HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00086591Vinyl Ethers North Air Emissions Inventory PPVE Process Emissions Determination aI Page 1 of 13 2007 AIR EMISSIONS INVENTORY SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION isEmission Source ID No: NS-B Emission Source Description: VE-North PPVE Manufacturing Process Process & Emission Description: The VE-North PPVE manufacturing process is a continuous chemical reaction. All emissions from the process are vented through the Nafion Division Waste Gas Scrubber (Control Device ID No. NCD-Hdr) which has a documented control efficiency of 99.6% for all acid fluoride compounds. Some emitted compounds are assumed to pass completely through the scrubber, so the control efficiency for those compounds is assumed to be 0%. The control of emissions of specific compounds will be addressed and detailed in the following pages. The PPVE process in VE-North emits compounds in the acid fluoride family. In the presence of water (such as in atmospheric moisture), these acid fluorides can eventually hydrolyze to hydrogen fluoride. For the purpose of this emissions inventory, a conservative approach will be taken and the acid fluorides will be reported both as a VOC and as the equivalent quantity of hydrogen fluoride. Basis and Assumptions: - The PPVE process flowsheet is the basis for relative concentrations of before -control emissions of gaseous wastes. - Calculations of point source emissions are based on actual vent flow totals taken from the IP21 Historian. - All emission determination calculations are available on the EXCEL spreadsheet found at S:/Everyone/martinas/Emissions/2007/VEN Air Emissions 2007.xls. • DEQ-CFW 00086591 Vinyl Ethers North Air Emissions Inventory PPVE Process Emissions Determination Page 2 of 13 • • Point Source Emisslon Determination A. Hexafluoropropylene (HFP) HF Potential: HFP is a VOC without the potential to form HF Quantity Released HFP is a byproduct present in the BFPO feed. It is an inert in VE North that is vented to the WGS. HFP vented per the process flowsheet Vented from the Condensation Reactor. Vented from the Crude Receiver Vented from the Foreshots Receiver Vented from the Stripper 0.05 kg HFP 2.35 kg CondRxVentFlo 0.01 kg HFP 13.97 kg Crude Receiver Vent 0,01 kg HFP 1.06 kg ForeshotsReceiverVen 30 kg HFP 100 kg Stripper Vent HFP vented based on 5,698 kg total Condensation Reactor vent stream (22266FG). HFP vented based on 6,666 kg total Crude Receiver vent stream (22701FG). HFP vented based on 1,308 kg total Foreshots Receiver vent stream (22826FG). HFP vented based on 14,123 kg in the Stripper vent stream (22231FC). HFP vented from Condensation Reactor: 0.05 kg HFP x 5,698 kg CndRx = 132 kg HFP 2.35 kg CndRx HFP vented from Crude Receiver 0.01 kg HFP x 6,666 kg CrRec = 23 kg HFP 3.97 kg CrRec HFP vented from Foreshots Receiver 0.01 kg HFP x 1,308 kg FsRec = 11 kg HFP ' 1.06 kg FsRec HFP vented from Stripper 30 kg HFP x 14,123 kg Strpr = 4,237 kg HFP 100 kg Strpr VOC Emissions 132 kg from Condensation Reactor + 23 kg from Crude Receiver + 11 kg from Foreshots Receiver 4,237 kg from Stripper 4,403 kg HFP = 4,403 kg VOC 9,707 lb VOC CAS No.116-15-4 DEQ-CFW 00086592 Vinyl Ethers North Air Emissions Inventory PPVE Process Emissions Determination , I Page 3 of 13 B. Hexafluoropropylene oxide (REPO) HF Potential: HFPO is a VOC without the potential to form HF