HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00074839SETAC PRESS Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 196-204, 2003 © 2003 SETAC Printed in the USA 0730-7268/03 $12.00 + .00 BIOCONCENTRATION AND TISSUE DISTRIBUTION OF PERFLUORINATED ACIDS IN RAINBOW TROUT (ONCORHYNCHUS MYKISS) JONATHAN W. MARTIN,*t SCOTT A. MABURY,'* KEITH R. SOLOMON, f and DEREK C.G. MUIR§ tUnvversity of Guelph, Department of Environmental Biology, Bovey Building, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1, Canada *University of Toronto, Department of Chemistry, 80 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario MSS 3H6, Canada §Environment Canada, National Water Research Institute, 867 Lakeshore Road, Burlington, Ontario L7R 4A6 (Received 30 January 2002; Accepted 5 July 2002) Abstract —Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were exposed simultaneously to a homologous series of perfluoroalkyl carboxylates and sulfonates in a flow -through system to determine compound -specific tissue distribution and bioconcentration parameters for perfluorinated acids (PFAs). In general, PFAs accumulated to the greatest extent in blood > kidney > liver > gall bladder. Carboxylates and sulfonates with perfluoroalkyl chain lengths shorter than seven and six carbons, respectively, could not be detected in most tissues and were considered to have insignificant bioconcentration factors (BCFs). For detectable PFAs, carcass BCFs increased with increasing length of the perfluoroalkyl chain, ranging from 4.0 to 23,000, based on wet weight concentrations. Carboxylate carcass BCFs increased by a factor of eight for each additional carbon in the perfluoroalkyl chain between 8 and 12 carbons, but this relationship deviated from linearity for the longest PFA tested, possibly because of decreased gill permeability. In general, half-lives (3.9-28 d) and uptake rates (0.053-1,700 L/kg/d) also increased with increasing length of the perfluoroalkyl chain in all tissues. Sulfonates had greater BCFs, half-lives, and rates of uptake than the corresponding carboxylate of equal perfluoroalkyl chain length, indicating that hydrophobicity, as predicted by the critical micelle concentration, is not the only determinant of PFA bioaccumulation potential and that the acid function must be considered. Keywords—Bioaccumulation Fish Perfluorinated acid Perfluorooctane sulfonate Surfactants INTRODUCTION Perfluorinated acids (PFAs) are a class of anionic fluori- nated surfactants characterized by a perfluoroalkyl chain and a sulfonate or carboxylate solubilizing group. Perfluorinated acids have been used increasingly over the past 20 years be- cause of their temperature and chemical stability, lipophobic- ity, and effectiveness as surfactants at low concentrations [1]. The total production of fluorinated surfactants (anionics, ca- tionics, and neutrals) was 200 t in 1979 [1], whereas in 2000, the total production of one PFA, perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), was nearly 3,000 t [2], Although this production vol- ume represents only a small fraction of total surfactant man- ufacturing (i.e., <<0.01%) [2,3], PFOS recently emerged as a global contaminant after its detection in humans and wildlife from various geographic locations. By using liquid chromatography —tandem mass spectrom- etry (LC -MS -MS) [4,5], human serum was found to contain ng/ml concentrations of PFOS, perfluorchexane sulfonate (PFHxS), perfluorooctanoate (PFOA), and perfluorooctane sul- fonylamide [5]. Soon thereafter, wildlife samples collected in various global locations also were observed to contain PFOS [6,7], and organisms consuming fish, such as predatory birds and mink, contained greater concentrations of PFOS than their food sources [6,8]. The wide distribution of PFAs in the en- vironment, despite low production volumes, is largely a result of recalcitrance to biotic and abiotic degradation mechanisms [9). Furthermore, atmospheric transport of PFAs may be ac- To whom correspondence may be addressed omartin@chem.utoronto.ca). The current address of J.W. Martin is Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto, 80 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3H6, Canada. 196 commodated through recently detected transient volatile de- rivatives [10], and direct atmospheric emission of perfluo- roalkyl carboxylates (C3-C14) occurs through thermolysis of polytetrafluoroethylene [11]. Because of concerns regarding their ubiquitous distribution in humans and wildlife, as well as their environmental persistence, the main manufacturer of PFAs currently is phasing out the production of long -chain perfluorinated acids [2). Dietary exposure of fish to PFAs does not result in bio- magnification [12]; however, the major uptake route for wa- terborne xenobiotics in fish is directly across the gills [13], and direct uptake of chemicals from water (i.e., bioconcentra- tion) is probably much more important than accumulation from food (i.e., biomagnification) [14]. Many hydrocarbon surfac- tants are known to bioconcentrate in fish [3,15-19], and the European Economic Community has even adopted surface ac- tivity as an indicator of a compound's bioconcentration po- tential [20]. The predictably low Henry's law constant for PFAs indicates that they will accumulate in the aquatic environment [21,22], making fish a relevant test organism for PFA bioac- cumulation testing. Under field