Sent: 9/22/I0I71:37:41PW1
To: Catherine Oabby[catherine.dabby@Pgmai|zom]
CC: Kritzer, Jamie [/h=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
Subject: Re: FO|Arequest status?
We have not completed review of the files you're requesting for privileged and confidential information. We are
� ��m�od��0n(��co� and there ��6r� �c hcf�rc respond
proo�om��nuu)orouuroquo nuro _---�sn nnr—' �ooc/�� vr�can
to your request. I appreciate your patience.
Jam] e Kritzer
Communications Director
N.C. Department of Environmental
1601M»| Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1601
Office: (910)707-8607
Fnmrn: Catherine Oabby«cathehne.dabby@8maiicom>
Sent: Thursday, September J1,Z0l74:46PK4
To: Kritzer, Jamie
Subject: FO|Arequest status?
Hi Jamie. I'm checking on that status of the FOIA pubic information request lre-sent you on Sept.11. Can you
let me know where we are in the process? I'd like to see these records as soon as I can.
Best wishes,
919.4236163 Cdcathyclabby
(]nSep 9,20|7,n1|l:49AM, �Catherine Clubby wrote:
Hi Jamie.
Just to clarify, l`ro filing ooublio information request to obtain the reports we started discussing
via email onSept. 7
Thanks inadvance onhelping me obtain these records aaswiftly ampossible
Catherine Clabby
environmental health reporter
North Carolina Health News
Catherine_clabbyg(,-gmail _cam_
Sept. 9, 2017
Jame Kritzer
Communications Director
NC Department of Environmental Quality
Re: Public records request for Chemours and DuPont documents submitted to DEQ
Dear Jamie:
Under the North Carolina Public Records Law, G.S. §132-1., I am requesting the opportunity to
inspect or obtain copies of public records that include: all documents that Chemours or DuPont
submitted to the NC Department of Environmental Quality in 2017 related to research
into potential health effects from exposure to the following industrial compounds:
any other per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances
all legacy perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) substances.
This request specifically seeks, but is not limited to, all health studies that Jay Zimmerman,
DEQ's water resources director, cites in his 60-Day Notice of Intent to Suspend NPDES Permit
NC0003573 letter to Chemours (attached).
Zimmerman's relevant quote from the Sept. 5 letter states: Similarly, it was not until 201' - and
only at DEQ's insistence -that Chemours provided DEQ with the health studies on GenX
compounds that had been conducted previously by DuPont or Chemours
I would like to request a waiver of all fees related to sharing these documents because
their disclosure will contribute to informed news reporting, which is in the public interest. If fees
for searching or copying these records will exceed $50, please inform me in advance.
The law requires that you respond to and fulfill this request "as promptly as possible." If you
expect a significant delay, please contact me with information about when I might expect copies
or the ability to inspect the requested records.
If you deny any or all of this request, please cite each specific exemption you feel justifies the
refusal to release the information and notify me of the appeal procedures available to me under
the law.
Thank you for your assistance.
Cathy Clabby
DEQ-CFW 00085058
On Sep 8, 2017, at 5:08 PM, Kritzer, Jamie <j-a-mie.kritzer@ n-r-. go-y> wrote:
Yes, we will make some determination as to what is public and what is not. I'm not sure
how long it will take. I know that the key folks who would need to help with that
determination are focused on responding to the federal subpoena and that is consuming
considerable time and resources.
Jamie Kritzer
Communications Director
N.C. Department of Environmental Quality
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the
North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
From: Catherine Clabby [mailtoxatlieriiie.clabby(a7 ,gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2017 3:46 PM
To: Kritzer, Jamie <jamie.kritzergncdenr.gov>
Subject: Re: Question Re: DEQ actions re: GenX
I see Jamie.
Hmm. If the reports contain information that DEQ is using to evaluate any potential public health
threat from a contaminant in the Cape Fear, I have to imagine that they are public records.
Is DEQ evaluating if you can release them to me? If so, do you know how long that might take?
Thank you!
On Sep 8, 2017, at 3:30 PM, Kritzer, Jamie <jai-nie.kritzerCz)iicdenr.gov> wrote:
The company labeled those health studies as trade secrets and our agency must evaluate the
documents to determine if they would be trade secrets under the state public records law.
Jamie Kritzer
Communications Director
N.C. Department of Environmental Quality
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the
North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
From: Catherine Clabby [mailtoxatlieriiie.clabby@ ,gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2017 2:41 PM
To: Kritzer, Jamie <j-a-m-i-e-.-k-r-i-t-z-er(a-),-n-c-d-enr-.-g-ov.>
Subject: Re: Question Re: DEQ actions re: GenX
Fingers crossed.
I'm looking for the studies that J Zimmerman refers to here:
Similarly, it was not until 2017 - and only at DEQ's insistence -
that Chemours provided DEQ with the health studies on GenX compounds that had been conduct
ed previously by DuPont or Chemours
Surely DEQ staff have these.
That quote comes from this letter:
Catherine Clabby I Journalist
919.423.6163 @cathyclabby
On Sep 8, 2017, at 2:14 PM, Kritzer, Jamie <jamie.kritzer(Ancdenr.gov> wrote:
I have not received a reply from staff. I'm reaching out to them now. I'll let you know if they
have it.
Jamie Kritzer
Communications Director
N.C. Department of Environmental Quality
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the
North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
From: Catherine Clabby [mailtoxatlieriiie.clabby(a7 ,gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2017 12:12 PM
To: Kritzer, Jamie <jamie.kritzergncdenr.gov>
Subject: Re: Question Re: DEQ actions re: GenX
Jamie: I'm hoping to receive the DuPont / Chemours health Studies today. Is that viable?
On Sep 7, 2017, at 3:20 PM, Kritzer, Jamie <jamie.kritzerLo)ncdenr.gov> wrote:
Let me start on the first request. As for the second, I will need to check with our staff. I have not
heard anything from EPA in that regard but I don't think I'm in anyone's black book either.
I'll let you know.
Jamie Kritzer
Communications Director
N.C. Department of Environmental Quality
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the
North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
From: Catherine Clabby [mailto:catherine.-c-1-a4by a�� i
------ ---- L-gina Lcom]
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2017 2:55 PM
To: Kritzer, Jamie <janiie.kritzerLa)ncdenr.gov>
Subject: Question Re: DEQ actions re: GenX
Hi Jamie. I know you must be busy as heck with Irma and the rest.
Bridget tells me you would be the best person to help with this. I'm hoping to get the
following public records as quickly as I can.
Can you help me?
I'd like to see all Chemours and DuPont health studies submitted to DEQ related to GenX or
similar chemicals. I'm asking to follow up on this sentence in the 60-
Day Notice of Intent to Suspend NPDES Pen -nit NC0003573 letter (attached) that
Jay Zimmerman sent to Chemours this week:
Similarly, it was not until 2017 - and only at DEQ's insistence -
that Chemours provided DEQ with the health studies on GenX compounds that had been conduct
ed previously by DuPont or Chemours
Also Jamie: Do you folks know about this:
Also, has EPA notified DEQ that it will take legal action against Chemours and / or DePont as
well for the companies' discharge of GenX and related compounds into the Cape Fear?
Best wishes,
Catherine Clabby I Journalist
919.423.6163 @cathyclabby
Catherine Clabby I Journalist
919.4231.6163 @cathyclabby
Catherine Clabby I Journalist