Sent: 6/7/20I7I:37:36PM
To: Brower, Connie [/b=ExzhanXeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
Subject: Re: EPA Research: Cleaning up contaminated sites, helping coastal farmers, and more
You are awesome C�
3ucilene Hoffmann
Economist II
From: Brower, Connie
Sent: Wednesday, June 7,JO179:07:O7AK4
To: Grzyb,Julie; Sink, Maria; Hoffmann, ]uci|ene
Subject: FW: EPA Research: Cleaning up contaminated sites, helping coastal farmers, and more
Ok|adies for ]ud|ene,astaff economist ishighlighted here! For Maria and Julie — Dr. Mark Strynarisone ufthe co-
authors to Dr. Knappe'sw/ork—he is also featured here!
From: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [maiIto:usaepa@service.govdelivery.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June OG,2O172:36PM
To: Brower, Connie <connie.brovver@ncdenr.0ov>
Subject: EPA Research: Cleaning upcontaminated sites, helping coastal farmers, and more
s "enc� m:a
ci e tt; rs
fPA'sScience Matters newsletter delivers the latest from EPAbOffice nfResearch and
Development straight to your /nbuxKeep scrolling toread about recent news and upcoming events.
Terry Burton, Super/und and TechnologyLiaisonfior EPA Region 6,*ands on land that used *be partvf'the Longhorn Army
Ammunition Plant SuperfundSite. This land mnow the Caddo Lak-eXauonal TKildh/e Refuge.
Every state and inhabited territory in the United States has at least one Superfund site - but some
states have dozens. These sites are some of the Country's most contaminated land and include
radiation waste dumps, toxic chemical release sites, and oil spill locations. EPA'sGuperfund
program cleans up these sites and also responds to environmental emergencies, oil spills, and
natural disasters. EPA's researchers are vital to the SUperfund program, providing the scientific
support and assistance needed to safely clean up the sites and make a visible and lasting
diffam*nma in communities.
Each year, EPA researchers respond to hundreds of requests for scientific support at contaminated
sites. The support the researchers provide helps ensure cost-effective, health protective solutions to
waste contamination problems in communities across the country. Here are just two examples of
this work:
Cleaning UpCaddo Lake /nTexas
EPA researchers helped EPA Region 6 in monitoring site remediation at the Longhorn Army
Ammunition Plant Superfund Site in rural eastern Texas. The former plant, occupying roughly 8,400
acres adjacent to Caddo Lake, was established during World War 11 to manufacture TNT. During the
war, the plant produced almost 400 million pounds of TNT. Unfortunately, TNT, its breakdown
pnodudo, and other materials manufactured at the site are among site environmental concerns.
Since 1990, when it was added as a Superfund site, more than 7,000 acres have been cleaned to
applicable standards and transferred to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for the establishment of
Caddo Lake National Wildlife Refuge.
Analysis nfa Crumbling l]ann/nJackson, CA
The Eastwood Multiple Arch Dam in Jackson, CA, is holding back over 165,000 tons of tailings from
the Argonaut Mine, which closed in 1942. The 100 year -old dam is cracked and crumbling, and local
officials are concerned that its instability could result in extensive damage tnthe town in the event of
failure. EPA researchers helped EPA Region 9 quantify the probabilities of damage and likely costs
if the dam failed. The results of the analysis indicated there could be extensive damage to and
strain on property, infrastructure, the local economy, and emergency services in the event of dam
failure. In a wet season oo*na,io, it was estimated the damages and 1nsoas could be as high as
!kinnr^i||io^ FPAnomot»i-_:n:m*inrPx',nq+othoromm',nitvo/.|o:kxono^dnh:rmrA,o^:Prn*
about the stability of the dam and the need for further investigation. The final modeling results were
also presented to top officials at California's Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Emergency
Services, Department of Transportation, DTSC, the Department of Water Resources, and other
agencies. With EPA'saccess boresearchers with modeling expertise, EPA was able toprovide
potentially life-saving consultation to key Federal, State, and local agencies.
