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r'0 uf I �i TO ITAa 6900 -AAST Source Sampling forAPFO/PFOA Particulate Fxmcsions Permit# ? E.I. du Pont deNemours Fayettele, North Carolina �*21 &22,2006 Project # DuPond*2006 Art Colentino Plant Technical Superintendent Fayetteville Works William D. Sawyer President Ramcon Environmental DEQ-CFW 00085610 e I w TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION II. TEST RESULTS III. TEST PROCEDURES IV. SOURCE DESCRIPTION V. RAMCON PERSONNEL APPENDIX A - Equipment Used APPENDIX B - Laboratory Procedures and Results APPENDIX C - Calculations APPENDIX D - Field Data APPENDIX E - Calibration Data APPENDIX F — Plant Data 3 4 6 10 12 14 16 19 78 114 126 Ramcon Environmental / 1089 Simms Heights Road, Kingston Springs, Tennessee, 37082 / 800-458-4567 / www.ramcon-environmental.com Page 2 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085611 I. INTRODUCTION' On July 21 & 22, 2006 personnel from Ramcon Environmental conducted a source emissions test for APFO and PFOA particulate at the Fayetteville works PFOA facility located in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Mr. Dale Sawyer was the Ramcon project manager. Four test locations were sampled; Stack exhaust (SST), Process scrubber (PSL), Building Exhaust Inlet (BEI), and Building Exhaust Stack (BES). The testing program was to determine to distribute of particulate emissions from each source and the final mass emission rate from the stack. The purpose of the test was to determine if the rate of particulate emissions from this plant's stack exhaust (SST) is below or equal to the allowable emissions limit set by US EPA and the State of North Carolina. Ramcon Environmental / 1089 Simms Heights Road, Kingston Springs, Tennessee, 37082 / 800-458-4567 / www.ramcon-environmental.com Page 3 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085612 t II. TEST RESULTS The tables below summarize the test results. Test Run 1 2 Summary of Test Results July 21 & 22, 2006 Stack (SST) Time APFO Emissions lbsJhr 08:50 14:42 20:44 01:33 06:06 Average: .00279 .00672 .00690 .01108 .00946 0.00739 PFOA Emissions Isokinetic lbs/hr Variation % .00284 97.3 .00646 97.5 .00663 96.3 .01066 95.8 .00909 96.6 0.00714 Process Scrubber (PSL) Test Time APFO Emissions Run lbs/hr 1 08:50 .00006 2 14:43 .00080 3 20:45 .00004 4 01:35 .00001 5 06:07 .00002 Average: 0.00019 PFOA Emissions Isokinetic lbs f hr Variation % .00006 104.6 .00080 98.3 .00004 114.6 .00001 92.1 .00001 96.3 0.00018 Ramcon Environmental / 1089 Simms Heights Road, Kingston Springs, Tennessee, 37082 / 800-458-4567 / www.ramcon-environmental.com Page 4 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085613 Building Exhaust Inlet (BEI) Test Time APFO Emissions PFOA Emissions Isokinetic Run lbs/hr lbs/hr Variation % 1 08:54 .00193 .00185 100.6 2 14:35 .00423 .00406 107.7 3 20:42 .00774 .00742 97.1 4 01:34 .01032 .00991 97.8 5 06:09 .01026 .00985 100.5 Average: 0.0069 0.00662 Building Exhaust Stack (BES) Time APFO Emissions PFOA Emissions Isokinetic lbs/hr lbs/hr Variation % 08:50 .00185 .00178 102.9 14:42 .00546 .00524 102.2 20:45 .00436 .00479 98.9 01:35 .00809 .00779 100.4 06:10 .00733 .00703 98.7 Average: 0.00542 0.00533 Ramcon Environmental / 1089 Simms Heights Road, Kingston Springs, Tennessee, 37082 / 800-458-4567 / www.rameon-environmental.com Page 5 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085614 HL TEST PROCEDURES The methods used during the test program are summarized in Table 1. The cited methods are referenced and documented in 40 CFR Part 60 Appendix A per the most recent update of the CFR. The only exceptions to the cited methods occur in the Reference Method 5- Determination of Particulate Matter Emissions from Stationary Sources. Section 1 provides description of each modification and its justification. Section 2 will describe the cleaning of the sample bottle and the sample storage. For this test, the particulate catch was determined by chemical analysis instead gravimetrically. The samples (one filter and liquid) were submitted for chemical analysis. Ramcon Environmental / 1089 Simms Heights Road, Kingston Springs, Tennessee, 37082 / 800-458-4567 / www.ramcon-environmental.com Page 6 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085615 Table 1 Emission Test Method Summary PARAMETER METHOD Stack sampling layout EPA Reference Method 1--Sample and Velocity Traverses for Stationary Sources Gas velocity and volumetric EPA Reference Method 2--Determination flow rate of Stack Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate (Type S Pitot Tube) Gas Molecular Weight EPA Reference Method 3--Gas Analysis for the Determination of Dry Molecular Weight Moisture EPA Reference Method 4--Determination of Moisture Content in Stack Gases Particulate Matter EPA Reference Method 5--Determination of Particulate Matter Emissions from Stationary Sources (Modified) Sample Analysis Per Analytical Protocol submitted to off - site analytical company. Ramcon Environmental / 1089 Simms Heights Road, Kingston Springs, Tennessee, 37082 / 800-458-4567 / www.ramcon-environmental.com Page 7 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085616 • SECTION 1 METHOD 5 MODIFICATIONS The following modifications to Reference Method 5 are being recommended to improve the collection of this material and enhance its detectability. These modifications do not in any ways invalidate the basic sampling technique of the method. Unless otherwise specified all other requirements of the method are to be followed. Modification Justification Probeibox temperature set at no more than • Assuming the stack gas is not 10' F above stack temperature moisture saturated; this modification allowed the collection at a low temperature without concern of moisture condensation to wet the sample filter. • If the stack is saturated, the method guidelines will be followed. Replace plain distilled water with distilled This combination provided the best water solution in the im in ers. solution of absorbing this material. Five (5) impinger train configuration The modification was intended to improve the collection of this material by providing an additional absorption zone. The impingers were be charged as follows: • Impingers1, 2 and 3 filled with 100-ml each of distilled water solution. • Impinger 4 was empty. • Im in er 5 contained desiccant. Post-test rinses were done using water All rinses were combined with solution instead of acetone. im in er catch. Sample collection All samples were properly labeled and submitted to a lab to be designated by DuPont for analysis. Ramcon Environmental / 1089 Simms Heights Road, Kingston Springs, Tennessee, 37082 / 800-458-4567 / www.ramcon-environmental.com Page 8 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085617 � 1 . SETION 2 SAMPLE PREPARATION The samples were stored in prewashed high density polyethylene bottles. The prewash protocol for bottles and glassware consisted of washing the bottle in 0.1N sulfuric acid, rinsing in distilled/deionized water, followed by air drying in a dust free enclosure. At no time were soaps or detereents used in the process as they may contain the target analyte which is a surfactant. The bottles were placed in zip lock plastic bags for transport and remained sealed until needed. Labels were affixed to the bottles prior to their placement in the sealed in the zip lock plastic bag. The sample filters were placed in a labeled, precleaned plastic bottle after use. Pre- and post -weighing of the filters was not require since the analyte will be determined chemically. All liquid samples were stored in precleaned plastic bottle. The volume as well as all necessary information was annotated on the bottle. Each bottle was tape closed to prevent leaking. A field blanks consisted of 500-ml of the water solution and one filter was reserved and shipped with the field samples. Ramcon Environmental / 1089 Simms Heights Road, Kingston