conditions, fish collected downstream of a fire -fighting foam spill contained higher con- centrations of several PFAs than fish collected upstream [23]. We describe here the results of a tissue distribution and bioconcentration study with rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus my - kiss) exposed simultaneously to a suite of perfluoroalkyl car- boxylates and sulfonates of varying fluorinated chain lengths in a flow -through aqueous exposure. We report compound - specific bioaccumulation parameters determined by liquid chromatography —tandem mass spectrometry (LC -MS -MS), and discuss their relation to physicochemical properties and structure. DEQ-CFW 00074839 Bioconcentration and tissue distribution of PFAs Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 22, 2003 197 MATERIALS AND METHODS Standards and reagents Standards of potassium perfluorobutane sulfonate (PFBS), potassium PFHxS (99.9%), and potassium PFOS (86.4%) were provided by the 3M Company (St. Paul, MN, USA). Standards of perfluoropentanoic acid (97%), perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA, 99%), PFOA (981/o), perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA, 970/6), perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA, 981/6), perfluorounde- canoic acid (950/6), perfluorododecanoic acid (PFDoA, 950/6), and perfluorotetradecanoic acid (PFTA, 97%) were purchased from Sigma -Aldrich (Oakville, ON, Canada), and perfluoroh- exanoic acid (95%) was obtained from Oakwood Research Chemicals (West Columbia, SC, USA). Ammonium acetate (98%) and tetrabutylammonium hydrogensulfate were pur- chased from Sigma -Aldrich, anhydrous sodium carbonate (99.8%) was purchased from J.T. Baker (Phillipsburg, NJ, USA), and methyl-tert-butyl ether (99.5%) was purchased from EM Science (Gibbsburg, NJ, USA). Fish rearing Rainbow trout were purchased from Rainbow Springs (Tha- mesford, ON, Canada) and were allowed to acclimate to lab- oratory conditions for two weeks before exposure. Carbon - filtered and dechlorinated water (with Na2S03) was maintained at 12°C, and a 12-h photoperiod was used. Fish were fed daily at a rate of 1.5% body weight per day, corrected for growth throughout the experiment. Trout feed was purchased from Martin Mills (Tavistock, ON, Canada). Stock perfluorinated acid solution preparation A stock solution containing all the test compounds was produced by first dissolving PFAs in a small amount of meth- anol, which subsequently was dissolved in 30 L of reverse - osmosis laboratory water. The resulting solution was contained in a polypropylene container and was stirred for 3 d before the beginning of the experiment. After allowing the solution to settle for several hours, some of the test compounds had not completely dissolved, based on the appearance of a white solid at the surface of the solution. This material was removed by filtering the entire solution through glass (GF/C) microfiber filters (Whatman, Kent, UK). The resulting solution was used for exposure and was constantly stirred while being delivered to exposure tanks. Bioconcentration exposure Juvenile rainbow trout (5-10 g) were exposed to a 1,000- fold dilution of the stock PFA solution in a flow -through ex- posure design for 12 d, followed by 33 d of depuration in clean water. Two days before the initial exposure, fish were trans- ferred to glass aquaria lined with polypropylene bags. Per - fluorinated acids have been reported to bind to glass surfaces [5], and the plastic bags were used as a precaution to minimize equilibration time after introduction of the test compounds. Initial biomass loading was 8 g/L in the exposure tank, and 2.5 g/L in the control tank. Fish growth was monitored by weighing the total biomass every 2 to 3 d throughout the course of the experiment. Dilution water was gravity fed to each aquarium at 500 ml/ min, and a peristaltic pump delivered the stirred stock solution into the dilution stream of the treatment tank at 0.5 ml/min. At time 0 of the exposure, an initial volume of the stock solution (45 ml) was added to the exposure aquarium (45 L) to immediately achieve the desired exposure concentration. Three fish from the exposure tank and one from the control tank were sampled at each predetermined interval during the uptake phase of the experiment (4.5, 9, 18, 36, 72, 144, and 288 h). At 288 h, the remaining fish were transferred to new aquaria receiving clean water at 3 L/min. Extra care was taken to reduce contamination of the depuration phase tanks by al- lowing the fish to depurate for 5 min in a pail containing clean dilution water, and then transferring the fish by net to the depuration tanks. During the depuration phase, three fish from the treatment tank and one from the control tank were sampled at each time interval (4.5, 9, 18, 36, 72, 144, 288, 456, and 792 h).' During the uptake phase, water samples (1 L) were collected below the surface in polypropylene bottles at 0.25, 4.5, 12, 18, 36, 72, 144, 197, 244, and 288 h. Water samples were also collected at 48 and 96 h of the depuration phase from both tanks to check for contamination. Sampled fish were anesthetized with MS-222, a blood sam- ple (50-200 µl) was drawn, and fish were subsequently killed by a blow to the head and cervical dislocation. An incision was made along the ventral surface from the anus to the gills, and the entire liver was removed for analysis. The gut, con- sisting of esophagus, stomach, pyloric