HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_000861949 2008 Air Emissions Inventory Supporting Documentation Emission Source ID No.: I-9 Emission Source Description: Spray Paint Booths Process and Emission Description: The DuPont Company -Fayetteville Works has several small paint booths located throughout the site. The function of these spray booths is to perform occasional painting of metal parts using aerosol spray cans. Basis and Assumptions: The painting activity in these spray booths is very infrequent. Some spray paint booths are used once or twice a year. However, for the purposes of this air emissions inventory, it will be assumed that a extremely conservative high estimate exists: (1) While most if not all of the paint spray booths are used less than one day per month, it will be assumed that each spray booth has five (5) aerosol cans of paint emptied into it each day, five days per week. (2) Most commercial spray paints contain 60% to 65% VOC. However, for the purpose 0 of this report, it will be assumed that the paint is 100% VOC by weight. (3) To account for the emission of hazardous air pollutants, it will be assumed that the paint contains the highest concentration of the individual HAPs per the Material Safety Data Sheets for Krylon and Rust-oleum paints. Information Inputs and Source of Inputs: Information Inputs Source of Inputs Total pounds of paint, VOC content, and HAP content Assumed conservative high estimates Point Source Emissions Determination: For the purpose of this report, it is assumed that all emissions are fugitive. Equipment Emissions and Fugitive Emissions Determination: For the purpose of this report, it is assumed that all emissions are fugitive. 0 DEQ-CFW 00086194