HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00076516., c.IA 4 Facility Name: . Existing ET Proposed -K 3 fzgx� NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION _ _ 0 Engineer Date Rec. # Date: 8 Permit No.: &Coo04S-9-3 Pipe No.: 100 ` County: _A_"�y Design Capacity (MGD): &?. Yy Industrial (% of Flow): ,Domestic (%.of Flow): Receiving Stream: 2 _'� � - Class: Sub -Basin: �/� O� ® /4 Reference USGS Quad: (Please attach) Requestor lb AlCO;�4 Regional Office - ®=1 (Guideline limitations, if applicable, are to be listed on the back of this form Design Temp.: �--d � Boa ��� Drainage Area: Avg . Streamf low : 7Q10: ' (0 Winter 7Q10: 30Q2: m, Location of D.O.minimum (miles below outfall): Slope:.. 0 Velocity (fps): K1 (base e, per day, 20oC): K2 (base e, per day, 200C): P1 J co Effluent Characteristics Monthly Average -DAILI MA4• Comments ) mA'C . A 5, Ltd Effluent Monthly Characteristics Average Comments 1 Original Allocation 10k50 -V fxca.PL 9 ttvi1' s 0rv�� AP�Y Revised Allocation Date(s) of Revision(s) (Please attach previous allocation) Confirmation Y Prepared B a�-� �(��d ` Reviewed By: Date:' ate: 1 �U P q For Appropriate Dischargers, list Complete Guideline limitations Below Effluent Monthly Maximum Daily Characteristics Average Average Comments Type of Product Produced Lbs/Day Produced Effluent Guideline Reference REQUEST NO. : 825 WASTELOAD ALLOCATION APPROVAL FORM FACILITY NAME EI DUPONT-FAYETTEVILLE DOI TYPE OF WASTE : ORGANICS COUNTY : BLADEN REGIONAL OFFICE RECEIVING STREAM 7010 : 800 CFS DRAINAGE AREA FAYETTEVILLE CAPE FEAR RIVER W7010 : So,,MI. REQUESTOR : DAVE: ADKINS SUBDASIN 030616 CFS 3002 : CFS STREAM CLASS :C RECOMMENDED EFFLUENT L TMTTS WASTEFL_OW (S ) (MOD) BOD-5 (MG/L) NH3-N (MG/L) D.O, (MG/L) PH (SU) FECAL COLIFORM (/100ML): TSS (MG/L) : raodekhl V.4tL4 j Avert— MAi�rv+urA .5 62 86 6-9 50 84 DISCHARGES BELOW LOCK I DAM #3 AND WTL.L NOT INTERACT WITH MONSANTO OR ROCKFISH CREEK PLANT. FACILITY IS : PROPOSED ( ) EXISTING (✓) NEW ( ) LIMITS ARE REVISION (✓),CONFIRMATION ( ) OF THOSE PREVIOUSLY ISSUED w5m f flew ltmA,* omit as rto_i�a.� 6,1 j,A�w cwac,, REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED BY: V MODELER SUPF..RVISORrMODEL_ING GROUP REGIONAL SUPERVISOR PERMITS MANAGER ATE _ :...._ ....... _. ._ ...�._._ ._._.. DATE :._f//_Az : __ _....�. ...._..._._..DATE :...%..%1�.. _�� -DATE DEQ-CFW 00076518 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT June 7, 1984 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Dave Atkins, Permits & Engineering Water Quality Section FROM: M. J. Noland, Regional Superviso!'�"""i Fayetteville Regional Office`` SUBJECT: Waste Load Allocation Request E. I. DuPont De Nemours & Company Fayetteville Plant Bladen County Fayetteville, North Carolina The DuPont NPDES Permit (NC0003573) expired on June 30, 1982 and this office has recommended that this permit be reissued with the same effluent parameters until the new guidelines are promulgated. It is requested the following limitations be deleted from the permit if they are not necessary to protect water quality: (1) Residual Chlorine (001) (2) Fecal Coliform (001) (3) Ammonia (001) All discharges flow into the Cape Fear River Class C. Also, approxi- mately 20,000 GPD of blowdown water from a water treatment plant should have a separate discharge location (003). It is the request of this office that a new waste load allocation be initiated for the DuPont