ceca, spleen, and in- testines, was removed but not analyzed. The blood, liver, and carcass samples were analyzed separately for PFAs at each sampling time to determine the kinetics of uptake and depu- ration. Tissue distribution exposure Four immature rainbow trout (30-48 g) were exposed in a separate tank under the same uptake conditions as bioconcen- tration fish. On day 12, three fish were randomly sampled and anesthetized with MS-222. Blood samples were immediately drawn and the fish were euthanized by a blow to the head and cervical dislocation. Fish were subsequently dissected to sep- arate and remove the spleen, heart, liver, gall bladder, gonads, gills (bones removed), adipose tissue (separated from pyloric ceca), gut (including esophagus, stomach, intestine, and py- loric ceca), and kidney. A small sample of white muscle was also removed adjacent to the dorsal fin of each fish and sep- arated from the skin. Analysis of perfluorinated acids by liquid chromatography -tandem mass spectrometry Liver and blood samples were homogenized in 15-ml plastic (polypropylene copolymer) centrifuge tubes containing 3 ml of Na2CO3 (0.25 M), 1 ml of water, 1 ml of the ion -pairing agent tetrabutylammonium hydrogensulfate (0.5 M adjusted to pH 10) [5], and 100 µl (25 ng) of the internal standard, PFNA. Carcass samples were first reduced to a fine powder by using a mortar and pestle with liquid nitrogen, and subsequently were homogenized in 50-ml plastic centrifuge tubes containing 10 to 20 ml of NaZC03. An exact quantity (2-4 g) of the ho- mogenate was then transferred to a separate centrifuge tube containing 1 ml of water, 1 ml of tetrabutylammonium hydro- gensulfate, and 100 µl of PFNA. The resulting homogenates were ektracted with 5 ml of methyl-tert-butyl ether by shaking vigorously for 10 min, fol- lowed by centrifugation to isolate the organic phase. The meth- yl -tent -butyl ether supernatant was collected in a separate plas- tic tube, and this extraction process was repeated once more, combining the supernatants. The methyl-tert-butyl ether was blown to dryness under high -purity nitrogen gas, and the an- alytes were taken up in 1 to 2 ml of 50:50 (v/v) water:methanol DEQ-CFW 00074840 198 Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 22, 2003 J.W. Martin et al. Table 1. Test compound acronym, structure, ion transition monitored, and mean aqueous exposure concentration ± 1 relative standard deviation (RSD) Ion transition Waterbome monitored by concentration Test compound Acronym Structure LC-MS-MS1 (µg/L) ± RSD (%) Perfluorocarboxylates Perfluoropentanoic acid PFPA CF3(CF,)3CO,H 263 —) 219 1.7 ± 11 Perfluorohexanoic acid PFHxA CF3(CF,),CO,H 313 269 1.7 ± 10 Perfluoroheptanoic acid PFHpA CF3(CF,)SCO,H 363 319 1.6 ± 12 Perflu0000ctanoic acid PFOA CF3(CF,)6COZH 413 —4 369 1.5 ± 13 Perfluorodecanoic acid PFDA CF3(CF2)gCO2H 513 —4 469 0.71 ± 24 Perfluoroundecanoic acid PFUnA CF3(CF3),CO,H 563 519 0.48 ± 26 Perfluorododecanoic acid PFDoA CF3(CF2),aCO2H 613 569 0.20 ± 30 Perfluorotetradecanoic acid PFTA CF3(CF2)12CO2H 713 —) 669 0.014 ± 30 Perfluorosulfonates Perfluorobutane sulfonic acid PFBS CF3(CF2)3S03H 299 99 1.4 ± 10 Perfluorohexane sulfonic acid PFHxS CF3(CF2)SS03H 399 99 1.4 ± 11 Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid PFOS CF3(CF2),S03H 499 -) 99 0.35 ± 26 , LC -MS -MS = liquid chromatography —tandem mass spectrometry. by vortexing for 30 s. The solution was then filtered through 0.2-µm nylon filters into polypropylene vials for analysis. Direct analysis of uptake phase water samples was possible for all PFAs except for PFDoA and PFTA, which were below the limit of detection (-0.4 µg/L). For direct analysis, 1-L samples were shaken vigorously and 1 ml was withdrawn from below the surface of each with a polypropylene syringe. These subsamples were then filtered through 0.2-µm nylon filters into polypropylene shell vials for analysis. These samples were analyzed without PFNA, and instead used external standards and quantitation by standard curve analysis. To determine PFDoA and PFTA uptake concentrations (36, 72, and 197 h), and to check for PFA contamination of depuration water, 25 ml of each water sample was removed and filtered (0.2-µm nylon) into a 50-ml plastic centrifuge tube containing 0.6 g of Na2CO31 I g of tetrabutylammonium hydrogensulfate, and 100 µl of PFNA. Perfluorinated acids were extracted two times by using 20-ml aliquots of methyl -tent -butyl ether, centrifuging, combining the supernatants, and analyzing further in the same manner as tissue samples. Instrumental analysis was performed by LC -MS -MS by us- ing previously described conditions [4,23]. Water and meth- anol solvents (0.01. M ammonium acetate) were delivered at a total flow rate of 300 µl/min by a Waters 600S controller (Milford, MA, USA), and samples (25 µl) were injected with a Waters 717 plus autosampler. Chromatography was per- formed on a Genesis C8 column (2.1 X 50 mm, Jones Chro- matography, Lakewood, CO, USA). Initial mobile phase con- ditions were 90:10 (v/v) water:methanol for 30 s, followed by a 10-min ramp to 0:100, a 3.5-min hold, and reverting to initial conditions at 14 min. The detector was a Quattro LC (Micro - mass, Manchester, UK) equipped with an electrospray interface operating in negative ion mode. Data were acquired by MS - MS by using a multiple reaction monitoring method that mon- itored a single transition (parent --> daughter ion) for each compound (Table 1). Desolvation temperature was 350°C, and the source block was maintained at 150°C. Desolvation gas flow was between 600 and 700 L/h, and the capillary voltage always was 2.75 kV. Quantitation was performed relative to PFNA by using a standard curve constructed from known quantities of standards extracted from water in the same manner as tissue samples. All samples were blank subtracted before quantitation, and standard injections were made every six to nine samples to monitor sensitivity drift. Blank concentrations were absent for most PFAs; however, PFOA and PFOS were detected on oc- casion below 10% of sample concentrations. Data analysis Fish weight (FW) was best predicted by the exponential growth model, FW = a•exp(g•t), where a is a constant, g is the growth rate, and t is the time. All tissue concentrations were corrected for growth dilution by determining the percent increase in FW at each sampling interval, relative to t = 0, by using the predicted exponential growth rate equation. The depuration rate constants (kd) were determined by linear re- gression after fitting the growth corrected depuration concen- trations (Cfim,(,)) to the first -order decay model Cfish(,) = a•exp(—kd•t), where a is a constant. Depuration half-life was calculated by the formula ln(2)/kd. Uptake rate constants (k,) were determined by using iter- ative nonlinear regression (Systat®, Ver 9.0, Systat Software, Richmond, CA, USA), by fitting the growth -corrected tissue concentrations to the integrated form of the kinetic rate equa- tion for constant aqueous exposure [14] Cfl.,te = [(k)(CJ/(kd)]'[1 — exp(—kd't)] (1) where C,,, is the average exposure water concentration and kd is a fixed parameter. Bioconcentration factors (BCFs) were calculated by the quotient (k lkd). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Fish mortality, growth, and liver somatic index Only one fish (2%) died during the uptake phase, and no statistically significant difference was found in the rate of growth for exposed fish relative to controls (p = 0.41; Table 2). The mean initial fish mass (Table 2) was greater in this study relative to the dietary accumulation study [12], resulting in a lower rate of growth. No statistically significant difference was found between the liver somatic index of exposed and control fish (p = 0.854; Table 2). Perfluorinated acids cause hepatomegaly in rodents upon exposure via peroxisome pro- liferation [24), but this effect was not apparent in these fish under this exposure scenario based on liver mass. DEQ-CFW 00074841 Bioconcentration and tissue distribution of PFAs Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 22, 2003 199 Table 2 Uptake and deputation phase duration, growth rate constant, and the associated coefficient of determination, mortality, and liver somatic index (LSI) for exposed and control juvenile rainbow trout used in bioconcentration testing Uptake Deputation Mean initial Growth rate Mortality LSIe period (d) period (d) fish mass (g) (10-3 g/d) (rz) (e/O) (%) Exposure tank 12 33 7.3 4.9 (0.50) 2 1.1 ± 0.03 Control 12 33 7.9 5.1 (0.43) 0 1.1 ± 0.07 a Average of all fish sampled throughout the uptake and deputation period in each tank, for each experiment. Linear regression revealed no increase or decrease in LSI throughout. Water concentrations During the uptake period the average exposure water con- centrations were between 0.014 and 1.7 µg/L for individual PFAs (Table 2 and Fig. 1). The low exposure concentrations for longer PFAs were a result of their low water solubility, whereas more soluble PFAs were close to the nominal con- centration (-2 µg/L). Perfluorinated acid concentrations were relatively stable throughout the uptake phase after an initial decrease between 0.25 and 24 h (Fig. 1). This decrease was more pronounced for more hydrophobic compounds (i.e., PFOS > PFHxS; Fig. 113), suggesting that rapid uptake by fish was influencing water concentrations to some extent de- spite flow -through conditions. As biomass was removed through sampling, and as uptake rates decreased, the water 101 103 104 1tr2 10'3 10-4 sJ i0-3 E Im p 103 Im � 1 or, c 0 10�2 c pc U 10° Uri 10-2 IV uptake I deputation A - Blood tee--'• neum �- PPOA ........... . .. - . -fe- PFDA �- PFUnA -0- PFDOA .� _ . .... --a- PPTA ._ _..._...... ■ water +- PPOA PFDA ♦ -■ MUM Liver Carcass concentrations stabilized or increased slightly at later sampling intervals, and approached the initial concentrations (i.e., 0.25 h). The mean water concentration was used as a constant es- timate of C,,. in Equation 1 for determination of kn. Perfluor- inated acids could not be detected in deputation water above the limit of detection (-5 ng/L) in control or treated fish tanks. Tissue distribution In general, PFA concentrations were greatest in the blood > kidney > liver > gall bladder, and lowest in the gonads > adipose > muscle tissue (Fig. 2). Within the blood, the plasma contained between 94 and 99% of total PFAs, with only a minor fraction detectable in the cellular fraction. Perfluorinated acids also were detectable in the gills, suggesting that this was 100 ltrt 1T2 10-3 100 10't 10'2 Uri IW2 10-3 uptake I deputation B Blood T18sUe ^e-- Pry e PPHXs water • . PPOS • -,- PFM Liver Carcass - --- --- --- --- ---- ---- - --- --- --- --- ---- ---- Time (h) Fig. 1. Growth -corrected uptake and deputation phase concentrations for (A) perfluoroalkyl