Sent: 6/16/2016 3:37:05 PM
To: Belnick, Tom [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
Subject: RE: USGS NPDES data request
Attachments: NPDES WW Permits - Monthly Avg Flow (2001-2005).zip
Here is File 3
Thomas F. Wore
Business & Technology Application Analyst
Division of Water Resources
Departrnent of Environmental Quality
(9101796-7301 office
Wilmington Regional Office
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 2840
Moore, .m
Wednesday, June 15, 2016 3:09 PM
To: / d
This report would be for internal users only and would take sorne tirne to set it up. This time span would most likely
require multiple pulls to get the data as it WoUld be a huge amount: of data.
Also, I am not sure how accurate the old data is or ever) if it is complete but there Is data as far back as 1994. 1 will take
a look at: pulling it together for you.
Thomas F. Mysore
FsUa1ness & Technology Application Analyst
Division of Water Resources
Department of EnvironMental QUallty
(910) 796-7201 office
..................................... ........................
Wilmington RegionalOffice
'127 Cardinal Ddve Extension
Wilmington, NC 2840
DEQ-CFW 00012321
\E+Cv. '� .�.. �♦ vv, �t. h ♦i ♦ �E �, vv: k .. ♦ `n vet ♦..
From: BeInick, Tom
SeTtv • • 6
To: Moore, Tom <tom.f.moore@ncdenr.gov>
Cc: Smith, Jennifer <jennifer.h.smith@ncdenr.gov>
Subject: FW: USGS NPDES data request
Torn- a follow -rip USGS data request. Both you and I separately provided 2010 data. Your ernail dated /2/20:1.6
mentioned possibility of developing a Report for users to pull this data. Let me know what you think. Thanks,
Torn Beinick
NPDES Complex Permitting Unit, DW
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
919-807-6390 office
512 North Salisbury Street
1617 Dail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27669
\E+Cv. '� .�.. �♦ vv, �t. h ♦i ♦ �E �, vv: k .. ♦ `n vet ♦..
From: Smith, Douglas [mailto:dgsmith@usgs.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 11:08 AM
To: Belnick, Tom <tom.belnick@ncdenr.gov>
Subject: USGS NPDES data request
Thank you for providing the 2010 NPIDES monthly average flow data for North Carolina. As we
discussed, the USGS is in the process of developing surface water and groundwater flow models for
a large part of the state. The modelers want to include as much NPIDES discharge data as they
possibly can in the models.
DEQ-CFW 00012322
We would like to know if this is a workable request Tom. Please let me know if the data area availablc
and if they can be provided without creating an undue burden your staff. Thank you for your