facility. Please remind Tech Services of the proposed Rockfish Creek plant (6 MG initial, 12 MGD future) to determine any interaction of waste streams. If you have any further questions, please advise. DEQ-CFW 00076519 SUMMARY DuPont's NPDES Permit (No. NC0003573) expired on June 30, 1982. The company has not exceeded production parameters of the former permit, and the new Federal Guidelines are not finalized at this time for the Organic Chemicals and Plastics and Synthethic Fibers Category. For these reasons, it is the recommendation of this office that the DuPont permit be reissued based on the previous staff report and effluent limitations (see attached). Should the new guidelines be more stringent than existing effluent limits, then the new guidelines will govern and the appropriate corrections made at that time. The appropriate reopener clause should be included. An expiration date of December 31, 1985 is recommended. February, 1985 is the projected date for the establishment of effluent guidelines. DuPont's wastewater treatment plant consistently produces a good quality effluent which is discharged into the Cape Fear River, Class C. The effluent quality is shown in the attached computer printout of DMR data for the period March 1983 - April 1984. This facilities' effluent limitations should be evaluated by the Technical Services Branch for the following conditions to determine if they will protect water quality standards. 1. With Jordan Reservoir, without Rockfish Creek 2. With Jordan Reservoir, with Rockfish Creek C6 MGD) 3. With Jordan Reservoir, with Rockfish Creek (12 MGD) There is also the possibility that the Monsanto discharge (2.3 MGD) will interact. A static bioassay screen was run on the plant's effluent in January 1983 and it was determined that there was no appreciable toxicity associated with this discharge. It is recommended that this permit be reissued with the following changes: 1. Reopener clause 2. On page A(2) 002, Cooling Water, Effluent Monitoring Requirements page, the 920F (daily average) and 1000F Cdaily maximum). temperature parameter should be deleted. The ambient stream standard statement should be sufficient. 3. The ammonia limitation A(l) 001, Process Water, Effluent Monitoring Requirements page, should be deleted; however, this should be monitored. It is our opinion based upon an evaluation done by the Technical Services Branch that water quality standards can be pro- tected without having a limit on NH3-N. DEQ-CFW 00076520 v c.2 C4 5. I. — Engineer Date Rec. # -A, /_ _ /l NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION Facility Name: ' L �✓� P� Date: Existing Er Permit No.: it Co o 03 5-il Pipe No.: 0 O Z County: AP44.1 Proposed Design Capacity (MGD),Industrial (% of Flow): 4omestic (% of Flow): _ Receiving Stream: &J. 4e-a, Class: � Sub -Basis.: Reference USGS Quad: (Please attach) Requestor: eb&yja a ".&, Regional (Guideline limitations, if applicable, are to be listed on the back of this form.) Design Temp.: Drainage Area: Avg. Streamflow: 7Q10: Winter 7Q10: 30Q2: Location of D.O.minimum (miles below outfall): Slope: . Office Velocity (fps): ___ Kl (base e, per day, 200C): K2 (base e, per day, 200C): Effluent Characteristics J L�l� 'ad IffilM Original Allocation D Effluent Characteristics Monthly Average Comments Revised Allocation Q Date(s) of Revision(s) (Please attach previous.allocation) Confirmation 0 Prepared By: eviewed By: Date: bt ` 0 