carboxylates and (B) perfluoroalkyl sulfonates in blood, liver, and carcass. Each tissue concentration represents the mean of three different fish (± 1 standard error). Aqueous exposure concentrations during the uptake phase are shown in A and B for carboxylates and sulfonates, respectively. See Table 1 for definitions of test compounds. DEQ-CFW 00074842 200 Environ. Tozicol. Chem. 22, 2003 Im 10 0.1 0.01 0.001 't3 � N l0 � Y m a c 0 m J.W. Martin et al. a a 0 �? a s a c. Fig. 2. Perfluorinated acid concentrations, ± 1 standard error, in various fish tissues after a 12-d aqueous exposure. See Table I for definitions of test compounds. the site of uptake, depuration, or both, as has been determined for other xenobiotics [13], including surfactants [15]. Recov- ery of analytes from the heart and spleen was low (<10% based on internal standard response), thus preventing quanti- tation of PFAs in these tissues. In almost all surfactant bio- concentration tests for which tissue -specific data have been presented, the highest analyte (i.e., radiolabel) concentrations typically are found in the gall bladder, probably a result of metabolism in the liver [15]. The gall bladder concentrations determined herein may be lower than in previous surfactant studies [15] because the fish were fed daily, thus preventing concentration and accumulation of the bile [25]. Unlike lipophilic chlorinated organic pollutants, PFAs did not accumulate preferentially in adipose tissue. For example, dioxin congeners accumulated in the ceca and depot fat of rainbow trout to a greater extent than kidney, spleen, muscle, or skin tissue [26]. The tissue distribution of PFDA in male rats is similar to our results for rainbow trout, except that rat liver contained by far the greatest concentrations, followed by blood > kidney > heart > fat > testis > muscle [27). This may be partially attributable to the lipophobic properties of PFAs; however, PFAs also have a high affinity for plasma albumin [28], and it has been hypothesized that PFAs may bind to hepatic proteins such as fatty acid —binding proteins [27], thus explaining the high PFA concentrations in blood and liver, respectively. The relatively high concentrations of PFAs in rainbow trout kidney may simply reflect the high perfusion of blood, and do not automatically indicate that uri- nary elimination is a significant depuration route. For example, despite high kidney concentrations of PFDA in exposed rats, the primary mode of depuration was feces, with only minor excretion in urine [27]. The route by which humans are exposed to PFAs is not well characterized, but consumption of fish meat may well be a significant source of exposure. Assuming that muscle com- prises 67% of a rainbow trout by weight [29], the meat could therefore contain 22, 61, and 81% of the total body burden of PFOS, PFHxS, and PFOA, respectively, based on the tissue concentrations (Fig. 2). Bioconcentration parameters Similar to the results of a PFA dietary accumulation study [12], only carboxylates with more than six perfluoroalkyl car- bons, and sulfonates with more than four perfluoroalkyl car- bons were detected in blood, liver, and carcass at all sampling times (Fig. 1). Shorter PFAs are expected to have insignificant bioconcentration potential, but their uptake or depuration ki- netics could not be determined here, although the half-life of PFBS in liver of rainbow trout was 3.3 d in a dietary accu- mulation study [12]. Recovery of most PFAs from liver and carcass is quantitative [12], and recovery from blood has al- ready been demonstrated by Hansen et al. [5] for PFOS, PFHxS, and PFOA. We made no attempt to monitor for me- tabolites of PFAs because the existing literature suggests that biotransformation will be insignificant or absent [27,30,311, and we assumed that depuration was entirely a function of elimination. Visual observation of depuration data indicated possible biphasic depuration for most PFAs in blood, liver, and carcass (Fig. 1); however, this could not be demonstrated statistically because of the small sample size. Linear regression DEQ-CFW 00074843 Bioconcentration and tissue distribution of PFAs Environ. ToxicoL Chem. 22, 2003 201 Table 3. Rate of uptake (k), depuration (kd), half-life (d), steady-state bioconcentration factor (BCF; estimated by k /kd), and the 12-d accumulation ratio (AR), calculated at the end of the uptake period. Error represents ± 1 standard error, and a number in parentheses represents the coefficient of determination (r2) for the corresponding regression analysis Test k kd x 10-3 Half-life BCF compound, (L/kg/d) (l/d) (d) (L/kg) 12-d AR Carcass PFOA 0.53 ± 0.041 (0.80) 130 ± 17 (0.76) 5.2 ± 0.67 4.0 ± 0.60 3.2 PFDA 29 ± 1.0 (0.95) 62 ± 8.2 (0.71) 11 ± 1.5 450 ± 62 350 PFUnA 120 ± 4.8 (0.95) 46 ± 6.5 (0.68) 15 ± 2.2 2,700 ± 400 1,400 PFDoA 700 ± 29 (0.94) 38 ± 5.5 (0.68) 18 ± 2.6 18,000 ± 2,700 6,600 PFTA 580 ± 26 (0.93) 24 ± 5.5 (0.45) 28 ± 6.4 23,000 ± 5,300 8.500 PFOS 53 ± 1.3 (0.98) 48 ± 6.5 (0.70) 15 ± 2.0 1,100 ± I50 690 PFHxS 0.62 ± 0.021 (0.96) 65 ± 6.2 (0.82) 11 ± 1.0 9.6 ± 0.99 7.6 Blood PFOA 4.1 ± 0.31 (0.83) 150 ± 53 (0.83) 4.5 ± 1.6 27 ± 9.7 25 PFDA 160 ± 4.6 (0.97) 58 ± 7.2 (0.97) 12 ± 1.5 2,700 ± 350 1,900 PFUnA 500 ± 18 (0.96) 46 ± 5.3 (0.96) 15 ± 1.8 11,000 ± 1,400 5,500 PFDoA 1,700 ± 65 (0.96) 41 ± 4.3 (0.96) 17 ± 1.7 40,000 ± 4,500 18,000 PFTA 1,400 ± 120 (0.82) 48 ± 5.28 (0.82) 15 ± 1.6 30,000 ± 4,200 