Springs, Tennessee, 37082 / 800-458-4567 / www.ramcon-environmental.com Page 9 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085618 IV. SOURCE DESCRiPnON Sampling Sites: FIGURE 1 GENERAL SOURCE IDENTIFICATION Ramcon Environmental / 1089 Simms Heights Road, Kingston Springs, Tennessee, 37082 / 800-458-4567 / www.ramcon-environmental.com Page 10 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085619 Stack (SST) No. of Traverse Diameter Process Scrubber (PSL) Points Points inches No. of Traverse Diameter 1 .6" 30 Points Points inches 2 2.0" 3 3.5" 1 .2" 10 4 5.3" 2 .7" 5 7.5" 3 1.2" 6 10.7" 4 1.8" 7 19.3" 5 2.5" 8 22.5" 6 3.6" 9 24.7" 7 6.4" 10 26.5" 8 7.5" 11 28.0" 9 8.2" 12 29.4" 10 8.8" 11 9.3" 12 9.8" Building Exhaust Inlet (BEI) Building Exhaust Stack (BES) No. of Traverse Diameter No. of Traverse Diameter Points Points inches Points Points inches 1 .7" 33 1 .6" 30 2 2.2" 2 2.0" 3 3.9" 3 3.5" 4 5.8" 4 5.3" 5 8.2" 5 7.5" 6 11.7" 6 10.7" 7 21.3" 7 19.3" 8 24.7" 8 22.5" 9 27.1" 9 24.7" 10 29.1" 10 26.5" 11 30.8" 11 28.0" 12 32.3" 12 29.4" Ramcon Environmental / 1089 Simms Heights Road, Kingston Springs, Tennessee, 37082 / 800-458-4567 / www.ramcon-environmental.com Page 11 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085620 V. RAMCON PERSONNEL, W. DALE SAWYER President PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE SUMMARY • Corporate officer responsible for senior management of project administration, staff coordination, resource and capital venture for equipment and personnel acquisition. • Director of marketing and sales operations providing project scope cost considerations, contract development, initial project scheduling, and proposal document preparation. • Provides technical support and consultation regarding environmental emissions test programs and EPA regulations. • Provides field leadership for test crews utilizing isokinetic, CEM instrumentation and/or GC analysis. Responsible for preparation of the test crew personnel during calibration, and operation of analytical equipment. • Completed REC Team Leader Qualification programs for execution of isokinetic sampling services (March 12, 1993). Completed REC Team Leader Qualification programs for execution of CEM instrumental sampling services (March 12, 1993).Completed REC Team Leader Qualification programs for execution of GC sampling services (March 12, 1993). • CEM instrumentation projects include continuous analysis for total hydrocarbons (THC), sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), oxygen (02), and carbon dioxide (CO2). • Gas Chromatography projects include semi -continuous analysis for total reduced sulfur (TRS) compounds and specific volatile organic compounds (VOC). • Participant of Predictive Emissions Monitoring Systems (PEMS) development utilizing REC data collection services coupled with Pavilion Technologies Software CEM application. • Provide expertise in Title 40 EPA Test Methods & Performance Specifications. • Serving as Safety Officer providing organization, safety training, and administration to the Safety Management Policy program. Trained in OSHA 40-hour HAZWOPER safety program. WORK EXPERIENCE RAMCON Environmental Corp. (May 1992 - present) Position: Team Leader (May 1992 - March 1994) Position: Field Supervisor (March 1994 - March 1996) Position: Vice President, Northeast Division Manager (March 1996 — July 1998) Position: President (May 2001 — Present) REAL Enterprise Solutions Position: Senior Project Manager and Sales Quly 1998 — May 2001) United States Navy (May 1983 - August 1987) Position: Electronic Technician EDUCATION B.S., Electrical Engineering, Memphis State University, 1990 A.S., Electrical Engineering, State Technical Institute, 1988 Ramcon Environmental / 1089 Simms Heights Road, Kingston Springs, Tennessee, 37082 / 800-458-4567 / www.rameon-environmental.com Page 12 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085621 Brett E. Pierce Air Test Engineer PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE SUMMARY • * Provides field test capability for execution of isokinetic sampling procedures including determinations of particulate matter, aldehydes, dioxins/furans, PAH's, CEM instrumentation and/or GC analysis etc. • CEM instrumentation projects include continuous analysis for total hydrocarbons (THC), sulfur dioxide (SO), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), oxygen (OZ), and carbon dioxide (CO).Provides field test capability for execution of isokinetic sampling procedures including determinations of particulate matter, aldehydes, dioxins/furans, PAH's, etc. • Team Leader Qualification programs for execution of isokinetic sampling services. • Provide expertise in Title 40 EPA Test Methods & Performance Specifications. • Certified to determine visible emissions using EPA Reference Method 9. • Trained in OSHA 40-hour HAZWOPER safety program. Qualifies to work in hazardous locations including Superfund designated sites. WORK EXPERIENCE RAMCON Environmental (May 2001 - present) Position: Air Test Engineer E Lab Position: Lab Chemist BBC Environmental Enterprise Position: Chemist/Operator Ramcon Environmental / 1089 Simms Heights Road, Kingston Springs, Tennessee, 37082 / 800-458-4567 / www.ramcon-environmental.com Page 13 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085622 � � 1 APPENDIX A - Equipment Used Equipment to conduct the particulate emissions test: A. ❑NuTech 2010 modular isokinetic stack sampling control console. ❑Anderson 90800 model isokinetic stack sampling control console. ®Apex model 560 isokinetic stack sampling control console. B. Reagent — or ACS grade acetone with a residue of < .001. C. Schleicher and Schuell Type 1-HV filters with a porosity of .03 microns. D. ❑If checked, a Hays 621 Analyzer to measure the oxygen, carbon dioxide content of the stack gases or, for non combustion sources, a Bacharach Instrument Company Fyrite for gas analysis. Otherwise, molecular weight assumed at 30.0, unless instrumental analysis done by Reference Method 3A. E. ❑CAE Rameon Environmental / 1089 Simms Heights Road, Kingston Springs, Tennessee, 37082 / 800-458-4567 / www.ramcon-environmental.com Page 14 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085623 1) Probe w 2) Cydone 4) Fla k 4} rticr+Mis Filler Ftiari P 5) kV(firoorbowt- lth) 18 b) ihermometrr ' 7) Ct" Volvo 6) Umbilical Cord 9) Vocwm dogs 1{1) Cows* Flory "Just Vdvs 11) floo FkwAd)ust Volvo 12) 01W 13) %tcwm Pvmp 14) Fillet 15) Dry Gas Water IS Urlllcel'ube III) Indine manometer 18) Solenow Volwrs (9) Pilot 20) TiWmoo w* 21) Pytowwtor 17 2 15 2 m SAMPLING TRAIN USED FOR ISOKINETIC SAMPLING 7 0 U 0 N 00 O O O I U 4 0 re) APPENDIX B — Laboratory Procedures and Results Ramcon Environmental / 1089 Simms Heights Road, Kingston Springs, Tennessee, 37082 / 800-458-4567 / www.ramcon-environmental.com Page 16 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085625 0 A 2. Mo 9:40AMPM, CH Fxye{teviUe Air SampUng 6106 DuPont Sample Filter Blank SST 1-F SST-2-F SST4-F SST-4-F ee-r-j;.0 N0.26504 F. 32 I=, MIL APFO (ngfl•Slter) PFOA (ngifiltar) 44.1 42.4 281000 27M 303000 291000 679000 556000 1030000 992000 916000 880000 53700 -5i6� -' PSL 2-F 583000 560000 , �. 583Q0 56000 - ,BSW-F ! SL-4-F 29300 28100 - _34600- _= 33200 BEI'--1-F `, 272000 2$1000 BEI.2-F ti. 3350DO 370000 Bbl-3-F 566000 544000 SE14-F 766000 736000 13Ef-6-F 804000 772000 f3E5-t •F an BSS-2-F `,% 620000 696000 SE8-3-F 612000 688000 BE�,4-F 10800D0 1040000 BES-5-F 1030000 986000 Llmlt of Dweollon (LOD) for the procedure is approxlmatel<jr 0.0973 nolter Limit of Quandtdon (LOQ) for the procedure is OA86 ng/rl%- .y NO - Compound not detected NO - Compound detected at a level between the LOD and LOQ- Result 1s not quantifiable. NO < -LOD < NO LOQ `4 E - 6 esmxh Drive te Colieg, PA 16801, USA xn:?�81 p� V 4.27L 1139Page 17 of 126 1 '231.1580 e�cygen.mm DEQ-CFW 00085626 Fayett evt'lie Air Sampling 6106 SST-1 Lt S$T 2 SST-3 SST-4 83T- _ PSL=2 PSL-3 PSLA 145000 915900 466000 683000 460000 .. 