Sent: 6/15/2015 12:10:48 PM
To: Brower, Connie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
Subject: RE: NPDES Meet 6/24, 1:30pm
I have a full day mtg that day (June 24). Thanks for handling!
ConnieFrom: Brower,
Friday,05, 2015! PM
To: Manning, 3eff
Subject: FW: •! . 1p
You can .join LIS if you want to — up to you.
Friday,From: Belnick, Tom
05, 20151 A
To: Risgaard, Jon; Brower, Connie; Ventaloro, Christopher; Henson, Belinda
Subject: FW: •! . " 1p
Ey€- DuPont has confirmed meeting date/time.
Tom Belnick
Supervisor, NPDES Complex Permitting Unit
NCDWR/Water Quality Programs
E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the
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Friday,05, 20151 : A
To: Belnick, Tom
'E: NPIDES Meet. 1!
I believe June 24th will be a good time for the Chemours participants.
I forwarded your email to Larry Stanley (DWM Hazardous Waste Section) so that he can attend.
Thank you for setting this up so quickly.
Michael E. Johnson, PE
Environmental Manager
The Chemours Company FC, LLC
DEQ-CFW 00012807
Chernours Compuny—Fayetteville Works
From: 8e|nick,Tom
Sent: Friday, June OS 201510:52AM
To: Johnson, Michael E
Subjeo±:NPDES Meet 6/J4,l:3Upm
Mike- I set a tentative meeting for Wednesday June 24, 1:30-3 pm, in Archdale 91h floor conference room. Let meknow
ifthis works from your end.
Tom Be|nick
Supervisor, NPDE8Complex Permitting Unit
NC0NR/WaterCWa|ity Programs
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