HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00086693• • E-Fluids Process Detailed Point Source Calculations Page 2 of 3 B. Interface Tank The Interface Tank is a 30 gallon vessel. The E-fluids are seperated from aqueous material in the Transfer Tank and are sent to the Interface Tank. Once the Interface Tank is close to full, material is taken from the Interface Tank to a 55 gallon drum. Assume temperature is 30 degrees C and entire tank volume is vented during filling. Calculations: PV = nRT (assumes the Ideal Gas Law) Tank Volume = 30 gallons / 7.48 gal/ft3 = 4.01 ft3 Contents of vessel Component MW Kgs Moles Mol %(psia) Vapor Pressure Partial Pressure* (psia) E1 286 22.00 0.08 15.09 9.70 0.85 0.17 1.46 E2 452 189.20 0.42 82.12 0.70 E3 618 8.80 0.01 2.79 0.00 Total 220.00 0.51 100% * Partial Pressure = Vapor Pressure multiplied by Mol% divided by 100% Tank temperature = 30 degrees Celsius is equal to 545.69 degrees R R = 10.73 psia-ft3/lb-mol/degR For E1: n = moles of E1 = (Partial pressure of E1) * (Volume) / (R) / (Temperature) n = 1.46 psia x 4.01 ft3 = 0.0010 Ib-mol E1 10.73 psia-ft3/lb-mol/degR 545.69 degrees R 0.0010 Ib-mol E1 x 286 Ib E1 = 0.29 Ib El/batch lb-mol E1 For E2: n = moles of E2 = (Partial pressure of E2) * (Volume) / (R) / (Temperature) n = 0.70 psia x 4.01 ft3 = 0.0005 Ib-mol E2 10.73 psia-ft3/ib-mol/degR 545.69 degrees R 0.0005 Ib-mol E2 x 452 Ib E2 - 0.22 Ib E2/batch Ib-mol E2 For E3: n = moles of E3 = (Partial pressure of E3) * (Volume) / (R) / (Temperature) n = 0.00 psia x 4.01 ft3 = 0.000003 Ib-mol E3 10.73 psia-W/lb-mol/degR 545.69 degrees R 0.000003 Ib-mol E3 x 618 lb E3 = 0.002 Ib E3/batch Ib-mol E3 DEQ-CFW 00086693