1160000 180000 104000 139000 879000 43700D 656000 432000 87100 1110000 173000 33000 504 464 BEl-2 416000 400000 BEl-3 678000 661000 BEl-4 970000 932000 BEI-5 965000 927000 BES-1 204000 1980DO BES-2 446000 428000 BE5 3 411000 395000 SES-4 440000 423000 BESTS 't 390000 375000 Water Mank `ti NQ '4 NO Limit of Detection (LOD) for the procedure is approximatelyl.2 ng/L Limit of Quantitadon (LOQ) for the procedure is 5.0 n9/1. ' ND - Compound not detected NQ - Compound detected at a level between the LOD end LOO. Result is not quentlfieble, ND<LOD <NQ{LOQ ,5 s , Results are calculated according to the following a teria 0 ft Sample and laboratory duplicate are greater than 5X LOQ, and the relative percent difference (RPD) is less than 20, the average value is reported. If the RPD Is greater thaq 20, the higher waluo is reported. 5 y If the sample and laboratory dupllgte ajr less then 6X LOQ, and the absolute dlf ence Is less than LOO, the average value is reported. If the absolute difference Is greater than LOQ, the higher value is reported. Page 18 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085627 APPENDIX C - Calculations Page 19 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085628 Point Delta P Stack Temp F 1 2 0.46 96 3 0.46 96 4 0.5 96 5 0.5 96 6 0.5 96 7 0.51 96 8 0.51 96 9 0.48 96 10 0.47 96 11 0.45 96 12 0.44 96 1 0.43 96 2 0.4 96 3 0.42 96 4 0.46 96 5 0.48 96 6 0.48 96 7 0.51 96 8 0.5 96 9 0.5 96 10 0.49 96 11 0.46 96 12 0.46 96 0.46 96 AVG AVG 0.471 556 = Input = Calc cell Ambient Temperature: 1 90 Barametric Pressure: 29.98 Static Pressure: I2 Dry Molecular Weight: 1 30 Delta Ha: 1 1.63 Pitot Coefficient: 0.84 Moisture Content: 0.01 *Optimum Nozzle: 0.2456 Selected Nozzle: 0.247 Multiplier: 1 3.6101 *Based on 32 cubic feet per test Page 20 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085629 Analytical Data Form Project No. DuPont2006 Source: SST-1 Test for: APFOA/PFOA Plant DuPont fa etteville Ambient Temp(°F) 83 Impinger Vol. (ml) Silica Gel Weight, (g) Location Fayetteville, NC Barometric Pressure(in. Hg) 29.98 Operator GM Assumed Moisture 1 Final F 362.5 889.1 Date 6/21/2006 Probe length (ft) 4 Initial 300 1 862.6 Run 1 Probe Heater setting Diff. 62.5 26.5 Sample Box No. A-7 Nozzle Diameter (in.) 0.2470 Filter No. Meter Box No. Nozzle Area(ft^2) 0.000333 02 20.90 Meter AHa 1.63 Leak rate (ft^3/min) .008 13 CO2 C Factor 1.003 Static Pressure (in. H2O) 1.2 CO + N2 79.10 Pitot Cp 0.84 Stack Diameter (in) 30 As (ft^2) 4.91 Test Time(start/finish) 8:50:00 Stack Dimensions(in) L x W As (ft^2) Test Time (total) 240 Multiplier 3.610136 Traverse Points Stack Temp (Ts) Velocity Head (in. H2O) I (AP) Pressure Diff. Orifice (in. H2O) I (4H) I Dry Gas Volume (ft^3) I (Vm) Gas Sample Dry Gas Meter (°F) Inlet I Outlet 593.670 1 87 0.47 1.70 84 2 87 0.50 1.81 88 3 88 0.50 1.81 88 4 88 0.51 1.84 88 5 88 0.51 1.84 88 6 88 0.50 1.81 88 7 89 0.50 1.81 88 8 88 0.51 1.84 88 9 88 0.52 1.88 88 10 88 0.50 1.81 89 11 88 0.50 1.81 90 12 88 0.50 1.81 90 1 88 0.47 1.70 90 2 88 0.48 1.73 92 3 88 0.48 1.73 92 4 88 0.50 1.81 93 5 90 0.51 1.84 94 6 90 0.51 1.84 94 7 90 0.50 1.81 95 8 91 0.52 1.88 96 9 91 0.51 1.84 96 10 91 0.50 1.81 97 11 92 0.49 1.77 97 12 92 0.50 1.81 779.330 98 Average Average Average Average Average 1'I,,Ts(°R) '_),' AH (in. H20) Vm(ft^3) I Tm(°R) 549 0.71 1.80 185.660 551 Page 21 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085630 Analytical Data Form Project No. DuPont2006 Source: SST-1 Test for: APFOA/PFOA Plant DuPont fa etteville Ambient Temp(°F) 80 Impinger Vol. (ml) Silica Gel Weight, (g) Location Fayetteville, NC Barometric Pressure(in. Hg) 29.98 Operator GM Assumed Moisture 1 Final 383 896.2 Date 06/21/06 Probe length (ft) 4 Initial 300 868.8 Run 2 Probe Heater setting 0 Diff. 83.0 27.4 Sample Box No. A-7 Nozzle Diameter (in.) 0.2470 Filter No. Meter Box No. 0 Nozzle Area(ft^2) 0.000333 02 20.90 Meter AHa 1.63 Leak rate (W3/min) , 0 10-@ 14 CO2 C Factor 1.003 Static Pressure (in. H2O) 1.2 CO + N2 79.10 Pitot Cp 0.84 Stack Diameter (in) 30 As (ft^2) 4.91 Test Time(start/finish) 14:42:00 Stack Dimensions(in) L x W As (ftA2) Test Time (total) 240 Multiplier 3.610136 Traverse Points Stack Temp (Ts) Velocity Head (in. H2O) I (AP) Pressure Diff. Orifice (in. H2O) I (A I Dry Gas Volume (ft^3) I (Vm) Gas Sample Dry Gas Meter (T) I Inlet I Outlet 0 779.500 1 94 0.47 1.70 96 2 94 0.51 1.84 97 3 94 0.51 1.84 98 4 94 0.50 1.81 98 5 93 0.50 1.81 98 6 93 0.51 1.84 98 7 93 0.51 1.84 99 8 93 0.50 1.81 99 9 81 0.53 1.91 70 10 82 0.54 1.95 72 11 83 0.54 1.95 73 12 84 0.53 1.91 76 1 84 0.50 1.81 74 2 84 0.50 1.81 75 3 84 0.48 1.73 76 4 84 0.48 1.73 76 5 84 0.46 1.66 77 6 85 0.50 1.81 77 7 84 0.51 1.84 77 8 84 0.50 1.81 79 9 83 0.50 1.81 79 10 84 0.48 1.73 80 11 84 0.49 1.77 80 12 84 0.47 1.70 962.630 80 Average Average Average Average Average Ts(°R) I I mr,t AH (in. H2O) i Vm(ft^3) I Tm(°R) 547 0.71 1.81 183.130 544 Page 22 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085631 Analytical Data Form Project No. DuPont2006 Source: SST-1 Test for: APFOA/PFOA Plant DuPont fa etteville Ambient Temp(°F) 67 Impinger Vol. (ml) Silica Gel Weight, (g) Location Fayetteville, NC Barometric Pressure(in. Hg) 29.98 Operator GM Assumed Moisture 1 Final 363.8 790.6 Date 06/21/06 Probe length (ft) 4 Initial 300 Run 3 Probe Heater setting 0 Diff. 63.8Sample Box No. A-7 Nozzle Diameter (in.) 0.247 Filter No. MO.9 Meter Box No. 0 Nozzle Area(ft^2) 0.000333 02 Meter AHa 1.63 Leak rate (ft^3/min) .001 10- CO2 C Factor 1.003 Static Pressure (in. H2O) 1.9 CO + N2 Pilot Cp 0.84 Stack Diameter (in) 30 As (ft^2) 4.91 Test Time(start/finish) 20:44:00 Stack Dimensions(in) L x W As (ft^2) Test Time (total) 240 Multiplier 3.610136 Traverse Points Stack Temp (Ts) Velocity Head (in. H2O) (AP) Pressure Diff. Orifice (in. H2O) (AH) Dry Gas Volume (ft^3) (Vm) Gas Sample Dry Gas Meter (°F) Inlet I Outlet 0 962.803 1 85 0.50 1.81 78 2 84 0.47 1.70 78 3 83 0.48 1.73 79 4 83 0.50 1.81 80 5 83 0.50 1.81 80 6 83 0.30 1.08 81 7 83 0.51 1.84 81 8 83 0.51 1.84 81 9 83 0.52 1.88 81 10 83 0.50 1.81 81 11 83 0.50 1.81 81 12 83 0.50 1.81 81 1 83 0.45 1.62 81 2 82 0.47 1.70 79 3 83 0.49 1.77 79 4 83 0.50 1.81 78 5 83 0.51 1.84 78 6 83 0.51 1.84 78 7 82 0.51 1.84 79 8 81 0.50 1.81 79 9 82 0.49 1.77 79 10 82 0.48 1.73 79 11 82 0.46 1.66 79 12 81 0.48 1.73 1,141.590 78 Average Average Average Average Average Ts(°R) AH (in. H2O) Vm(ft^3) Tm(°R) 543 0.70 1.75 178.787 540 Page 23 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085632 Project No. DuPont2006 Source: SST-1 Test for: APFOA/PFOA Multiplier 3.610136 Traverse Points Stack Temp (Ts) I Velocity Head I Pressure PifF. (in. H2O) ;, Orifice (in. H20) (cYP} (AH) Dry Gas Volume:(flA3) (V.n) Gas Sample Dry Gas Meter (*F)= Inlet I Outlet 0 141.740 1 82 0.46 0.23 70 2 81 0.48 0.15 71 3 81 0.50 0.23 72 4 81 0.50 1.81 73 5 81 0.50 1.81 75 6 81 0.50 1.81 75 7 81 0.52 1.88 76 8 81 0.50 1.81 77 9 81 0.51 1.84 77 10 81 0.45 1.62 78 11 80 0.52 1.88 78 12 80 0.50 1.81 78 1 80 0.45 1.62 78 2 81 0.47 1.70 78 3 81 0.49 1.77 78 4 81 0.50 1.81 78 5 81 0.49 1.77 79 6 81 0.48 1.73 79 7 81 0.46 1.66 78 8 81 0.46 1.66 78 9 81 0.45 1.62 78 10 81 0.45 1.62 78 11 81 0.47 1.70 78 12 81 0.48 1.73 318.455 78 Average Average - Average Average Average; I Ts(°R AH (in. H2O) Vm(ft"3) Tan(°R) 541 0.70 1.55 176.715 537 Page 24 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085633 Project No. ouPont2006 Source: SST-1 Test for: APFOA/PFOA Velodty H Points, "I Temp (in. H2 'I 1ce4(in. H20) or Ju m (m)l Dry Gas Meter ('F) Multiplier 3.610136 (Ts) (AP) (AK), (Vm,) I Inlet I Outlet V� � 318.560 1 81 0.43 1.55 rz 2 81 0.45 1,62 ru 3 OO 0.48 1.77 73 4 OO 0.50 1f1 7* 5 80 0.50 1.81 75 O 80 0.48 1.77 78 r 80 0.45 1.02 76 8 81 0.44 159 r/ S 81 0.41 1.48 78 10 01 047 1.70 ro 11 81 0.47 1.70 rn 12 81 0.40 1.73 oo 1 84 0.48 173 OO 2 84 0.48 1.55 Oo 3 04 0.49 1.77 00 4 05 0.50 1.81 81 5 Ds 0.48 1.73 on 0 85 0.50 1.01 03 7 85 