Quantity Released HFPO unreacted in condensation is vented to the WGS. CAS No. 428-59-1 BFPO vented per the process flowsheei 0.11 kg HFPO Vented from the Condensation Reactor: 12.35 kg Cond Rx Vent Flow Vented from the Crude Receiver 13.97 0 kg HFPO kg Crude Receiver Vent O kg HFPO Vented from the Foreshots Receiver 1.06 kg ForeshotsReceiverVen Vented from the Stripper 60 kg HFPO 100 kg Stripper Vent BFPO vented based on 5,698 kg total Condensation Reactor vent stream (22266FG). BFPO vented based on 6,666 kg total Crude Receiver vent stream (22701FG). BFPO vented based on 1,308 kg total Foreshots Receiver vent stream (22826FG). HFP vented based on 14,123 kg in the Stripper vent stream (22231 FC). HFPO vented from Condensation Reactor: 0.11 kg HFPO x 5,698 kg CndRx = 276 kg HFPO 2.35 kg CndRx HFPO vented from Crude Receiver 0.00 kg BFPO x 6,666 kg CrRec 3.97 kg CrRec HFPO vented from Foreshots Receiver 0.00 kg HFPO x 1,308 kg FsRec 1.06 kg FsRec HFP vented from Stripper 60 kg HFPO 100 kg Strpr VOC Emissions r� x 14,123 kg Strpr 0 kg HFPO 0 kg HFPO = 8,474 kg BFPO 276 kg from Condensation Reactor + 0 kg from Crude Receiver + 0 kg from Foreshots Receiver + 8,474 kg from Stripper = 8,749 kg HFPO = 8,749 kg VOC 19,288 lb VOC DEQ-CFW 00086593 Vinyl Ethers North Air Emissions Inventory PPVE Process Emissions Determination , Page 4 of 13 • • C� C. Perfluoroproplonyl fluoride (PPF) HF Potential: ach mole of PPF MW =166 can generate 1 mole of HF MW = 20). 1 kg PPF-1 molePPF 20g HF 1 moleHF = 0.120kgHU 166g PPF 1 moleHF 1 molePPF Therefore, each 1 kg of PPF generates 0.120 kg of HF Qnanti y Released Before -control PPF vented per the process flowsheet Vented from the Condensation Reactor: 2.14 kg PPF 12.35 kg Cond Rx Went Flow Vented from the Crude Receiver 0 kg PPF 13.97 kg Crude Receiver Vent 0 kg PPF Vented from the Foreshots Receiver 1.06 kg ForeskotsReceiverVmn Vented firom the Stripper 10 kg PPF 100 kg Stripper Vent PPF vented based on 5,698 kg total Condensation Reactor vent stream (22266FG). PPF vented based on 6,666 kg total Crude Receiver vent stream (22701FG). PPF vented based on 1,308 kg total Foreshots Receiver vent stream (22826FG). PPF vented based on 14,123 kg in the Stripper vent stream (22231 FC). Before control PPF vented from Condensation Reactor: 2.14 kg PPF x 5,698 kg CndRx = 5,180 kg PPF 2.35 kg CndRx PPF vented from Crude Receiver 0.00 kg PPF x 6,666 kg CrRec = 0 kg PPF 3.97 kg CrRec PPF vented from Foreshots Receiver 0.00 kg PPF x 1,308 kg FsRec = 0 kg PPF 1.06 kg FSRec PPF vented from Stripper 10 kg PPF x 14,123 kg Strpr = 1,412 kg PPF 100 kg Strpr Total before -control PPF vented = 6,593 kg PPF After -control emissions utilizing the 99.6% control efficient Waste Gas Scrubber (WGS): CAS No. 42241-7 VOC Emissions 6,593 kg PAF Waste Gas Scrubber x (100%-99.6%) 26 kg PAF = 26 kg VOC 58 lb. VOC HF Equivalent Emissions 26 kg PAF x 0.120 kg HF/kg PAF 3 kg HF = 7.0 lb. HF DEQ-CFW 00086594 Vinyl Ethers North Air Emissions Inventory PPVE Process Emissions Determination Page 5 of 13 D. Tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) 0 HF Potential: • • TIE is a VOC without the potential to form BF Quantity Released TFE is a byproduct that can be formed in the ABR system. It is an inert in VE-North that is vented to the WG$. TIE vented per the process flowsheet 0 kg TFE Vented from the Condensation Reactor 12.35 kg Cond Rx Vent Flow 2.17 kg TFE