t 3614 Turner Road, Fayetteville, NC 28306,
,l (910) 483-1643
Reverend Selvyn A. Lindo, Pastor
January 23, 2007
Environmental Management Commission/NPDES Unit
1617 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1617
Subject: Draft NPDES Permit NC0003573: DuPont -Fayetteville Works, Bladen County
To Whom It May Concern,
Let me first thank you in advance for reading this letter as I voice my concerns. As Pastor, I am
very concerned for the safety of the Parishioners, my family, and I because the Church's water base
needs such as drinking, cooking, etc., are served by well water.
My concerns are even more elevated by the Potable Well Water test results, annotated on the
attached memorandum, dated Dec 28, 2006, from the United States Environmental Protection Agency,
Region 4, Atlanta Georgia, identifying multi -levels C8 or Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) in well
waters vicinity of DuPont -Fayetteville Works, Bladen County. Although these levels are said to be
within a safe level, it still remains a major concern because there just isn't enough research or testing
data to compare or measure effects on different individuals by various levels of this chemical.
As a concern citizen and a pastor where 100% of our membership is subjected, I sincerely request
that your office consider the following PRIOR TO RENEWINGANYPERMIT for the DuPont -
Fayetteville Works, Bladen County:
1. Limits must be set for every possible substance that can be discharged by this plant.
2. Test all substances daily according to its daily limits
3. Ensure any previous compliance standards are reinstated and enforced.
4. Remove the 4500 feet downstream "Mixing Zone" restriction and extend testing beyond the
stated, "Immediately below the discharge point."
5. Fluoride must be tested to determine its daily levels, understanding that we are also concerned
about the current daily maximum amount (7,917 pounds) of fluoride that DuPont is allowed to release
because it tends to accumulate in bones, plants and soil.
6. The phrase "sufficiently sensitive" in regards to testing for hexachlorobenzene is ambiguous
and should be concretely defined.
7. The permit should include standards and limitations on PFOA, a chemical that is linked to cancer
and birth defects in animals, and that is being regulated with groundwater standards.
DEQ-CFW 00076620
Subject: Draft NPDES Permit NC0003573: DuPont -Fayetteville Works, Bladen County
8. Special consideration must be taken that discharges of any substance into the Cape Fear River
will have an impact on drinking water supply; therefore, strict monitoring and limiting PFOA
discharge is vital to protecting the source of the community's water supply.
9. The interim groundwater standard of 2.0 parts per billion for PFOA (or C8) is too lax and
endangers every resident's well water, further relieving DuPont of nearly all clean-up responsibility.
Please consider that most states are looking at far more protective groundwater standards such as 0.5
parts per billon or less.
I am further requesting a PUBLIC HEARING ON THIS PEMIT, and that I am notified on
when and where the hearing will be held.
Again, I thank you for this opportunity to voice my opinion on this permit hoping that our voice will
be heard.
Sincerely Yours,
ReverenJSvyn Lindo, Pastor
DEQ-CFW 00076621
DEC 2 8 2006
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ison
3671 County Line Road
Fayetteville, NC 28306
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Ison:
This correspondence has been prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA), Region 4 in order to respond to your September 14, 2006 request for information.
As you are aware, in late January 2006, EPA Region 4 obtained samples of water from a
number of wells (both groundwater and public water system) on the property and in the
communities surrounding the duPont facility in Fayetteville, North Carolina, including a sample
from your well located at 3671 County Line Road, Fayetteville, North Carolina. Your well
location is identified as Station ID PW-01 in the chart below.
The collected samples were analyzed for C8 or perfluorooctanoic acid.(PFOA). In April
2006, EPA, Is National Enforcement investigations Center laboratory provided the analytical
U results of these samples. The results were:
Station ID
Type of Station and Location
C8 or PFOA Wag
Ground water monitoring well located away
< 0.037
from duPont's process site
Ground water monitoring well located away
1.74 ± 0.36
from duPont's process site
Ground water monitoring well located away
< 0.037
from duPont's process site
Outfall 002
Point of discharge for process wastewater from
< 0.037
duPont facility located on duPont's process site
Ground water monitoring well located on
0.043 ± 0.016
duPont's process site
Ground water monitoring well located on
Not reported
duPont's process site
Potable water well located off duPone s process
< 0.037
Potable water well located at a public water
< 0.037
s stem off duPont's process site
Potable water well located at.a public water _
_ .< 0.037
system off duPont's process site
Potable water well located at a public water
< 0.037
stem off duPont's process site
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DEQ-CFW 00076622