20,000 PFOS 240 ± 8.4 (0.90) 57 ± 6.7 (0.90) 12 ± 1.4 4,300 ± 570 3,100 PFHxS 5.3 ± 0.48 (0.76) 70 ± 6.5 (0.76) 10 ± 0.94 76 ± 9.7 59 Liver PFOA 1.4 ± 0.13 (0.65) 180 ± 13 (0.91) 3.9 ± 0.28 8.0 ± 0.59 12 PFDA 74 ± 5.3 (0.84) 65 ± 8.9 (0.69) 11 ± 1.5 1,100 ± 180 1,100 PFUnA 260 ± 20 (0.84) 55 ± 7.7 (0.68) 13 ± 1.7 4,900 ± 770 3,800 PFDoA 910 ± 79 (0.78) 50 ± 6.7 (0.70) 14 ± 1.9 18,000 ± 2,900 11,000 PFTA 960 ± 98 (0.69) 31 ± 5.5 (0.60) 22 ± 3.7 30,000 ± 6,000 8,700 PFOS 260 ± 17 (0.88) 50 ± 7.4 (0.66) 14 ± 2.0 5,400 ± 860 2,900 PFHxS 5.8 ± 0.31 (0.91) 58 ± 7.0 (0.75) 12 ± 1.5 100 ± 13 54 , Refer to Table 1 for definitions of test compounds. analysis of all growth -corrected depuration data resulted in acceptable coefficients of determination (Table 3). For detected PFAs, depuration rate constants generally de- creased with increasing length of the perfluoroalkyl chain for carboxylates and sulfonates in all tissues, ranging from 0.024 to 0.180/d, representing biological half-lives in the range of 3.9 to 28 d. For carboxylates, positive linear relationships were observed between half-life and perfluoroalkyl chain length for the carcass and liver, but not the blood (Fig. 3). In blood, the 35 30 a 25 20 Al �_ 16 10 o relationship deviated from linearity for the compound with the longest chain length, PFTA, which was eliminated more quick- ly than expected from extrapolation of the observations from PFAs with shorter chain lengths. Perfluorotetradecanoic acid probably partitioned out of the blood into the carcass, rather than being eliminated, as has been shown for other anionic surfactants [181. Based on the linear regression equations (Fig. 3), half-life increased by 2.8 to 3.8 d for each additional carbon in the perfluoroalkyl chain. Similar analysis could not be ap- • Perfluoroalkyl carboxylates G Perfluoroalkyl sulfonatse (A) carcass (B)fiver (C) blood y=-22.4+3.81 x rz= 0.97 y=-16.6+2.81 x rz = 0.97 y=-16.8+3.12x r2 = 0.98 II i� i I rr § I zy 5.66+0.655x y=-4.69+0.707x n=.7+0.655x o rz = 0.99 rz = 0.99 11 13 6 7 9 11 i3 6 7 9 11 13 Perfluoroalkyl Chain -Length Fig. 3. Half-life (in 2/kd) and uptake rate (log kj relationships with perfluoroalkyl chain length of carboxylates and sulfonates for (A) carcass, (B) liver, and (C) blood. Linear regression was applied to perfluoroalkyl carboxylate data, and the resulting equation and coefficient of determination (r2) are shown. The dashed portion of the regression line is an extrapolation and indicates that perfluorotetradecanoic acid was not included in the regression analysis. DEQ-CFW 00074844 202 Environ. Toxicol. Chem, 22, 2003 plied to the sulfonates because only two were detectable; how- ever, in all tissues, the half-lives of PFHxS and PFOS were greater than those of carboxylates of equivalent perfluoroalkyl chain length (Fig. 3). The depuration half-lives determined in this study are slightly greater than were determined in a dietary PFA ex- posure study [12]. Assuming that the mode of exposure is not important, we suggest that some of this variability may be attributable to the difference in fish size. For example, at the beginning of the depuration period in this study, the average trout mass was 8.4 g, compared with only 4.0 g in the dietary exposure study [12]. Hydrophobic organochlorine compounds previously have been demonstrated to have longer half-lives in larger fish [32,33], even when controlling for growth di- lution. Body size also may help to explain the variability among half-lives reported for humans (1,428 d [21), monkeys (180 d [34]), and male rats (89 d [34]). In comparison, the half-life in fish carcass was approximately 15 d for juvenile trout, but the possibility of elimination through the gills cannot be ruled out as an additional depuration mechanism for fish. The rate of depuration for PFAs is generally more rapid than for persistent organochlorine contaminants, including po- lychlorinated biphenyls, toxaphene, hexachlorobenzene, mi- rex, and chlorinated alkanes [33,351. However, the rate of dep- uration for PFAs, with the exception of PFOA, is slower than for any previously investigated surfactant in fish [15], and this may be partially attributable to the lack of metabolism or bio- transformation [27,30,31 ]. The relatively slow PFA depuration half-lives, combined with the observations of high blood, liver, and gall bladder concentrations, also support the theory that PFAs enter into enterohepatic recirculation in fish, the process whereby compounds are continuously recycled between the blood, liver, gall bladder, and intestines, where resorption oc- curs via the portal vein. This is further supported by the ob- servation of high PFA assimilation efficiencies [12], which indicate that intestinal resorption efficiency is similar to that of endogenous bile acids. Use of the relatively low assimilation efficiency of PFOA (59% [12]) as a measure of resorption from the gut during enterohepatic recirculation could explain why its half-life is shorter than for longer PFAs, which have a higher resorption capacity [12]. The divergence of sulfonate and carboxylate rates of depuration (Fig. 3) also could be attributable to the different efficiency of resorption from the gut during enterohepatic recirculation. For example, the as- similation efficiency of PFHxS, which has only six perfluo- roalkyl carbons, is greater than that for PFOA, which has seven perfluoroalkyl carbons [12]. Also, short PFAs