0.50 1.81 83 8 85 0.45 1.02 oo 9 85 0.44 1.58 84 10 85 0.45 1.02 84 11 85 0.50 1.81 85 Average Average Average Average Average Page 25 ofl26 Analytical Data Form RAMCON Environmental Corporation Emissions Calculations Test Date : 06/21/06 Project: DuPont2006 Source Name: SST-1 Run: 1 Test For: APFOA/PFOA Reference Method 2 Calculations Average Stack Velocity T s Vs = 85.49 Cp OPavg P s M s 40.74 ft/sec Actual Flow Rate Qa = Vs As 60 12,002 ACFM Average Stack Volumetric Flow Rate Tstd Ps Qsd = 3600 [1 - Bws Vs A Tstk Pstd 680,524.9 dscf/hr hence Method 3 Calculations Molecular Weight, Dry Md = 0.44 (0/.CO2) + 0.32 (%02) + 0.28 (%CO + %N2) 28.84 Ib/Ib-mole Molecular Weight, Wet Ms = Md (1 - Bws) + 18 (Bws) 28.60 lb/lb-mole !rence Method 4 Calculations Sample volume, Standard Conditions Pbar + OH Vm(std) = 17.64 R Y Vm 13.6 Hg Tm 179.519 dscf Water Vapor Volume Collected Vwc(std) = 0.04707 [V f - V i] 2.9 ft^3/ml Water Vapor Volume Collected Vwsg(std) = 0.04715 [Wf - Wi] 1.2 ft^3/g Moisture Volume Fraction of Stack Gas Bws _ Vwc(std) + Vwsg(std) — [Vwc(std) + Vwsg(std) + Vm(std) 0.0223 :rence Method 5 Calculations Percent Isokinetic (YTmi Vm1 (0.002669) (Vic) + I I (Pbar + AH / 13.6) I = 100 Ts 60 0 Vs Ps An 97.3 Concentration Cs = [0.0154gr 1 [V�;(std) MnAPFO 0.00002874 gr/dscf mg J Mass Emission Rate [ E (Cs) (Qsd) 1 PFOA 0.00002925 gr/dscf J7,000 gr / dscf APFO 0.002794 PFOA 0.0028436lb/hr Filter Cond. Cond. Total ng ng/L ng ng APFO 261000 145000 74095 335050.9 PFOA 270000 139000 71029 340986.6 Cond. Tare Final Net 64.8 575.8 511 Page 26 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085635 Analytical Data Form RAMCON Environmental Corporation Emissions Calculations Test Date : 06/21/06 Project: DuPont2006 Source Name: SST-1 Run: 2 Test For: APFOA/PFOA arence Method 2 Calculations Average Stack Velocity V s = 8 5.49 C p A P av g T s 40.71 ft/sec Ps Ms Actual Flow Rate Qa = Vs As 60 11,993 ACFM Average Stack Volumetric Flow Rate Qsd = 3600 [1 - Bws] Vs A [Tstkl Tstd [Pstd] Ps 678,391.5 dscf/hr Reference Method 3 Calculations Molecular Weight, Dry Md = 0.44 (%CO2) + 0.32 (%02) + 0.28 (%CO + %N2) 28.84 lb/lb-mole Molecular Weight, Wet Ms = Md (1 - Bws) + 18 (Bws) 28.53 Ib/Ib-mole Reference Method 4 Calculations Sample volume, Standard Conditions Pbar + AH Vm(std) = 17.64R Y Vm 13.6 Hg Tm 179.356 dscf Water Vapor Volume Collected Vwc(std) = 0.04707 [V f - V i] 3.9 ft^3/ml Water Vapor Volume Collected Vwsg(std) = 0.04715 [Wf - Wi] 1.3 ft^3/g Moisture Volume Fraction of Stack Gas Bws _ Vwc(std) + Vwsg(std) I Vwc(std) + Vwsg(std) + Vm(std) 0.0282 Reference Method 5 Calculations Percent Isokinetic (0.002669) (Vic) Vm + ( Pbar + AH / 13.6) I=100Ts YiTm 60 0 Vs Ps An 97.5 % Concentration rr Cs = L0.0154 gr 1 [Vm(std)] MnmgJ APFO 0.00006936 gr/dscf Mass Emission Rate _ r (Cs) (Qsd) PFOA 0.00006662 gr/dscf E IL 7,000 gr / dscf APFO 0.00672191b/hr PFOA 0.0064563lb/hr Filter Cond. Cond. Total ng ng/L ng ng APFO 303000 915000 505537.5 808493.4 PFOA 291000 879000 485647.5 776605.1 Cond. Tare Final Net 63.2 615.7 552.5 Page 27 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085636 Analytical Data Form RAMCON Environmental Corporation Emissions Calculations Test Date : 06/21/06 Project: DuPont2006 Source Name: SST-1 Run: 3 Test For: APFOA/PFOA Reference Method 2 Calculations Average Stack Velocity Vs = 85.49 Cp NfAPavg Ts P s M s 39.9 ff/sec Actual Flow Rate Qa = Vs As 60 11,755 ACFM Average Stack Volumetric Flow Rate Qsd = 3600 (1 - Bws] Vs A I Tstd 1 ( Ps Tstk J t Pstd J 675,461.8 dscf/hr Reference Method 3 Calculations Molecular Weight, Dry Md = 0.44 (%CO2) + 0.32 (%02) + 0.28 (%CO + %N2) 28.84 Ib/Ib-mole Molecular Weight, Wet Ms = Md (1 - Bws) + 18 (Bws) 28.61 lb/lb-mole Reference Method 4 Calculations Sample volume, Standard Conditions OH Pbar + Vm(std) = 17.64 oR Y Vm Hg Tm 13.6 176.374 dscf Water Vapor Volume Collected V wc(std) = 0.04707 [V f - V i] 3.0 ft^3/ml Water Vapor Volume Collected Vwsg(std) = 0.04715 [Wf - Wi] 0.9 ft^3/g Moisture Volume Fraction of Stack Gas Bws _ Vwc(std) + Vwsg(std) Vwc(std) + Vwsg(std) + Vm(std) 0.0216 rence Method 5 Calculations Percent Isokinetic (0.002669) (Vic) + ( Tm J (� +AH/B.6) I = 100Ts 60 0 Vs 11� An 96.3 % Concentration Cs 0.0154 gr Mn mg [Vm(std)] APFO 0.00007152 gr/dscf Mass Emission Rate E _ r (Cs) (Qsd) ] PFOA 0.00006868 gr/dscf L 7,000 gr / dscf APFO 0.00690131b/hr PFOA 0.0066272lb/hr Filter Cond. Cond. Total ng ng/L ng ng APFO 579000 455000 254709 833664.9 PFOA 556000 437000 244632.6 800590.2 Cond. Tare Final Net 63.1 622.9 559.8 Page 28 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085637 RAMCON Environmental Corporation Emissions Calculations Test Date : 06/22/06 Project: DuPont2006 Source Name: SST-1 Run : 4 Test For: APFOA/PFOA Reference Method 2 Calculations Average Stack Velocity Vs = 8 5.4 9 Cp APavg s�'T M s 39.83 ft/sec Actual Flow Rate Qa = Vs As 60 11,734 ACFM Average Stack Volumetric Flow Rate Qsd = 3600 [1 - Bws] Vs A [Tstk Tstd r Ps L Pstd 676,769.5 dscf/hr wence Method 3 Calculations Molecular Weight, Dry Md = 0.44 (%CO2) + 0.32 (%02) + 0.28 (%CO + %N2) 28.84 lb/lb-mole Molecular Weight, Wet Ms = Md (1 - Bws) + 18 (Bws) 28.61 lb/lb-mole wence Method 4 Calculations Sample volume, Standard Conditions OH o Pbar + — Vm(std) = 17.64 Y Vm Tm 13.6 175,218 dscf g Water Vapor Volume Collected V wc(std) = 0.04707 [V f - V i] 2.9 ft^3/ml Water Vapor Volume Collected Vwsg(std) = 0.04715 [Wf - Wi] 1.5 ft^3/g Moisture Volume Fraction of Stack Gas Bws = Vwc(std) + Vwsg(std) [Vwc(std) + Vwsg(std) + Vm(std) 0.0216 arence Method 5 Calculations Percent Isokinetic (0.002669) (Vic) + I Y V- (Pbar + AH/ 13.6) I = 100Ts 9 Vsn� 95.8 % Concentration 60 Cs = 10.0154 gr J [Vm(std)] MnAPFO 0.00011466 gr/dscf mg Mass Emission Rate E _ r (Cs) (Qsd) PFOA 0.00011036 gr/dscf L7,000 gr / dscf APFO 0.0110855 Ib/hr PFOA 0.0106698lb/hr Filter Cond. Cond. Total ng ng/L ng ng APFO 1030000 683000 306667 1336623 PFOA 992000 656000 294544 1286502 Cond. Tare Final Net 65 514 449 Page 29 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085638 RAMCON Environmental Corporation Emissions Calculations Test Date : 06/21/06 Project : DuPont2006 Source Name: SST-1 Run: 5 Test For: APFOA/PFOA Reference Method 2 Calculations Average Stack Velocity T s Vs = 85.49 Cp APavg C�F;s M s 39.33 ft/sec Actual Flow Rate Qa = Vs As 60 11,587 ACFM Average Stack Volumetric Flow Rate Qsd = 3600 [1 - Bws] Vs A [Tstkl Tstd[Pstd] Ps 665,812.4 dscf/hr wence Method 3 Calculations Molecular Weight, Dry Md = 0.44 (%CO2) + 0.32 (%02) + 0.28 (%CO + %N2) 28.84 Ib/Ib-mole Molecular Weight, Wet Ms = M d (1 - Bws) + 18 (Bws) 28.61 lb/lb-mole wence Method 4 Calculations Sample volume, Standard Conditions Pbar + AH Vm(std) = 17.64 m Y VTm 13.6 g 174.079 dscf Water Vapor Volume Collected Vwc(std) = 0.04707 [V f - V i] 2.8 ft^3/ml Water Vapor Volume Collected Vwsg(std) = 0.04715 [Wf - Wi] 1.4 ft"3/g Moisture Volume Fraction of Stack Gas Bws _ Vwc(std) + Vwsg(std) [Vwc(std) + Vwsg(std) + Vm(std) 0.0216 wence Method 5 Calculations Percent Isokinetic (0.002669) (Vic + I'm m) (Pbar + Ali/ 13.6) I=100Ts l 60 0 Vs Ps An 96.6 % Concentration Cs 0.0154 gr Mn mg [Vm(std)] APFO 0.00009948 gr/dscf Mass Emission Rate E (Cs) (Qsd) PFOA 0.00009556 gr/dscf 17,000 gr / dscf APFO 0.00946211b/hr PFOA 0.0090893lb/hr Filter Cond. Cond. Total ng ng/L ng ng APFO 916000 450000 243720 1159676 PFOA 880000 432000 233971.2 1113929 Cond. Tare Final Net 63.4 605 541.6 Page 30 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085639 Run 1 Example Calculations 1) Dry Gas Volume, Standard Conditions (68 F and 29.92 in. HM, DSCF Pbar+ 0T1 Vmstd = 117.64 Hg) (Y) (V-) T 13.6 1.80 Vmstd = (17.64) (1.003) (185.660) 29.98 + 13.6 551 2) Volume of Water Vapor Collected, SCF V we = 0.04707 (V f - Vi ) Vwc(std) = 0.04707 ( 362.5 — 300.0) V sg = 0.04715 (V f - Vi ) Vwsg(std) = 0.04715 ( 889.1 — 862.6) 3) Proportion of Water Vapor, by Volume Bws = Vwc(std) + Vwsg(std) I Vwc(std) + Vwsg(std) + Vm(std) Bws = (2.9) + (1.2) (2.9) + (1.2) + (179.519) 4) Absolute Stack Gas Pressure, in. H Ps= Pb.