HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00074962DEQ-CFW 00074962 WESTBROOK ASR PROJECT PLAN TO REMOVE AQUIFER INJECTED WATER DRAFT Cape Fear Public Utility Authority 235 Government Center Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 August 22, 2017 CATLIN Project No. 217081 Cape fear Prepared By: CAT LIN Engineen; and Scientists 220 Old Dairy Road Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 452-5861 CORPORATE LICENSURE NO. FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES C-0585 CORPORATE GEOLOGY LICENSE NO. C-118 DEQ-CFW-00074963 'aww""Ik ae M WESTBROOK ASR PROJECT PLAN TO REMOVE AQUIFER INJECTED WATER WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA DRAFT AUGUST 22, 2017 PREPARED FOR: CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY 235 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE WILMINGTON, NC 28403 CATLIN PROJECT NO.217081 PREPARED BY: CATLIN ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS P.O. BOX 10279 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28404-0279 (910) 452-5861 sF-4iE O L7 344f f rrllrrllrrVr, DEQ-CFW 00074964 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 GENX RECOVERY PLAN SUMMARY 1 2.0 AQUIFER PUMPING AND DISCHARGE PLAN 1 2 3.0 GENX PLUME DELINEATION PLAN 2 4.0 SAMPLING PLANS 3 5.0 DATA ANALYSIS PLAN 5 FIGURES FIGURE 1 WESTBROOKASR PROJECT ALGORITHM TO REMOVE AQUIFER INJECTED WATER FIGURE 2 WESTBOOK ASR DISCHARGE ROUTE FIGURE 3 EXISTING SAMPLING WELL LOCATIONSIDATA AND FOUR PROPOSED NEW MONITORING WELLS (MW-11, MW-12, MW-13, AND MW-14) FIGURE 4 MAP OF EXISTING PAST HYDROGEOLOGIC CROS"ECTION A A' AND SOME FUTURE CROSS -SECTIONS WHEN RECOVERY PUMPING BEGINS FIGURE 5 CROSS-SECTION OF MONITORING WELLS AND DRAW DOWN LEVELSAFTER APPROXIMATELY 20 DAYS OF 550 GPM WITHDRAWL FROM ASR-1 (OCTOBER 24, 2016 TO NOVEMBER 12, 2016) CFPUA; 217081_Praliminary P101mt Plan Draft CATLIN Englnaers and Sclendsts CATUN ProjaCt No. 217081 August 2017 DEQ-CFW 00074965 DRAFT WESTBROOK ASR PROJECT PLAN TO REMOVE AQUIFER INJECTED WATER WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA August 22, 2017 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 GENX RECOVERY PLAN SUMMARY From past cycles of Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA) treated water injection from the Cape Fear River for storage into the upper Peedee aquifer and past removal of water storage, there is an estimated volume of 48.811 million gallons (MG) of remaining injected water in the upper Peedee aquifer in the area of Aquifer Storage Recovery Well #1(ASR1). The project plan is to pump 500 Gallons Per Minute (GPM) from ASR1 until at least 50 MG has been removed from the aquifer. Based on planned monitoring well sampling activities and radius of recovery drawdown evaluation, the required removal plan may exceed the injected, treated water volume. The first step has been the design and analysis of piping from the ASR1 recovery well to the Northside Waste Water Treatment Plant. The second step has been to obtain approval to pump the recovered aquifer water to the sewage treatment system. The discharge has been approved and construction of the pipeline connection will be underway soon. Before the recovery begins, sampling of available monitoring wells and selected deep irrigation wells for GenX is planned. in addition to the existing sampling wells, four new monitoring wells are planned east, northeast and southeast of ASR1. All of these wells will be measured for static water levels and sampled for GenX concentrations. This data will help estimate the radius of GenX in the upper Peedee aquifer and based on the past drawdown radius data from previous pump tests, the volume of recoverable water with GenX concentrations will be estimated and used to determine if an additional volume above 50 MG needs to be recovered. This total volume divided by the daily recovery rate from ASR1 will establish the plan for the minimum Pumping duration as well as monitoring and sampling schedules. Once the recovery from ASR1 begins, maintenance, monitoring and sampling will be performed in compliance with the scheduled plan. When the aquifer recovery plan is complete, data will be assessed to determine if additional recovery plans are necessary. A summary of data and a report of completion of the planned volume recovery will be submitted. If additional CFPt/A; 217081 Piellm/nary Project Plan Draft CATUN Engineers and Scientists CATUN Project No. NMI � August 2017 DEQ-CFW 00074966 testing is necessary or more aquifer recovery is required, recommendations for additional activities will also be submitted to CFPUA. Figure 1 shows the Westbrook ASR Project Algorithm to Remove Aquifer Injected Water. 