Sent: 8/10/I0I75:00:47PW1
To: Tony W1cEwen[Tony.Mc[wen@wi|minXtonnc.gov]
Subject: RE: Wilmington call
Becky Al|enbachwith EPA iuglad tohelp inany manner. She has offered tobethe point person toensure EPA
representation isonthe call
and follow upasneeded after the call. Becky has been tremendously supportive to DEQ in arranging the right people to
work with us.
Here's her email address: Allenbach.Becky@epa.gov.
Unda Culpepper
Deputy Director
Division of Water Resources
North Carolina Department ofEnvironmental Quality
1611Mail Service Center
From: Tony McEvven[mai|to]ony.McEvven@»wi|min0tunncgov
Sent: Thursday, August 10,JO171:S4PM
To: Culpepper, Linda <|inda.cu|pepper@ncdenr.Bov>
Subject: RE: Wilmington call
Can wvedothis inaway that includes EPA? Based oothe conversation that was had amongst some local officials it:
appeared that the some weren't getting the info (very likely problem onour end) and that they were interested ine
different format for how the briefing could be conducted and what information would be shared. The weekly call set up
was diSCLAssed but they still felt the need to make the monthly request.
my n
From: Culpepper, Linda
Sent: Thursday, August lU,2Ol71:36PK8
To: Tony K4cEvven
Cc � Miller, AndersonSubject: RE: Wilmington call
Thank you aswell. DEQ initiated a weekly conf. call invitation back in July for Tues. at Ipm which includes Mayor Saffo
and Chairman White toshare information onthe GenXproject:
----- Original Appointment ---
Fromn:Webster, Timothy ]
Sent: Friday, July Il,2U173:OZPK4
To: Webster, Timothy J;Mackey, Chris; Staley, Danny;
Benton, Mark;
� Kritzer, Jamie;
Culpepper, Linda;
Holman,, Sheila;
Cc: McDonald, John (8urr); Mindedorf[Towers ADUid; Miller, Anderson
Subject: Federal/State/Local Government Gen XUpdate
When: Occurs every Tuesday effective 7/2S/2U17from l:UUPMto1:3OPK4(UTC'U5:OD)Eastern Time (US &[anada).
Where: (6OS)472'S7Z8Code: 997359
Given w/eonly had two participants this week, we discussed during the call whether we should shift to another
frequency. If monthly call is better than weekly for
everyone's schedule, m/ecan shift the meeting invitation accordingly. Becky A||enbach,the Acting Deputy Dir. ofthe EPA
Region 4Water Division, has offered to be
the point person on the call for EPA and coordinate within the agency.
Please let me know if there are other individuals you would like to have added to the meeting invitation and I will gladly
do so.
Copying Mykel and Kim since they have been participating on Tuesdays.
Linda Culpepper
Deputy Director
Division of Water Resources
North Carolina Department ofEnvironmental Quality
1611Mail Service Center
�o�/�umx w�xu�R0000�ca�u,�maybo��v�n���No�»on�x
From: Tony K8cExven
Sent: Thursday, August 1O,ZU171:ZlPM
To: Culpepper, Undax
Subject: Wilmington call
Thank you somuch for participating inthe call yesterday. Aayou may recall, Chairman White and the Mayor made the
request for monthly briefings from DEQ and EPA for our local elected officials. VVeare working with Sen. 8ur/soffice to
secure the EP/Ysparticipation and hope toget your agency onboard aswell. Please understand that vveare not looking
for such an expansive call as yesterday, just hoping that each agency can provide a point person or two that can join a
call toprovide monthly brief in8s/updates.
Let meknow ifyou have any questions orconcerns. Thanks for your work!
W'11'h-m'"I"21011' INK. - N
ton y.i-ncewen,r& wilmingonnc.gov
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E-mail correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may
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