HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00024797From: Culpepper, Linda [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
Sent: 8/16/I0I7 1:24:I2AM
To: VVhichard,Jordan [/o=ExchanXeLabs/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group
Subject: FVV: Non -Targeted Lab Results Briefing to NCD[O
Location: EPA RTPC111A,B
Start: 8/22/20177:00:00PK8
End: 8/22/20178:30:00PK8
Show Time As: Tentative
Jordan — forwarding the EPA meeting invitation regarding the other compounds related to the GenX project.
Anemail from Jeremy Tarr indicated you and NoeUewould plan toattend. Please advise ifyou need anything
from meorSheila Holman inadvance ofthe discussion. Thank you.
----- Original Appointment --'
Sent: Monday, August 14,Z017J:19PK4
To: Buckley, Timothy; Strynar, Mark; Lindstrom, Andrew; K8edina4Jera, Myriam; Bia|es,Adam; Newton, Seth; McCord,
James; Watkins, Tim; Orme-Zavaleta, Jennifer; Culpepper, Linda; Allenbach, Becky; Smith, Emily J.; Crofton, Kevin;
Guiseppi'E|ie,Annette; Goode, Teresa; Oshima, Kevin;Ton8-An8ao, Sania; Hoffman, Brian; Goldfarb, Steven; Grevatt,
Peter; 8eh[Betsy; Henry, Tala; Raffaele, Kathleen; Sinks, Tom; Grimm, Ann; Kenneke, John; Maguire, Megan; Hubbard,
Carolyn; Gilliland, Alice
Subject: Non -Targeted Lab Results Briefing to NC DEQ
Where: EPA RTP C111A-B
The primary goal of this briefing is to communicate lab results to N[ DRQand address their questions. 8eckyAl|enbadh
in Region 4 and Linda Culpepper NC DEQ will extend invitation to others in their organization as appropriate. I am
A webinar link has been provided for remote access.
Conference Code: 9195412454