HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00075952ROBINSON BRADSHAW sdegeoige@robinsonbradshaw.com September 19, 2017 704.377.83W: DiraotPhone 704.373.3930: Direct Fax VIA EMAIL William F. Lane, Esq. Francisco J. Benzoni, Esq. General Counsel Assistant Attorney General NC Department of Environmental Quality NC Department of Justice 217 West Jones Street 114 W. Edenton Street Raleigh, NC 27603 Raleigh, NC 27603 Re: Chemours' Fourth Response to DEQ's September 10, 2017 List of Priority Requests Dear Messrs. Lane and Benzoni: On behalf of The Chemours Company FC, LLC ("Chemours"), this letter and enclosed materials are submitted in response to DEQ's September 10, 2017 request that Chemours prioritize certain of DEQ's pending requests for information related to Chemours' Fayetteville facility ("Fayetteville Works").' Chemours has enclosed its first progress report under the sampling plan it submitted to DEQ on September 15, 2017- See CH-FW-DEQ-0057824 to CH-FW- DEQ-0057827_ Chemours is available to discuss this progress report during the teleconference Chemours requested with DEQ for this Wednesday afternoon. In addition, on September 16th, Chemours voluntarily began segregating the approximately 300 gallons per day from the Cell Lab Effluent to the waste water treatment plant in an effort to further reduce its HFPO Dimer Acid discharges. Please find enclosed a revised schematic of Chemours' process areas showing the current points of discharge that lead to the wastewater treatment plant('WWTP") and including approximate daily wastewater flows. See CH-FW-DEQ-0057828_ The only difference between this schematic and the one Chemours provided DEQ on September 12th (CH- FW-DEQ-0057683) is the removal of the Cell Lab Effluent. Because the flow volume leaving the WWTP still rounds to 23,000 gallons, the water balance Chemours provided on September 12th (CH-FW-DEQ-0057685) does not need to be revised. This submission supplements Chemours' August 4th, August 18th, August 25th, September 1st, September 12th, September 14th, and September 15th responses to DEQ. ROBINSON, BRADSHAW R HINSON, P.A . robinsonbiadshaw_com' ,, arlljrre Ctrt:-'p ` 101 N Try-,r) St, Sie 19Cail, Charir,rT, W; 2.12416: 704 3772535 DEQ-CFW 00075952 4 September 19, 2017 Page 2 We look forward to continuing to work with DEQ and the Attorney General's office cooperatively on this matter and to receiving DEQ's confirmation of its availability for the weekly sampling plan teleconferences Chemours has requested. If you have any questions about this submission, please let me know. Enclosures CC' Linda Culpepper DEQ Evelyn Brantley The Chemours Company, FC LLC John Savarese Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz Ralph Levene Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz Lester Sotsky Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer Joel Gross Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer W & HINSON, P.A. DEQ-CFW 00075953 PROGRESS REPORT #1 Date: September 19, 2017 To: North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality ("DEQ") From: The Chemours Company FC, LLC ("Chemours") Re: Wastewater Sampling Plan - Progress Report #1 I. INTRODUCTION On September 15, 2017, Chemours submitted to DEQ a Sampling Plan for Chemours' Fayetteville, North Carolina facility ("Fayetteville Works") that responded to DEQ's request for certain wastewater sampling. This is Progress Report #1 under the Sampling Plan, covering the period from September 15th to September 19th. Chemours intends to continue to submit weekly progress reports each Tuesday in order to facilitate the weekly teleconference Chemours requested be scheduled with DEQ each Wednesday regarding the progress and results of the Sampling Plan. II. ACTIONS TAKEN FROM SEPTEMBER 15th to 19th below: Activities relevant to the Sampling Plan conducted during this period are described 1) On September 15th, Chemours segregated and ceased sending the Cell Lab Effluent to the waste water treatment plant. 2) The morning of September 18th, representatives from DEQ and EPA visited the Fayetteville Works in order to collect samples from all of the sampling points noted in the Sampling Plan, except the Cell Lab Effluent. After informing the DEQ and EPA representatives on site that Chemours ceased sending the Cell Lab Effluent to the waste water treatment plant, the DEQ and EPA representatives agreed it was no longer necessary to collect a sample from the Cell Lab Effluent. 3) While samples were being collected for DEQ and EPA, Chemours collected contemporaneous samples as specified in the Sampling Plan, except for the Cell Lab Effluent for the reasons noted in #2 above. 4) Chemours received analytical results for the Table 1 compounds for a September 13, 2017 sample collected from the Common Waste Tank.' Chemours has enclosed these results as Appendix 1 to this Progress Report #1. Please note that the results for 1 The pH of the Common Waste Tank was sampled on September 19, 2017. 1 of 2 CH-FW-DEQ-0057824 DEQ-CFW 00075954 PFOA, PFOS, and HFPO Dimer Acid are preliminary and have not completed going through the standard QA/QC process. III. ACTIONS SCHEDULED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD below: Actions scheduled for the period between September 20th and September 26th are listed 1) Chemours anticipates submitting the remaining analytical results for the Table 1 compounds as specified in the Sampling Plan. 2) As specified in the Sampling Plan, Chemours will continue to analyze the Phase 1 Sample Set (excluding the Cell Lab Effluent) for the Table 2 compounds. 3) As specified in the Sampling Plan, Chemours will continue to investigate internal and external capabilities for analyzing the Phase 1 Sample Set (excluding the Cell Lab Effluent) for the Table 3 Compounds. 2 of 2 CH-FW-DEQ-0057825 DEQ-CFW 00075955 APPENDIX 1 CH-FW-DEQ-0057826 DEQ-CFW 00075956 ANALYTICAL RESULTS COMMON WASTE TANK DATE SAMPLED: 09-13-2017 ANALYSIS Number of Analyses AVERAGE UNITS HFPO Dimer Acid 1 4.8 ug/L PFOA 1 3.6 ug/L PFOS 1 0.0087 ug/L Total Suspended Solids 1 16.5 mg/L Chemical Oxygen Demand 1 232 mg/L pH 1 9.54 SU Antimony 1 0.016 mg/L Arsenic 1 <0.010 mg/L Beryllium 1 <0.010 mg/L Cadmium 1 <0.005 mg/L Chromium 1 0.084 mg/L Copper 1 0.017 mg/L Lead 1 <0.005 mg/L Nickel 1 0.047 mg/L Selenium 1 0.019 mg/L Siver 1 <0.005 mg/L Thallium 1 <0.005 mg/L Mercury 1 <0.0002 mg/L Zinc 1 <0.05 mg/L Preliminary Result Preliminary Result Preliminary Result CH-FW-DEQ-0057827 DEQ-CFW 00075957 Redacted DEQ-CFW 00075958