 25 APR-JUN 25 JUL-SEP 25 OCT-DEC 25 EXPECTED ANNUAL HOURS OF OPERATION: —8000 IVISIBLE STACK EMISSIONS UNDER NORMAL OPERATION: —0 % OPACITY AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED SOURCE OF EMISSION FACTOR EXPECTED ACTUAL (AFTER CONTROLStUMITS) I POTENTIAL EMISSIONS BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) Ib/hr tons/ Ib/hr tons/ Ib/hr tons/yr PARTICULATE MATTER (PM) 0 0 0 0 0 0 PARTICULATE MATTER<10 MICRONS (PM1o) 0 0 0 0 0 0 PARTICULATE MATTER<2.5 MICRONS (PM2.5) 0 0 0 0 0 0 SULFUR DIOXIDE (SO2) 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 NITROGEN OXIDES (NOx) 0 0 0 0 0 CARBON MONOXIDE (CO) 0 0 0 0 0 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOC) 1.63 7.13 6.57 28.8 6.57 28.8 LEAD 0 0 0 0 0 OTHER 0 0 0 0 0 0 HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT AND CAS NUMBER SOURCE OF EMISSION FACTOR EXPECTED ACTUAL (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) POTENTIAL EMISSIONS BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) Ib/hr I tons r Ib/hr tons/yr Ib/hr tons/yr None INDICATE EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS / LIMITATIONS TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT AND CAS NO. EF SOURCE Ib/hr lb/dayIb/ None Attachments: (1) emissions calculations and supporting documentation; (2) Indicate all requested state and federal enforceable pemtlt limits (e.g. hours of operation, emission rates) and describe how these are monitored and with what frequency; and (3) describe any monitoring devices, gauges, or test ports for this source. COMPLETE THIS FORM AND COMPLETE AND ATTACH APPROPRIATE B1 THROUGH B9 FORM FOR EACH SOURCE Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary CC), 4 2;\JG o ti DEQ-CFW 00086908 FORM 139 - Confidential EMISSION SOURCE (OTHER) REVISED: 12/01/01 N('nFNP1Nvisinn of Air Onnlity _ Annlicatinn fnr Air Permit to Cnnstruct/onerate 139 EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPI TFEICO2 Separation Process EMISSION SOURCE ID NO: NS-M CONTROL DEVICE ID NO(S): None OPERATING SCENARIO: 1 OF 1 EMISSION POINT (STACK) ID NO(S): NEP-M DESCRIBE IN DETAIL THE PROCESS (ATTACH FLOW DIAGRAM): A mixture of tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) and carbon dioxide is reacted with sodium hydroxide to form sodium carbonate which liberates the TFE as a raw material. The sodium carbonate leaves the process as an aqueous wastewater. Air emissions from the process are TFE and nitrogen. Process equipment includes a reactor plus associated purification equipment. This new process (NS-M) will replace the existing TFE/HCl separation process (NS-L) already in the site's current Title V Permit. AJI.ecTERFAMIIEN'f<'ERINgM000*�CONTINIJOUS P:ROGES <=, ,. MAX. DESIGN CAPACITY UNIT/HR REQUESTED CAPACITY LIMITATION UNIT/HR TYPE UNITS Tetrafluoroethylene kg Confidential Carbon dioxide kg Confidential Sodium hydroxide kg Confidential Confidential MATERIALS�ENTERINCs PROCESS" E�ATCHOPERpTfON .s.' MAX. DESIGN CAPACITY UNIT/BATCH REQUESTED CAPACITY LIMITATION UNIT/BATCH TYPE UNITS I MAXIMUM DESIGN (BATCHES I HOUR): REQUESTED LIMITATION (BATCHES / HOUR): (BATCHESNR): FUEL USED: Not applicable (NA) ITOTAL MAXIMUM FIRING RATE (MILLION BTU/HR): NA MAX. CAPACITY HOURLY FUEL USE: NA I REQUESTED CAPACITY ANNUAL FUEL USE: NA COMMENTS: TFE/N2 Vent TFE/CO2 1 NaOH/Water 10 TFE/NaOH Separation Reactor Process TFE Feedstock to Processes Steam Equipment Nitrogen Na2CO3 Wastewater to WWTP Attach Additional Sheets as Necessary DEQ-CFW 00086909