possibly are eliminated in the urine to a greater extent than longer PFAs, as has been shown for PFHpA in rats [24]. Uptake rate constants varied by a factor of 3,000 for dif- ferent PFAs, and increased with increasing perfluoroalkyl chain length (Fig. 3), ranging from 0.53 to 1,700 L/kg/d for all tissues (Table 3). A similar trend, showing increased uptake rates with increasing alkyl chain length, has been reported for a series of cationic monoalkyltrimethyl ammonium surfactants [36]. In general, these PFA uptake rates may be considered very rapid and, to our knowledge, the carcass k reported here for PFDoA exceeds any previously reported rate of uptake for anionic surfactants (i.e., 642 L/kg/d reported by Tolls et al. [3]). Given equal perfluoroalkyl chain lengths, sulfonates were taken up at a greater rate than carboxylates, always lying above the regression line for carboxylates (Fig. 3). For carboxylates, 12 10 rn s o> E e ro IL 4 OS 2 m J.W. Martin et al. PFDQA(C11) I--�--i PFunA (010) * PFTA (C13) PFDA (C9) � +—PFCS (C3) P �5 (C4) PF► ,r (C7) PMA (C7) 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Gills (µg g-1) Fig. 4. Relationship between gill and blood concentrations, ± 1 stan- dard error, in tissue distribution in fish. Each data point represents the mean of three fish, and is labeled with the perfluorinated acid and the length of the respective perfluoroalkyl chain in parentheses (e.g., C8 = eight carbons). See Table 1 for definitions of test compounds. uptake increased in a linear manner with perfluoroalkyl chain length until the length reached 13 carbons (i.e., PFTA). The rate of uptake for PFTA, presumably the most hydro- phobic PFA tested, was less than expected based on extrap- olation from shorter PFAs in liver, blood, and carcass (Fig. 3). Such a phenomenon is well characterized for hydrophobic chlorinated contaminants, and can result from exclusion based on limited diffusive mass transfer [37], molecular size [38], or from reduced bioavailability because of binding on dis- solved or colloidal organic matter in the water column [39,40]. Reduced bioavailability because of association with dissolved and colloidal organic matter has been demonstrated for cationic surfactants [15], and anionic surfactants [41]. The octanol— water partition coefficient (Kow) for PFTA is unknown; how- ever, it is feasible that the long perfluoroalkyl chain of PFTA causes the molecule to act similar to superhydrophobic neutral organochlorines (i.e., log Kow > 6), which interact with or- ganic matter, resulting in an apparent reduction of the uptake rate [39]. Alternatively, based on the ratio of concentrations in the gills and blood plasma at day 12 of the tissue distribution study, the gills appear to be less permeable to PFTA than shorter PFAs (Fig. 4). Perfluorotetradecanoic acid was en- riched at the gills relative to shorter perfluoroalkyl carboxyl- ates and sulfonates, suggesting that gill permeation rates may limit uptake of PFTA, as has been shown for the high molecular weight cationic surfactants C16-alkylpyridinium and (C102-di- alkyldimethylammonium [15]. A time course of the tissue dis- tribution would allow for more conclusive arguments; how- ever, gill permeation is known as the rate -limiting step for uptake of other anionic surfactants [18]. Steady-state carcass BCFs ranged from 4.0 to 23,000, and generally increased with the perfluoroalkyl chain length (Table 3 and Fig. 5). Similar trends, showing increased BCFs with increased alkyl chain length, have been reported for anionic linear alkylbenzene sulfonate surfactants [18] and some cat- ionic surfactants [36]. For PFAs, blood and liver BCFs were 1 to 10 times greater than in the carcass (Table 3). Carboxylate BCFs were greatest in the blood, whereas sulfonate BCFs were greatest in the liver. Carcass BCFs closely approximate the whole -body BCF; however, removal of the liver and a portion of the blood from the intact fish resulted in a minor loss of DEQ-CFW 00074845 Bioconcentration and tissue distribution of PFAs LL 4 V f>0 3 • Perfluoroalkyl carboxylates o Perfluoroalkyl sulfonates y = —5.73 + 0.915 x II 7 9 11 13 Perfluoroalkyl Chain Length (carbons) Fig. S. Carcass bioconcentration factor (BCF) relationship with per- fluoroalkyl chain length. Linear regression was applied to perfluo- roalkyl carboxylate data, and the resulting equation and coefficient of determination (e) are shown. Perfluorotetradecanoic acid was not included in the regression analysis and the dashed portion of the regression line is an extrapolation of the regression equation. total PFAs. The resulting carcass contained between 85% (i.e., PFHxS) and 96% (i.e., PFTA) of total PFAs, depending on the test compound. Bioconcentration factors increased largely as a result of increasing uptake rate, whereas depuration rate varied only by a factor of eight for all tissues examined and had less relative influence on the observed BCF trends. Because steady state was not achieved for any PFA, a 12- d accumulation ratio was calculated (Table 3) and compared to the estimated steady-state BCF. The 12-d accumulation ratio always was smaller than the BCF; however, for the PFAs with the shortest chain lengths, the 12-d accumulation ratio ap- proached the estimated BCF to within 80% (i.e., PFOA). The tissue concentrations of PFAs with longer chain lengths were far from steady state at the end of the uptake period, reaching only 37% of the