+ Pg 13.6 PS = 29.98 + 1.2 13.6 Page 31 of 126 179.519 dscf = 2.9 scf 1.2 scf 0.0223 = 30.07 in. Hg DEQ-CFW 00085640 Run 1 Example Calculations 5) Dry Molecular Weight of Stack Gas, lb/lb-mole Md = 0.44 (%CO2) + 0.32 (%02) + 0.28 (%CO + %N2) Md = (0.44) (0.00) + (0.32) (20.90) + (0.28) ( 79.10) all Zeros indicate an assumption per 40 CFR part 60 subpart I = 6) Wet Molecular Weight of Stack Gas, lb/lb-mole 28.84 lb/lb-mole Ms = Md (1 - Bws) + 18 (Bws) MS = 28.84 ( 1 — 0.0223 ) + 18 ( 0.0223) = 28.60 Ib/lb-mole 7) Average Stack Gas Velocity, ft/sec TS Vs = (85.49) (Cp) (�a�g) (MS) (PS) (549.0) VS = (85.49) (0.84) (0.71) = 40.74 ft/sec (28.60) (30.07) 8) Average Stack Gas Dry Volumetric Flow Rate, DSCF/Hr Qsd = 3600 11 - Bws] Vs A Tstd Ps Tstk I Pstd Qsd = (3600) ( 1 — 0.0223) (40.74) (4.91) 528 30.07 549 29.92 680,524.9 dscf/hr 9) Actual Volumetric Flow Rate, ACFM Qa = Vs As 60 Qe = (40.74) (4.91) (60) Page 32 of 126 = 12,002 ACFM DEQ-CFW 00085641 Run 1 Example Calculations 10) Isokinetics, Percent (0.002669) (Vic) + Yi Vm( Pbar + OH/13.6) Tm I=100Ts 60 0 Vs Ps An 1 = (100) (549) 11) Concentration, gr/dscf (0.002669) (89.00) + (1,003) (185.660) ( 29.98 + 1.80 551 13.6 Cs= 0.0154 g, ] [ Mn Mg Vn (std) CS = 0.0154 .3350509 179.519 12) Emission Rate, Ibs/hr E = C(Cs) (Qsd) 7,000 gr/dscf E _ (0.0000) (680524.9) 7,000 (60.0) (240.0) (40.74) (30.07) (0.000333) Page 33 of 126 97.3 % = 0.00002874 gr/dscf = 0.00284361b/hr DEQ-CFW 00085642 Summary Test Data DuPont fayetteville Sampling Train Data PROJECT: DuPont200E Test For: APFOA/PFOA Location: SST-1 Date start 1 Sampling time, minutes 9 2 Sampling nozzle diameter, inches Dn 3 Sampling nozzle cross-section area, ft^2 An 4 Isokinetic variation 1 5 Sample gas volume --standard conditions dsft^3 Vm(std) 6 Average meter temperature OR Tm 7 Average orifice pressure drop, in H2O AH Velocity Traverse Data 8 Stack area, ft^2 As 9 Absolute stack gas pressure, inches Hg. Ps 10 Barometric pressure, inches Hg. Pbar 11 Average absolute stack temperature, OR Ts 12 Average sgrt. velocity head, (Cp = .84) VAT 13 Average stack gas velocity, ft/second Vs Stack Moisture Content 14 Total water collected by train, ml Vic 15 Moisture in stack gas, percent % Bws Emissions Data 16 Stack gas flow rate, dscf/hr Qsd 17 Stack gas flow rate, cfm acfm 18 APFO concentration, gr/dscf Cs 19 PFOA concentration, gr/dscf Cs 20 APFO emissions, Ib/hr E 21 PFOA emissions, Ib/hr E Run # 1 Run # 2 Run # 3 Run # 4 Run # 5 Average 06/21/06 06/21/06 06/21/06 06/22/06 06/22/06 08:50 14:42 20:44 01:33 06:06 240 240 240 240 240 0.2470 0.2470 0.2470 0.2470 0.2470 0.000333 0.000333 0.000333 0.000333 0.000333 97.3 97.5 96.3 95.8 96.6 96.7 179.519 179.356 176.374 175.218 174.079 176.909 551 544 540 537 539 542 1.80 1.81 1.75 1.55 1.69 1.72 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 30.07 30.07 30.12 30.12 30.12 30.10 29.98 29.98 29.98 29.98 29.98 29.98 549 547 543 541 543 544.6 0.71 0.71 0.70 0.70 0.69 0.70 40.74 40.71 39.90 39.83 39.33 40.10 89.00 110.40 82.50 95.00 87.30 92.84 2.23 2.82 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.31 680,524.9 678,391.5 675,461.8 676,769.5 665,812.4 12,002 11,993 11,755 11,734 11,587 0.0000287 0.0000694 0.0000715 0.0001147 0.0000995 0.0000293 0.0000666 0.0000687 0.0001104 0,0000956 0.0027940 0.0067219 0.0069013 0.0110855 0.0094621 0.0028436 0.0064563 0.0066272 0.0106698 0.0090893 Page 34 of 126 675392.0 11814 0.0000768 0.0000741 0.0073930 0.0071372 DEQ-CFW 00085643 Analytical Data Form Project No. DuPont2006 Source: PSL Test for: APFOA/PFOA Plant DuPont fa etteville Ambient Tempff) 76 1 Impinger L Vol. (ml) Silica Gel Weight, (g) Location Fayetteville, NC Barometric Pressure(in. Hg) 29.91 Operator JP Assumed Moisture 1 Final 477.5 841 Date 6/21/2006 Probe length (ft) 4 Initial 300 815 Run 1 Probe Heater setting Diff. 177.5 26.0 Sample Box No. 26-1 Nozzle Diameter (in.) 0.2910 Filter No. Meter Box No. Nozzle Area(ft^2) 0.000462 02 20.90 Meter AHa 1.7962 Leak rate (ft^3/min) .000 15" CO2 C Factor 0.997 Static Pressure (in. H2O) 2.3 CO + N2 79.10 Pitot Cp 0.84 Stack Diameter (in) 10 As (ft^2) 0.55 Test Time(start/finish) 8:50:00 Stack Dimensions(in) L x W As (ft^2) Test Time (total) 240 Multiplier 7.706006 Traverse Points Stack Temp (Ts) Velocity Head (in. H2O) I (AP) Pressure Diff. Orifice (in. H2O) I (AH) Dry Gas Volume (ft^3) I (Vm) Gas Sample Dry Gas Meter (OF) I Inlet I Outlet 124.125 1 90 0.25 1.93 98 2 90 0.29 2.23 104 3 90 0.31 2.39 106 4 95 0.33 2.54 107 5 95 0.34 2.62 107 6 95 0.36 2.77 106 7 95 0.35 2.70 105 8 95 0.35 2.70 105 9 96 0.35 2.70 107 10 95 0.35 2.70 107 11 95 0.35 2.70 102 12 96 0.35 2.70 104 1 97 0.36 2.77 101 2 96 0.37 2.85 103 3 96 0.35 2.70 104 4 96 0.35 2.70 105 5 97 0.35 2.70 105 6 97 0.35 2.70 109 7 97 0.35 2.70 110 8 97 0.35 2.70 114 9 97 0.35 2.70 112 10 97 0.35 2.70 113 11 98 0.35 2.70 115 12 98 0.35 2.70 353.225 114 Average Ts(°R) Avera a Average AH (in. H2O) Average I Vm(ft"3) Average I Tm(°R) - 555 0.58 2.64 229.100 567 Page 35 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085644 Analytical Data Form Project No. DuPont2006 Source: PSL Test for: APFOA/PFOA Plant DuPont fa etteville AmbientTempff) 94 Impinger Vol. (ml) Silica Gel Weight, (g) Location Fayetteville, NC Barometric Pressure(in. Hg) 29.91 Operator JP Assumed Moisture 1 Final 383 896.2 Date 06/21/06 Probe length (ft) 4 Initial 300 Run 2 Probe Heater setting 0 Diff. 830P868.8 27.4 Sample Box No. 26-1 Nozzle Diameter (in.) 0.2910 Filter No. Meter Box No. 0 Nozzle Area(ft^2) 0.000462 02 20.90 Meter AHa 1.7962 Leak rate (ft^3/min) 001 W CO2 C Factor 0.997 Static Pressure (in. H2O) 2.3 CO + N2 79.10 Pitot Cp 0.84 Stack Diameter (in) 10 As ft^2) 0.55 Test Time(start/finish) 14:43:00 Stack Dimensions(in) L x W As ft^2) Test Time (total) 240 Multiplier 7.706006 Traverse Points I Stack Temp (Ts) I Velocity Head (in. H2O) (AP) Pressure Diff. Orifice (in. H2O) (AH) I Dry Gas Volume (ftA3) (Vm) Gas Sample Dry Gas Meter (T) I Inlet I Outlet 0 353.710 1 94 0.35 2.70 99 2 94 0.35 2.70 111 3 93 0.35 2.70 114 4 93 0.35 2.70 115 5 93 0.35 2.70 115 6 93 0.35 2.70 114 7 93 0.35 2.70 113 8 94 0.34 2.62 114 9 82 0.32 2.47 70 10 85 0.35 2.70 94 11 89 0.35 2.70 84 12 88 0.35 2.70 74 1 89 0.35 2.70 85 2 89 0.35 2.70 86 3 89 0.35 2.70 75 4 89 0.35 2.70 86 5 89 0.35 2.70 88 6 90 0.32 2.47 92 7 89 0.34 2.62 94 8 90 0.34 2.62 95 9 89 0.34 2.62 94 10 89 0.34 2.62 95 11 90 0.34 2.62 95 12 89 0.34 2.62 572.850 96 Average Ts(°R) Average Average I AH (in. H2O) Average I Vm(ft^3) Average 1 Tm(°R) &- 550 0.59 2.66 219.140 556 Page 36 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085645 Analytical Data Form Project No. DuPont2006 Source: PSL Test for: APFOA/PFOA Plant DuPont fa etteville Ambient Temp(°F) 72 Impinger Vol. (ml) Silica Gel Weight, (g) Location Fayetteville, NC Barometric Pressure(in. Hg) 29.91 Operator JP Assumed Moisture 1 Final 363.8 790.6 Date 06/21/06 Probe length (ft) 4 Initial 300 771.9 Run 3 Probe Heater setting 0 Diff. 63.8 18.7 Sample Box No. 26-1 Nozzle Diameter (in.) 0.291 Filter No. Meter Box No. 0 Nozzle Area(ft^2) 0.000462 02 20.90 Meter OHa 1.7962 Leak rate (ft^3/min) .001 10" CO2 C Factor 0.997 Static Pressure (in. H2O) 2.3 CO + N2 79.10 Pitot Cp 0.84 Stack Diameter (in) 10 As (ft^2) 0.55 Test Time(start/finish) 20:45:00 Stack Dimensions(in) L x W As (ft^2) Test Time (total) 240 Multiplier 7.706006 Traverse Points I Stack Temp (Ts) I Velocity Head (in. H2O) (AP) Pressure Diff. Orifice (in. H2olume O) (AH) I Dry Gas V (ft^3) (Vm) Gas Sample Dry Gas Meter (°F) I Inlet I Outlet 0 573.208 1 88 0.35 2.70 86 77 2 86 0.35 2.70 90 77 3 86 0.32 2.47 93 78 4 86 0.31 2.39 95 80 5 88 0.28 2.16 95 81 6 86 0.05 0.39 93 82 7 86 0.05 0.39 90 82 8 86 0.04 0.31 89 82 9 86 0.04 0.31 88 81 10 86 0.04 0.31 87 81 11 86 0.04 0.31 87 80 12 86 0.04 0.31 87 80 1 86 0.03 0.23 85 79 2 86 0.03 0.23 84 80 3 86 0.03 0.23 83 81 4 86 0.04 