Sent: 8/17/I0I71:54:56AM
To: Allen, Trent [/b=ExchanXeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
(FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=Zc4dabaf957o4Z23abc79cfef 6b462e'taUen]
Subject: R[:Tuesday
|'U try to catch up with you in the morning. Spoke with the County Health Directors this afternoon, and
headed to help with the Atlantic Coast Pipeline public hearing tomorrow afternoon/evening.
We need the sampling every day at Chemours and Bladen Bluff finished water on Tues. Thought you would
join the ]-4:3Opmcon[call with EPA. That's all | know of. Take care.
Linda Culpepper
Deputy Director
Dlvlei000f Water Resources
North CemUneDepahmentufEmhrnnmema|Quality
1611Mail SomiopCenter
From: Allen, Trent
Subject: Tuesday
I have had a few people here ask me what they need to do as far as next Tuesday goes. Do they need to stick around the
office, orcan they plan inspections?
Trent Allen
Regional Supervisor
Division ofWater Resources
Fayetteville Regional Office
Department ofEnvironmental Quality
225Green Street — Suite 714
Fayetteville, NC283O1
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