predicted steady-state value by day 12 (i.e., PFDoA and PFTA. The time to reach steady state is deter- mined exclusively by the rate of depuration, and was predicted to exceed 10, 43, and 120 d for PFOA, PFOS, and PFTA, respectively [ 12]. The fact that steady state was not approached should not influence our estimates of the BCF calculated by the ratio of uptake and elimination rates. A previous compar- ison of the kinetic and steady-state approaches to the study of surfactant bioaccumulation indicated that both methods yield similar results, and that the one -compartment, first -order model was suitable [15]. Perfluoroalkyl carboxylate carcass BCFs (i.e., log BCF) increased linearly with perfluoroalkyl chain length from PFOA to PFDoA by a factor of eight for each additional fluorinated carbon in the chain (Fig. 5). The trend deviated from linearity for PFTA as a result of the decreased rate of uptake (Fig. 3A). Given equal perfluoroalkyl chain length, sulfonates biocon- centrated to a greater extent than carboxylates, largely as a result of higher uptake rates, but also because of lower dep- uration rates, and did not fit the same linear relationship for carboxylates, always lying above the linear regression line (Fig. 5). Furthermore, PFHxS, which has six perfluoroalkyl carbons, had a carcass BCF of 9.6, whereas PFHpA, which also has six perfluoroalkyl carbons, could not be detected in most tissues despite a higher exposure concentration (Table 1). In a dietary exposure of fish to PFAs, perfluoroalkyl sul- fonates also bioaccumulated to a greater extent than carbox- Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 22, 2003 203 Potassium Perfluoroalkyl carboxylates v Potassium PFOS r 2- log OX = 5.46 - 0.588 x 0 4 3 4 5 6 7 PFOSX* (8 mmol 0 ) P• ffuoroaikyi Chainlength 10 11 Fig. 6. Relationship determined by linear regression between the log critical micelle concentration (log CMC) and perfluoroalkyl chain length of potassium perfluoroalkyl carboxylate salts. The CMC for the potassium salt of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS-K*) fits the relationship. All data have been taken from Kissa [421. ylates of equivalent perfluoroalkyl chain length, and a similar linear trend was observed for carboxylate bioaccumulation fac- tors [12]. Bioconcentration potential historically has been well pre- dicted by the Kow, a measure of a substance's hydrophobicity. However, the Kow is a problematic parameter for surfactants because of their tendency to_ aggregate at the interface of a liquid —liquid system. Here we have used the perfluoroalkyl chain length as a measure of hydrophobicity; however, Tolls and Sijm [16] suggested that a more meaningful measure of the relative hydrophobicity for surfactants is the critical mi- celle concentration (CMC), the concentration at which half of the molecules in solution are associated as micelles. Critical micelle concentration data are limited or nonexistent for many of the test compounds; however, the CMC of PFOS fits the relationship determined for several carboxylates of variable perfluoroalkyl lengths (Fig. 6) [42], indicating that the acid function has little influence on CMC. Analysis of our data indicates that bioaccumulation potential increases with de- creasing CMC for carboxylates; however, the CMC alone does not explain the disproportionate accumulation of sulfonates relative to carboxylates. For PFAs, the acid function must be considered for prediction of the bioconcentration and bioac- cumulation potential [12]. For perfluoroalkyl carboxylates, the slope of the log CMC data (Fig. 6) is remarkably similar, but opposite in sign, to the plot of log uptake rate in carcass (Fig. 3A), indicating that increased uptake for longer PFAs within a class may be a function of increasing hydrophobicity. The linear CMC—BCF relationships, described by Tolls and Sijm [16], had relatively low coefficients of determination, and it was noted that the CMC might not be the most suitable parameter for describing hydrophobicity of surfactants. The suggestion was made that interfacial tension or reversed -phase chromatographic retention time might be more suitable param- eters. When using our chromatographic methods, PFOS and PFNA (i.e., both of which have eight perfluoroalkyl carbons and similar CMCs) could not be time -resolved on a reversed - phase column, with PFNA eluting only 0.02 min after PFOS. Additional physical and chemical properties for this series of PFAs would be beneficial for future modeling efforts, partic- ularly for the longer perfluoroalkyl carboxylates. DEQ-CFW 00074846 204 Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 22, 2003 Acknowledgement -This work was supported by Health Canada and Environment Canada (Ottawa, ON) through the Toxic Substance Re- search Initiative, and the Canadian Network of Toxicology Centres. We thank the 3M Company (St. Paul, MN, USA) for its generous donation of perfluoroalkyl-sulfonate chemical standards. REFERENCES 1. Fielding HC. 1979. Organofluorine surfactants and textile chem- icals. In Banks RE, ed, Organofluorine Chemicals and Their Industrial Applications. Ellis Horwood, Chichester, UK, pp 214- 234. 2. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2001. Perfluorooctyl sul- fonates; proposed significant new use rule. Fed Reg 65:62319- 62333. 3. Tolls J, Haller M, Graaf ID, Thijssen MATC, Sijm DTHM. 1997. 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