Vented from the Crude Receiver 3.97 kg Crude Re ceiver Vent 0.0045kgTFE Vented from the Foreshots Receiver 1.06 kg ForeshotsReceiverVent 0 kg TFE Vented from the Stripper 100 kg Stripper Vent TFE vented based on 5,698 kg total Condensation Reactor vent stream (22266FG). TFE vented based on 6,666 kg total Crude Receiver vent stream (22701FG). TFE vented based on 1,308 kg total Foreshots Receiver vent stream (22826FG). TFE vented based on 14,123 kg in the Stripper vent stream (22231 FC). TIE vented from Condensation Reactor: 0.00 kg TFE x 5,698 kg CndRx = 0 kg TFE 2.35 kg CndRx WE vented from Crude Receiver 2.17 kg TFE x 6,666 kg CrRec = 3,642 kg TFE 3.97 kg CrRec TFE vented from Foreshots Receiver 0.0045 kg TFE x 1,308 kg FsRe c = 6 kg TFE 1.06 kg FsRec TFE vented from Stripper 0 kg TFE x 14,123 kg Strpr = 0 kg TFE 100 kg Strpr VOC Emissions 0 kg from Condensation Reactor + 3,642 kg from Crude Receiver + 6 kg from Foreshots Receiver + 0 kg from Stripper 3,648 kg TFE = 3,648 kg VOC 8,042 lb VOC CAS No.116-14-3 DEQ-CFW 00086595 Vinyl Ethers North Air Emissions Inventory PPVE Process Emissions Determination Page 6 of 13 E. Pertluoropropyl vinyl ether (PPVE) HF Potential: PPVE is a VOC without the potential to form HF Quantity Released PPVE vented per the process flowsheet CAS No.1623-5-8 0 kg PPVE Vented from the Condensation Reactor: 2.35 kg Cond Rx Vent Flow 0.50 kg PPVE Vented from the Crude Receiver 13.97 kg Crude Re cei,,er Vent 0.88 kg PPVE Vented from the Foreshots Receiver 11.06 kg ForeshotsReceiverVent 0 kg PPVE Vented from the Stripper 100 kg Stripper Vent PPVE vented based on 5,698 kg total Condensation Reactor vent stream (22266FG). PPVE vented based on 6,666 kg total Crude Receiver vent stream (22701FG). PPVE vented based on 1,308 kg total Foreshots Receiver vent stream (22826FG). PPVE vented based on 14,123 kg in the Stripper vent stream (22231FC). PPVE vented from Condensation Reactor: 0.00 kg PPVE x 5,698 kg CndRx = 0 kg PPVE 2.35 kg CndRx PPVE vented from Crude Receiver 0.50 kg PPVE x 6,666 kg CrRec = 848 kg PPVE 3.97 kg CrRec PPVE vented from Foreshots Receiver 0.88 kg PPVE x 1,308 kg FsRec = I,084 kg PPVE 1.06 kg FsRec PPVE vented from Stripper 0 kg PPVE x 14,123 kg Strpr = 0 kg PPVE 100 kg Strpr VOC Emissions 0 kg from Condensation Reactor + 848 kg from Crude Receiver + 1,084 kg from Foreshots Receiver + 0 kg from Stripper = 1,932 kg PPVE = 1,932 kg VOC 4,259 lb VOC • DEQ-CFW 00086596 Vinyl Ethers North Air Emissions Inventory PPVE Process Emissions Determination Page 7 of 13 • • F. Perfluoro-2-butene (C4) HF Potential: C4s are VOCs without the potential to form BF Quantity Released C4s are perfluorobutenes that are byproducts from the Agitated Bed Reactor system. They are inerts in VE-North that are vented to the WGS. C4s vented per the process flowsheet 0 kg Cos Vented from the Condensation Reactor: F35 kg Cond Rx Vent Plow 0.01 kg C4s Vented from the Crude Receiver 13-97 kg Crude Re ceiver Vent 0.15 kg C4-s Vented from the Foreshots Receiver 1.06 kg ForeshotsReceiverVent 0 kg C4s Vented from the Stripper 100 kg Shipper Vent C4s vented based on 5,698 kg total Condensation Reactor vent stream (22266FG). C4s vented based on 6,666 kg total Crude Receiver vent stream (22701FG). C4s vented based on 1,308 kg total Foreshots Receiver vent stream (22826FG). C4s vented based on 14,123 kg in the Stripper vent stream (22231FC). C4s vented from