Sent: 6/13/I0I74:40:07PW1
To: Brower, Connie [/b=ExzhanXeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
Subject: RE: SenXand PFOA/PFOSOs
No worries. I appreciate your input.
Jessica C Gudreau
Chief, Public Water Supply Section
Division ofWater Resources
Department ofEnvironmental Quality
9197079078 nffioa
9197079100 mainnumber
1634 Mail Service Center
Raleigh NC 27699-1634
y St, Raleigh, NC 27604
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From: Brower, Connie
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:36 PM
Subject: RE: GenX and PFOA/PFOS Qs
Thankyou! Sorry for overstepping. Really trying to keep this as clear as we can.
From: Godrea4Jessica
Sent: Friday, June O9 20174:29PK4
To: Brower, Connie ; Sink, Marla Grq/b,Ju|ie
Cc: Manning, Jeff
Subject: RE: GenXand PFOA/PFOSOs
Looks correct to me
Jessica C Gudreau
Chief, Public Water Supply Section
Division ofWater Resources
Department ofEnvironmental Quality
9197079078 nffioa
9197079100 mainnumber
1634Mail Service Center
Raleigh NC27GAQ-1634
'mRe- am/mndo,ayx.
SenbFriday, June O9 I0174:09PK4
To: Sink, Maria Grq/b,]u|ie
Cc: Manning, Jeff Godrea4Jessica
Subject: RE: GenX and PFOA/PFOS Qs
Maria - as I have veered into answering a question that includes drinking water - please wait for Jessica to weigh in—1
do not wish to misspeak !
2) This question mixes some topics and some program areas - so - I hope to straighten it out the issues!
There are established drinking water health advisories for the combined occurrence of PFOS and PFOA
(Safe Drinking Water Act program) (0.07 uu/U. There is no federal level established hzrGenX. As noted
previously, the U8 EPA (under the Safe drinking Water Act) isthe sole agency responsible for
establishing drinking water standards. I can't speak directly to the question of whether the US EPA will
take additional actions with respect to regulation of PFOS and PFOA in drinking water.
There is an established Interim Maximum Allowable Concentration (IMAC) for PFOA (2 ug/L) in
0ruundvvaters of the State. (ref: lSA NCA[ 02L). This is a health protective state regulation and dues not
have afederal counterpart. There are currently 58 |MA[s established under the OJLrule. These are
currently under review by the Department at this time. As directed by rule, where revised scientifically
peer reviewed information is available for consideration in modification of groundwater standard, that
information is used to advise the Environmental Management Commission on allowable concentrations
that may affect the use ufgroundwater asasource ofdrinking water.
From: Sink, Maria
Sent: Friday, June U9 20172:48PK4
To: Brower, Connie <; Goyb,]u|ie
Could you please answer the question below re: Genx. One for both of you.
Maria Sink
Public Information Officer
Department ofEnvironmental Quality
Division ofWater Resources
9197079033 office
512 North Salisbury Street
1S11Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1611
From: Wagner, Adam
Sent: Friday, June U9 20172:41PK4
To: Sink, Maria
Subject: GenX and PFOA/PFOS Qs
Hi Marla,
Thanks for taking mycall amoment ago. Amlmentioned, lhad ucouple follow-up questions that lwasn't sure
about the answers on:
1) It sounded like GenX was not part of the previous permitting process for Chemours' FayettevilleoJant.Isthot
2)lknow the existing PF{)Astandard is only for groundwater,but vvediscussed ongoingrexievv for potential
tub/re standards. Are those reviews for standards for both ground vvn1er and drinking water? Or solely for
ground water?
Thanks for your help!
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