Sent: 1/2I/I0I64:I7:42 PM
To: Brower, Connie [/b=ExzhanXeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
Subject: RE: NCsurface water quality standard
You're the best �)
Carrie nuhlman
monitoring coalition coordinator
Division of water Resources - water sciences section
Department of Environmental Quality
Physical Address: 4401 needy Creek Road, Raleigh, mc 27607
mailing Address: 1623 mail service center' Raleigh' wc 27699-I625
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the
North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
---original message -----
From: Brower' Connie
Sent: Thursday' zanuary 21, 2016 I1:08 mw
To: nuhlman' Carrie /carrie.ruhlman0ncdenr.gon,; knappe0ncsu.edu; ventaloro' Christopher
subject: RE: wc surface water quality standard
Good morning, Detlef and Carrie
The applicable criteria for 1'4 oioxane is 0.35 ug/L for ws waters . This is appropriately based upon a I
x 10-6 cancer risk.
We are aware that the multiple tables are confusing' and we are working with our attorneys to determine
how best to relay information pending EPA approval of a number of other standards. For your convenience,
we have attached the excel spread sheet that has the appropriate information and references.
Please feel free to call us if we can be of further assistance -
Connie U. Brower
Water quality standards coordinator
classifications and standards/ Rules Review Branch
Water Planning section' Division of water Resources
Department of Environmental Quality
919 807 6416 office
919 707 9000 main office
Physical Address: 512 North Salisbury st.'naleigh, NC, 27604
mailing Address: I611 mail service Center, Raleigh, wc' 27699-161I
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the
North Carolina public Records La* and may be disclosed to third parties.
---original message -----
From: nuhlman' Carrie
Sent: Thursday' 3anuary 21, 20I6 7:42 Am
To: Brower, Connie <cunnie.brnwerNncdenr.gov,
subject: pw: wc surface water quality standard
can you please help me with this? z feel like we've answered this question at least 5 times before for
various people ... maybe z need more coffee!
Carrie nuhlman
monitoring coalition coordinator
Division of water Resources - water sciences section Department of Environmental Quality
Physical Address: 440I needy creek Road, Raleigh, wc 27507 mailing Address: 1623 mail service center'
Raleigh, mc 27699-1623
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may
be disclosed to third parties.
---original message -----
From: oetlef nnappe [mailto:knappe@ncsu.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, 3anuary 20' 2016 5:02 mw
To: nuhlman' Carrie /carrie.ruhlman0ncdenr.gon,
subject: mc surface water quality standard
Hi carrie,
z just looked at the os0 web page with the surface water quality standards and criteria and noticed that
the table showing standards that are currently in effect now list a 1'4-dioxane concentration of ].I ug/L
for water supplies. This does not appear to agree with the narrative surface water quality standard that
states that for carcinogens' the level should be that corresponding to the IO^-6 cancer risk level for
water supplies.
There is another table showing the 0.35 ug/L level under the heading "The following surface water quality
standards are pending approval of the 2007-20I4 Triennial Review by spx^
see http:!/pnrtal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ps/csu/swstandards and the links to the mc+cn^ tables in near the
bottom of the box to the right.
oetlef nnappe
319-s Mann Hall
Department of Civil' Construction, and Environmental engineering North Carolina state university campus
Box 7908 Raleigh, wc 27695-7908
Phone: 9I9-5l5-8791
Fax: 9I9-5l5-7908
E-mail: knappe@ncsu.edu
web page: http://knappelab.wnrdpress.nrsu.edu/