2.0 AQUIFER PUMPING AND DISCHARGE PLAN ASR1 was the well used for past injection and recovery and will now be used for pumping to recover the last 48.811 MG of injected, treated water. The as -built data for ASR1 shows that it is 188 feet deep and is screened in the upper Peedee aquifer from approximately 150 feet to 188 feet. The well is cased and sealed with bentonite-cement from a depth of 150 feet to the surface level. Past pumping data shows that ASR1 has been pumped at over 1,028 GPM during a 24-hour test, but for discharge safety, our plan is to continuously pump ASR1 at 500 GPM. Our discharge request into the Northside Waste Water Treatment Plant was applied at a flow of 500 GPM to assure that discharge does not exceed the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) established limit of 140 Parts Per Trillion (PPT) of GenX. Recovered aquifer water at ASR1 will be tested every week to evaluate discharge compliance. To connect ASR1 to the sewer system, the CFPUA has designed a temporary pipeline to safely connect to an existing 16" sewage force main pipeline on Military Cutoff Road. The Westbrook ASR Discharge Route is attached as Figure 2. Additionally, the discharge pipe design has a Reduced Pressure Zone (RPZ) valve device near the recovery well and a check valve at the connection to the 16" pipeline to ensure that if ASR1 is shut down, no sewage can backflow to the well. Construction of the temporary discharge pipe is estimated to begin in August, 2017 and finish construction to start pumping in September, 2017. 3.0 GENX PLUME DELINEATION PLAN Prior to starting the ASR1 recovery pump, existing CFPUA monitoring wells screened in the upper Peedee aquifer will be sampled. Additional plume delineation data will include the recent samples of the George Page supply well and Wrightsville Beach water supply well #11 (WB well #11). Based on the GenX concentrations found in WS well #11 and the lack of monitoring wells between WB well #11 and ASR1, four new wells are planned to be installed in the near future. These wells will also be screened in the upper Peedee aquifer and sampled prior to recovery. West and northwest of ASR1 are two irrigation wells screened in the upper Peedee aquifer. The owners have agreed to allow sampling of these irrigation wells. The map of all existing CFPUA monitoring wells, proposed new monitoring wells, WB well #11, the George Page private supply well and the two irrigation wells is CFPUA; 21708i_Preriminary ProJoct Plan Draft CATUN Engineers and Scientists CA TUN Protect No. 2f7011 2 August 2017 DEQ-CFW 00074967 attached as Figure 3. The two goals of the pre -aquifer recovery plan for well sampling are to measure the static water levels for the evaluation of aquifer drawdowns during aquifer recovery and to determine the GenX concentrations prior to beginning aquifer remediation. The GenX concentrations will be contoured in order to: A. Delineate and calculate the area of GenX to determine the volume of water in the upper Peedee aquifer that needs to be recovered. This volume may exceed the injected amount of treated water. B. Based on the estimated radius of GenX that is present in the aquifer, the sampling plan will be updated. Additional well construction requirements will also be evaluated. C. The New Hanover County Health Department has been requested to provide information of any permitted water supply wells in the area around ASR1. When these locations and depths are received and the GenX plume contours have been estimated, we will determine if any more water supply wells need to be tested during aquifer remediation. We will then contact the owners and request permission to sample their wells. 4.0 SAMPLING PLANS Data for the initial GenX plume estimate will be evaluated from the following well sampling plan: The depth to static water level will be measured at each monitoring well prior to sampling. This will also be measured before any future sampling during recovery pumping to determine aquifer drawdown levels. Static water level in the irrigation wells and permitted supply wells will unlikely be able to be measured. Based on the water level, the well depth and well diameter, a minimum of three volumes will be purged from the well prior to sampling. To determine the volume of water to be removed from each monitoring well prior to sampling, use the following calculations for three volumes to be removed. 