HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00024970From: Albert Rubin [rubin@ncsu.edu] Sent: 8/19/2017 9:20:37 PM To: Detlef Knappe [knappe@ncsu.edu] CC: Culpepper, Linda [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDI BO H F23SPDLT)/cn=Recip ients/cn =73d475cbae324a29 b87e17 1 ldc9a7k5d mcu I pepper] Subject: emc presentation good afternoon Detlef - We spoke about you making a presentation at the Water Quality Committee meeting at EMC in September. The water quality committee meets from 1100 to 1:30 as scheduled now. we are thinking of moving that to I to 3 on September 13th. what fits your schedule. I will try to make that work with the committee schedulers. We are looking for a short educational session where you will share time with Vallero to discuss sampling challenges and organics and he will discuss some of the risk issues. the entire session will last about 15 minutes. (they loose concentration after about 30 minutes). Please copy me and Linda Culpepper - she is cc'd above. thank you. Albert Robert (Bob) Rubin, Emeritus Professor Biological and Agricultural Engineering North Carolina State University DEQ-CFW-00024970