HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00074098west virginia department of environmental protection Division of Water and Waste Management 60157t' Street SE Charleston,. WV 25304-2345 Telephone Number: (304) 926-0495 Fax Number: (304) 926-0463 January 31, 2012 Mr. D. David Altman 15 E 8`' Street, Suite 200 Cincinnati, OH 45202. Earl Ray Tomblin, Governor Randy C. Huffman, Cabinet Secretary www.dep.wv.gov 91 7105 2133 3939 2099 3051 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Re: WV/NPDES Permit No. WV0001279 Consent Order No. 7418 Comments Dear Mr. Altman: This correspondence is in response to your comment letter dated December 13, 2011 regarding draft Consent Order No. 7418 for WV/NPDES Permit No. WV0001279 issued to the Dupont - Washington Works facility. Comments are summarized first in bold italics followed by the agency's responses. . 1. Comment. The order should not allow Dupont to discharge the new compound until all of the treatment upgrades are completed. The existing treatment employed at the facility will provide treatment of the new compound. The additional treatment proposed by the permittee will enhance treatment and allow for less frequent change -outs of activated carbon from the existing carbon bed system. Regardless of the treatment enhancements to be made by the permittee, the effluent limitations for the new compound are effective immediately upon issuance of the consent order and will be protective of the water quality standards and designated uses of the Ohio River. 2. Comment. The order. shouldn't be issued without explaining the new compound, its effects on people and the environment, its toxicity, and how the DEP arrived at the safety levels and monitoring requirements for the new compound. The new compound (C3 Dimer Acid/Salt) is a new fluoropolymer compound that Dupont is representing as an ultimate replacement for the existing fluoropolymer known as C8 (or PFOA, perfluorooctanoic acid). Duponf entered into a Toxic Substances Control Act Promoting a healthy environment. DEQ-CFW 00074098 WV/NPDES Permit No. WV0001279 Consent Order No. 7418 Response to Comments Page 2 of 3 Consent (TSCA) Consent Order with the U.S. EPA in January 2009 which granted Dupont approval, under conditions set forth in the TSCA Consent Order, to manufacture, process, and distribute the new compound. The U.S. EPA TSCA Consent Order prescribed certain requirements and toxicological studies regarding the new compound. In 2011, Dupont provided toxicological data to the WV DEP as well as plans to begin production of the new compound. As noted, the U.S. EPA TSCA Consent Order prescribes certain requirements on Dupont regarding the new compound and those requirements are required to be achieved independent of Consent Order No. 7418 that is proposed by the WV DEP. The WV DEP reviewed the toxicological information provided by Dupont regarding the new compound. Chronic studies which provide data regarding long-term impacts are still being conducted by Dupont on the new compound and are not yet complete. Although such long-term studies are preferable, toxicological data from shorter -term (e.g. subchronic) studies may be used to determine a suitable toxicity criterion, provided an additional safety factor is applied. Thus the agency utilized subchronic (90 day) data developed by DuPont in support of its PMN submission (subsequent to the 2009 TSCA Consent Order), incorporating appropriate safety/uncertainty factors, in order to calculate a risk -based Drinking Water Equivalent Level (DWEL) for the new compound. As a courtesy, the agency has attached a memo prepared by a WV DEP toxicologist which summarizes how the agency arrived at the risk -based DWEL. As the requisite chronic studies are completed in the future, the agency will revisit and revise, as necessary, the value indicated in the WV DEP Consent Order. However, based on the information provided and all other information available at this time, the WV DEP has determined that the requirements imposed will be protective of West Virginia's narrative water quality standards found in 47 CSR 2, Section 3 of the West Virginia Legislative Rules. 3. Comment. The proposed Order appears to exceed WVDEP's authority for mod ping administratively extended permits As noted in the Consent Order, the permit cannot be currently modified because it has been administratively extended. The agency is continuing to process the reissuance of WV/NPDES Permit No. WV0001279, but does not expect the permit to be reissued in the near future. Therefore, the agency processed this Consent Order as the best available means to address upgrades at the facility and the production of the new compound. 4. Comment: The proposed Order relies on Dupont's own interpretation of the 99 % efficiency requirement in the U.S. EPA TSCA Order without independent interpretation by WV DEP or confirmation by U.S. EPA. Please note that the 99% efficiency requirement is not part of WV DEP's Consent Order and was a requirement determined by the U.S. EPA. Its reference in the WV DEP document was noted as a "Finding of Fact" in order to provide background information regarding prior events. For this reason, the WV DEP cannot provide insight or justification for the requirements in the TSCA Order. Any questions regarding the TSCA DEQ-CFW 00074099 WV/NPDES Permit No. WV0001279 Consent Order No. 7418 Response to Comments Page 3 of 3 Order should be directed to the U.S. EPA. Please note that the requirements in Consent Order No. 7418 are independent of the requirements in the TSCA Order, but also do not supersede said requirements. S. Comment. A public hearing is requested The agency received three (3) requests for a public hearing regarding the consent order. Based on the limited comments received by the agency and resultant limited requests for a public hearing, the agency has determined that a public hearing is not warranted. The agency would like to thank you for taking the time to submit comments. The Division of Water and Waste Management issued Consent Order No. 7418 on January 31, 2012. Thank you for your interest in this order. S' rely, V �Z Z Scott G. andirola Director Encolsure cc w/enclosure; U.S. EPA Region 3 Env. Inspector Supervisor Env. Inspector Little Hocking Water Association, Inc. 3998 State Route 124 PO Box 188 Little Hocking, OH 45742 DEQ-CFW 00074100