r' 6 n 14 0 0 rn o, N N For Appropriate Dischargers, list Complete Guideline limitations Below Effluent Monthly Maximum Daily Characteristics Average Average Comments Type of Product Produced 11 Lbs/Day Produced Effluent Guideline Reference REQUEST NO. 2 825 WASTFLOAD ALLOCATION APPROVAL FORM FACILITY NAME TYPE OF WASTE COUNTY REGIONAL OFFICE RECEIVING STREAM 7010 S 800 CFS DRAINAGE AREA EI DUPONT 107J t COOLING WATER BLADEN 2 FAYETTEVILLE CAPE FEAR RIVER W7010 SQ.MI. REQUESTOR S SUBBASIN 2 CFS 3002 STREAM CLASS LAVE ADKINS 030616 •C CFS RECOMMENDED EFFLUENT LIMITS WASTEFLOW(S) (MOD) 12 Tf=MPF.RATIJRF-THE DISCHARGE BOD_S (MG/L) t SHALL NOT CAUSE THE TEMPERA- NH3-N (MG/I_) TURF OF THE RECEIVING STREAM D.O, (MG/L) 2 TO EXCEED 24SPEO C ABOVE THE PH (SU) t 6-9 NATURAL. WATER TEMPERATURE FECAL COLIFORM (/IOOML): AND IN NO CASE TO EXCEED 32 TSS (MG/L) S DEG C. 7)NE)V( FACILITY IS t PROPOSED ( ) EXISTING ( ) LIMITS ARE REVISION ( ) CONFIRMATIONv ) OF THOSE PREVIOUSLY ISSUED REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED BY** MODELER SUPERVISORYMODELING GROUP {'REGIONAL SUPERVISOR PERMITS MANAGER 0 __-DATE -DATE x.a.n.-j ._....»._._. »._.»__DATE :.»..A. DEQ-CFW 00076523 2 Engineer Date Rec. # r ' NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION , Facility Name: c/ Date: ' Existing 1z Permit No.: Y K �f�O3s � Pipe No.: 9202 County: Proposed r Design Capacity (MGD) : ®v ®U Industrial (% of Flow) : Domestic (% of Flow) : Receiving Stream: - Class: C Sub -Basin: Reference USGS Quad: (Please attach) Requestor• Regional Office (Guideline limitations, if applicable, are to be listed on the back of this form.) Design Temp.: Drainage Area: Avg. Streamflow: 7Q10: Winter 7Q10: 30Q2: Location of D.O.minimum (miles below outfall): Slope: Velocity (fps):. Kl (base e, per day, 200C): K2 (base e, per day, 200C): - ,Effluent CommentsCharacteristics ,EffluentCommentsSharacteristics- Original Allocation ✓� Revised Allocation Date(s) of Revision(s) (Please attach previous allocation) Confirmation ' J Prepared By: Reviewed By: Date: C4 Original Allocation ✓� Revised Allocation Date(s) of Revision(s) (Please attach previous allocation) Confirmation ' J Prepared By: Reviewed By: Date: C4 For Appropriate Dischargers, list Complete Guideline Limitations Below Effluent Monthly Maximum Daily Characteristics Average Average Comments IType of Product Produced Lbs/Day Produced I Effluent Guideline Reference 0 0 n n i 0 0 0 rn N jw REOLIFST NO. 825 **** ******* *** * WASTELOAD ALLOCATION APPROVAL FORM FACILITY NAME EI DUPONT 00'5' 'TYPE OF WASTE i 13olL.61-DWDOIiI%9 COUNTY DLADEN REGIONAL OFFICE 2 FAYETTEVILLE RECEIVING STREAM 2 CAFE FEAR RIVER 7010 S 800 CFS W7010 2 DRAINAGE AREA SQ.MI. REQUESTOR SUBBASIN CFS 3002 STREAM CLASS ***************> RECOMMENDED EFFLUENT LIMITS WASTEFLOW(S) (MOD) ROIi-5 (MG/L ) NH3-N (MG/L. ) D.O. (MG/L) P11 (SU)' 2 FECAL COLIFORM (/100ML): TSS (MG/L) S LAVE ADKINS 030616 CFS 'C +pa, TEMPERATURE -THE DISCHARGE SHALL NOT CAUSE THE TEMPERA- TURE OF THE RECEIVING STREAM TO EXCEED 2.8DEG C ABOVE THE 6-9 NATURAL WATER TEMPERATURE AND IN NO CASE TO EXCEED 32 DEG C. FACILITY IS S PROPOSED ( ) EXISTING t ) NEW ( ) LIMITS ARE : REVISION ( ) CONFIRMATION i ) OF THOSE PREVIOUSLY ISSUED REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED BYt MODELER SUPERVISOR,MODELING GROUP REGIONAL SUPERVISOR PERMITS MANAGER • _. JUS� �__ . �_{ATE : » • _DATE :_ DATE //z-, --- DATE-- DEQ-CFW 00076526