Condensation Reactor: 0.00 kg C4s x 5,698 kg CndRx = 0 kg C4s 2.35 kg CndRx C4s vented from Crude Receiver 0.01 kg C4s x 6,666 kg CrRec = 15 kg C4s 3.97 kg CrRec C4s vented from Foreshots Receiver 0.15 kg C4s x 1,308 kg FsRec = 184 kg C4s 1.06 kg FsRec C4s vented from Stripper 0 kg C4s x 14,123 kg Strpr = 0 kg C4s 100 kg Strpr VOC Emissions 0 kg from Condensation Reactor + 15 kg from Crude Receiver + 184 kg from Foreshots Receiver + 0 kg from Stripper 200 kg C4s = 200 kg VOC 440 lb VOC CAS No. 360-894 DEQ-CFW 00086597 Vinyl Ethers North Air Emissions Inventory PPVE Process Emissions Determination Page 8 of 13 • • G. Perfluoropentene (CS) HF Potential: C5s are VOCs without the potential to form BF 4uantit�Released C5s are perfluoropentenes that are byproducts from the Agitated Bed Reactor system. They are inerts in VE-North that are vented to the WGS. C5s vented per the process flowsheet 0 kg CSs Vented from the Condensation Reactor 12.35 kg Cond Rx Vent Flow 0 kg C5s Vented from the Crude Receiver 3.97 kg Crude Receiver Vent 0.02 kg CSs Vented from the Foreshots Receiver 11.06 kg ForeshotsReceiverVent Vented from the Stripper 0 kg C5s 100 kg Stripper Vent C5s vented based on 5,698 kg total Condensation Reactor vent stream (22266FG). CSs vented based on 6,666 kg total Crude Receiver vent stream (22701FG). CSs vented based on 1,308 kg total Foreshots Receiver vent stream (22826FG). C5s vented based on 14,123 kg in the Stripper vent stream (22231FC). C5s vented from Condensation Reactor: 0.00 kg C5s x 5,698 kg CndRx = 0 kg C5s 2.35 kg CndRx C5s vented from Crude Receiver 0.00 kg C5s x 6,666 kg CrRec = 0 kg C5s 3.97 kg CrRec C5s vented from Foreshots Receiver 0.02 kg C5s x 1,308 kg FsRec = 22 kg C5s 1.06 kg FSRec C4s vented from Stripper 0 kg CSs x 14,123 kg Strpr = 0 kg C5s 100 kg Strpr VOC Emissions 0 kg from Condensation Reactor + 0 kg from Crude Receiver + 22 kg from Foreshots Receiver + 0 kg from Stripper = 22 kg C5s = 22 kg VOC 49 lb VOC CAS No. 376-974 DEQ-CFW 00086598 Vinyl Ethers North Air Emissions Inventory PPVE Process Emissions Determination Page 9 of 13 • • H. Carbon Monoxide (CO) HF Potential: CO can not form BF Quantity Released CO is a byproduct from the Agitated Bed Reactor system. This inert in VE-North that are vented to the WGS. CO vented per the process flowsheet 0 kg CO Vented from the Condensation Reactor 12.35 kg Cond Rx Vent Flow 1.27 kg CO Vented from the Crude Receiver 3.97 kg Crude Receiver Vent 0kgCO Vented from the Foreshots Receiver 1.06 kg ForeshotsRecetver Vent 0 kg CO Vented from the Stripper 100 kg Stripper Vent CO vented based on 5,698 kg total Condensation Reactor vent stream (22266FG). CO vented based on 6,666 kg total Crude Receiver vent stream (22701FG). CO vented based on 1,308 kg total Foreshots Receiver vent stream (22826FG). CO vented based on 14,123 kg in the Stripper vent stream (22231FC). CO vented from Condensation Reactor. 