HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_0002479011. UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Z HEGION 4 ATILANTA FEDERAL CENTER 611 FORSYTH STREET '41,,, MEMOAX.NbIJIM AT-1—ANTA, GEOI: Gt A 30303--8960 A. 517 S i UBJECT. Notice of Citizen Suit Against Violating Facility Cititas vThe Cliernours Company Regarding provision violations of NPDES Permit located in Raleigh, NC - NO EJ POTENTIAL FROM: Patricia Bullock, Reg-ional Fl ",ino Clerk IrpAg'. 5 Office of Intormation & Resources Management TO- Denisse Diaz, Cbief Clean Water Entorcement Branch Attached is an Intent to Sue dated August 01, 2017, submitted by Cilitas filstitute on behalf of above individual. Notice is given purAlant to the Clean Water Act Section 505 31") U,S,C, § 1365. The .Sixty- day notice period expires on October 02, 2017. EPA Region 4 relics upon guidance devc1oped and refined over the years to determine if compliance and enforcernent activities occur in a potential env ironnictital justice area, The offlice ot'Environnicn(al Accountability's Guidelines for Irnplernenting Environmental Justice in Enfiorcement Activities wis developed to. identify and address potential environmental ju.�tice areas. The factors used by EPA Region 4 to determine if In area is potential envircminontal jtasticearea is through analysis of demographics, population, conlinunitv identification, public input, and other EPA, State, or local knoNvIedge. Based on the geograph I cat 10. Cation (---&1 lie Defendant's operation and current Region 4 procedures for determining ifeornpliance and ellf'orcenlent activities are- located in a potential environmental justicearea., the DeCendant's operations are not located in to potential envirownentaliust ice area. The letter Lives notice of inient to file suit mminst above defendant for illegal discl.-large of industrial waste — GenX (hexafluoroproplease oxide dither acid) located in the Cape Fear River Basin, NC, :allegedly, defendant was not authorized under their NPDES to release these discharaes. Please review the attachmentsand any, information you may have regarding the alleged violations. After your review, please provide a copy oi' your recommendation to the attention of Patricia Bullock, Office of Intbrination & Resources Management, by September 18, 2017. If you need to further discuss this notice-, please contact Bill Bush, Office ofWater Legal Support tat (404) 562-9538. Attachments (2) Cc- Bill Bush Phil Mancusi-Unoaro Suzanne Rubini Scott Gordon lnt.--nrmt Addrosr; (URL) & DEQ-CFW-00024790 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY RiEGION 4 AFLANTA FEDERAL CENTER 6' : FORSY IH STREET ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303-8960 NIEJNIOkAg�ulm SUBJECT. Notice of Citizen Suit Against Violating Facility — Cifitas v'l'he Chernours Company Regarding provision violations of NPDES Permit located in Raleiah., NC - NON EJ POTENTIAL FROM: Denisse Diaz. Chief Clean Water Enforcement Branch TO- Patricia Bullock, Regional Hearing Clerk Office of Information & Resources Manageinent CITIZEN SUIT DEFENDANT: 'rhe ciienvuys companv STATUTE: CWA RECOMMENDATION: 1. Initiate rode-ral enforcement action: Talll-e no action at this time (state reason) 3, Other: Nam,e: Title: Cc: Bill Bush ln�ernet ' 0',Igov 'B".x'd �rirkwf:n pm",@F DEQ-CFW-00024791 805 Spring Forest Rd ate 100 V .1 . _ T A Raleigh, NC 27609 .'..,:bncc€vita gar I N S T I ..1.. phone: 919.3 34,2099 ,2Y; 919,834,2350 July 213, 201.7 Dave Shelton, Sri°P, General Counsel The Chemours Company 1007 Market Street P<C, Box 2047 Wilmington, Delaware 19899 Dear Mr. Shelton.; I write on behalf of iCivitas institute and impacted citizens; to provide you notice of ray+ intent to initiate a federal court lawsuit against you to enforce provisions of the Clean Water Act (CWA) including the unawful discharge of industrial waste -- Ge.nX (hexafluoropropylene oxide dieter acid) in the Cape Pear River Basin, North Carolina. This was done }without authorization under your National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, Unless you tape the necessary and enforceable steps to remedy these violations, including obtaining, the requisite authorization under the NPDES program, we intend to file suit ftAlowing the expiration of the 60- day notice: P eriod provided tinder the CWA, Under the CWA, the discharge of any pollutant to waters of the united States is unlawful unless authorized by an NPDES permit. 33 U.S.C. § .13:1:1.(a); 33 U.S.C. y 1342_ Based on reasonable investigation and publicly available information we believe you are violating the provisions of the CWA by discharging the industrial waste known as Gent as well as other similar compounds. The discharge of these compounds is likely a violation of water quality standards under NC rules implementing the CWA including I5A NCAC 0 t ,0208, 02H .011,2(c), 02R .0211 and 0213 .0406 As provided under the C WA's citizen suit provision, 33 U.S,C. § 1365, we are authorized to file litigation in federal court against you for these violations of the C:WA following expiration of the 60-day notice:' period. The court may award injunctive relief as well as .statutory penalties. In addition, Civitas may recover its reasonable attorney fees and litigation costs incurred in the matter. Respectfully, Col Francis X. De Luca USMCR(Ret) CC Bill Lane, General Counsel Anne Heard, Acting Regional Administrator- N.C. DEQ Administration USEPA Region 4 USEPA 217 West JonesStreet ar, � r Raleigh, P�1C 270Ct.3 1 Forsyth Street S.�ti� Mail Code�.�n T2� Atlanta, CA 30303-u960 DEQ-CFW 00024792