Sent: 6/19/I0I71I:26:48PM
To: Manning, Jeff [/h=ExchangeLabs/ou=EwchangeAdministrative Group
Subject: FVV:perf|uoroa|ky|ether carboxylic acids totest for
Attachments PFECAss|ides.pptx
From: Culpepper, Linda
Sent: Monday, June l9,ZOl76:UUAM
To: Grq/b,Julie /juUe.8rzyb@ncdenr.8ou^;Brower, Connie <conniebroxver@ncdenr.8ov>;Brantley, Mark
<markbrant|ey@ncdenr.gov>;Gregson,Jim <jim.8re8son0Dncdenr.8ov>
Subject: Fvv: pe/f|uuroa|ky| ether carboxylic acids totest for
I'm going to set up a conf. call for this morning to discuss.
Mart in discussion with Sheila Holman, we would like to have a second sample collected from the Chemuurs
site totest atthe EPA ORDlab. Holding time of70days | believe did not affect results inaDr. Knappestudy.
We don't have the arrangements made yet with EPA are working on that.
Thank you all.
Linda Culpepper
Deputy Director
Division ofWater Resources
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Email correspondence toand from this address issubject tothe
North Carolina Public Records Law and may bedisclosed tnthird parties.
Fnmnm:Grryb Julie
Sent: Friday, June 16,ZU17S:0]PK4
To: Culpepper, Linda
Subject: perfluoroalkyl ether carboxylic acids to test for
The two perfluoroalkyl ether carboxylic acids we are interested in having the lab testfor are PFK8OAAand PFO2HxA.
The MS/MS transition range for PFK4OAAisl8U.0 85.0
—�And the MS/MS transition range for PF0JHxAisZ4S.1 85.0
Mark should know that for any samples that biological growth could occur (i.e. instream) Dedefrecommends adding
some nitric acid asdescribed below:
Methods used for sample collection are outlined in the NERL/HEASD SOP No. EMAB-113-0 entitled "Sample
Collection Protocol for PFCs in Surface and Well Water (4). The specific sampling method was dependent on the
source ofwater being sampled; however, the basic process involved rinsing the collection bottle with three
volumes of water followed by filling on the fourth iteration and adding 5 mL of 35% nitric acid as a preservation
agent. Duplicate samples were collected at rate of1O96. Samples were labeled with unique codes aswell as the
appropriate information providing time, date, location and water source type. Samples were maintained at
ambient temperature after collection. All samples were shipped on February 20, 2009 to the RTP PFC laboratory for
analysis, with chain of custody ([oC) forms recording collection, shipment, and receipt (Appendix 1).
Connie and | talked about this afterwards, we may want to hold off analyzing samples for these ethers and learn
what vvecan about them first. We know they are there and perhaps Chemours and EPA can tell us everything they
know about them first so we can find out if they will be eliminated when the wastestrearns from the vinyl ethers is
treated with ROand ifthey pose any health risks.
Julie Grzyb
NPDEGComplex Permitting
INIC DEQ / Division of Water Resources / Water Quality Permifting
9198076390 office
9197079000 main office
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