0.00 kg CO x 5,698 kg CndRx = 0 kg CO 2.35 kg CndRx CO vented from Crude Receiver 1.27 kg CO x 3.97 kg CrRec CO vented from Foreshots Receiver -0.00 kg CO x 1.06 kg FSRec CO vented from Stripper 0 kg CO x 100 kg Strpr CO Emissions 6,666 kg CrRec = 1,308 kg FsRec = 14,123 kg Strpr = 0 kg from Condensation Reactor 2,138 kg from Crude Receiver - 0 kg from Foreshots Receiver 0 kg from Stripper 2,138 kg CO = CAS No. 630-08-0 2,138 kg CO 0 kg CO 0 kg CO 4,713 Ib CO (not a VOC) DEQ-CFW 00086599 Vinyl Ethers North Air Emissions Inventory PPVE Process Emissions Determination Page 10 of 13 • • E I. VOC Summary Nafion Compound Name Before Control Generated After Control. Stack Emissions kg/yr lblyr VOC lblyr HF lblyr A. HFP 4,403 9,707 9,707 B. HFPO 8,749 19,288 19,288 C. PPF 6,593 14,534 58 7.0 D. TFE 3,648 8,042 8,042 E. PPVE 1,932 4,259 4,259 F. C4 200 440 440 G. C5 22 49 49 K AN 4,357 9,606 9,606 Total 29,904 65,926 51,450 7.0 DEQ-CFW 00086600 Vinyl Ethers North Air Emissions Inventory PPVE Process Emissions Determination Page 11 of 13 • • J. Total Emission Summary** ** All Emissions in this table represent "After Control' emissions. Nafion Compound Name Process Emissions lb/ Equipment Emissions (Note') lb/ Maintenance Emissions (Note2) Ib/ Total Emissions lb/yr A. HFP 9,707 5 0 9,712 R. )FPO 19,288 360 18 19,666 C. PPF 58 10 1 69 D. TFE 8,042 0 0 8,042 E. PPVE 4,259 590 553 5,403 F. IC4 440 57 75 572 G. C5 49 0 0 49 H. CO (not a VOC) 0 0 4,713 K. AN 148 7 9,606 * BFPO-Dimer 271 37 308 * jBFPO Trimer 7 1 7 Total 41844 1 1,447 692 58,147 Note 1 - See section titled "Equipment Emissions" for details Note 2 - See section titled "Maintenance Emissions" for details CO not realistically expected through equipment or maintenance emissions AN total based on material balance, see section K. * Not normally emitted from the process as a routine stack emission DEQ-CFW 00086601 Vinyl Ethers North Air Emissions Inventory PPVE Process Emissions Determination Page 12 of 13 • • • BF Equivalent Emissions Naflion Compound Name Process Emissions lb/ Equipment Emissions lb/ Maintenance Emissions lb/ Total Emissions lb/yr C. PPF 7 1.2 0.15 8.35 * BFPO -Diener 16.3 2.20 18.54 * HFPO Trimer 0.3 0.03 0.29 Total 7 18 2.38 27.19 * Not normally emitted from the process as a rounne stacx emission The estimated BF equivalent emissions were determined by multiplying the Molecular weight of BF/Molecular weight of the acid fluoride, I mole acid fluoride generates 1 mol BF For Example: 20 lb/mol BF X 10 lb/yr Equipment PPF = 1.2 lb/yr BF 166 lb/mol PPF The estimated BF equivalent emissions from Maintenance Emissions were determined by multiplying the Molecular weight of BF/Molecular weight of the acid fluoride, I mole acid fluoride generates 1 mol BF For Example: 20 lb/mol BF X 1.23 lb/yr Maintenance PPF = 0.15 lb/yr BF 166 lb/mol PPF DEQ-CFW 00086602 Vinyl Ethers North Air Emissions Inventory PPVE Process Emissions Determination Page 13 of 13 Y— Acetonitrile (AN) CAS No. 75-05-8 HF Potential AN is a VOC and Hazardous Air Polluntant without the potential to form HF. Quantity Released AN emissions based on 11,541 kg AN fed Hydrocarbon waste sent to Hydrocarbon waste tank = 7,140 kgs WC waste PPVE generated during the year 168,387 kg PPVE Assume that: 5% of spent acetonitrile are fluorocarbons. AN portion of hydrocarbon waste stream: 7,140 kg to H/C waste x 1-(.1 6,783 kg AN to H/C waste Material Balance Based on total Vinyl ether produced 168,387 kg PPVE Assume 90% Crude is needed to generage that amount of PPVE 70% of AF going to ABR is needed to create the Crude Feed going to A13R is 1,500 ppm AN 1,000,000 Therefore: 168,387 kg PPVE \ 0.90 Crude \ 0.70 AF x 0.0015 ppm AN in Feed to ABR 401 kg AN VOC Emission 11,541 kg AN fed - 6,783 kg AN to H/C waste 401 kg AN to ABR 4,357 kg AN = 4,357 kg VOC 9,606 Ib VOC AN only used during a PPVE Campaign Total AN = 9,606 . Ib VOC E, DEQ-CFW 00086603