2" diameter well = (depth of well - depth to water table) x 0.1633 gal, x 3 = purge gallons 4' diameter well = (depth of well - depth to water table) x o.6531 gal. x 3 = purge gallons WB 11 10" diameter well = (depth of well - depth to water table) x 4.0816 gat. x 3 = purge gallons During recovery activities the three volume gallons to be purged will decrease as drawdown occurs. For the irrigation wells and supply wells to be sampled that do not have access to measure depth to water level, we will CFPUA; 2l7081_Prellminary Pm%cf Plan Drag CA TUN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Pmject No. 217081 3 August 2017 DEQ-CFW 00074968 assume the static water levels from the pre -pump cross sections to insure adequate purging. Purged water will be stored in a mobile tank and after sampling of the well is complete the tank will be discharged safely into a nearby sewage manhole. The Wrightsville Beach Well #11 purge water will be pumped to their storage tank. C. A submersible pump will be necessary to purge and sample monitoring wells MW-9, MW-10, MWA 1, MW-12, MW-13 and MW-14. The other wells to sample have existing pumps. D. Sampling —As previously mentioned, wells will be purged at least three well volumes of water utilizing a submersible pump and tubing. Once three well volumes are removed, the wells will be sampled by pumping aquifer water directly from the well into laboratory provided bottles. For each groundwater sample collected, three (3) 250 mL plastic bottles will be filled with water pumped directly from the well. The plastic bottles contain 5 grams/L of Trizma which serves as a buffering agent to remove free chlorine that may be present in the sample. The samples will be shipped on ice under proper chain -of -custody procedures to Eurofins Eaton Analytical, 110 South Hill Street, South Bend, IN 46617. The samples will be analyzed for the GenX compound per EPA Method 537 v1.1. E. A list of the pre -recovery sampling wells and the planned sampling order is shown below. ) Recently sampled with existing pump Well ��G..rg-%ge Recently sampled with existing pump MW-2 Recently sampled with temporary pump L ASR1 _ Recently sampled with existing recoverypump MW-10 Sample with new pump MW-13 Sample with new pump MW-14 Sample with new pump MW-11 Sample with new pump _ MW-12 _ ^ Sample with new pump MW-9 Sample with new pump MW-5 Sample with existing pump MW-7 Sample with existing pump Irrigation Well —11B Sample with existing pump Irrigation Well — 9B Sample with existing ourrno F. Based on the initial GenX laboratory data, we will contour the estimated CFPUA; 217081_Pre/lminary Project plan Draft CATLIN EngJnaers and Scientists CATLIN PioJQO No. 217081 4 August 2017 DEQ-CFW 00074969 GenX contaminant plume and use this to determine future sampling wells during and after aquifer recovery pumping. The information that is pending from the New Hanover County Health Department may also add sampling for Private supply wells in the plume area. G. Future drawdown data measurement and GenX sampling after aquifer recovery begins: 1) When pumping the recovery well foraquifer remediation, ASR1 will be sampled once per week to evaluate GenX discharge concentrations to the Northside Wastewater Treatment plant. Each week the water level transducer will also be recorded. 2) During the first month of aquifer recovery, WB well #11 weekly water levels will be recorded and this data will be provided by Wrightsville Beach staff. 3) During the first month of aquifer recovery, all available monitoring well's depth to water will be measured each week to provide aquifer drawdown changes, stabilization data and the potential radius of recovery. 4) If the pre -recovery GenX contour evaluation requires new monitoring wells, they will be installed during the aquifer recovery pumping as soon as possible. 5) All wells planned for future sampling will be sampled for GenX at the end of the first month of aquifer recovery and each following month during recovery. Depth to water will also be measured in these wells once per month after the first four weeks of measurements. 6) When pumping of ASR1 has reached the estimated recovery water volume and has been turned off, selected wells will be measured the first and second week. The monitoring wells previously tested during recovery will also be sampled for GenX on the second week. 7) Once all of the above stated measurements and data is obtained, it will be evaluated to determine if the project can be deemed "complete" or if additional aquifer recovery is necessary. 