0.31 85 77 5 86 0.04 0.31 86 78 6 86 0.02 0.15 87 77 7 86 0.03 0.23 85 78 8 86 0.03 0.23 85 78 9 86 0.03 0.23 85 78 10 85 0.03 0.23 84 78 11 85 0.03 0.23 83 77 12 85 0.03 0.23 683.044 83 77 Average Avera a Average Average Average Ts(°R) I off (in. H2O) I Vm(ft^3) I Tm(°R) 546 0.26 0.73 109.836 543 Page 37 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085646 Project muouPunm000 Source: Test for: p8L APFOA/PFOA 'Plant DuPont fayetteville Ambient Tempff) 72 li�M�pin_ger FVol. (ml) Silica Gel twel (g) Location Fayetteville, NC Barometric Pressure(in. _Hg) 29.91 Operator J P Assumed Moisture 1 Final 362.4 862.5 Sample Box No. 26-1 Nozzle Diameter tin.) 0.500 Filter No. Multiplier 6,r Traverse'l Stack PressureDiff. I DryGas I -Gas Sample Points Temp lVelocityl-leedl (in. H20) Orifice (in. H20) Volume (ftA3)1 Dry Gas Meter CF) (Vm) ,I Inhat Outlet U 683.363 1 82 0.03 0.23 74 74 2 82 0.02 0.15 70 74 3 81 0.03 023 01 73 4 82 0.03 1.95 81 73 5 81 0.03 1.95 84 74 8 81 0.83 1.85 84 74 7 81 0.04 2.60 92 78 8 81 0.03 1.95 94 79 8 82 0.03 1.85 95 OO 10 82 0.03 1.85 93 00 11 82 0.03 1.95 83 81 12 81 0.03 1.95 93 81 1 01 OlB 1.85 93 01 2 01 0.03 1.95 oa 82 3 81 0.03 1.95 93 82 4 82 0.03 1.95 93 81 5 82 0.03 1.95 93 0 0 82 0.03 1.95 92 81 r 82 0.03 1.35 82 81 O 82 0.03 1/95 92 81 9 82 003 1/95 92 0 10 82 0D4 2.60 92 81 11 82 0.04 2.60 on 01 Average Average Average I Average I Average 542 0.1/ 1.81 1/z.44b b44 Page 38 of 126 Project mu.ouPont2000 8nunm: PGL Test for: APFOA/PFOA Plant DuPont fayetteville Ambient Temp(*F) 75 Impinger Silica Gel Operator -JP Assumed Moisture 1 Final 358.5 852.8 Sample Box, No. 26-1 Nozzle Diameter (in.) 0.500 Filter No. mutfolier 6,r Traverse Stack Velocity Head Diff. �[ Dry Gas Gas Sample I OPressure I (Ts) (AP) (AH,) NO Inlet outlet o unnuu 1 84 0.03 1.95 81 2 84 0.03 1/95 oo 5 84 0.03 1/95 86 4 84 0.83 1.95 08 5 04 003 1/95 88 8 84 0.03 1/95 87 7 84 00 1/95 88 8 84 003 1/95 88 9 85 0.03 1/95 80 iO OO 0.08 1.95 92 11 DO 0.03 1.85 82 12 88 0.03 1.95 oz 1 07 0.03 1.95 85 2 89 0.03 1.85 97 9 88 003 1.95 97 4 91 0.03 1.85 102 5 92 0.03 1.85 100 0 93 0.03 1/63 00 7 94 0.03 1.72 100 O 94 003 2.08 100 8 95 0.00 1.89 101 10 95 0.03 1.92 103 11 95 0.03 1.87 101 Average Average- Average I Average Average b49 u1/ I.e4 106.1 '1e 00* Page 39ofl26 Analytical Data Form RAMCON Environmental Corporation Emissions Calculations Test Date : 06/21/06 Project : DuPont2006 Source Name: PSL Run: 1 Test For: APFOA/PFOA wence Method 2 Calculations Average Stack Velocity Vs = 8 5.4 9 Cp APavg �'T M s 33.59 fUsec Actual Flow Rate Qa = Vs As 60 1,108 ACFM Average Stack Volumetric Flow Rate I Tstd r PsQsd = 3600 [1 - Bws Vs A Tstk L Pstd J 60,882.1 dscf/hr ,ence Method 3 Calculations Molecular Weight, Dry Md = 0.44 (%CO2) + 0.32 (%02) + 0.28 (%CO + %N2) 28.84 lb/lb-mole Molecular Weight, Wet Ms = Md (1 - Bws) + 18 (Bws) 28.37 lb/lb-mole ence Method 4 Calculations Sample volume, Standard Conditions o Pbar + AH Vm(std) = 17.64 Y Vm Tm 13.6 g 213.925 dscf Water Vapor Volume Collected V wc(std) = 0.04707 [V f - V i] 8.4 ft^3/ml Water Vapor Volume Collected Vwsg(std) = 0.04715 [Wf - Wil 1.2 ft^3/g Moisture Volume Fraction of Stack Gas Bws _ Vwc(std) + Vwsg(std) [Vwc(std) + Vwsg(std) + Vm(std) 0.0429 Reference Method 5 Calculations Percent Isokinetic Yi Vm (0.002669) Vic) + C Tim) ( Pbar + Ali/ 13.6) I = 100 Ts 60 0 Vs Ps An 104.E Concentration r 1 1 Cs = 10.0154 gr I Mn J APFO 0.00000734 gr/dscf L mg J L Vm(std) Mass Emission Rate _ r (Cs) (Qsd) ] PFOA 0.00000705 gr/dscf E IL 7,000 gr / dscf APFO 0.0000638 PFOA 0.0000613lb/hr Filter Cond. Cond. Total ng ng/L ng ng APFO 53700 90700 48288.7 101944.6 PFOA 51600 87100 46372 97929.64 Cond. Tare Final Net 65.2 597.6 532.4 Page 40 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085649 Analytical Data Form RAMCON Environmental Corporation Emissions Calculations Test Date : 06/21/06 Project : DuPont2006 Source Name : PSL Run: 2 Test For : APFOA/PFOA Ference Method 2 Calculations Average Stack Velocity Vs = 8 5.4 9 C p A P a v g p s —Ms 33.89 ft/sec Actual Flow Rate Qa = Vs As 60 1,118 ACFM Average Stack Volumetric Flow Rate Qsd = 3600 [1 - Bws] Vs A [Tstkl TstdPs JJ [Pstd] 63,188.9 dscf/hr wence Method 3 Calculations Molecular Weight, Dry Md = 0.44 (%CO2) + 0.32 (%02) + 0.28 (%CO + %N2) 28.84 lb/lb-mole Molecular Weight, Wet Ms = Md (1 - Bws) + 18 (Bws) 28.58lb/lb-mole wence Method 4 Calculations Sample volume, Standard Conditions Pbar + — AH a Vm(std) = 17.64 Y Vm Tm 13.6 g 208.683 dscf Water Vapor Volume Collected Vwc(std) = 0.04707 [V f - V i] 3.9 ft^3/ml Water Vapor Volume Collected Vwsg(std) = 0.04715 [Wf - Wi] 1.3 ft^3/g Moisture Volume Fraction of Stack Gas Bws _ Vwc(std) + Vwsg(std) I Vwc(std) + Vwsg(std) + Vm(std) 0.0243 hence Method 5 Calculations Percent Isokinetic (0.002669) (Vic) + rYi Vm(Pbar + DII / 13.6) I = 100 Ts ll Tm ) 60 0 Vs Ps An 98.3 Concentration rr 1 [Vm(std)] Cs= I0.0154gr IMnmg] APFO 0.00008902 gr/dscf Mass Emission Rate E (Cs) (Qsd) ] PFOA 0.00008534 gr/dscf 7,000 gr / dscf APFO 0.00080361b/hr PFOA 0.0007704lb/hr Filter Cond. Cond. Total ng ng/L ng ng APFO 583000 1160000 653660 1236616 PFOA 560000 1110000 625485 1185443 Cond. Tare Final Net 65.1 628.6 563.5 Page 41 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085650 Analytical Data Form RAMCON Environmental Corporation Emissions Calculations Test Date : 06/21/06 Project: DuPont2006 Source Name : PSL Run: 3 Test For: APFOA/PFOA Reference Method 2 Calculations Average Stack Velocity Ts Vs = 85.49 Cp OPavg 14.91 ft/sec Ps Ms Actual Flow Rate Qa = Vs As 60 492 ACFM Average Stack Volumetric Flow Rate Qsd = 3600 [1 - Bws] Vs A [Tstk] Tstd] r Ps Pstd 27,688.1 dscf/hr wance Method 3 Calculations Molecular Weight, Dry Md = 0.44 (%CO2) + 0.32 (1/d02) + 0.28 (%CO + %N2) 28.84 lb/lb-mole Molecular Weight, Wet Ms = Md (I - Bws) + 18 (Bws) 28.46 lb/lb-mole wence Method 4 Calculations Sample volume, Standard Conditions Pbar + "H Vm(std) = 17.64 Tm Y Vm 13.6 g 106.594 dscf Water Vapor Volume Collected Vwc(std) = 0.04707 [V f - V i] 3.0 ft^3/ml Water Vapor Volume Collected Vwsg(std) = 0.04715 [Wf - Wi] 0.9 ft^3/g Moisture Volume Fraction of Stack Gas Bws _ Vwc(std) + Vwsg(std) I Vwc(std) + Vwsg(std) + Vm(std)] 0.0353 wence Method 5 Calculations Percent Isokinetic (0.002669) (Vic) + ( Tm J (� + AH/ B.6) I=100Ts 60 0 Vs P5 An 114.6 % Concentration Cs 0.0154 gr Mn mg [ Vm(std) ] APFO 0.00001076 gr/dscf Mass Emission Rate r (Cs) (Qsd) PFOA 0.00001034 gr/dscf E L 7,000 gr / dscf APFO 0.00004261b/hr PFOA 0.0000409lb/hr Filter Cond. Cond. Total ng ng/L ng ng APFO 58300 180000 91188 149443.9 PFOA 56000 173000 87641.8 143599.4 Cond. Tare Final Net 66.4 573 506.6 Page 42 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085651 RAMCON Environmental Corporation Emissions Calculations Test Date : 06/22/06 Project: DuPont2006 Source Name : PSL Run: 4 Test For: APFOA/PFOA Reference Method 2 Calculations Average Stack Velocity Vs = 85.49 Cp APavg Ts P s M s 9.71 ft/sec Actual Flow Rate Qa = Vs As 60 320 ACFM Average Stack Volumetric Flow Rate Qsd = 3600 [1 - Bws] Vs A I Tstdl r Ps 1 Tstk JJ L Pstd J 18,164.7 dscf/hr ence Method 3 Calculations Molecular Weight, Dry Md = 0.44 (°i°CO2) + 0.32 (%02) + 0.28 (%CO + %N2) 28.84 lb/lb-mole Molecular Weight, Wet Ms = Md (1 - Bws) + 18 (Bws) 28.46 lb/lb-mole ence Method 4 Calculations Sample volume, Standard Conditions Pbar + AH Vin(std) = 17.64 oR Y Vm Tm 13.6 167.49 dscf g Water Vapor Volume Collected V wc(std) = 0.0 470 7 [V f - V i] 2.9 ft"3/ml Water Vapor Volume Collected Vwsg(std) = 0.04715 [Wf - Wi] 1.5 ft"3/g Moisture Volume Fraction of Stack Gas Bws _ Vwc(std) + Vwsg(std) [Vwc(std) + Vwsg(std) + Vm(std) 0.0353 ence Method 5 Calculations Percent Isokinetic r (0.002669] ( Vic] + I Y VJ (Pbar + AH/ 13.6) I = 100Ts 60 6 Vs 1Is An 92.1 Concentration Cs = [0.0154 gr 1 r Mn 1 APFO 0.00000331 gr/dscf mg J IL Vm(std) J Mass Emission Rate [ E J (Cs) (Qsd) 1 PFOA 0.00000317 gr/dscf 7,000 gr / dscf APFO 0.0000086 Ib/hr