Recent Research
'Ielping Farmers in the Atlantic Coastal Plair
Centuries of agricultural practices in the southeastern US have degraded the sandy soil of the
Atlantic coastal plain. Poor soil fertility and water storage have contributed to economic challenges
in the agricultural producing areas of the region. To improve soil quality, EPA researchers, working
with scientists from the USDA's Agricultural Research Service, Studied the use of biochar in regional
Biochar, the carbon -rich solid derived by heating biomass, such as wood chips or manure, has the
potential tnimprove the health and fertility nfdegraded soils. Researchers designed ebiochar
mixture of pine chip and poultry litter tailored specifically for the sandy soils found in the southeast.
When this special biochar mixture was applied to the soil, researchers noticed significant impacts on
soil characteristics such as pH, organic carbon content, and microbial composition.
As biochar research continues, farmers in the region are hopeful that this innovative technique will
improve the health ofthe soil and increase crop yields.
Portland Student Wins EPA SustaNnabiUity Award for Work on Urban Flooding
Adam Nayak, a junior at Cleveland High School in Portland, OR, was this year's winner of EPA's
Patrick H. Hurd Sustainability Award for his project, "Modeling the Effects of Land Use Change on
Flooding in Pacific Northwest Streams to Promote Green Practices." The project used historical
flood and urban land use data, landscape imagery, geographical information systems (G|G)
software, and strearnflow modeling developed by the U.S. Geological Survey to project the severity
of floods in four Portland urban stream basins if impervious surfaces continue to expand at the
same pace asinrecent years.
Nayak was inspired at an early age when he wondered why fish weren't coming back to the stream
in his neighborhood. As he learned more about streams and what influences their health, lie found
that many communities don't always have the scientific information they need to fully inform their
decisions. As he put it. 14 lot ofresearch rarely gets applied in the community."
"I feel so incredibly honored to have been selected for this award and cannot fully express my
gratitude towards the EPA and all they do for our country," said Nayak. "For the past five years, my
work has been centered around my passion for empowering communities and applying research in
order to promote conservation locally. I'd like to thank all of those who have offered me guidance,
especially Ronda Royal, Kate Fickas, Andy Bryant, and Katie Songer and the Johnson Creek
Watershed Council for all nftheir aupport.^
Ngyakwas selected from among 1,778student scientists and engineers competing inthe Intel
Science and Engineering Fair in Los Angeles, California, and went on to win "Best ofCategory" and
"First Award" in Earth & Environmental Sciences during the Grand Award Ceremony on May 19th.
Examining the Links Between Chemical Exposures and Health
EPA scientists are filling in missing pieces of the puzzle on chemical exposure. One approach is the
development of Adverse Outcome Pathways (\[}Po).AOPsare away nfassembling all the existing
knowledge about small biological changes — to a cell, tissue, or organ— resulting from exposure to a
chemical, and their connection to more serious harmful health effects detected in people and
ecosystems. These powerful organizational tools use available biological data and information to
predict potential effects caused by exposure to chemicals that have limited available safety data.
Findings from newly developed AOPa are exciting. However, like all mcienoa, they must betested bm
from Unhealthy exposures to toxic chemicals
|na���Jp���[pub|�hedinEnvironmental So�nce&Tachno�gy.EPA ao�nt�t developed
computer model of an AOP, called a quantitative AOP (qAOP). They tested whether the qAOP,
working with the data they had about a specific estrogen disruption triggered in the fathead minnow
after exposure to a chemical at a certain dose, over a specific period of time, could be used to
predict adecrease inthe minnow population over time.
The paper shows that the qAOPis, in'haot able toprovide regulatory decision -makers with data -
based inh>:nathongbocddle amount ofthe chemical the fish would need tobeexposed toover g
specified period of time in order to eventually see the population decrease. This is an important step
in providing naAu|etnns with the tools and data they need to justify nnAu|eUons when traditional safety
data is limited.