5.0 DATA ANALYSIS PLAN A) Update the recovery and monitoring plan after the initial GenX concentrations have been evaluated prior to the beginning of aquifer recovery pumping. CFPUA; 217091_Pierimrnary Pr%ct Pran_praft CATLIN Engineers and Sclentlsts CATLIN RoJect No. 2170e1 5 August 2017 DEQ-CFW 00074970 1) Map the pre -recovered radius of GenX concentrations. 2) Calculate upper Peedee volumes in the plume radius. 3) Determine necessary volume recovery duration at 500 GPM. 4) Determine the need for additional monitoring wells. 5) Summarize the proposed modified well sampling plan and schedules for monitoring during aquifer recovery. Hydrogeologic plan to evaluate aquifer recovery data: 1) Prior to aquifer recovery, prepare hydrogeologic cross -sections from existing and new monitoring wells with as -built data and pre -recovery static water levels_ 2) When recovery begins, update cross-section drawdown levels from each well during the first month of pumping at 500 GPM to estimate the radius of recovery. If the GenX plume exceeds the radius of recovery, adjust the initial volume recovery duration calculation to the maximum recovery radius diameter. 3) Update each cross-section after the following monthly measurement data is obtained to evaluate hydrogeologic stability and possible impacts from other pumping wells. 4) Figure 4 shows potential cross-section locations. 5) Figure 5 shows the cross-section of A -A'. This cross-section has the geologic data from the existing ASR monitoring wells and the past drawdown levels after approximately 20 days of 550 GPM withdrawal from ASR1, pumped from October 24, 2016 to November 12, 2016. This cross-section is an example of the other hydrogeologic cross - sections that will be evaluated when data is obtained before and during aquifer pumping. 6) After the ASR1 recovery pump is turned off, the plan is to measure the depth to water table in all monitoring wells the first and second week after pumping stops to obtain hydrogeology information on the rate of static water level restoration. C) GenX Recovery Analysis Plan The weekly sampling data from the ASR1 recovery well will be charted to determine GenX concentrations during aquifer drawdown and concentration changes as recovery continues. Monthly monitoring well sampling data before, during and after the planned recovery schedule, will be contoured to determine the areas CFPUA; 217081_Flip eliminary Project Plan_Draft CATlJN Englnears and Scientits s CATLIN Project No. 217081 8 August 2017 DEQ-CFW 00074971 of GenX concentration changes. This data will be used to determine recovery success or the need for additional recovery plans. To evaluate remediation success or additional recovery needs, the future GenX aquifer concentration environmental standards will continue to be researched. D) A summary report of all data will be prepared and submitted to the CFPUA after the end of this recovery plan. All data, plume contour maps, cross - sections, lab analysis and measurements will be Included in the report. if additional remediation is necessary, preliminary remediation/recovery recommendations will be included in the report. CC t" 217081_Prepminary Project Plan Draft CATLN Engineers and Scientists CATf IN Project N0. 217081 7 August 2017 DEQ-CFW 00074972 FIGURES CFPUA; 217081 Piellm/nary project p/an_prafr CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Project No. 217081 August toff DEQ-CFW 00074973 DEQ-CFW 00074974 DEQ-CFW 00074976 •� q, O 9 O OO�Qo�� - AS o - ��,, _._ 11 ,TVeUms� FUTURE CROSSSECTION� (IWM- CIO q4�� !y`AAHRz (,BCJ,z•oial -..-- .. I� -`C/ 611 t ';a(ma0i,t MW,T 11t9•N"Ola)(SCRtW.BT.. a • :4 (]SR D .I ' ASRi (,1MYI2^ We.) s�p•� CTION �� (jFUTURE CRO55SE T/h �D.) EXISTING CROSS-SECTION ®8tpipl We0I1TS'1 Y OP f, AW V / . U[1� i AVE _ 9p� - LEGEND � ;•� — --- — -- -- — — IRRIGATION WELL MONITORING WELL —y _ AQUIFER STORAOEIRECOYERY WELL ® SUPPLY WELL CROSS SECTION A -A' 1 1 6•'Q`- r (CL�hit✓ 1 \ . • I -. CRDSSSECTcNB-s. 'ram CROSS SECTION C. C' —_ CROSSSlCT10ND-D' CATLIN ' i E,gima��mm seee CFPUA AGUIFER 44P OF EXISTING PAST HYDROGEOLOOIC -- — nu � d WTTNOMwAL OF G�INC CROSS SECTfON A-W AND SOME FUTURE CROSSSECTIONS YAIEN RECOVERY PUMPING BEGINS F41 i 2OMI n�AIgWT 2.1 As fNDIw " , w DEQ-CFW 00074977 .. ......... . 20' ... ... .... ol CONTOUR FROM MONITORih'G Y/ELLS DATA FOR DRAW GMRCMAOUIF� COW4 WITHDRAWAL FROM ASR-, SURMCCAL �U�m -201 ahSYL9 mwa/4"nzR ............................... ....... .. ........... tFP®S➢EEpEE.CW'WNq maAym. -100' -120' UMESroNE ....-UFMPEEAERAWIFFR. -14V CROSS SECTION A - X HORIZONTAL SCALE 1-.20o- C A '- OR�A UCI RE -ZCATLINTR".1.6wa"N:tt:zO—n's mMj;,z .15T