PFOA 0.0000082lb/hr Filter Cond. Cond. Total ng ng/L ng ng APFO 29300 34400 16701.2 45957.1 PFOA 28100 33000 16021.5 44079.1 Cond. Tare Final Net 63.4 548.9 485.5 Page 43 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085652 RAMCON Environmental Corporation Emissions Calculations Test Date : 06/21/06 Project : DuPont2006 Source Name: PSL Run : 5 Test For: APFOA/PFOA Reference Method 2 Calculations Average Stack Velocity Vs = 85.49 Cp APavg Ts P s M s 9.78 ft/sec Actual Flow Rate Qa = Vs As 60 323 ACFM Average Stack Volumetric Flow Rate Tstd Ps Qsd = 3600 [l - Bws Vs A Tstk Pstd 18,062.3 dscf/hr Reference Method 3 Calculations Molecular Weight, Dry Md = 0.44 (%CO2) + 0.32 (%02) + 0.28 (%CO + %N2) 28.84 lb/lb-mole Molecular Weight, Wet Ms = Md (1 - Bws) + 18 (Bws) 28.46 lb/lb-mole Reference Method 4 Calculations Sample volume, Standard Conditions Pbar + �H Vm(std) = 17.64 Tm Y Vm 13.6 g 174.703 dscf Water Vapor Volume Collected Vwc(std) = 0.04707 [V f - V i] 2.8 ft^3/ml Water Vapor Volume Collected Vwsg(std) = 0.04715 [Wf - Wi] 1.4 ft^3/g Moisture Volume Fraction of Stack Gas Bws _ Vwc(std) + Vwsg(std) [Vwc(std) + Vwsg(std) + Vm(std) 0.0353 Reference Method 5 Calculations Percent Isokinetic (0.002669) (Vic) + I Tm (Pbar + AH/13.6) I = IOOTs l 60 B Vs Ps An 96.3 % Concentration Cs 0.0154 gr Mn [ mg [ V m(std) ] APFO 0.00000617 gr/dscf Mass Emission Rate E [ (Cs) (Qsd) 1 PFOA 0.00000593 gr/dscf 7,000 gr / dscf J APFO 0.00001591b/hr PFOA 0.0000153lb/hr Filter Cond. Cond. Total ng ng/L ng ng APFO 34600 104000 51147.2 85703.1 PFOA 33200 100000 49180 82337.6 Cond. Tare Final Net 63.4 555.2 491.8 Page 44 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085653 Run 1 Example Calculations 1) Dry Gas Volume, Standard Conditions (68 F and 29.92 in. Hg), DSCF OH Vmsca = ` 17.64 HR) (Y) (vm) PbarT 13.6 2.64 Vmstd = (17.64) (0.997) (229.100) 29.91 + 13.6 = 213.925 dscf 567 2) Volume of Water Vapor Collected, SCF V,,,: = 0.04707 (V f - Vi ) Vwc(std) = 0.04707 ( 477.5 — 300.0) = 8.4 scf V sg = 0.04715 (V f - Vi ) Vwsg(std) = 0.04715 ( 841.0 — 815.0) = 1.2 scf 3) Proportion of Water Vapor, by Volume _ Vwc(std) + Vwsg(std) Bws — [Vwc(std) + Vwsg(std) + Vm(std) Bws = (8.4) + (1.2) (8.4) + (1.2) + (213.925) = 0.0429 4) Absolute Stack Gas Pressure, in. H Ps= Pbar + Pg 13.6 Ps = 29.91 + 2.3 30.08 in. Hg 13.6 Page 45 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085654 Run 1 Example Calculations 5) Dry Molecular Weight of Stack Gas, lb/lb-mole Md = 0.44 (%CO2) + 0.32 (%02) + 0.28 (%CO + %N2) Md = (0.44) (0.00) + (0.32) (20.90) + (0.28) ( 79.10) "all Zeros indicate an assumption per 40 CFR part 60 subpart 1 - 28.84 lb/lb-mole 6) Wet Molecular Weight of Stack Gas, lb/lb-mole Ms = Md (1- Bws) + 18 (Bws) MS = 28.84 ( 1 — 0.0429 ) + 18 ( 0.0429) = 28.37 lb/lb-mole 7) Average Stack Gas Velocity, ft/sec Vs = (85.49) (Cp) (�Pav,) TS (MS) (PS) VS = (85.49) (0.84) (0.58) (555.0) _ 33.59 ft/sec (28.37) (30.08) 8) Average Stack Gas Dry Volumetric Flow Rate, DSCF/Hr C Tstd] C PsP Qsd = 3600 11 - Bws Vs A Tstk std Qsd = (3600) ( 1 — 0.0429) (33.59) (0.55) 528 30.08 555 r29,2 = 60,882.1 dscf/hr 9) Actual Volumetric Flow Rate, ACFM Qa = Vs As 60 Qa= (33.59) (0.55) (60) = 1,108 ACFM Page 46 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085655 Run 1 Example Calculations 10) Isokinetics, Percent (0.002669) (Vic) + Yi Vm ( Pbar + AH/13.6) Tm I=100Ts 60 0 Vs Ps An = (100) (555) (0.002669) (203.50) + (0.997) (229.100) ( 29.91 + 2.64 567 ` 13.6 (60.0) (240.0) (33.59) (30.08) (0.000462) = 104.6 % 11) Concentration, gr/dscf Cs= 0.0154 mgr ] [ Mn g Vn(std) Cs = 0.0154 .10' 9445 = 0.00000734 gr/dscf 213.925 12) Emission Rate, lbs/hr E _ (Cs) (Qsd) l [ 7,000 gr/dscf J E _ (0.0000) (60882.1) = 0.0000613 Ib/hr 7,000 Page 47 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085656 Summary Test Data PROJECT: )uPont200f Test For: APFOA/PFOA DuPont fayetteville Location: PSL Sampling Train Data: Run # 1 Run # 2 Run # 3 Run # 4 Run # 5 Average Date 06/21/06 06/21/06 06/21/06 06/22/06 06/22/06 start 08:50 14:43 20:45 01:35 06:07 1 Sampling time, minutes 6 240 240 240 240 240 2 Sampling nozzle diameter, inches Dn 0.2910 0.2910 0.2910 0.5000 0.5000 3 Sampling nozzle cross-section area, ft^2 An 0.000462 0.000462 0.000462 0.001364 0.001364 4 Isokinetic variation 1 104.6 98.3 114.6 92.1 96.3 101.2 5 Sample gas volume --standard conditions dsft^3 Vm(std) 213.925 208.683 106.594 167.490 174.703 174.279 6 Average meter temperature OR Tm 567 556 543 544 554 553 7 Average orifice pressure drop, in H2O AH 2.64 2.66 0.73 1.81 1.94 1.96 Velocity Traverse Data 8 Stack area, ft^2 As 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 9 Absolute stack gas pressure, inches Hg. Ps 30.08 30.08 30.08 30.08 30.08 30.08 10 Barometric pressure, inches Hg. Pbar 29.91 29.91 29.91 29.91 29.91 29.91 11 Average absolute stack temperature, OR Ts 555 550 546 542 549 548.4 12 Average sgrt. velocity head, (Cp = .84) VAT 0.58 0.59 0.26 0.17 0.17 0.35 13 Average stack gas velocity, ft/second Vs 33.59 33.89 14.91 9.71 9.78 20.38 Stack Moisture Content 14 Total water collected by train, ml Vic 203.50 110.40 82.50 95.00 87.30 115.74 15 Moisture in stack gas, percent % Bws 4.29 2.43 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.46 Emissions Data 16 Stack gas flow rate, dscf/hr Qsd 60,882.1 63,188.9 27,688.1 18,164.7 18,062.3 37597.2 17 Stack gas flow rate, cfm acfm 1,108 1,118 492 320 323 672 18 APFO concentration, gr/dscf Cs 0.0000073 0.0000890 0.0000108 0.0000033 0.0000062 0.0000233 19 PFOA concentration, gr/dscf Cs 0.0000071 0.0000853 0.0000103 0.0000032 0.0000059 0.0000224 20 APFO emissions, Ib/hr E 0.0000638 0.0008036 0.0000426 0.0000086 0,0000159 0.0001869 21 PFOA emissions, Ib/hr E 0.0000613 0.0007704 0.0000409 0.0000082 0,0000153 0.0001792 Page 48 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085657 Point Delta P Stack Temp F 1 2 0.11 90 3 0.12 90 4 0.12 91 5 0.14 91 6 0.16 91 7 0.24 91 8 0.37 91 9 0.38 91 10 0.37 91 11 0.38 91 12 0.4 91 1 0.4 91 2 0.1 91 3 0.11 91 4 0.11 91 5 0.12 91 6 0.15 91 7 0.21 91 8 0.39 91 9 0.44 91 10 0.45 91 11 0.47 91 12 0.47 91 0.47 91 AVG AVG 0.28 551 = Input = Calc cell Ambient Temperature: 90 Barametric Pressure:1 29.9 Static Pressure: 1 -1.5 Dry Molecular Weight: 1 30 Delta Ha: 1 1.7205 Pitot Coefficient: 0.84 Moisture Content: 0.01 *Optimum Nozzle: 0.2796 Selected Nozzle: 0.290 Multiplier: 1 7.2441 *Based on 32 cubic feet per test Page 49 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085658 Analytical Data Form Test for: APFOA/PFOA Plant DuPont fa etteville Ambient Temp(°F) 72 Impinger Vol. (ml) I Silica Gel Weight, (g) Location Fayetteville, NC Barometric Pressure(in. Hg) 29.90 Operator JM Assumed Moisture 1 Final 354.8 825.1 Date 6/21/2006 Probe length (ft) 4 Initial 300 801.6 Run 1 Probe Heater setting Diff. 54.8 23.5 Sample Box No. A-4 Nozzle Diameter (in.) 0.2900 Filter No. Meter Box No. Nozzle Area(ft^2) 0.000459 02 20.90 Meter AHa 1.7205 Leak rate (ft^3/min) .009 12 CO2 C Factor 1.0125 Static Pressure (in. H2O) -1.5 CO + N2 79.10 Pitot Cp 0.84 Stack Diameter (in) 33 As (ft^2) 5.94 Test Time(start/finish) 8:54:00 Stack Dimensions(in) L x W As (ft^2) Test Time (total) 240 Multiplier 7.244148 Traverse Points Stack Temp (Ts) I Velocity Head (in. H2O) (AP) Pressure Diff. Orifice (in. H2O) I (AH) I Dry Gas Volume (ft^3) I (Vm) Gas Sample Dry Gas Meter (°F) I Inlet I Outlet 5.962 1 84 0.44 3.19 94 79 2 84 0.43 3.11 102 82 3 84 0.40 2.90 103 85 4 84 0.40 2.90 103 86 5 84 0.40 2.90 103 87 6 84 0.41 2.97 103 87 7 84 0.22 1.59 102 88 8 85 0.12 0.87 101 88 9 84 0.10 0.72 101 88 10 85 0.09 0.65 101 88 11 84 0.07 0.51 101 88 12 84 0.07 0.51 94.048 101 88 1 85 0.09 0.65 94.153 91 85 2 85 0.09 0.65 97 85 3 86 0.12 0.87 98 87 4 86 0.14 1.01 99 87 5 87 0.17 1.23 100 85 6 87 0.27 1.96 100 85 7 87 0.38 2.75 102 91 8 88 0.39 2.83 101 90 9 88 0.40 2.90 101 91 10 88 0.41 2.97 101 91 11 88 0.41 2.97 101 91 12 88 0.40 2.90 188.234 101 91 Average Aver= age _ Average