EPA isseeking nominations for technical experts Vmserve onits Board of Scientific Counselors
���{�,afederal advisory committee fothe Office ofResearch and Development. The BOSC
provides independent scientific and technical peer review, consultation, advice, and
recommendations for each of its research programs. Individuals and organizations can nominate
themselves orothers byusing the nomination form nnthe BO8Cvvobaite.The nomination period io
open until June 3Q.2Q17. Details regarding areas ofexpertise sought, process for submitting
nominations, and selection criteria can also bofound inthe Federal Reoister.
Meet EPA Economist Dr. Marisa Mazzotta
Dr. KAazzotbahas over 2Qyears ofexperience asananalyst,
researcher, writer, and educator inthe field ofenvironmental &
natural resource economics. Her research focuses nnthe
pub|ic'ovaluation and prioritization ofnatural resources, the
evaluation ofecosystem services, and the relationship between
ecological changes and economic benefits. Learn more about
Meet EPA Physical Scientist Dr. Mark Strynar
Dr. Gtrynar'u research interests include developing methods to
measure and analyze the movement and fate ofperOuohneied
compounds (PFCo)and other xanobioticcompounds
(chemicals found inorganisms that are not normally expected
to be present) in biological and environmental media. Le.yl!.i.
more about his research.
Water Research Webinar Series: Nonpotable Water Reuse in Urban
Wednesday, June 2Y,2D/7 1 2:00-3:30pmET
Thisn)onth's water research webinar will focus on the reuse of water for non -drinking water
purposes. The presenters will provide information on EPA's research efforts to support
decentralized nonpotab1a water systems, and how San Francisco iastreamlining the regulatory
process for buildings to install onaiia nonpoiab|ewater systems for the reuse ofwater for toilet
flushing and irrigation.
EPA Tools and Resources Webinar: Public Health Impact of Wildfire Smoke
Wednesday, June 21, 2017 1 3l00 - *:00PMET
As the start of the summer wildfire season approaches, public officials, communities and individuals
need up-to-date wildfire smoke health guidance to protect against related health risks. The 2016
(2017 final version available this fall) Wildfire Smoke: Guide for Public Health Officials serves as an
easy -to -use onuron of information that outlines vvhono health is most affected by wildfire smnke,
how to reduce exposure to smoke, what public health actions are recommended, and how to
communicate air quality fothe public. This wnbinarpresented by Wayne Cescio, k8.D., will highlight
updates to the Wildfire Smoke Guide, as well as the Smoke Sense app, which is a mobile
application that gets air quality information to people impacted by wildfire smoke, and helps those
affected learn ways tnprotect their health from smoke exposure.
Small Water Systems Webinar Series: Harmful Algal BUooms--Treatment,Risk
Communications Toolbox, and Management Plans
Tuesday, June 27,2DY712:0D-3:30pn/ET
This month's small systems webinar will focus on harmful algal blooms and associated cyanotoxins
The presenters will focus onhow drinking water systems can manage exposure risks, including
management and communications tools and current treatment processes for algal cell and toxin
removal. R..e.qister here.
National Environmental Health Association Conference
Monday, July /0'Thursday, July /3, 2017
EPA researchers will b*presenting sessions and exhibiting odthe National Environmental Health
Association conference inGrand Rapids, Michigan, from July 1U-13.2Q17.
For those attending the conference, please stop by booth 307 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM on July 10
and 9:80 AM to 4:30 PM on July 11 to pink up informational materials and see demos of EPA'o
online tools. Learn more here.
Science K8ettoro is produced by the U.G. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and
Development. All content is copyright free and can be reprinted without permission.
Questions or comments? Send us an email.
EPA Research I EPA Science Matters
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TNs on-�a vas :0 connie.brower@ncdenr.gov::Es '3:g Gov DvoCIo+.A on S EPA of
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