Sent: 8/18/I0I73:I3:21PW1
To: Kritzer, Jamie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExzhanXeAdministrative Group
(FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=cee93c49d01445a3b541bb3Z7dcdc84O-jbkritzer]; Culpepper, Linda
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
Subject: RE: Fact check
I have meetings and a brief to review, I will not be able to get to this till 5 PM.
However, | can see the first three statements are not correct.
From: Kritzer, Jamie
Sent: Friday, August 18,2Ol71Oxt3AM
To: Grq/b,Julie ^ju|ie.8oyb@ncdenr.8ov» Culpepper, Linda «|inda.cu|pepper@ncdenr.8ov>
Subject: FVV:Fact check
Does Christina Haley's passage (below) appear accurate?
Jamie Kritzer
Communications Director
N�Department ofEnvironmental Quality
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From: Christina Haley
Sent: Friday, August 13,2U179:28AK8
To: Kritzer, Jamie
Subject: Fact check
Here is the facts and passage I need to check. Thank you!
10 to] LVI 1 1.1 a�
There are 50 major and minor industrial water discharge permits within the Cape Fear River Basin alone — No, I'll get
actual numbers
There are 17 major industrial and major municipal (11 of the 17) permits on the mainstern of the Cape Fear River Basin
Major industrial dischargers such as these are required to complete a Federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System (NPDES) application peFmit, and obtain a NPDES permit for discharges of wastewaters to surface waters of the
state. ii-; A-Ap- A-f thp- Mere 4equently issued peFmits, that Fegulates v.faste;.vate-F -;;.A.d- ste-Hm.. i.vateF disGhaFges, said
There are Federal Categorical Effluent Guidelines and Standards federal appliGatiens fer peFmits Gan thatindude
limitations on how much of certain contaminants can be discharged from a facility. Requirements for monitoring
frequency are determined by the State., Grzyb said,
The Chemours Co. has in its permit a list of more than 60 different chemicals and compounds, from nitrogen and
cyanide tometals and more complex chemical compounds. But not all chemicals on its permit are being discharged into
the waterway. Some of the pollutants in federal regulations are required to go into the permit, Grzyb said.
"EPA regulations have come up with a list of toxic pollutants. And so certain industries have to testcertain perimeters on
that list. So that's our starting point. And then, basically they identify what processes discharge wastewaters, and we
work with them to try to understand all the pollutants of concern," Grzyb said of the regulation process.
Aspart ofits permitting authority, DEQ considers federal regulations as well as state regulations, the volume and types
of waste different industries are discharging to a specific waterway and what purpose the water body is being used for,
said Jamie Kritzer, spokesman for DEQ.
"These factors and others help DEQ determine what discharge limitations should be required as part of the permit.
These laws and rules have been established to require anyone discharging regulated substances to meet federal and
state criteria that are based on what's protective of human health and aquatic life," he added.
Christina Haley O'Neal
Office: 910-375-7290
Cell: 704-651-5828