Average Average Ts(°R) AH (in. H20) Vm(ft^3) Tm(°R) 546 0.49 1.94 182.272 554 Page 50 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085659 Analytical Data Form Test for: APFOA/PFOA Plant DuPont fa etteville Ambient Temp(°F) 90 1 Impinger Vol. (ml) Silica Gel Weight, (g) Location Fayetteville, NC Barometric Pressure(in. Hg) 29.90 Operator JM Assumed Moisture 1 Final 362.7 910.3 Date 06/21/06 Probe length (ft) 4 Initial 300 875.3 Run 2 Probe Heater setting 0 Diff. 62.7 35.0 Sample Box No. A-4 Nozzle Diameter (in.) 0.2900 Filter No. Meter Box No. 0 Nozzle Area (ft^2) 0.000459 02 20.90 Meter AHa 1.7205 Leak rate (ft^3/min) , 0 1 Oft 12" CO2 C Factor 1.0125 Static Pressure (in. H2O) -1.5 CO + N2 79.10 Pitot Cp 0.84 Stack Diameter (in) 33 As (ft^2) 5.94 Test Time(start/finish) 14:35:00 Stack Dimensions(in) L x W As (ft^2) Test Time (total) 240 Multiplier 7.244148 Traverse Points Stack Temp (Ts) Velocity Head (in. H2O) I (AP) Pressure Diff. Orifice (in. H2O) I (A I Dry Gas Volume (ft^3) I (Vm) Gas Sample Dry Gas Meter (°F) i Inlet I Outlet 0 90.037 1 90 0.06 0.43 93 89 2 90 0.07 0.51 97 90 3 90 0.09 0.65 98 90 4 90 0.14 1.01 102 91 5 90 0.20 1.45 102 91 6 90 0.35 2.54 103 92 7 90 0.37 2.68 103 92 8 90 0.39 2.83 103 92 9 90 0.40 2.90 104 92 10 82 0.40 2.90 89 83 11 83 0.40 2.90 72 68 12 83 0.40 2.90 75 69 1 85 0.06 0.43 75 69 2 76 0.07 0.51 75 70 3 75 0.12 0.87 81 71 4 84 0.16 1.16 82 71 5 85 0.23 1.67 86 73 6 84 0.27 1.96 86 73 7 84 0.36 2.61 86 73 8 83 0.39 2.83 90 75 9 83 0.40 2.90 89 77 10 83 0.40 2.90 89 77 11 83 0.40 2.90 89 77 12 83 0.40 2.90 285.729 89 78 Average Ts(°R)AH Average1�1 Average (in. H2O) Average Vm(fiM Average Tm(°R) 545 0.50 1.97 195.692 545 Page 51 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085660 Analytical Data Form Project No. DuPont2006 Source: BEI Test for: APFOA/PFOA Plant DuPont fa etteville Ambient Temp(°F) 80 Impinger Vol. (ml) Silica Gel Weight, (g) Location Fayetteville, NC Barometric Pressure(in. Hg) 29.90 Operator JM Assumed Moisture 1 Final 362.8 824 Date 06/21/06 Probe length (ft) 4 Initial 300 791.2 Run 3 Probe Heater setting 0 Diff. 62.8 32.8 Sample Box No. A-4 Nozzle Diameter (in.) 0.294 Filter No. Meter Box No. 0 Nozzle Area(ft^2) 0,000471 02 20.90 Meter AHa 1.69 Leak rate (ft"3/min) .002 15 CO2 C Factor 1.0112 Static Pressure (in. H2O) -1.5 CO + N2 79.10 Pitot Cp 0.84 Stack Diameter (in) 33 As (ft^2) 5.94 Test Time(start/finish) 20:42:00 Stack Dimensions(in) L x W As (ft^2) Test Time (total) 240 Multiplier 7.22 Traverse Points I Stack Temp (Ts) Velocity Head (in. H2O) I (AP) Pressure Diff. Orifice (in. H2O) I (AH) Dry Gas Volume (ft^3) I (Vm) Gas Sample Dry Gas Meter (°F) I Inlet I Outlet 0 87.332 1 76 0.25 1.81 80 70 2 82 0.22 1.59 84 74 3 82 0.22 1.59 86 73 4 82 0.25 1.81 86 74 5 82 0.31 2.24 88 75 6 82 0.41 2.96 88 75 7 82 0.39 2.82 89 76 8 82 0.45 3.25 90 77 9 82 0.45 3.25 90 77 10 82 0.45 3.25 90 78 11 82 0.47 3.39 91 78 12 82 0.47 3.39 90 78 1 81 0.41 2.96 85 77 2 82 0.45 3.25 89 77 3 81 0.45 3.25 89 77 4 81 0.45 3.25 89 77 5 81 0.46 3.32 89 77 6 81 0.43 3.10 89 77 7 81 0.34 2.45 89 76 8 81 0.28 2.02 89 76 9 81 0.23 1.66 89 76 10 81 0.23 1.66 88 76 11 80 0.23 1.66 86 76 12 80 0.20 1.44 300.954 86 75 Average Ts(°R),_ Avera a Average AH (in. H2O) Average Vm(ft^3) Average Tm(°R) _ 541 0.59 2.56 213.622 542 Page 52 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085661 Project No. DuPont2UOO 8uu,no BE| Test for: APFOA/PFOA Traverse Stack Velocity Head I Pressure Diff. Dry Gas I Gas Sample , Points Temp (in. H20) I Orifice (in. H20) Volume (ftA 3)1 Dry, Gas Meter ('F) Multiplier 7.22 (Ts) (AP) (AH) (Vfn) Inlet I Ot let O 3.658 1 74 013 0.94 79 71 o 73 013 0.94 03 72 3 73 015 1.08 8* 72 4 73 017 123 84 73 5 75 0.25 1.81 85 73 0 73 0.45 325 86 73 7 74 0.47 3.88 84 73 8 74 0.48 3.47 85 74 S 74 0.48 3.47 85 74 10 75 0.50 8.61 OO 74 11 75 0.51 8�88 OO 75 12 75 0.51 3.68 85 75 1 72 014 1.01 rn 74 2 72 016 110 00 73 3 74 0.22 1.59 80 73 4 74 0.27 1.95 83 73 5 74 0.25 1.81 82 73 O 74 0.30 217 02 73 T 74 0.48 2.89 m 73 O 74 0.42 3.03 83 73 9 74 0.42 303 OO 73 10 74 0.43 3.10 83 73 11 75 0.43 3.10 83 73 12 74 0.46 3.32 211�001 83 73 Average Average Average Average Average Page 53 ofl26 v ^ Project mo.ouPont2ooa Source: BE| Test for: APFOA/PFOA DuPont fayetteville Ambient Tempff) 75 Impinger Silica Gel Sample Box No. �A-4 Nozzle Diameter (in.) 0.294 Filter No. Pilot Cp 0.84 Stack Diameter (in) 33 As (ftA 2) 5.94 Multiplier 7.22 Traverse Points Stack Temp Velocity Head (in. H20) 'Pressure Diff. Orifice (in. H20) I Dr, Gas Volu 'T e (fft--3)1 GasSample Dry Gas Meter (*F) u n��o 1 74 0.13 0.84 0 08 2 rS 0.15 1.08 76 OS 3 79 018 1.30 78 88 4 79 0.23 1/66 80 0 o 78 027 1.95 01 71 6 79 0.32 2.31 81 71 7 79 0.39 2.82 80 71 8 DO 0.42 3.05 04 72 S DO 0.42 3.03 84 73 10 88 0.43 8.10 85 74 11 81 0.43 310 85 74 12 81 0.41 2.90 86 75 1 81 010 1.30 87 75 2 81 017 123 88 75 3 81 022 1.59 80 77 4 01 0.25 1.01 SO 77 5 82 0.27 1.95 81 79 0 Ou 029 2.09 92 OO 7 03 0.30 2.60 92 80 0 03 0.39 2.82 92 80 9 83 0.39 2.82 81 81 10 83 0.39 2.02 81 82 11 83 0.38 2.82 92 82 12 83 039 2.82 217.482 92 82 Page 54^f126 0 Analytical Data Form RAMCON Environmental Corporation Emissions Calculations Test Date : 06/21/06 Project: DuPont2006 Source Name: BEI Run: 1 Test For: APFOA/PFOA Reference Method 2 Calculations Average Stack Velocity T s Vs = 85.49 Cp APavg P s M s 28.16 ft/sec Actual Flow Rate Qa = Vs As 60 10,036 ACFM Average Stack Volumetric Flow Rate Qsd = 3600 [1 - Bws] Vs A I TstdIr Ps l Tstk JJ L Pstd J 567,905.7 dscf/hr :rence Method 3 Calculations Molecular Weight, Dry Md = 0.44 (%CO2) + 0.32 (%02) + 0.28 (%CO + °/.N2) 28.84 lb/lb-mole Molecular Weight, Wet Ms = Md (1 - Bws) + 18 (Bws) 28.62 lb/lb-mole Reference Method 4 Calculations Sample volume, Standard Conditions o R Pbar + off Vm(std) = 17.64 Y Vm 13.6 H g Tm 176.54 dscf Water Vapor Volume Collected Vwc(std) = 0.04707 [V f - V i] 2.6 ft^3/ml Water Vapor Volume Collected Vwsg(std) = 0.04715 [Wf - WiJ 1.1 ft^3/g Moisture Volume Fraction of Stack Gas _ Vwc(std) + Vwsg(std) Bws - I Vwc(std) + Vwsg(std) + Vm(std) 0.0205 Reference Method 5 Calculations Percent Isokinetic (-YiVm(0.002669) (Vic) + Tm (Pbar + 4H / 13.6) I = 100 Ts - 100.6 % 60 B Vs Ps An Concentration r Cs = 10.0154 gr ] [Vm(std)] Mn mg APFO 0.00002374 gr/dscf Mass Emission Rate E _ r (Cs) (Qsd) ] PFOA 0.00002278 gr/dscf L7,000 gr / dscf APFO 0.001926 PFOA 0.0018481 Ib/hr Filter Cond. Cond. Total Page 55 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085664 10 Analytical Data Form RAMCON Environmental Corporation Emissions Calculations Test Date : 06/21/06 Project : DuPont2006 Source Name: BEI Run: 2 Test For: APFOA/PFOA erence Method 2 Calculations Average Stack Velocity V s = 8 5.49 C p A P av g T s 28.73 ft/sec Ps Ms Actual Flow Rate Qa = Vs As 60 10,239 ACFM Average Stack Volumetric Flow Rate I Tstd [ PsQsd = 3600 [1 - Bws Vs A L J Tstk Pstd 578,508.5 dscf/hr !rence Method 3 Calculations Molecular Weight, Dry Md = 0.44 (0/cCO2) + 0.32 (1/602) + 0.28 (°/dCO + 0/.N2) 28.84 Ib/Ib-mole Molecular Weight, Wet Ms = Md. (1 - Bws) + 18 (Bws) 28.58 Ib/Ib-mole rrence Method 4 Calculations Sample volume, Standard Conditions Pbar + AH Vm(std) = 17.64 -TM 192.682 dscf Y Vm 13.6 g Water Vapor Volume Collected Vwc(std) = 0.04707 [V f - V i] 3.0 ft^3/ml Water Vapor Volume Collected Vwsg(std) = 0.04715 {Wf - Wil 1.7 ft^3/g Moisture Volume Fraction of Stack Gas Bws _ Vwc(std) + Vwsg(std) I Vwc(std) + Vwsg(std) + Vm(std) 0.0238 rence Method 5 Calculations Percent Isokinetic (0.002669) (Vic) + rYi Vml (Pbar + AH/13.6) I = 100 Ts ll Tm ) 60 0 Vs Ps An 107.7 % Concentration r( 1 [Vm(std)] Cs=I0.0154grJMnmgJ APFO 0.00005125 gr/dscf Mass Emission Rate r E (Cs) (Qsd) ] PFOA 0.00004918 gr/dscf L 7,000 gr / dscf APFO 0.00423551b/hr PFOA 0.0040644lb/hr Fitter Cond_ Cond_ Total ng ng/L ng ng APFO 385000 418000 202562.8 587518.7 PFOA 370000 400000 193840 563797.6 Cond. Tare Final Net 65.4 550 484.6 Page 56 of 126 DEQ-CFW 00085665